Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1835: Land of Destruction (what death is stranded, obviously SF Express)

After that, everyone went on.

At nightfall, Founder opened the portal again and sent Shirai Kuroko and Misaka Miku back to Gakuen City. Although they also wished to continue their adventures here, there was still access control at Tokiwadai, so they were not allowed to. Do not choose to bid farewell, wait until the next day to come again ... ... this is no way, after all, the time in these worlds are the same, if the two do not go back, then wait to be stared to death by the house ward!

Zuo Tian's tears didn't go back. After all, there are just a few people here, and Lei's closest person is himself, so after thinking over and over again, the tears still stay.

As for Feili ... she had nowhere else to go except here.

But I have to say that the scenery here is not so good.

Until the next day when Shirai Kuroko and Misaka returned to the Void Glowship again, what they saw was still a ruin, wreckage, dry earth, and hordes of polluted beasts.

"I have never seen such a desolate place ..."

Misaka Misaka frowned, looking at the ground outside. To be honest, Misaka Misaka hadn't even seen a bit of green, and only the yellow sand Gobi and the dark urban wreckage were visible.

"Mr. Founder, can this world really be saved?"

If Misaka Misaka didn't know much about the world before, then this scene can already show the current situation of the world intuitively.

"For now, I'm afraid that's it."

The Founder shrugged.

"The depletion of the earth is a systemic energy problem. It is useless even to solve the polluted beasts. Water, food, these problems will be more prominent without the threat of polluted beasts."

"Can the beast be solved?"

"Of course it can, and it's simple, as long as it can analyze the genes of the polluted beast, and then create a biochemical weapon specifically for the polluted beast to spread to the world through the air."

Founder is also talking about the little angel's proposal-Nimf seems to fall in love with this large-scale gene-targeted killing mode ...


However, when heard here, Kuroi Shiro, Misaka Misaka, and Takuma Sato all looked slightly changed. Not to mention, just the word biochemical weapon is enough to make them goosebumps.

"Is this ... okay?"

"Then I do n’t know. The initial lethality is definitely there, just like pesticides, but as you know, if you use more pesticides, you will have resistance, and it will even cause contamination to the entire contaminated animal. A race for survival of the fittest may be more troublesome. "

This is why Founder rejected the little angel's proposal.

However, at this time, Feili, who had been listening, spoke.

"As long as it can destroy the polluted beast, all the sacrifices are worth it."

"If it's your technology, I don't really worry."

This is also the second reason why Founder rejected the little angel. If the world's own biotechnology has produced something similar, then Founder is really not worried. But Xiaotian uses Black Knapp's black technology. Frankly speaking, through so many worlds, Founder still feels that Black Knapp's black technology is the most terrifying, although the little angel only uses a relatively small one. Part of it, but Founder can already see that the level of civilization of Siempus is probably far beyond the pioneers. Even in the main world, only the order family where the goddess of order can be at the level of scientific and technological civilization with Siempus. Previous up and down.

The only thing that is different is that the things of the order family all have divinity, but except for the divine bonus, simply looking at the theory and the level of civilization, there should not be much difference between Siempus and the order family.

So if it is something created by the level of civilization of the world itself, then maybe you can still control it.

But what would be the result of Xanapus Heihei's intervention ... ... that is completely beyond the scope that Founder can predict.

To be honest, Founder has always known that little angel is actually a bit anti-human in her heart ...... this is not true, it should be said that there is no special distinction between good and evil deep in her heart. From this point of view, actually Nimfu Much like a crazy scientist who never cares about good, evil, ethics, etc., just cares about the goal and how to achieve it.

If the little angel went to the Academy City, I was afraid that it would be Muyuan Illusion, what hidden parts, and what the artificial workshop would have to stand by.

There is no other way, after all, they are artificial angels.

In fact, this is also normal, just like ordinary people see a fluffy white rabbit, it must be hugged and put it down, but for biology students, the white rabbits who died under their hands are afraid that the bones are already piled up like a mountain .

So even if you see those biological girls go to a haunted house or watch a horror movie, their whole body trembles, but when they kill the mice, the skill of pulling the cervical spine is almost the same as that of the fifth-grade workers. With such a push and a pull on the neck, a rattling sound, the rat leaping alive can't die anymore.

More professional than homicide in horror movies.

So even when everyone in Tiandao Palace felt that the angels were harmless and weak, only Founder knew that Nimfu was harmless only because her direct fighting power was too weak ...

If you really want to talk about the spiritual level, I'm afraid that even Kuangsan can't compare with the iron heart of the little angel.

"Mr. Founder!"

Just then, the teardrop lying in front of the window suddenly shouted.

"Look, there's black smoke over there!"


Hearing the tears, Fang Zheng and others turned their heads, only to find that not far from a place that looked like an abandoned factory, a black smoke was emerging.

"What happened? What happened?"

"Just look at it and you'll find out."

On the one hand, Founder immediately mobilized the detectors on both sides of the Void Glowship to investigate, and soon, a picture appeared in front of everyone.

I saw on the screen that struggling and fleece crowds can be seen everywhere among the abandoned factories, and behind these crowds, a group of weird monsters can be seen.

They look a bit like large raptors, except that the head feels weirder and they seem to carry something like a carapace. Soon, in the picture, the crowd saw a monster leaping up, crushing an escaped man under him, and then sipped, directly biting his head.

Seeing this scene, the girls were shocked.

"What is that? Is that a polluted beast?"

"No, I have never seen such a polluted beast ..."

Both Shirai Kuroko and Phili stay in their place. For them, this is the first time they have seen such a cruel scene. Even Phili has never really encountered a polluting beast attacking the city, so now this scene It also surprised her.

However, Zuo Tian tears obviously would not think so much.

"Don't say that anymore, go and save people !!!"

"So too!"

After hearing the words of Zuo Tian's tears, Misaka Mikan also hurriedly responded, looking towards the Founder.

"Mr. Founder, let us go!"

"no problem."

Founder nodded, and soon the Void Glowship accelerated and then descended quickly. At the same time, the rear transmission channel suddenly lights up.

"Go in and get ready to go."


After hearing Founder's words, the girls hurriedly embarked on the transmission channel, and when Zuo Tian's tears planned to go up, Lei grabbed her hand.

"I also need to go."

"Well, come together!"

At this moment Zuo Tian's tears were not tangled, and he nodded hurriedly, then the founder slammed his fingers, and then everyone disappeared into the transition crystal.

The next moment, the light flashed.

When the crowd came to the ground again, the first thing they heard was the scream, and when they looked around, they saw that many people had been killed by those monsters at the moment, while others were just struggling to escape.

"Kuro, go and help those people, classmate Zuo Tian, ​​let's go!"

"I cover it."

Feili said something silently, and then took out something that looked like a staff from her side and flung it gently, and then she saw a series of pink objects like petals falling in the wind and quickly spreading out.

This scene was seen yesterday by both Shirai Kuroko and Misaka Misaka. According to Feili's words, this is what she has called Nianwei. With this ability, Feili can get an overview of the situation and let others I also saw what I saw in my eyes, as if I had opened a full-screen map for other people. In addition, Feili can also use those petals to communicate with each other. Yesterday, it was Feili's ability that made it so. I almost found Zuo Tian's tears.

This ability is not uncommon for Shiro Kuroko and Misaka Misaka. Tokiwadai has the ability to read the power and telepathy system, so it is not surprising, but it is quite useful anyway.

"Get out of me!"

Misaka Misaki rushed straight ahead, and saw a monster about to yell at the person in front of her, just screaming, and then waved his right hand, a current suddenly burst out, hitting that monster heavily Body.

However, what Misaka did not expect was that his current did not turn the monster into coke. Instead, he just hit it and jumped a little, shaking his head, but it was just that.


Seeing this, Misaka Misaka also widened her eyes in surprise. Although she said that she had not done her best just now, at least it was enough to deal with an ordinary person. However, to deal with this monster, she just jumped and jumped It ’s nothing, and it ’s completely unscathed in appearance?

"————— !!!!"

But Misaka Misaka's blow also annoyed the monster. It roared, and then jumped towards Misaka Miho and rushed over.

"Classmate Misaka, be careful!"

At the same time, Zuo Tian's tears suddenly flashed and flew through the air. Her right hand held up the blue wind blade and struck the monster in front of her. With the howling wind, the monster in front of him was cut in half by Zuo Tian tears.

"Classmate Zuo Tian ..."

Seeing this scene, Misaka Misaka was also quite surprised. Although she had seen Zuo Tianzi's fighting power before, she did not expect that she would be so powerful ... but she couldn't lose it!

Thinking of this, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com Misaka Misaki also looked dignified, condensed lightning again, and blasted at the monster on the other side.

There was a lot of fun here, and Kuroi Shirako didn't relax. I saw that her body flashed from time to time, and she moved other people to a safe place before those monsters. There have been so many times, the people who were caught by the monster have closed their eyes waiting to die, but the next moment Shirako Kuroko suddenly appeared, and he reached out and directly transferred it, and then Shirai Kuroko disappeared immediately, leaving only a bite The empty monster stood at a loss on the ground, completely unaware of what happened.

"Well, not bad."

Looking at the battlefield picture below, Founder nodded, then he narrowed his eyes and looked at Zuo Tian tears who were fighting on the battlefield.

The little girl has almost understood what she gave her. Well, now that she has signed a contract with Lei, would you like to teach her something new?

So what is the blade of exile? Or the King of the Barbarians?

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