Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1864: Destroyed Paradise (If you ca n’t do it, start with instant noodles)

At the same time that the whole world is about to change, on the Void Glow Ship, Tears also seem a little restless.

"That ... Lei?"

"What's wrong? Tears?"

I sat in a chair and watched Lei outside the window turned her head, looking at the tears.

"Can you tell me why you want to go to that ...... that ..."

"Adilu courtyard?"

"Yes, yes, Yildi Courtyard."

Weeping tongue stuck out her tongue, then looked at Lei.

"Think carefully, for so long, I have never asked why you went there."


Faced with tears' inquiries, Lei was silent for a moment, then began to whisper.

因为 "Because someone is calling me."


"Yes, her name is Xi Ya ... ... is my most important friend."

Looking out the window, Lei whispered to tears the history.

That past past.

The world at that time had begun to become unstable, so human beings needed strength, and jihadists were regarded as their necessary strength. People arrested jihadist angels everywhere, enslaved them, and forced them to fight on their own. At the time, Lei also lived in such a village of jihadist angels.

However, Lei ’s experience is not the same as the ordinary jihadist angels. She is a seven-treasure tree. It is because of the legend that Lei has always been excluded even in the jihadist village. At that time, Xi Ya gradually opened Lei's heart, letting her feel the joy of living again.

One day, Xi Ya took the children to the mountain, where they met a human hunting team who came to catch the Jihad Angels. Xi Ya and Lei were almost all caught, but at this time, another group Humans suddenly appeared, killing human hunters who tried to capture Xi Ya and others, and rescued them.

They are envoys from Adiroo's courtyard, led by a young man named Kis. They came here on behalf of the Adilu courtyard, hoping to build a bridge between humans and jihadist angels here, change the status quo, and let the two sides live in harmony.

After this, the envoy stayed in the village. At first people also paid attention to these humans, but gradually, the two sides gradually began to contact. Not only that, the young man named Qis also fell in love with Xi Ya, became a pair of lovers, and eventually married.

After that, Xi Ya followed Qis's departure. Before leaving, Xi Ya Ben and Lei agreed, and they would definitely meet again.

蕾 And when Lei was fifteen, she did receive an invitation from Adiroo's courtyard, but ...

"... At that time, I was attacked and then sealed up, and when I woke up again, I met you ..."

"So ..."


At this moment, suddenly the knock on the door sounded, and then the Founder came in.

"I'm sorry to bother you with love and affection, but it seems that Adiroo's courtyard is coming."

"What, really?"

When I heard this, Tears hurriedly stood up, and Lei looked at Fang Zheng in surprise.

"Ding-Ding-Dang found something just now."

As he said, Founder held out his hand, and soon a holographic sight appeared in front of the girls. It was a group of floating islands floating in the sky. They looked like small islands covered with crystals, which were connected by chains. However, there are no lights on those buildings at present, and it seems that they have already been abandoned.

"is it here?"

"I, I don't know, but ... I can sense that Xi Ya's voice is near here ..."

那么 "So, are we taking a night off and leaving tomorrow, or ..."

"I can't wait any longer!"


When Lei answered, Founder shrugged.

那么 "Well, please prepare. I will also tell Misaka Misaka and Kuroi Shiro."

Quickly, the Void Glow Ship approached the floating island group under the control of Founder, and then landed on the most central floating island. Then the light flashed, and the crowd appeared on the ground in the next moment.

"This is Adiroo's courtyard?"

Under the white light, the girls looked around curiously. But as far as the eye can see, there is only a piece of ruins, and from the appearance, this is not like the product of natural weathering from a long time ago, but more like the ruins left after a war.

不管 However, this is far from the paradise-like place in Lei's mouth.

"That ... Lei, this ..."

Although she had a hunch, Tears didn't know what to say when she saw this scene. Lei stared blankly at the ruins in front of her, then ran towards it suddenly.

"Wait a minute!"

I saw Lei running towards the inside, and the others hurried to keep up, but Lei just ran into the building in front of her, and everyone in the back saw Lei's body suddenly swaying and fell to the ground.

"Lei, are you okay!"

泪 The tears hurried over to raise Lei, but Lei shook her head.

"It's okay, I just stumbled."

I heard Lei's answer, and everyone lowered their heads and looked at Lei's feet, and saw that there was a rhizome after breaking through the ground. Just from its appearance, the rhizomes have obviously lost water and withered. And everyone instinctively continued to move forward in the direction of the rhizome, and then ...

"what is that!"


When she saw the end of the rhizome, Misaka Mikan immediately took a breath of air, and Shirako Kuroko also had a pale complexion, and her tears clenched Lei's hand tightly. Only Founder stood behind the four and whistleed.

I saw that under the shining light, I could clearly see that at the end of the stem, something that looked like a human being was being bound in it—no, strictly speaking, it was simply a person.

Fang Zheng stepped forward and examined it carefully.

嗯 "Hmm ... it's mummified ..."

As he said, Founder stretched out his hand and fiddled with the body in front of him. That's right, the corpse in front of everyone is exactly a mummified corpse, without flesh and blood, but with skin around the bones. From the residual long hair and pendant, this mummy should be a female before birth.

"I've been dead for about two hundred years."

Yun Fangzheng took a scan of his personal terminal, and then came to a conclusion.

也就是说 "In other words, was it abandoned 200 years ago?"

"Almost, all in all, just keep walking and you know."

He said, Founder walked forward, and Lei hurried to keep up. Seeing this scene, tears and the other three looked at each other, and finally followed the stubbornly.

However, the more you go deeper, the worse the situation becomes. The whole building looks like it has been broken by the roots and vines of some plants, and when you look ahead, you can see mummification everywhere under the shining of magic. Just looking at the scene of the dead body is enough to imagine how terrible the situation was.

为 "For, why are there so many ...... so many mummy ..."

At this moment Misaka Misaka was hiding behind Founder, and the whole person was almost the same as the cat that had blown up.

"Oh, because they are artificial."

"What does man-made mean !?"

Misaka only felt that her legs were soft.

"Simply put, there is something that **** away everything except their skin and bones from their bodies in an instant, just like dehydration, so that leaves so many mummy."

那 "So, what could it be !?"

At this moment Misaka Misaka has begun to discharge all over the body, and even Shirai Kuroko has to retreat.

"I do n’t know. According to the urine of Hollywood movies, what secret experiments are generally messed up, and then any monsters come out and destroy the entire base?"

"Experiment? Monster?"

"Hmm ... what do you say?"

Said here, Fang Zheng winked at Misaka Miku and Shirako Kuroko, and then slid his lips at Lei in front of them. The two of them looked at each other for a moment, then looked slightly changed.

The people here have died in a cruel way, but Lei said that she heard the voice of the person she was looking for. If the other person is not a ghost or a ghost, then ... there is only one possibility left Already.

In this way, everyone walked through the broken passage to an indoor square, but at this moment, Lei stopped suddenly and looked at a statue not far away.


Looking at Lei's eyes, Tears also hurriedly raised his head and looked forward. I saw there, there was a statue of a man who looked handsome and dressed in white, holding a sword, and underneath the statue was engraved The name and date of the statue ()

"Kiss ..."

哎 "Hey? Is this the man named Keith you said?"


Said here, Lei is obviously a bit sad, and the life expectancy of jihadist angels is different from that of humans. She knew this before, but didn't pay particular attention to it. But now, seeing the people I know have died, leaving only a statue ... let Lei still not know what to say.

So, will the tears die?

"really weird………"

其他 At this moment, other people also came over and looked at the statue curiously, and then Shirai Kuroko frowned.

"What's strange?"

"The gentleman named Qis ... is it a human? A human can live for two hundred years?"

这 "It's ... weird indeed."

After hearing the inquiry of Shirai Kuroko, Zuo Tian tears stunned, and then it was reflected that the situation was incorrect. According to the date on this monument, the man named Qis has lived at least 215 years, but ... After all, this world is not its own, and I don't know if the people here can really live this long.

But Lei apparently didn't pay attention to the dialogue of the crowd. She looked around and looked forward, and soon, Lei noticed that a few faint brilliance flashed in the channel not far away.

"Snow Crystal! Xi Ya is here!"

As she shouted, Lei quickly ran in the direction of the glow, while others hurried behind her. Unlike the previous passage, the passage in front was blocked by the ubiquitous vines and roots It is rigorous, and more importantly, on these rhizomes, you can see a faint white light, like a lily flower. Its crystal clear appearance looks like it is frozen by snow.

Finally, in the lens of the passage, everyone saw a figure imprisoned in an iron cage.

That's a woman with long silver-white hair, wearing a shabby robe, and she is surrounded by glittering snow flowers. At this moment, the woman closed her eyes and leaned against the wall, looking as if she had fallen asleep.

The scene was so weird that even the tears stopped involuntarily, but Lei slammed directly on the fence and stared at the woman in front of her.

"Xiya, it's me. I came to the courtyard of Adilu, because I promised you, and I will definitely come! Although I arrived so late and made you wait so long, I ..."

At this moment, along with Lei's speech, the woman slowly opened her eyes, looked at Lei in front of her, and smiled. Then she opened her mouth and called the girl's name softly.



When I heard the woman's voice, Lei reached out her hand and held her hand tightly.

等等 "Wait a minute, I'll let you out ...... what's going on with these vines? Xiya, what happened to the courtyard of Adiroo? How could you be held here alone?"

After a long reunion of joy, Lei finally realized the current problem.

However ...

"Where's Kis?"

With this question, Lei's movement suddenly freezes. In front of her, however, Xi Ya smiled and looked at her.

"Lei, do you know where Kis is now?"


Facing Xi Ya's answer, everyone looked at each other. Judging from the statue outside, the man named Qis has been dead for almost two hundred years, but why ... she didn't seem to know anything?

"You, what are you talking about ..."

讨厌 "Hate, Lei will not forget him."

Facing the bud with a complexion in her face, Xi Ya smiled softly again.

"It's the captain of the Good Envoy, the hero of Orkanad, and Chiss Firigo of the Gem Hunter."

"Gem ... hunter?"

Hearing this title, I don't know why, Lei began to shiver, and Xi Ya lowered her head.

"I miss Kis, I should be able to help her more ..."

As Xi said, Xi Ya raised her hands and showed everyone her body. Seeing this scene, Fang Zheng frowned, and the girls were even more shocked and speechless.

I saw that the surface of that fair skin was everywhere, as if it had been eroded by plants, and even bits and pieces, horrible scars like bloodstains, emerged in them.

"I can not only make the flowers bloom more, but also become stronger than before?"

"Xi ... Xia?"

Lei staggered back, staring blankly at Xi Ya's body, it was no longer like a human body, but more like a cruel mix of machinery and plants in the human body. Gagged form. But Xi Ya herself did not show any painful expression at all, and still had a naive and pure smile.

"Look, Lei, I'm strong, because I work hard?"

"Xi ... Ya ..."

"What's the matter with you? Show a look that looks like a monster."

Xi Xiya smiled and waved her hand.

讨厌 "I hate it, it's just because my hair stays longer. Wait a minute, I'll leave here now."

As Xi Ya talked, I saw those rhizomes that looked like they had already withered and started to sway, and then tore up the original cage. Then, the girl slowly walked out of it, then she looked up and looked behind Lei. Everyone.

"I didn't expect that Lei you even brought me food. It's great ... Thank you, I haven't eaten for two hundred years, and I'm troubled by this."



Sui hadn't waited for Lei's reaction, and saw the vines suddenly turned towards Founder, Misaka Miku and Shirai Kuroko shot over. In the face of the sudden attack, Founder just hummed, slammed his finger, and the next moment the flame burst out, burning the vines all around.

Seeing this scene, Xi Yafei became more excited instead of fear.

"Great! This power is even stronger than those I ate before. As long as I can get these powers, then I will definitely become more beautiful and Kis will love me more!"

With Xi Ya's words, more vines emerged from all around the passage, and rushed towards everyone. But before waiting for the vines to catch the prey, Xi Ya saw a flash of people's shadow in front of her, and lost her target completely the next moment.

When the crowd returned to God again, they had returned to the square outside the building.

"Xi ... Xia ..."

Pu Lei slumped to the ground with a thump, trembling without knowing what to say. She had just seen the joy of the closest person, and she had now been completely replaced by inexplicable complex emotions.

"Boom !!"

The earth roared, the broken ruins completely collapsed, and then, Xiya, who had changed completely, came out of it.

"Hurry up, give it to me, I want to absorb their life, their power!"


Looking at the monster that had almost become inhuman in front of her eyes, Lei could not help crying.

However ...

"who are you?"


At this moment, Xi Ya, who looked at Lei again, completely lost her previous affection. She stared at Lei coldly, as if looking at an enemy.

"You want me to stop? You actually want to order me? Who are you? What ability do you have to order me?"


With the roar of Xi Ya ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Hundreds of rhizomes emerged from the ground and stabbed towards the bud, but at this moment, tears suddenly appeared.

"Facing the blast!"

The roaring wind wall immediately rose to the ground, blocking the radiant shoots.

"Lei, come on, we share the same!"


I heard tears talking, Lei raised her head, silent for a moment, then nodded as if determined, and grabbed the hands that tears stretched out.

The next moment, the wind howled.

"Let's go."

Looking at the raging wind in front of him, Founder turned and walked towards the other side of the ruins, and saw that he actually turned and left, Misaka Misaka and Kuroko of Shirai were all together.

等等 "Wait, Mr. Founder, don't you plan to help?"

"This is a battle between them. We better not get involved, and I have something to do."

"... is something wrong?"


Qi Fangzheng said here, lengheng.

"This poor lady is just just a victim. If we want to 怼, we have to go behind the scenes, don't we?"

As he said, Founder raised his head and looked coldly at the high tower on the other side.

:. :

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