Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1881: Sneak into (Everyone who has eaten recently has no idea what to eat)

In this way, after handing over the mess that Phili broke down to Phili herself (although Phili did not admit it was her mess), Founder quickly moved to the place where Alisa was.

"It should be near here ..."

I glanced at this old and abandoned village in front of me, and Fang Zheng frowned, and then went forward. As soon as he walked into the village, Founder saw a petite figure flashing past him.

Ok? That is………

Fang Fang took two steps forward and felt a little guy secretly poked his head from behind to look at herself. When Fang Zheng turned her head, she immediately retracted.

So Fang Zheng continued to move forward, but the little guy poked his head again ... Fang Zheng stopped and retracted again.

Really funny little guy.

Founder chuckled and continued to move forward. If he just came out to relax, he might tease the little guy for a play, but now Alyssa's situation is not very good, um ... let's get Alyssa's side first. Trouble, let's talk about it.

Thinking of this, Founder speeded up and walked towards the place where Alisa's breath was emitted.

Soon, in an abandoned house, Founder saw Alisa leaning against the wall unconscious.

"Well, that's miserable enough."

Looking at Alisa's right hand that had been completely monsterized, Founder also shook her head, then he went to Alisa's side and raised her hand, but the next moment ...

"Wow !!!!"

A petite figure suddenly rushed in from the door and bumped into Fang Zheng. The Founder directly stretched out the other hand, held the other's small head, and hit a ring finger. Soon, a holy light emerged and shone on Alyssa's right hand. It didn't take long before she saw that Alyssa, who had a painful expression on her face, gradually calmed down, and her originally alienated right hand was also Under this shining light, changes gradually occurred, and the original appearance was restored again.

Seeing this scene, the little guy who was still desperately holding his head just gradually relaxed, and Fang Zheng looked at her and smiled and touched her head.

"Okay, it's okay, don't worry."


Hearing Fang Zheng's words, the little boy tilted his head and looked at him.


"Well, don't be nervous, wait, let me give her a shot first."

As he said, Founder opened his personal terminal and sent a medical gel to Alyssa. After a while, Alysa woke up slowly.

"... ooh ... Founder ... sir?"

Seeing the Founder in front of her, Alysa froze for a moment, then suddenly stared wide open and sat up.

"Ah? Is it Mr. Founder? I'm not dreaming?"

嗯 "Well, it's me, okay, let's eat something first, it looks like you haven't eaten much for days."

He said, Fang Zheng took out the water and bread, and Alyssa took it politely, then swallowed it with three mouthfuls, and drank a bottle of water, and finally recovered some vitality. Only then did she notice her right hand.

"My right hand .........?"

"Well, I'm cured, so for now you don't have to worry about any big problems."

"Cure ..."

Upon hearing Founder's answer, Alyssa showed a somewhat unacceptable expression, but after traveling with Founder for so long, she also knew that the man before him had far more power than his imagination, and therefore possessed such power ... Well, it's not strange.


"Mr. Founder, this is not the time to say this!"

After returning to God, Alisa also suddenly changed her face.

部长 "Minister him ... he is planning a conspiracy, and we must stop him!"

"Oh, I almost guessed this would be the case. By the way, let's go back first, otherwise the whole Fenrir will be overthrown."


方 When Founder took Alissa back to Fenrir, Alisa finally understood what was going on.

"Alyssa !!!"

Seeing Alyssa's appearance, Feili and they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Great, you are finally back! We have been worried about you ..."

"Sorry, Miss Zuotian, everyone is worried."

Alisha was a little embarrassed in front of Zuo Tian's tears rushing to hold her hand. Zuo Tian's tears blinked, looking at Alisa's side.

"Oh? Who is this child?"

"Her name is Siou, she saved me ..."

When Fang Fang was taking Alyssa away, Xiou naturally followed, and of course Alyssa would not forget this cute child, so she brought it back here.

But ...

"What the **** is going on?"

Looking at the adventurers around the crowd, Alyssa is also aggressive, especially after seeing that these adventurers have surrounded Fenrir, she has no idea what the situation is.

"Everyone knows that Miss Alyssa was framed by that minister, so they all came to help!"

"Ah ... yeah, right?"


"Miss Alyssa, you are finally back, take us to kill that jerk!"

At this moment, the lively players who were watching next to each other also started to shout, let Alisa not know what to say. It was important to know that she had already prepared herself and returned to the base. No one believed her mental preparation. What Alyssa didn't expect is why so many people believe in themselves?

"Say back, what happened?"

菲 At this moment, Fei Li also gathered in front of Alyssa, and when she saw Fei Li, Alyssa's expression was slightly changed.

"Miss Feili? How do you ..."

Looking at Fili sitting in a wheelchair with plaster cast on her right leg, Alyssa always felt like she had seen this scene ...

"This is what she asked for."

Fang Zhengzheng grinned, and Feili gave him a gloomy glance.

Speaking of which, this is the third time ...

"In short, tell us what happened."

Sometimes Shirako Kuroi came over here, and hearing this, Alyssa also nodded, her expression became more serious.

"Yes, in fact, I need your help in this case."

这 After that, everyone took Alyssa back to the hut, and Alyssa quickly explained the situation to them. Under Alyssa's explanation, the group finally learned the ins and outs of the matter.

According to Alyssa, after returning to Fenrir, she immediately found Minister Calien and explained to her the situation of the world. Originally, Alyssa thought that Kalyan would act immediately, but Kalyan said he would investigate and then make a decision. Alisa didn't think much at that time, and she quickly retired.

But after that, the situation changed. Kalyan asked Alyssa not to tell other people about the world's seeds, which seemed strange to Alyssa. To know that the news of the world's seeds had changed from Jernie spread, even if he didn't say, Fenrir's people wouldn't know, but Carrian still asked for his own confidentiality. Not only that, he didn't seem to have any intention to get the seed of the world.

At first, Alyssa just felt a little strange, but at an accidental opportunity, she overheard Kalyan talking to herself.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a thing as the world seed, but I will not stop my plan for this!"

What's your plan?

Alyssa, who was curious about this, began a secret investigation, and as a result, she discovered an amazing secret!

部长 "Minister, he is working on a plan called Aegis. I don't know the specific situation, but he seems to want to destroy the world!"


When I heard this, everyone was startled. Only Fang was faceless and expressionless. He didn't even have a slight fluctuation in his heart and even wanted to laugh.

那 "So, what about the specific situation?"

"I don't know the specific situation. I have discussed this with the minister because of this, but he only told me that it was to save the world ... and then he refused to talk to me. I wanted to investigate further. It's because of the task, so ... "

"So it is, but now what?"

"So far, I don't have any evidence. It is impossible to confront the minister ..."

Grandma said here, Alyssa also bowed her head helplessly, while Founder smiled and clapped his hands.

"Well, don't be so nervous."

"Mr. Founder, do you have a solution?"

"No evidence, just find it."

"That ... but how do I find it?"

"Do you have any clues?"

"There are some clues, but these are not enough?"

"Just have a clue, leave the rest to them."

As he said, Founder looked at the curious adventurers outside the window and door outside.


In the stronghold, a short-haired woman was on patrol.

During this period, there were various dark tide surges inside Fenrir, and even the news brought by those outside adventurers was a little restless. But in this case, as a minister, Calian did not take any action, which is really a bit confusing. She originally wanted to talk to Amiya Gentiana, but the other party didn't seem to be there ... Where did she go?

"Oh, clang!"

At this moment, she seemed to hear a strange collision sound from a distant warehouse. When she heard this, the woman frowned, and then walked over, and saw a few adventurers facing their backs, as if Tinker with something.

"What are you doing!"

When I saw this, the woman asked loudly and angrily, and the scared adventurers turned around, and after seeing clearly ...

什么 "What, Miss Ye Ye, don't scare me."

"Really, I almost scared my heart."

In the face of the woman in front of me, the adventurers looked at you as if you were idle and scary, but let Ye Ye not know what to say.

等等 "Wait, why are you here? Aren't you banned from entering Fenrir by the minister?"

Night now, Ye Ye also reacted. These people are here ... obviously, nothing is wrong!

"Yes, we sneaked in!"

"Sneak in?"

You called sneak in?

I stared at the righteous adventurer in front of me, and I was stunned.

"Aren't you afraid that I will tell you?"

哎 "Ah? But Miss Ye Ye is a friend."

"As long as it is not discovered by that minister?"

"Ms. Ye Ye's name is green, don't worry, if the red name is strange, we will definitely run away."


What are you talking about?

Even though 咲 Yes knew that these adventurers had the habit of talking in a mess, but ... why couldn't I completely understand what they were talking about? !!

"Ah, found it!"

At this moment, another adventurer yelled, then reached out and looked at the side of the wall, and then pressed, and then saw the wall slowly crack open, revealing a hollow. Seeing this scene, Ye Ye suddenly stood there in astonishment ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, and those adventurers were thrilled.

"Great, we found it first!"

"Keep going!"

He said, they were going in at the same time, but at this time He Ye also rushed to respond.

等等 "Wait, what's going on?"

She hurriedly stopped the adventurers and asked in a very low voice. And looking at the expression in front of Ye Ye, the adventurers glanced at each other, just when Ye Ye thought they were going to kill someone ...

"It's a friendly NPC anyway, why not tell her?"

也许 "Maybe this is also part of the task. Wouldn't it be more convenient if you convinced her to become a companion? The difficulty of the task may also decrease!"

"Absolutely choose to persuade here! I tell you that I haven't played games for nothing for so many years!"

几个 The few adventurers came together to discuss it, and then one came over.

"We are here to save the world!"


"Ms. Alisa said that the minister intends to destroy the entire world, but she only has clues and no evidence, so please let us look for evidence. Would you like to come with Miss Ye?


Facing the invitation of the adventurer in front of him, 咲 night suddenly drew his brain and stayed in place.

展开 What is this unfolding?

:. :

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