Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1876: Come fight a pain!

Although the target of the Blue Fleet is an alien invader, Founder does not intend to handle all these monsters by himself. Of course, it's okay for him to handle it by himself, but in this way, there will be nothing left for people in this world.

After all, the founder's initial fire is a flame that burns everything out. As long as what is hit by the initial fire, apart from dust, don't expect a little bit of debris to remain.

What's more, besides these, alien ground forces are equally annoying.

Fang Zhengzheng does not plan to send ground troops. If everything is done in one hand, it is just a doting. They always need to fight on their own, advance on their own, and embark on their own journey. Even if there are a lot of sacrifices, there may be some errors, but as long as it can be maintained, there should be no problem.

Now I just hope that they can solve that "exam question" as soon as possible, so that they can also deal with the upcoming enemies wholeheartedly.

Fang Zheng was looking at the infinite starry sky in front of him, and frowned slightly. According to Founder's expectations, once the BOSS finds that the situation is not good behind the scenes, it will immediately take action. You must know that the Blue Fleet has never appeared in this world, so when these alien invaders detect the emergence of more powerful enemies, they will certainly become more cautious.

Dark Forest Law.

The universe is a forest. All kinds of animals have different lifestyles and hunting methods. When any kind of animal faces a species that it has never met, it will first take a tentative action to confirm whether the other party can treat itself. Cause harm, and then consider whether hunting this animal will yield sufficient benefits.

Therefore, in order to reproduce and survive in the forest, each species has evolved different abilities.

Some animals will choose to show their bodies to intimidate each other at the first time, and some animals will hide in the fallen leaves like poisonous snakes, staring vigilantly around, ready to attack those paralyzed prey. Some animals choose to show weakness to lure their prey. Just like a lantern fish in the deep ocean, it uses phototaxis to attract other fish to actively approach itself, and then swallow it again.

方 From the perspective of the Founder, the United States on Earth in this world has committed almost all the taboos of the Dark Forest Law.

探索 Exploring radio waves from the outside world—it's like a sheep screaming on the grass, for fear that the lion, tiger and falcon will not be able to detect their existence.

I rushed forward without hesitation in the face of something I couldn't understand—as if I saw a shining fish, and had no idea what was waiting in front of me for a **** mouth.

More importantly, I don't know enough about the strength of the enemy.

Ming Ming is a hen on the ground. Why should you feel that you can stand side by side with the eagle soaring in the sky? Civilizations that can't even break through the Earth's moon orbit, what makes them arrogant that they can live on an equal footing with civilizations that can operate across galaxies?

Howling changed is the existence of the current level of Tiandao Temple. Seeing this kind of civilization will only be like seeing a howling dog in front of the car—annoying and boring.

I was kind enough to be too lazy to take care of it, and drove away.

However, if it's uncomfortable—what if I drive a dog to death?

Who told you to bark in front of me?

The current situation is like the predators in the forest united to try to eat this stupid and delicious lamb before their eyes, but at this time, a prey they had never seen before suddenly appeared, pushing it back . In this case, of course, the predators want to figure out what this guy who suddenly killed halfway is, and whether killing it will get a higher profit.

That's why Founder only dispatched the first fleet, and also obviously made a protective gesture in order to seduce the guys behind.

If it is only outstanding, but not enough, it will obviously become the prey of predators, especially the group of predators. It ’s like a wolf pack. Although most people have always felt that animals like wolves and jackals do n’t sound as brave as tigers or cheetahs, in fact, even an adult tiger has nothing to do with it. .

The walking dogs on the prairie also regarded the single lion as a target for hunting.

In fact, at the moment Founder intervened, in the dark forest of the universe, an invisible confrontation had begun.

After receiving the onslaught from the beginning, the invaders immediately began to analyze the goal, strength and purpose of this mysterious force. In fact, Iona has sensed information from different directions of the galaxy several times in a row-the intruders are using these to judge how this mysterious fleet appears and whether there will be a backhand.

Just like the previous square, if you use hyperspace or speed of light, you will definitely leave traces in the interference of the information in the universe. After all, no matter which way to cross the galaxy, you need to fix the starting point and ending point, just like a If one wants to climb a cliff, he must first throw the hook up and hang it, and then climb along the rope.

As long as they can detect the existence of the "start point" or "end point", they can judge the specific forces of this fleet.

It is only because Fang is the fleet summoned directly from another world, so they did not notice this, so it is clear that these invaders treated this sudden fleet as an "solitary army", and that is why. Then they will try to use this opportunity to defeat this sudden "prey".

Even if it fails, it doesn't matter. After all, the earth is not their lair. If it fails, you can leave here and go back to your own place to lick the wound. And once successful, you will get far more delicious food than the weak and stupid lamb.

The current founder also uses this method to lure those bait hooks.

I hope that the earth can also learn how to truly survive in the universe.

At least before the horns were grown, it was just a piece of sweet ham that was eaten at will.

That's it, three days have passed.

"Are the results of the decryption work?"

老 The old man who returned to the office did not give up his attention in his spare time. In fact, although their country has not suffered much harm, the reality is not much better.

Because of the large number of refugees entering.

Because this world should have been the unfolding of "the United States and its allies save the world under the alien invasion", Japan and South Korea were hit for the first time, and of course they collapsed directly, even without resistance. Not only that, because of the offensive that followed, people in Southeast Asia and the Middle East also moved closer to this side.

Even more troublesome, because the first asylum seekers found that they were sheltered by a mysterious fleet, all the alien warships that dared to approach would be ruthlessly annihilated, so that the news spread more and more widely. More and more people use various means of transportation to try to rush into this protection circle to avoid those alien invaders.

Although the plane is basically finished, ships, cars, trains can still be used, and even nuclear submarines that originally wandered in the Far East came to seek asylum.

当然 Of course, this is a good thing, but it also brings a lot of trouble, but all this can be tolerated. The question is ... What is the real idea of ​​that fleet?

Three days have passed now. In order to completely solve the mystery on that ball, not only the top scholars in China are organized here, but also scholars from other countries are invited to take refuge here, as well as business trips because of business affairs. As a result, foreign oxen who had escaped from the disaster took part in the participation. When they learned that this was a necessary step to communicate with the mysterious fleet, everyone was thrilled and quickly put in their work.

but now……………

"When I went to ask, I said that there would be results soon."

"Well, that's fine ..."

I heard the reply, the old man nodded, and then sighed.

I really do n’t know if this is a blessing or a curse.

At this moment, in the strict laboratory, "decryption" is still ongoing.

"There is red, then green, and finally blue ..."

"Wait, is that all right there?"

但是 "But considering the next ...... can only one small country's borders count?"

Although the supercomputing has given the answer, the top scholars in various countries are still discussing here. After all, the silver-white ball in front of them is the only straw to save humanity, and no one told them to decrypt it. Chances are not only once.

It is for this reason that everyone is arguing.

However, regardless of their argument, the old man stretched out his finger again and gently touched it, and soon another piece of the puzzle was put together.

Next, there are only the last three pieces.

一定 "Sure, don't go wrong."

I glanced at the drawing next to me, and the old man took a deep breath, and then extended his finger again. While others are frightened at this moment, there is no way. They have gathered the power of manpower and supercomputing, and have made the greatest correction according to the four-color distribution chart above. In theory, there should be no problem at all.

But what if something goes wrong?

I know that this is the final result, but I can't help but feel uneasy, so in the eyes of the public, the old man filled the last blank with blue.

Then the next moment, I saw that the silvery white ball that had shimmered in light suddenly disappeared, as if suspended, suspended in the air.

"how come?!"

"Did it fail?"

"Isn't it ...... are our calculations wrong ?!"

I saw everyone here stunned, but their voice had not fallen yet, as if to rebut the general, I saw the silvery white ball suddenly light up, and then turned into a huge holographic model of the Earth could not stop spinning. At the same time, lines of text and information quickly surfaced on this model.

Suddenly, when they saw the information, everyone present was stunned, and then immediately overjoyed.

"This is ... this is the intelligence of those aliens ?!"

"Is that really this kind of thing?"

To be honest, no one knows what information is hidden in this small silver ball, but it looks very clear now.

"Report this news immediately, we have a way to fight those invaders!"

Yeah, the reason why human beings are helpless to these aggressors is that they have no knowledge of these aliens except that the difference in strength between the two sides is too large. But these aliens are different, whether it is a huge battleship on Independence Day, a three-legged robot, or even those Blu-ray aliens and even octopus monsters coming from the east, they have carried out detailed and thorough surveillance and investigation of the earth. Because of this, they will unite and scrape this piece of fat without worrying about any accidents.

But now ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the two sides have finally matched each other at this level.

"Hoo ..."

At the same time, Founder was finally relieved.

He was a little worried, but now it looks like ...... everything is going well, then ...

I was like echoing Founder's thoughts. At this moment, suddenly, a huge square suddenly appeared between the earth and the moon, and then, an emotionless, mechanical voice suddenly appeared.

我们 "We are Borg, lower your shield, and surrender. We will assimilate your biological and technological characteristics. Your people will serve us. Resistance is ineffective."

Alas, you would say.

Hearing here, Fang Zheng grinned and opened a smile.

"let's start."

"Yes, commander, the jump engine has started and is ready to jump to the designated location."

With the fall of Iona's voice, the next moment, everything in front of me turned into a shining meteor, followed by the blink of an eye, the infinite distance was compressed to the extreme, and then the dazzling blue planet and the blue planet surrounding it The huge blocks and motherships all around appeared in front of Founder's eyes.

"Apocalyptic weapon is online."

I said here, Fang Zheng smiled slightly.

"Fleet, fire free!"

Come on, fight a pain!

:. :

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