Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1878: Pick another thing? (How do I feel isolated from the world?)

When Founder returned to Tiandao Palace again, he was the first person ...

"嗝 ..."

I ca n’t eat anymore.

Huh, you should n’t say that, you should say that you eat too much at once.

Because the front line was deadlocked, while the BOSS appeared in the back, they were also locked by their founder, so almost all alien invaders' homes were burned by the founder's BBQ, which can be regarded as directly cutting off the back road.

Facing this situation, those alien invaders either chose to run away or stubbornly resisted to the end. Of course, there was no good fruit to run away, but the stubborn ones also died miserably.

Among them, the actions of the human side have also reassured Founder.

Because all the information about the alien invaders and the location of the lair were obtained from the Founder, the remaining forces in East Asian countries also quickly gathered. They first opened the unlucky force running out of North Korea. Although at the beginning of the battle, the human side They also paid a bitter price, but later, they also "back-push" the technology of this wave of alien civilization through the data left by Founder, thus creating a new combat armor.

It's just that it's a little bit worse than the graphics card killer in Founder's memory ...... Although it is taken for granted, after all, the one in the game is dedicated to the elite, it doesn't matter how much it costs, but here is mass production Yes, that kind of thing is definitely impossible.

With intelligence, information and foundation, coupled with the capture and harvest of various scientific and technological civilization creations and various experts, almost day and night research, in the end, the human side also completely defeated these unlucky eggs and obtained the aliens invasion of the earth. Human first victory.

After that, human beings did not stop there. As the center of manufacturing, Huaxia naturally started all-out, quickly regained other occupied areas, and moved westward, first gathering with Mao Zi ’s surviving forces and regaining Russia. At the same time, contact was made with the military of other countries hidden in the Middle East, and they began to regain lost ground.

The most reassuring to Founder is that through the analysis of data and intelligence, human beings have also come up with their own unique method of fighting the giant alien warships on Independence Day. After learning about the principle of the formation of these alien warship shields, they also The use of a special electromagnetic missile severed the connection between the alien warships and caused them to lose their protective barriers.

After losing the protective cover, those huge warships were just a little bit thicker, and were eventually completely destroyed by the missiles of the United Army-this is also the first time that humans have no blue fleet support. Destroy alien warships of this level.

Here, Founder also feels that he can retire.

By the way, the best quality of this wave of dog food is not the Borg or the Independence Day alien warship, but the ones that came out of central North America. Ghosts are the stuff of the wrong set in Diablo.

This also makes Fang Zheng really look aggressive, to be honest, even if he finally burned directly into the nest of the other party, Fang Zheng couldn't figure out why it is such a "magic" thing in the science fiction world --- Of course, you said low-level, monsters like zombies, I can explain it as genetic mutation, but you will actually put fireballs and magic ...… Can **** and demons in this world be regarded as "sci-fi"?

Speaking of which, the Founder did have some confusion about where the boundary between science fiction and magic was.

无论 But in any case, this wave burned down, and Founder felt that his divine power was unprecedented expansion, at least to repair the third coordinate point is more than enough.

However, when he returned to the wasteland with pride, intending to see how his own sheep harvested ...

"What's wrong?"

Looking at the [Warning] sign in front of him, Fang Zheng frowned, and at this time, Shizaki Kousan appeared in front of Fang.

"Mr. Founder, you are finally back."

"Hmm ... I'm back, you didn't go back this time, otherwise ..."

"I know 'I' definitely want to kill me."

In the face of Founder's teasing, Kuangsan also chuckled a little. She stayed here not to return to the main world, wasn't she afraid of going back and being stabbed by herself?

"So what exactly is this?"

This was the first time that Fang Zhengzheng had warned the system as soon as he came back. He immediately realized that there must be something wrong with the wasteland world.

"It is indeed Mr. Founder, in fact something went wrong."

"Oh? What's the problem?"

"It's about Miss Alisa."


I heard Fang Zheng frown when he heard this, while Shi Qi Kuang San nodded, and then handed in the report. Founder took a glance at the report, and then his face changed slightly.

Things have to start when he develops the seeds of the world.

Because the seed of the world worked very well in Jelney, Alyssa also decided to return to Finnell to report the incident to the minister. At the same time, a group of players followed Alyssa to Fenrir to "explore the territory" ". Alyssa did not object to this either. She also saw the power of these players and hoped that these players could help and protect the refugees in Fenrir's gathering place, so she finally returned to Fenrir. .

At the beginning, it went smoothly. Many players even joined Fenrir and changed their positions to "God Eater" (Of course, because this job belongs to a difficult skill profession, many people regret it after changing jobs) .

However, it caused problems.

According to the information that Elijah collected from these players, Alisa talked to the minister in detail as soon as she returned to Fenrir, but in the end, there was no result. Not only that, the two parties did not seem to have a good relationship. One.

Even the player received the task of monitoring Alyssa from Minister Fenir, saying that because she had suffered a psychological trauma before, it was easy to have Yunyun, and I hope the player can help stare.

Of course, this also makes Alisa's popularity among the players another wave. After all, the sick and the like are also a cute point of view to the players!

I came to the back, but something happened.

That was once, a group of players and Alyssa took the task of fighting the God of Desolation, and then came to the task site. At first, it was quite smooth, but then they were ambush by a group of high-level God of Desolation. Ways to resist.

At the beginning, Alisa resisted alone, hoping that the player would run, but the player definitely did not do it. You should know that this is a CG cutscenes in other games, you can only watch it. But this is a "real-time game" (from the player's point of view), the player can be resurrected, and Alisa cannot, so the player in turn resists the desolation, and hopes that Alisa will go back for help.

Then Alyssa left.

But in the end, the players were not able to wait to come to the rescue. Naturally, a brain group went home.

Of course, this is not a big deal for players. It ’s not a mission failure. After going back, they complained to other players. However, to their surprise, the player in the stronghold said that Alyssa was at all Did not return!

What the **** happened?

At this moment, other players also felt that something was wrong. After all, Alyssa is pretty and cute, and is very popular among players, and also has the "Awesome" attribute. Many players also like this Aojiao on the mouth, but A kind and lovely girl. So at this moment, they also searched for Alyssa spontaneously, but in the end, they only found a few dead bodies and Alyssa's great swords on the way back, but Alyssa herself had no information.

This makes many players very depressed, but there is nothing they can do. They can only regard this as an "event". Besides complaining about how no one left with Alyssa at that time, the players have no way to say more.

But the problem is not just here.

There are also many types of game players. Some people like to explore the plot, and some people simply like to play monsters. Among those who explore the plot, there is a player named "trolling tiger" who thinks this is not right. See the corpse when you die, and keep the weapon without anything. Is there a follow-up task?

With this idea in mind, Tigger asked other God Eaters about his subsequent search for Alyssa's whereabouts, but did not expect that the God Eater he asked told Tigger that the search operation had been suspended three days ago. , And that God Eater also feels very strange, because in general, the search operation of the missing God Eater will continue until the bracelet is found, but this time it hastily ended, there is something wrong.

This immediately aroused the interest of Tigger. According to his years of experience in games, there is absolutely no secret in this. So Tigger also made his discovery public on the forum, and then a large number of players began to search for its secrets.

Then they quickly found a few clues.

First, according to the comments of other NPCs, Alisa's relationship with the minister was not very good before the incident.

Secondly, some players who were on the mission with Alyssa said that Alyss was distressed about something in the last few days, and she also asked the other party, but Alyssa did not say at the end (at the time, the player thought he might be The degree of favorability is not enough). But now it looks like she may be investigating something. In fact, there are other players who say they have received some investigation tasks from Alyssa, but it seems that they are not a particularly important part.

Third, the order to stop the search was given by the minister himself, and a player who likes to eavesdrop on the corner (we do n’t care what the **** is) said that he heard the minister talking to himself while listening Say "If Alyssa is not there, it will be smooth" .........

Then based on these clues, the players reached a conclusion that the minister is absolutely related to the disappearance of Alyssa!

Although many players have stated that this must be a hidden plot line, they should be investigated in private first, and they will be discussed later.

But some players are accustomed to it. They actually ran directly to the minister's office and forced the minister to find out what conspiracy to kill Alisa!

部长 Of course, the Minister refused to answer, and even pushed these players out of Fenrir, which made the players feel that there was a problem, and even Minister Kalian made a wrong move.

He actually used his position to ask those players and players who turned to God Eater to concentrate on their work in the future. Don't think about these, otherwise, they will be expelled from Fenrir!

Seeing this, Founder couldn't help but sigh.

If judging by the common sense of ordinary people, Kalyan ’s operation is actually okay. After all, he is the supreme ruler of Fenrir, and the general God Eater and adventurer will not be because of one with them. How big a girl is, tearing her face with such a force.

But what he doesn't know is that he is not facing ordinary people, but players!

What is the player, the world is not as big as Lao Tzu himself.

不 No grandfather here, own grandfather place!

Lao Tzu is not afraid of even the creation Titan. Which onion do you threaten me with? !!

If you killed Alyssa, I'm desperate to believe you? !!

So the two sides broke into a fight and Calian even coldly asked the NPC (God Eater) to suppress these disobedient newcomers.

Well, even if it ’s bloody, as long as you kill a few picks, other people will naturally calm down.

But the players are not afraid of death, you dare to kill them, but they have aroused their fierceness. The result is that although the players in the Fenrir base were swept away, more and more players blocked the Fenrir gate directly after being resurrected, and even some people ran back to Jernie. Tell this to Philie.

Fei Li also traveled with Alyssa for a while ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Although the relationship between the two parties is not particularly close, they are also friends. At first, she felt a little strange because she hadn't received any reply from Alyssa. When she heard these, she also fry the pan, and pulled up the tears Zuo Tian who helped out there, Lei, Misaka Miku and Shirako Kuroko. Going to Fenrir.

The current situation is that players have blocked the entire Fenrir, Fenrir and the player have also become hostile, Phili and others can not enter outside, and the God Eaters inside follow the order of Kalyan The entire stronghold was blocked.

This is the first "main city battle" for players in this world!

No wonder I received a system warning as soon as I came back.

This is beyond the scope of "game", but the most direct interference in this world.

"Miss Zuo Tian also came to find Mr. Founder, but you were not at that time ..."

"Well, I know."

Facing the report of Kuangsan, Fang nodded solemnly, and the situation is still pretty good. The most feared thing is that the player slaughtered the city ... This kind of thing is really done by the player. Don't look at them, they do n’t seem to have a task to do the task, but once it ’s a matter of preference, for the player, there is really nothing to stop.

More importantly, it is really miserable once the player considers it "evil".

Like the current Calien, it is estimated that it has been difficult to ride a tiger.

But the more important question is ...

Where is Alyssa?

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