Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1894: Detective (I made buns today and found no baking powder)

"Your complexion looks bad, Mr. Francis."

Looking at Francis in front of him, Founder sighed, and then he made a gesture, and soon came to Cang Liangzi to bring him a cup of coffee. In fact, as Founder said, Francis looked very embarrassed at the moment. He was pale, sweaty, and even a little disheveled. It looked like a lover who was found by the host and then jumped out of the window to escape. .

"Drink some coffee first, maybe it will make you feel better."

"Thanks, thank you ..."

Francis took a deep breath, then took a few sips of coffee, and finally relaxed, and then he looked at Nimfu and Asakura Ryoko beside Fang Zheng with anxiety.

"Well, I have something personal ..."

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Francis, they are my assistants and they know everything about this."

"Yes, that's it ..."

Upon hearing Founder's answer, Francis nodded, then he lowered the box in his hand, took out a document from his arms, and handed it to Founder, meanwhile, Francis told him about his experience these days.

After the nightmare in Innsmouth, Francis was also greatly stimulated. In order to divert his attention, he gave up the next trip, but immediately began his own rooting journey. He found his family in Arkham, then began tracing his ancestors, and then Francis found an inexplicable piece of information that shocked him.

His mother's family, ancestral family, once married a woman with the surname Marsh in Arkham. And the name of Marsh is exactly the name of the family of Indomouth de facto dominators that Francis heard from the drunk old man in Inmouthmouth. Not only that, the old man had previously told Francis that the patriarch of the Marsh family had married one of those terrible monsters that had climbed up from the bottom of the sea, and gave birth to three children, two of which were in the shape of a monster Stay here. Because the last daughter was still human, she was sent to study in Europe. Then the patriarch played some tricks and let a man living in Arkham marry her.

Hearing here, Francis felt creepy, which reminded him of some embarrassing memories, although it was only some vague memories, but I do n’t know why, Francis was very scared at the moment.

One of those monsters was a human-like woman who married a man who lived in Arkham. And in his own family, the mother's ancestor, that is, the great-grandmother's generation, indeed married a woman named Marsh.

But at that time Francis just felt that he was too nervous, and it was because of the memories that he had left for himself in Indmouth before he thought about it.

But after that, when he saw the jewellery that his uncle showed to himself, belonging to his great-grandmother, Francis almost collapsed.

That weird style, horror and distortion that can hardly be seen directly, although extremely exquisite, but also the existence of extremely intimidating ... that is the same as the jewelry he saw in the previous town in Indmouth s things! It is rumored that these exquisite creations came from the depths of the sea and were the gift of great gods, but at this moment, to Francis, they were simply demons.

"I, I don't even know what to do ...... I passed out then, and then I woke up, I, I don't know who to look for, so ... Mr. Fan Haixin, please help me, there should be Any way, me, will I be the same as those in Insmouth ... No, I don't know, but I won't ... "

"Well, calm down first, Mr. Francis."

Fang Zheng reached out and patted his hand gently.

"You worry about whether you will become a deep dive ... well, I can't give you a word of words, but you think about it, from your maternal grandmother to now, there is no one in your family Become that way, do you know that great-grandmother? "

"No, I don't know ...... I heard she died very early."

"So don't talk about her first, then, what about your mother? What about your grandparents?"

"my mother………"

Having said that, Francis gradually calmed down.

"My mother is also normal, ah, by the way, my mother never took us back to the grandparents' home, but when the grandfather came, she always warmly entertained him, and the grandfather also treated me well ... Grandma ... I haven't met ... "

"So you don't have to worry so much, do you still carry the brooch I gave you?"

"Of course, sir."

As he said, Francis took out the brooch.

"This seems to be very expensive ..."

"Yes, it's for you."


"It has the power to expel evil. You can rest assured that you can keep it by your side."

"This, this is really embarrassing ..."

Although embarrassed, Francis pulled the brooch back into his pocket, and his expression seemed to relax a lot.

"But, sir, I still want to continue investigating, what the **** are ... the monsters? I'm scared, and I always feel that if I let it go like this, it will cause more terrible things ..."

"It's okay, wrap it on me and I'll go find someone to investigate."

"Hey? Mr. Fan Haixin, don't you plan to investigate by yourself?"

"I'm not good at investigating these messy things."

Founder spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders. He had no interest in being Conan.

"I will entrust the professionals to take charge. Don't worry, if there are any results, I will inform you."

"That's good ...... that, this is my phone, please, if you find anything, please contact me."

"no problem."

"As for the cost ..."

"By that time, let's talk about it. We are already acquaintances and won't pit you."

You do n’t have a lot of money, it ’s better to go to the Fed.

After entrusting the matter to Founder, Francis seemed to relax a lot and soon left. As for the box he brought, it was the jewelry of his great-grandmother, because it felt so disgusting that I didn't want to stay with me, so I just handed it over to the Founder and left.

"This is really interesting."

After Francis left, Founder opened the box and took out the contents to take a closer look. This small box contained four pieces of jewelry, namely bracelets, earrings, brooches and rings. As Francis said, each one It is beautifully carved artwork, and as Francis said, each piece is full of some kind of twisted malice.

The twisted ring looks like the tentacles of the octopus are entangled, and the gem looks like a living eye ... well, this thing really makes people have nightmares.

"How do you feel?"

Out of curiosity, Founder asked Nimfu and Ryoko Asakura, but ...

"Very strange jewelry."

"It looks very nice."

The two stared at the gesture in front of them, but did not give a particularly low evaluation.

"Don't think something is wrong or disgusting?"


They looked at each other, then shook their heads.

"Sorry, but it seems to me just ordinary jewelry, master."

"Information entanglement is very stable, and I don't feel anything abnormal, master."

The two responded in different ways.

Hmm ... is it related to their race?

After all, whether it is a omnipotent angel or a human-shaped interface, in the final analysis, it is a kind of machinery ... For them, this may be the same as the computer obtains image information through the camera, and it will not produce any special feelings.

"So master, how do we investigate next?"

"I don't plan to let you investigate."

However, Founder waved his hand.


"There is no internet in this world, Nimfu, you can hardly play a role in gathering information."

"I, I can go through the telephone line ..."

Speaking of this, Nimfu dropped her head helplessly. Indeed, in this relatively backward world, even satellites haven't appeared yet ... she took the head to collect information!

"Then please give it to me."

"No, I have a professional candidate, you can stay and take care of Nimfu."

Founder rejected Asakura Ryoko's request, and the ghost knew what her so-called "search" would look like.

"I'll go out now and trouble you to prepare dinner."

"No problem, master, what do you want to eat?"

"Whatever you want."

Asakura Ryoko's cooking skills are still very good. There are not many people who can cook good dishes around Fang Zheng. Not even five of them are counted as Asakura Ryoko. And it is impossible for anyone other than Xia Shi to cook three meals a day for 365 days.

In fact, Zuo Tian's workmanship is also good, but ... well, it's just good.

"Understand, then eat hot pot, I will prepare fresh ingredients."

Facing Asakura Ryoko's report, Founder waved his hand, then picked up the jewelry box and walked out of the door.

The city of Arkham is not large or small, but Founder has nothing to do with it all these days, but it's clear that the situation in the city is clear. Right now, the reason why he went out, as mentioned before, is that this matter is going to be left to professionals to handle.

What is a professional?

Detective, of course!

Different from the cottage office of Maori Kogoro, the detective office in front of him is the one often seen in old movies. The old folding curtains cover the glass, and you can see the brightness in the room. At the table, a man in a Western costume was sitting there snoring.

Hmm ... it doesn't feel the same as Sherlock Holmes, but forget it.

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng reached out and knocked knocking on the door, and then saw the detective snoozing inside suddenly startled, then woke up hurriedly, patted his face hard, and then looked towards the door.

"Come in."

"Excuse me."

Founder opened the door and walked into the room.

"Excuse me, this is Valentine's Detective Office, right?"

"Yes, I am Nick Valentine."

The man in front of him smiled, stood up, and the other side was making a gesture.

"Sit down, would you like a whisky?"

"No, I don't drink."

"Oh, are you a Puritan?"

"No, I don't believe in religion, I just think drinking is bad for my health."

"That's a pity. Drinking is a great joy in life."

Detective Valentine picked up the bottle, poured a glass of wine into his glass, and drank it.

"So, this gentleman, what are you doing?"

"Well, I have a commission."

Founder reached out and took a piece of jewelry from his arms and put it in front of Valentine. Seeing this jewelry, Valentine narrowed his eyes.

"this is……………?"

"It's interesting, isn't it?"

"It's really fun, and ......... Sorry, I think it's a bit overkill."

Valentine narrowed his eyes and stared at the brooch—unlike the ring, the engraved brooch was a weird monster with an octopus head. It looked like it was kneeling on the toilet, The orbital part is also carved with exquisite patterns. But I don't know why, Detective Valentine felt nauseous and even nauseated when he saw this.

"Well, I think so too."

Founder took a handkerchief and put it on the brooch. Detective Valentine was relieved after he didn't need to see the brooch. Then he picked up the wine glass and took another sip of wine. Finally he didn't know where it came from Anxiety dissipated.

"So, this gentleman? You want me ..."

"In fact, these pieces of jewelry were given to me by my client and let me help him with some things."

"Your client? Are you also a detective?"

"No, I'm a mercenary."

"Mercenary ..."

Faced with this unexpected answer, Valentine looked a little surprised.

"Simply put, combat is my business, but investigation is not, so I'll come to you, Mr. Nick Valentine."

"So, what do you want me to investigate?"

"As for the pattern of that brooch, I can tell you that the pattern on this brooch comes from an evil sect, and my client is pursuing this sect, but as I said before, I am a mercenary, but Not a detective. It is my job to fight directly, but by contrast, it makes my investigation a bit more difficult. "

Founder reluctantly spread his hands. The world's information offset caused Founder a headache, and the results given in the obituary are all garbled ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ useless at all. And the spells of the prophecy system can't be used at all, so helplessly, the founder had to use this method.

"So, I hope you can look for clues about this cult and their location, etc., but I want to remind in advance that this is very dangerous work."

As he said, the Founder reached into his arms, and took out a stack of Franklin.

"I can pay you enough money, but you don't need to take risks. You just need to have enough information and give it to me."

"It sounds easy."

"It's really easy, if you're not afraid of death."


Hearing Founder's answer, Valentine was silent for a moment, then he stood up and stretched out his hand towards Founder.

"So, I took this commission."

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