Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1862: Seeds of the world (more and more to eat recently)

Orsta is also a mobile city, but it is an "unfinished" mobile city.

According to the introduction of the blue-haired boy, before the "catastrophic" arrived, people here really tried to build a brand new mobile city centered on this hill. But, after that, the problem appeared. Wula's mother was pregnant and gave birth to a child.

However, for Wula's mother, she didn't want to have children, because her health was not good at the time, and she didn't seem to like her husband. But no one cared about her wishes. At that time, the whole world had begun to "distort", and fewer and fewer children could be born. Therefore, it can be said that she was forced to give birth to her.

Because of this, when children are born, people flock up to rescue the babies and give up their mothers-in their opinion this is a very reasonable choice. After all, there are almost no more children in this world, and The mother was frail and sick, and was about to die. It was impossible to have a child in the future.

It was not a problem for the people at the time to keep the big and small.

Wulla's mother naturally hated it all. Looking at those who hugged her children, but ignored them, she issued a curse and hatred of anger and sadness, and made a wish.

She prayed for people to die.

她 And her wish was accepted by the newborn child—or one of them.

That's Wula.

She accepted her mother's wish and became a symbol of death. So those she looks at will die, and those who hear her cry will also die, and those who touch her will die too-and then they will rise again and continue to exist in the world in the form of the dead. on.

Next, the death began to spread. Soon, the entire country became dead, and since it was already dead, there was naturally no need to evade death, and unlike people expected, this area was not attacked by monsters. In the end, in this case, Orsta's mobile city reconstruction plan was abandoned, and the core was sealed.

Of course, the reason why the core is sealed is not just because the plan is abandoned.

"right here."

When he came to the core area, the witch stretched out his hand and opened the door. Then, in front of the crowd, there was a high platform like some kind of altar. Above the high platform, the core reactor was suspended. But this is not the point, because so far, this is no different from other core reactors that Founder and others have seen.

The problem is under the core reactor-a dark coffin.


What does this mean?

I looked at the coffin placed on the altar in front of me, and the girls were all inexplicable, while Founder raised his eyebrows and did not speak. But at this moment, I saw the scar suddenly came from behind, and walked straight towards the coffin.

等等 "Wait, Miss Scarface ?!"

"Miss Scarface, what's wrong with you?"

I looked at Scarface's sleepwalking appearance. Zuo Tian's tears and Misaka Misaki hurriedly reached out and grabbed her, but Scarface was staring at the coffin.

"That voice, the voice I heard came from there!"

"Voice ...?"

I heard the answer from Scarface. The girls were all shocked, but they remember that Scarface said before that they seemed to hear something, and then felt uncomfortable. I didn't expect that it would be related to this place?

Then, they saw the blue-haired boy and Wula walking up to the altar. The blue-haired girl pushed open the lid of the coffin, while Wula reached out and held a round ball out of the coffin ...

"噫 ————!"

看 After seeing clearly what the ball was, the girls cried out.

It was a baby wrapped in amniotic fluid without even removing the placenta. She curled up into a ball, looking like it was sealed in a turbid glass ball.

这 "This, is this ... baby?"

"Is she alive?"


Facing the inquiries of the girls, Wula smiled slightly.

"This is my sister, Selika Hekmatika."

"......... sister?"


At this moment, the blue-haired boy also took over Wu La's speech.

"At that time, Her Majesty accepted her mother's wish and became the embodiment of death. However, her sister refused this wish. Not only that, she also used this power on herself and became what she is now. Look. And she's alive, but we don't know what's going on. "

"Ah ...... Ah ..."

Scarface looked at the baby in the amniotic fluid, slowly stepped forward, and stretched out her hands, while Wula looked at Scarface, and then passed the ball in her arms. While receiving the ball on the scar face, I saw that the ball suddenly "snapped", and then the amniotic fluid was scattered to the ground. At the same time, a loud cry cried through the space.

"Wow --- wow ---!"

The girl curled up in the arms of the gravekeeper cried loudly, and the scene in front of them made the girls look at each other, wondering what to do. But at this moment, the voice of tears suddenly rang.

"Ah, what are you doing? Come and help, Mr. Founder, are there towels and hot water? It ’s better to have scissors. Ms. Misaka please help to wash the child's body. Ms. Shirai troubles you with those useless things Move aside and let Miss Scarface sit down ......! "

At this moment, other people also reacted and acted in accordance with Zuo Tian's tears. Founder left the necessary materials and went to study the core. After all, taking care of children is a female matter, and he is not a big man. So random. For Misaka Misaka, Kuroi Shiro, and Alyssa, these are all big girls getting on the car head for a while, listening to the children's cry, and they don't know what to do.

呜 "Wow, why is she crying?"

"Are you hungry?"

"Wipe clean first, wipe clean, wrap it with a blanket ..."

呜 "Woo, looks small, so fragile."

"Is this the case when a baby is born?"

少女 Around the scar face and the child in her arms, the girls talked eloquently, and at this moment the scar face has also untied the clothes, perhaps by nature, or it may be the instinct to start breastfeeding the child. After eating milk, the crying baby finally calmed down and sucked in his arms.

"You see her face wrinkled, like a little old man."

"It was like this when the baby was born."

"Ah? So was this the same when we were born? Unthinkable!"

Alisa and Philie came together at this moment, watching the baby curiously, while whispering. And at this moment, I saw that Lei was looking at that baby, then at herself, then at the others next to her, and finally turned to tears.


"Huh? What's the matter?"

"How do humans have children?"


As soon as this remark was made, the original warm atmosphere instantly became extremely silent, and the tears turned red.

"Well ...... well, this is ...... as long as two people in love sleep together, they can have children."

那么 "Will tears and me have children?"

"Hey ?! Hey? Probably not, we are all girls, this kind of thing should be a boy and a girl together ..."

"But girls ca n’t be with girls? But I'm not a human, but a jihadist angel."

呃 "Uh ... is that so? Wait, Ley, how did your holy war angels have children?"

"I don't know much about this ..."

Pu Lei shook her head slightly, then lowered her head.

"But I really want a teary child ..."

"......... No, this ........."

"No? Tears don't want to be with my children?"

"It's not the problem ..."

The tears over there are facing the royal story that all the protagonists in the harem will encounter. Here, the founder started to investigate the core. The results of the investigation also made Founder nod.

"Yes, it seems useful!"

There is only one reason why Kwong Founder is investigating the core of this place. Although it is distorted here, it is because of this distortion that this area retains the recorded data before the "catastrophic event". Next, Founder only needs to fix the bug, and then copy this part of the data, and then he can take the core reactor as the center to make a comprehensive modification of the surrounding environmental information!

For example, the module data of [Blue Sky and White Clouds] and [Prairie Creek] stored in this core database can be copied by Founder, and then used in the reactor of the previously abandoned capital ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Just activate If the reaction furnace overwrites the data of [Contaminated Waste Land] and [Waste of the Desolate God] there, then as soon as the moment, the world of the original desert and monsters will immediately become a source of life full of grasslands, wheat fields, and streams.

This kind of information-level data modification is the best for the order family, and it is also the best for little angels, and for Founder ... he is just a level of entry.

I ca n’t use it.

"First determine the module, and then ... would you like to add a beautification? Forget it, just use the original flavor, in case adding a filter does not look comfortable, the next is here Data ... Huh, this ghost place still has some good stuff. "

Looking at the data being collected in front of him, Founder nodded with satisfaction. He had already figured out what to do. As long as this part of the environmental data was converted into a mod and then given to the player in the form of mission props, he could let Players take the "mod" to trigger on other core reaction furnaces, and once triggered, the overlay module effect will immediately change the surrounding environment.

Of course, it is not without its disadvantages. You must know that this is the data before the "catastrophic". There is no data about the crystalline ore produced after the pollution, which means that the core of the mobile city has used this stuff. , It will never start again.

What should I do ... well, let's make a task chain and let the players handle it.

Thinking of this, Founder looked at the green light ball in his hand and smiled slightly.

I call it the "seed of the world".

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