Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1842: Just waiting for Dongfeng (sultry under one rain)

"Alyssa Irina Tina Amiera comes to report!"

Looking at the girl in front of him, Fang Zheng looked at the black line, and turned his head to look at the amsterdam gentian.

"Mr. Amemiya, what do you mean?"

"This Miss Alyssa is a new **** machine user who just transferred to us today."

Amemiya Gentiana looked at Fang Zheng with a smile and introduced it.

"I think you also know that the situation is not very good at Fenrir, and we don't have time to train new people ..."

"So you give her to me?"

"I think you did a good job before, and Miss Feili was also brought by you from Jie Ni?"

God brought me out, and it was clear that she had followed me.

Fang Zheng glanced at Fei Li silently, and when he noticed Fang Zheng's eyes, Fei Li swore his head with a hum ... Well, I guess I'm still annoyed at the bowl of instant noodles I soaked alone last night.

Thinking of this, Founder is also looking at the girl again. I have to say that the girl named Alisa is very beautiful, with long silver and white hair, and a red and black hat. However, the most noticeable thing is her dress. The young lady only wore a black sleeveless leather jacket. This leather jacket is also short. It not only exposed the navel, but even faintly cast. See the round curve inside the gap under the jacket.

This really caused Founder to wonder if there was any hood in her ... Did the young lady wear such a vest?

And Alisa's lower body is also a red and black checkered short skirt plus black and over-the-knee boots-what is this way of wearing? Is it too wild?

"Miss Alyssa was born ..."

"She is Russian."


Mao Zi, that wild outfit can be understood, even if there is a bear founder riding underneath her, she will not be surprised.

"This Mr. Founder is a wilderness traveler. He is on his way to the north. I think if you travel with him, there should be a lot of gains."

Having said that, Amemiya gentian blinked at Alyssa, and Alysa seemed to want to say something, but closed her mouth and stopped talking after hearing Amemiya gentian's words.

"One more thing, I hope you can help."

"Oh? What else?"

"That's right. In fact, during this time, we at Fenrir have heard some rumors from the surrounding gathering places ... Do you know the city of the dead Orsta?"

"heard about it."

Hearing this, Founder frowned. When he took the tram to Jierni before, he heard the passengers on the car talk, but it was just a rumor.

"In fact, since this time, many people have gathered there one after another ... ... to be frank, this makes us very disturbed. According to rumors, the city of the dead, Orsta, is a place where the dead The place to live ... and those people go there in order to become dead ... so that they can live forever. "

"Why can't I understand?"

Hearing here, Misaka Miku blinked in confusion.

"Since they are all dead, how can they survive? Isn't this very contradictory?"

"I'm not quite sure about the specific situation, but it is rumored that those who died on that land will not really die, but will continue to live."

"In this way, is there any difference between dead and alive?"

At this moment, Shirai Kuroko also raised his own question. If he wouldn't die, wouldn't he be alive?

"I don't know about this. All in all, this rumor sounds suspicious, and many people at the gathering point went to the rumored city of the dead. Therefore, I hope Mr. Fang Zheng can investigate by the way if he goes to the north What about there? "

For Fenrir, this is a matter of life and death. You need to know why the God Eater defends these gathering places? It is not to allow these gathering places to have more children, so that they can have more candidates for magic machine users. Now if those people are tempted by the so-called "immortality" and went to the city of the dead, then Fenrir will be blind?

However, Fenrir was so far away from the rumored place. It was even impossible to leave his own place for a long time. Therefore, only Fangzheng, who was idle and had nothing to do, went shopping.

"no problem."

Hearing here, Founder nodded. After determining to let the player collect other core reactor information on his own, Founder is now back to the state of sheep-traveling. At least until the players spread out, he does n’t need to rush so much. I'm busy.

Since it's on the way, it's okay to go and see?

"The part about compensation, as I said before, I will send someone to bring in the food and materials you need, and you just have to wait to receive it."

Both sides agreed, and did not mention the issue of Fenrir's core reactor. In fact, Founder offered to pay at this time, and Amber gentian immediately knew that the other party had investigated the core reactor. . But Amamiya Gentiana was not surprised at all. After all, he also knew that in this group, the girl with a double ponytail had the ability to move in space. If she was, she wanted to enter any top secret in Fenrir. Space can be said to be a breeze. At present, payment is being offered, and there is no problem over the core reactor. Amamiya Gentiana is also happy to pretend to do nothing.

After all, in the current world, it ’s still a fist who has a big fist. Amamiya gentian thinks that the entire Fenrir can't find anyone who can compare with the Founder, not to mention there is a very large one behind him, who can take out any number Power of 10,000 tons of materials. Since the other party was just harmless and did not hurt Fenrir's roots, Amber Gentiana naturally would not be bored to turn around with Fang Zheng.

"But I didn't expect you to move so fast?"

"Oh, it's mainly because of sufficient manpower."

Speaking of this, Founder grinned.

"Also, they are almost there."


In this world, sometimes only one battle is enough to destroy a city.

For Jie Ni's people, this is the first time they have encountered the battle of polluted beasts.

"Woo — — — Woo — —!”

The rapid sirens resounded in the city. The people who had been leisurely on the streets had long ago lost their peace. They looked dignified and fluttered into the shelter. At the periphery, the students who originally attended the school were also heavily armed, holding weapons and staring nervously at the enemies outside.

"I didn't expect this to happen."

Standing on the tower, looking at the polluted beasts like locusts in the distance, Calian clenched his fists. Generally speaking, mobile cities will avoid the threats ahead, but this time they can be described as bad luck, accidentally stepping on the polluted beast nest under the ground, not only that, this wave of operations also makes the mobile city clean Ernie's external power system was entangled by the contaminated beast and could not escape at all.

Right now, the polluted beasts in the mother's nest have awakened and started to attack the Xueyuan City. All they can do is fight backwater.

But ... what is the chance of winning?

At this point, Kalyan did not dare to guarantee that although the Academy City Alliance is responsible for training martial arts, in terms of combat effectiveness, the Academy City is not as good as those regular large mobile cities. Generally speaking, the Academy City Martial artists will be trained here, and after graduation, they will go to various large cities to find employment or join the army. But even then, it takes a long time for the average person to accumulate experience—provided that they will not die before then.

This is also the first time that Jie Ni has been attacked by a truly polluted beast. In this case, what can you do with these inexperienced students?

Thinking of this, Kalyan sighed, and Fili was not in Jie Ni, but now it seemed to be a good thing. At least, if Jie Nier breaks ...

Calian shook his head, then he reached out and took the communicator that Founder had left for himself from his pocket.

Do you want to use this? Or look at the situation again?

At the same time, outside the platform, a heavily-armed blonde woman stared at the heavens as if she had countless polluted beasts.

"This is ... the polluting beast ..."

The blonde woman clenched the alchemy steel in her hand and stared at the monster in front of her. Those polluting beasts in the sky like worms, and polluting beasts on the ground that couldn't help crawling along the pillars were so disgusting. She can even feel the strong will brought by these polluted beasts.

Eat, eat everything! Eat everything!

Won't let you succeed!

The blonde woman raised her alchemy steel ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ this city, I will protect it!

Thinking of this, the blonde woman gave an order without hesitation.

"Shooting troops, fire!"

With the command of the blonde woman, the soldiers with bazookas in the rear immediately pulled the trigger against the polluted herd in the air. With the sound of explosion, a blast of flames burst from the polluted herd. But it seemed as if it had no effect at all, and the rocket that was enough to penetrate the armored vehicle hit the shell of the polluted beast, and even the shell could not be shaken.

At this time, the polluted beast on the ground had also come to the crowd.


With a roar, the blonde woman took the lead and rushed up.


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