Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1846: Live? (What to do if you do n’t have enough experience to upgrade as a baby cat ...

After making sure that the player's progress is all right, Founder also relaxed. Now his goal is to send the bud to that courtyard, and even if he can temporarily pull out of this world, as for the order coordinate points of this world The founder handed it over to his lovely players to collect it.

As for Founder himself, he took the others and went north.

On the one hand, it depends on the feeling of Lei, and on the other hand, everyone is very interested in the "immortal city" that Minister Johannes said. Even Shirai Kuroko and Misaka Miguchi are the same. Immortality cannot exist at all, but there is such a thing as traveling across the world. What if there is really an immortal?

It was just that the Founder was a little bit muttered about it. After all, when he mentioned the undead ... he wanted to get away reflexively.

But ... this should not be the same as your own.

On the way, everyone also went to several gathering points to investigate, and found that the immortal city was really good. It was spread that it had noses and eyes, and said that the land was sheltered by gods. As long as it entered the land It will never die, and even those wild gods never approach the land.

But for these rumors, these gathering places are also thirty-seven points. Most people don't believe it. Even if they believe the rumors, they don't plan to go. It is really that rumor is too vague, just saying that it has been going north, but it has been heading north, where is the head, what if we go to the North Pole?

Besides, although it is rumored that there is no God of Desolation in the land, there are everywhere on the road. At that time, I am afraid that people will be eaten by the God of Depression before they have gone to the place.

As for the remaining 30%, it is naturally hard-headed. I feel that instead of waiting here to die, it is better to grit their teeth, and these people have not returned after leaving. In this case, many people actually treat this as a rumor.

But Founder does n’t think so. If that is the case, then Minister Johannes does not have to be so nervous. The facts also prove Founder ’s speculation, although the refugee gathering points around Fenrir have different opinions. But the further north we went, the more we found several sparsely populated points, and even a few of them.

"It's the same here."

Out of the gathering point, Alisa shook her head at Fang Zheng.

"They only said that those people were fine the day before, but they woke up early the next morning and disappeared, leaving only a note saying that they had gone to the immortal city in the north ..."

"How do I think this thing is a little weird ..."

After hearing this, Zuo Tian tears scratched his head.

"Generally speaking, you have to discuss with everyone about such a big thing. Now some people are leaving, some people are staying, but the people who are staying do not know anything? I always feel like there is something in it Conspiracy. "

While talking, Zuo Tian tears looked curiously at the Founder.

"Mr. Founder, what do you think?"

"It's hard to say at this time, and I'm not sure what the situation is."

In the face of Zuo Tian's inquiries, Fang Zheng shook his head, but deeper and deeper his doubts about the immortal city, if he just listened to the rumors and went on an adventure, but there was nothing in the day before. Symptoms disappeared in the early morning the next day, but it was accidental once or twice, but it happened in every gathering place that passed all the way ... It is not an accidental explanation.

"But it can be seen that the place is a bit weird, maybe we should be careful ..."

Having said that, Founder looked at Alyssa and found that she seemed a little uneasy.

"What's wrong? Anything else?"

"Yes, Mr. Founder, the people in the gathering place told me that there are high-level wild gods in the vicinity of the abandoned factory. I hope to go to the crusade."

"Oh God ..."

Upon hearing Alyssa's answer, Founder carefully looked at the Russian girl in front of her, especially the huge weapon she was carrying. This weapon, called God Machine, is also standard equipment for all God Eaters. It is a standard configuration, but the size of these magic machines is not small. Take the magic machine in the hands of Alyssa. The entire sword is taller than her own. It is thick and big. It belongs to the category of extra large swords. Is there.

In principle, such a heavy weapon can't even be swung by ordinary people, but Alisa can not only hold it with one hand, but also can easily swing it.

According to Alyssa, all **** eaters are injected with something called "god cells", that is, after they are injected with such "god cells", they can establish contact with the **** machine, and Easily manipulate it.

Of course, this is not a bad thing for Founder. Of course, what I have to say is --- girl, do you want to learn Wolf Sword for Chinese New Year?

Such a great sword, it's a pity that you don't join the undead team!

And Founder also found out that Alyssa followed her this time. In the name of Amber, Gentian said that she was studying, but Founder was able to perceive that she seemed to be looking for something. Almost every time she got to the gathering place, Alyssa I will ask about the situation near the other party and whether there is a desolate **** ... but it seems that the previous few times have no luck.

And now ...

"I want to go too, I want to go too!"

At this moment, the tears were also excited to hold Lei ’s hand high and shouted. After Founder taught her new skills, the tears were like those who just learned to go down the mountain in martial arts. Like newcomers, can't wait to hit a bandit bandit on the road to show off his skills.

"Oh my God, this time I'm going to show it to me!"

At this moment Misaka Misaka was also flexing her muscles. As for the reason ...... you can see by looking at the hammer hanging around her waist.

There was no fight during this time, and the little girls were afraid that they would be ruthless.

"Okay, go together."

Thinking of this, Founder also nodded, agreed to Alyssa's request, and the group immediately went to the waste factory not far from the gathering place.

However, after arriving at the scrap factory and seeing the desolate gods, almost everyone was taken aback.

"Miss Alyssa, how are these gods different from what we saw before?"

Staring at the wild **** wandering in the distance, Misaka Misaka's eyes widened in surprise, no wonder she had such doubts. You should know that before this, Misaka Miguchi fought only two kinds of wild gods. One of them was a monster that looked like a raptor, called a ghost face, and then there was another long monster like a gorilla, called King Kong. Desolate.

These two monsters look strange, but they are just monsters.

But the monsters are not like this now!

Looking from a distance, you can see a desolate **** standing almost two or three meters tall at the top of the ruins of the factory area. Its entire body looks completely different from humans, and it also has two legs and two arms. The only difference is That is, there are a pair of wings-like things under its arm, that's it. After all, there are not many dogs walking on two legs?

But another monster is terrifying. Although it is on four feet, it has an unbroken human face!

Yes, face!

And it can be clearly seen that it is a female face, except that there is a big mouth opening under the chin!

What the **** is this!

Seeing this, Misaka Misaka and Satoshi Takuma only felt that their hairs were about to stand up.

Ordinary monsters are not afraid of them, but this monster with the same face as a human ......... What if I still speak humans?

"These ... aren't they really human?"

Even Shirai Kuroko couldn't help but touch his arm, and in the face of the girls' inquiries, Alysha shook her head.

"In fact, this is why they are called" death gods, "and we don't know why. Many deities have human-like looks. The mystery has not yet been solved."

"Pull it over first and fight."

Founder did not care about this kind of problem, whether it was a human face or a monster? Goblin would still speak for mercy. The goddess officer took a scepter and smashed Goblin's cubs into meat sauce.

This kind of problem is only taken care of by young ladies like Misaka Misaka and Kuroi Shiro.

Hey, if I wasn't afraid of causing psychological trauma to them, I really wanted to send them to the world to beat Goblin and experience their lives.

However, after experiencing it, it is estimated that the three views will be completely destroyed.

forget it.

"Then I'll go first!"

When I heard this, Misaka Misaka was also a hammer that took down her waist, and then saw the electric current turning around her. The next moment, the iron hammer that originally looked like a small hammer suddenly began to deform, and the blink of an eye worked. For a huge two-handed warhammer, Misaka Mizu took a leap forward, then the electromagnetic force quickly rushed to the top of the old factory, raised the warhammer and aimed at the monster in front of him. The next moment, I saw the warhammer suddenly deformed. Into a huge barrel!

Then, a dazzling blue current burst out from it, hitting the monster directly.

At that moment, the monster was facing away from Misaka Misaka, and he didn't know what he was doing. At the moment, he was hit by a cannon and fell off the roof directly. At this moment, Shirai Kuroko also raised his hand and let it go. Seeing Zuo Tian's tears and Alisa's figures disappeared instantly, appearing behind that monster.


It is clear that Zuo Tian's tears have long been used to the transmission of Kuroi Shiro ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Immediately after the transmission, he immediately waved the blade of the wind, and a sword was cut on the monster's wings, and the monster was Only then came back to God, and suddenly roared, his wings flickered, and he spread a stream of air in all directions, and forced Zuo Tian's tears back.

Just then, Alisa finally acted.

However, her way of fighting surprised both Satoshi Takako and Misaka Misaka. In the face of the monster in front of her, Alyssa shook her hand and waved forward, and with her movement, the interior of the weapon that originally looked like a complete metal casting suddenly extended a large mouth. , Biting the monster's wings in one bite, directly tearing it alive!

Then everyone saw Alyssa wielding the **** machine, and the torn flesh flew back to the **** machine along the big mouth.

Seeing this, both were stunned.

This thing ... is it alive? !!

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