Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1900: Old man (why am I too lazy to cook?)

When the Founder and others arrived, the entire camp was completely finished. The storm tore the wind walls and tents they had built. Only a few of the tents were intact, and the three drillings that had been erected had collapsed. But this is not the point, the point is the corpses.

Professor Lake's expedition brought more than a dozen people and eight sled dogs, but now only human and sled dog bodies are in the entire camp, and they are not frozen to death. On the contrary, both humans and dogs are twisted by portraits. The towel was twisted and shattered and turned into a terrible corpse.

The scene at the scene was so horrifying that many people stayed awake for a long time without returning to their minds, while Founder coughed slightly at this time.

"I'm sorry, I think ... ... buried these people first?"

"Ah, yes ..."

Hearing Founder's suggestion, Professor Mack, headed by this, came back to his head. He still looked at the camp with a restless look, then nodded.

"Let's clean up first, let the dead rest, and ... find out the current situation and supplies in the camp ..."


Professor Mike himself was weak and weak. It sounded like an actor was stiffly backing lines, and the others around him didn't say anything, and quietly dispersed to do their own things. Everyone didn't talk, the whole camp was dead, only the sound of whistling wind passed, as if there were no one at all.

Fang Zheng had nothing to do and went to the mound not far away. Then he picked up a shovel and dug up the mound. Soon, strange creatures appeared in front of him.

This is obviously the great discovery that Professor Lake said in the previous telegram. If it is to be described by Founder, then it should be conceivable to put a huge starfish in the mouth of a vase made of flesh and then install it at the end of the starfish's tentacles. With five eyes, the octopus-like tentacles were tightly attached to the bottle of "Vase", and a round mouth full of sharp teeth was plugged in the middle of the pentagram's head.

On the side of the "Vase", there are a pair of wings.

In simple terms, this is like a hybrid of animals and plants. They were placed in an upright form, apparently buried ... but who was buried ...


Looking at the monster in front of him, Fang Zheng frowned.

"Yes, master."

"Record biological signals, conduct a comprehensive search, find out those fish that missed the net, and kill them. Ryoko, you go with her."


Upon hearing Fang Zheng's order, Asakura Ryoko also smiled slightly, and then turned away with Nimfu, while Fang Zheng stood there, holding a shovel, and squinting his eyes at these dead creatures.

He knew what it was, and in the memory he absorbed after killing Cthulhu, Founder had seen this creature.


They were the first creatures to come to earth, and it can even be said that they were the first masters of the earth. They control the earth, build, develop, and grow here.

Until Cthulhu leads the relatives of the stars.

There was a battle between the two sides-well, as far as the Founder is concerned, this is nothing more than a weak chicken fight between two ordinary alien races. All in all, the final result is that no one can do anything. After the stalemate, the two sides shake hands and make peace. Cthulhu ran to the Pacific with the family of the stars, and the ancients retreated to Antarctica.

The Antarctic at that time was not like it is now, but the weather was pleasant and the seasons were like spring. However, the ancients obviously did not think that there was an ice age on the earth. When the wind is cold, the temperature is lowered, and everything is frozen in ice At that time, the ancients also tried to leave, but ... a funny thing happened.

At the beginning, the ancients, like Cthulhu, were the masters who could physically break through the atmosphere and fly around the universe. However, in the hundreds of millions of years of corrupt life on earth, their ability to interstellar flight has been greatly degraded. When the ancients found that the situation was wrong and wanted to slip, they found that they couldn't even get out of the earth's gravity circle!

In the end, the ancients were completely desperate during the Ice Age.

This is the first time since the genocide caused by delicious laziness.

Having said that, he is obviously the master who can physically break through the atmosphere and interstellar flight, and will actually curl up living in a house full of contented homes on the earth, and he really does not understand the thoughts of these ancient people.

After all, races are different, which is normal.

In fact, even if you don't have to look around, Founder can guess what happened here. Those ancients have been hibernating since they encountered the ice age underground. Since their bodies can guarantee the interstellar travel of these ancient creatures, they are naturally very strong, and even if they are degraded, they are not able to freeze to death in the severe winter.

However, the ancients in the hibernation period were dug up by Professor Lake's expedition, and then they must have been thawed by any method-well, all in all, those who did not die must have survived, and then carried out the entire camp A massacre.

This is also normal. If Fang Zheng sleeps for 8,000 years, he looks at a group of frogs with a scalpel around him with one eye, then he will certainly not be polite.

After all, to the ancients, what a human being is, they have never seen it before. When they live, humans are afraid that they are not even apes.

However, although the old people's experience deserves sympathy, Founder does not intend to let them go. After all, the age of the ancients has long since ended, and now it is the age of mankind. And when these ancients wake up, they will definitely not continue to find a place to squat, but will try to wake up their fellow citizens, and then come back to regain the old soil or something ... The ancients will definitely do it.

So in order to avoid this situation, the founder asked Nimfu to look for the few lost ancients, and then let Asakura Ryoko…… kill them.

"Mr. Fan Haixin."

At this moment, Professor Mike came over with a tired expression, and his face was a little sad and upset.

"Where's your assistant lady?"

"They have some personal issues to deal with ...... is it all right?"

"No, no ..."

Professor Mike shook his head, then touched his beard, and looked at the cave that had been dug up by Founder's feet. He looked at these monsters with a complex look, and did not speak for a long time.


After a while, Mike finally spoke.

"Everyone is panicked ... but we decided ... that we should first investigate what is going on, and another guy is missing. Maybe we can find him and get any clues and news from him ..."

"Don't you ever think about leaving?"

Fang Zheng couldn't help but ask, he really didn't understand why the scientists in each horror story looked like they didn't hit the south wall and didn't look back. Is this rundown camp, the bodies like torn towels, and being The dissected corpses are not enough to disappoint these mortals?

Fang Zheng is godless, but these people are just unarmed mortals. Where on earth do they have the courage?

"go away……………"

Professor Mike murmured to himself, then gave a sudden stun.

"No, you can't leave!"


"We have lost so much, but because of this, we found it, haven't we? What humans yearn for is unknown! What we find now, whether those specimens or these creatures, is enough to upend everything! Biology, geology, humans History, evolution, everything will be overthrown! "

Having said that, Professor Mike was already flushed.

"We can't end like this ... at least not now, at least ... at least I have to go to the place that Professor Lake said, and I have to see for myself what the place is, and then ..."


Hearing this, Founder shrugged silently.

There is no way it will rain and the woman will marry. He is going to die, let him go.

While thinking, Founder narrowed his eyes and began to look at the entire camp again. Soon, time began to look back in front of Founder's eyes. Everything that happened in the camp was also presented to him. He saw Professor Lake and his assistants. How excitedly excavated the ancients from the ancient rock formations, how to dissect them, and at that time, the ancients awakened, and they started to attack these "two-footed monsters" in horror. The human attack on their bodies Almost meaningless.

And they waved their tentacles, easily twisted off those people's necks, tore them to pieces, and then the ancients seemed to calm down, they began to explore around, looking through the entire camp, trying to find everything ...

"————— !!!!"

Suddenly, at this moment, Founder felt the sight.

That was the sight that came through time and space ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Just as Fang was observing the past, something was aware of it, and he was looking at him!

who is it? !!

Fang Zheng turned his head and looked in the direction of the line of sight, but he only saw in the high mountains and mountains, and at that time, a huge dark shadow appeared quietly.

It looks like a wolf, like a dog, and it seems to be a vague ghost. Its eyes are cold and gloomy, full of some unknown secret. It stared at the Founder, and the Founder stared at it. The two sides just stared at each other like this. At this moment, on the other side of time, in the depths of the Black Forest, the wolves and tigers and leopards face each other across a stream.

No one spoke, and no one spoke. They just stared at each other quietly. After a while, the shadow turned and disappeared into the darkness of the Sea of ​​Time.

At this time, Founder also looked back and looked back at the world.

But he knew it was not the end.

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