Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1908: Let's fix a fetters (it's dark until 7 o'clock)

Nayaratoph, even the Founder, knows its name. In the world of Cthulhu, Nayla Totip and Jug Sothos and Shab Nicholas are known as the three great gods second only to Asatos. He has countless looks and can change his own form freely. He is the messenger and spokesperson of foreign gods.

Moreover, as a foreign god, Nyalatotip is different from other foreign gods. He is full of great interest in human beings. It can even be said that in this world, Nyalatotip is the most consistent with the "devil". This description of the alien gods, seduces humans, deceives them, degenerates them, and destroys everything into despair with their own hands is the favorite scene of Nayla Totip.

And if it is said that Cthulhu, the old dominators like the ancients, and humans are more about fighting for territory, then Nayla Totip is obviously playing with humans.

Appearing in front of Fang's front is the best-known form of Nayla Tortip, who stands in the desert like a huge tall building, with several thick, creeping tentacles under his knees. Both arms are thin and slender, which should have been the skull. A long tentacle like an elephant's nose leads straight to the sky. It is a dark, **** mouth full of sharp teeth that extends from the skull to the neck, in a twisted and narrow darkness. , And you can hear the whispers implicit in it.

Founder did not return to the form of the black dragon again as he did against Cthulhu. Although Cthulhu was said to be the ruler of the old days, he was nothing more than an alien intelligent creature with special abilities at best. However, Nyalatotip is far more than Cthulhu, and it can even be said that as one of the three pillars of the Cthulhu universe, it is obviously not a big Ivan that can be sent home.

And seeing so many tentacles, Founder is also playing drums in his heart. If he changes back to the dragon, it will be even more troublesome if he is entangled by the other party ... After all, there is no way to use magic in this world. Yaratotip's role is also very limited, once it returns to its original shape, it will become the opponent's attack target.


"It's not only the storm that can knock down the tree!"

Founder turned around, and the next moment the flames burst over him, and soon, the silver-white Undead armor appeared on Fang Zheng's body, then he clenched the dark black sword and silver-white short sword, facing the eyes. Monster rushed over.

Just kidding, in the Black Soul world, in the face of the giant Youm, who was so much older than you, you have never counseled yourself, how could you be timid in front of this tentacle monster?

"Come, I'll give you a foot --- seal!"

Soon, the scorching desert and King City once again covered the original world, and the battle between Founder and Naialatop began.

"——————— !!!!!!"

The harsh screams were mixed with murky sounds. Soon, a head of monster emerged from the void, among which there were huge ground-drilling worms, flying monsters with pterosaur bodies and horse heads, and the most, It is a head that emerges from below the desert and can fly in the air. It has a translucent body, which resembles a leech-like creature. They wiggle their soft and numb scalp cilia, and their mouths cannot hold. Moving, he made some kind of sickening scream like flute.


"Do you think only you will be called a little brother ?!"

Fang Zheng snorted, stretched out his hand, and then saw a fat and fat Er Ha straight out of his shadow, and saw that the erection Er Ha rolled on the ground, and then stood up I got up, shook my body, and then opened my mouth --- at this moment, the unknown black mist sprayed out of Erha's mouth, and soon shrouded the fat body that looked a bit like a pig, spreading rapidly grow.

Then the black mist dispersed, and the great Lord of Tindarus reappeared.

"Woohoo ————— !!!!!!"

Msisha screamed, his wolf howled across time, and soon, a mist of mist around the sharp corners emerged from the air. Tindarus's hounds appeared one by one in accordance with the order of the lord. They stared fiercely. The prey in front of him immediately rushed towards the opponent under the leadership of Mishishha.

This is a war that crosses galaxies, dimensions, and time. A hunting dog from the Island of Time and a magic bird inhabiting fantasy dreams, and an alien worm.

Time, dreams, interstellar, and other fields that did not interfere with each other at this moment coincided, and a new spark broke out.

The Founder did not mean to be idle. At the same time that he summoned Msishar, he had jumped on the feet of Nyalatotip. After appearing in the original shape, Nyalatotip's feet Each of the tentacles is as thick as a giant tree, which is enough for Fang to stand on it.


"It's disgusting."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Fang Zheng also changed his face slightly, and it was not clear from a long distance, but after falling on the tentacles of Nayla Totip, Fang Zheng "observed" the body of the evil **** from a close distance. The surface of the tentacles is as soft and sticky as mud, and it is full of dancing, ciliate twigs. You can also see the tops of these twigs, opening and closing with mouths open, like hungry ghosts sticking out their tongues and licking them everywhere.

"Then start a large barbecue BBQ!"

Shouting, the Founder pierced the black sword into the ground under his backhand, and soon the flames spurted out, spreading in all directions.

However, Nyalatotip was not easy to mess with. When the flames burst and devoured, the founder felt the tentacles under his feet squirm, and then the limbs, which were originally tentacle-shaped, suddenly changed into a large pool of soft mud. From all sides as if to wrap up the Founder, trying to swallow it up completely.

At the same time, the burning flame on the side of the Founder quickly extinguished.

Is it really not that easy?

Founder can clearly feel that Nyalatotip did not extinguish his initial fire. Instead, it used some method to connect his body with another dimension, resulting in Founder's initial fire being directly Guided to other space planes, so it disappeared.

It's really troublesome. If I can use magic, I can solve the problem with a space-time anchor!

After discovering this, Founder became more cautious. In fact, no one was able to do so in the past, but as a mage, the Founder must put the space-time anchor before each battle is a basic operation. It will not give you the ability to travel and manipulate the space. Opportunity.

However, in this world, due to the deviation of information, the founder's magical methods have been abolished, causing Fang to be a little bit big when he is facing an external **** such as Naialatop.

But fortunately, it was a preview.

Although he was a little nervous, Founder wasn't very worried. Although Nyalatotip was one of the three pillars, it was mainly known for its variability. It was Juge Sotos who truly grasped the existence of time and space. Now that there is no way to use the Anchor of Time and Space, if the Founder wants to be rigid with Jugsottos, he will have to face greater troubles than Naialatop.

So fight against this tentacle monster first, or explore the truth!


Even if there is no way to burn you directly with a fire, I am not the first time to hit a monster of this level!

Founder jumped up and avoided the twisted slime, but the slime didn't end there. They flew out of the air and immediately condensed into a ball, and "split" several tentacles towards the founder. Entangled over. At the same time, Nyalatotip raised his right hand and took a picture of the Founder in the air.

The loss did not change back to the dragon.

Seeing this scene, Founder was also secretly shocked. He knew Naialatoph's name and its ability to "change", but Founder didn't know much about it. Now it seems that this guy is really difficult. To deal with it, if you change back to the dragon yourself, if the other party is capable of dealing with your own initial fire, you can just hug yourself directly --- then you are finished.

Founder has never been good at melee combat in the form of dragons, and he doesn't like to bite with his mouth. It's not as good as it is now!

It's not impossible to fight!

Thinking of this, Founder first waved a sword and cut off all the tentacles close to him, but in the face of the big hand waved by Nyaratoph, his eyes brightened, and then only founder raised his hands, the dark sword The silver and white dagger disappeared instantly, then the two scimitars emerged out of nowhere, spun up and flew into the sky, pierced Nairattorp's arm, and then Fang Zheng pulled it with his hand, and the whole person leapt high. He rushed forward with the palm of Nyalatotip, then he shook off the chain in his hand, and clenched the dark sword to the top!


The black sword that was burning with flames penetrated Naiaratoph's arm like a sharp thorn, and the severe pain made the giant monster roar and scream, and his body shook back. The unrelenting sword of Founder directly penetrated Nayalatotip's palm from the middle ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ torn into two halves, and the raging flames burned in it for a moment, then slowly dispersed go with.


At the same time, Founder once again grabbed the floating chain, and the whole person floated in the air and landed on the other arm.

"I didn't expect that these two knives were actually quite useful."

But ... it is really troublesome.

Looking at Nairatotope's right hand that had been healed, Founder frowned. The simple initial fire was not powerful enough, physical attacks were useless, and magic could not be used ...

no solution anymore.

Thinking of this, Founder opened the inventory and glanced quickly.

"Everyone is a civilized person. Let's use technology to solve the problem."

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