Dimensional Codex

Chapter 192: Teaching and trading

"You want to learn to use and master the power of existence?"

Standing on the rooftop, Shana frowned, looking at the square in front of her.

"Yes, you see, you have the power of existence, and human beings also have the power of existence ... In fact, do n’t the Red Worlds gain their power by swallowing the power of human existence? Then I was thinking Can I use this power. "

"What do you want to do with this power?"

This time, he asked Alastor, and Founder gave the answer without hesitation.

"Of course, it is convenient to fight after being opened."


Faced with this unexpected answer, Shana and Alastor were silent.

I have to say that this reason is really good and very powerful.

"............ Alastor."

Shana apparently intends to leave it to Alastor to decide, and hearing Shana's voice, Alastor hesitated for a moment.

"Um ......... Generally, it is impossible. Although you are right, as far as human beings are concerned, the power of existence is limited. Otherwise, they will not be unable to stay in the seal. Activities. And the "Red World" does not need to prey on so many humans. This is why humans need to enter into a contract with us to become a fire and fog warrior, but ... "

Speaking of which, Alastor did not know what to say, because Founder was obviously a heterogeneity among human beings. Not only can you easily operate in the seal, the combat effectiveness is also stronger than the general Fire and Fog fighters. Don't say it is Shana in front of you, even the contractor of the previous "Heavenly Fire" is probably not so scary.

"... you as a human ... not very easy to say, but you have to remember that human beings have limited power of existence. It is difficult to add after consumption ..."

"Don't worry about this. I have a way. The treasure was very useful before. I think it's a good substitute."

Founder certainly has his own confidence, that is, the treasure that was originally collected when Shana was first met.

[Treasure: Zero Time Fan]

[Grade: s]

[Effect: You can recover the power of being consumed by one day at twelve in the morning]

To be honest, when the founder saw the effect of this treasure, he was startled. This is a perpetual motion of infinite energy.


Sure enough, Shana and Alastor were attracted by the Founder's words.

"Are there any good things at Hunter's base?"

"It wasn't that, it was when we first met ...... I got a treasure by accident."

"Ah, at the time you said ...... I do remember that the phosphorus seemed to say something similar, it was a treasure from Mytis ...... what is it?"

"Anytime fanatic."

As soon as Founder's voice fell, Shana's complexion suddenly changed.

"It's the one?"

"It was totally unexpected ..."

Alastor's voice was full of wonder.

"The mysterious treasure of the mystery in the legend will be in your hands ... no, it's better in your hands. If it is taken away by the" hunter ", I am afraid it will be more dangerous.

"But ... the effect of the zero-time fan, I remember it was just a simple reply to the power of existence."

"Don't worry about that, I already have an idea."

Fang Zheng's idea is very simple. He will build a layer of law matrix outside Zero Time to absorb and store the "force of existence". This is also the skill that Fang Zheng learned from the mage. As a caster, you must never risk yourself unless you have to. That's why they prepare the spells they need to use every day in advance and store them. Once he realized that the "bullet" was about to run out, he ran away immediately.

And Founder adopted the same approach. If the fire and fog soldiers carried a miniature reactor to fight, then Founder was equivalent to using a battery to store energy from the miniature reactor, and then carrying a block of batteries to fight . This may be a disadvantage for ordinary people, but it is not a big problem for Founder. He rarely uses the power of existence to fight. For Founder, the only value of the power that currently exists is Kaifeng. The rest of the time, he was able to use his power to fight.

Not only that, it also avoids risks. Fire and Fog fighters will die if they fail, because they have entered into a contract with the "Red World Demon King" and are linked. In this case, they are more like robots with built-in energy. Once the core of the energy is damaged or the body is damaged, it will explode and self-destruct.

But the Founder is different, he is carrying "external energy", so even if something goes wrong, just throw it away. As for the battery ... it can be rebuilt in the future.

"It's a wonderful idea."

After hearing the Founder's idea, Shana and Alastor were stunned. After a while, the Red Devil was sighed.

"Although it has long been known that human beings have wonderful ideas, but ... this is really an area we have never thought of."

"Because of the different needs, the talent tree is not the same. Not to mention, the general Red World Devil can't let me extract the power of existence like this."

As Founder said, the Zero-Time Fan is just a treasure, so it doesn't matter how you toss it. But the Red Devil is different, although their power of existence will be restored. However, the degree is very slow. Even if the Red World Demon King has a lot of existence power, it does not mean that they are willing to really become a nuclear reactor to provide human power.

"How? What's your decision?"

"I have no opinion."

Alastor quickly gave the answer, and Shana frowned, thinking for a moment, and then she looked at the Founder again.

"I have a condition."

"Oh? What conditions?"

Upon hearing Shana's words, Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows and smiled at the little girl.

"I want to be stronger and stronger ...... so I hope you can help me ..."

When Shana said here, her face was slightly burnt. Although she didn't finish her words, Founder also understood her meaning.

"In other words, will I train you?"

"No ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Yes! That's it! If you agree, then as a transaction, we can teach you how to master and use the power of existence!"

Maybe I feel that my logic is not wrong, and talking about Shana's head proudly again.

"Well, since that's the case, I have no opinion."

Looking at the proud look of the little girl in front of her, Fang Zheng didn't say much, but nodded her head in agreement ... ... haha, put me in front of me, and wait for training, see my suspicion of not teaching you Life is strange, little girl is just to be a little cute to be cute, this kind of arrogant personality ...

Thinking of this, Founder moved his finger.

You need treatment, kid.

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