Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1916: Girl in white (damn mosquito actually dangles in front of me)

In the large affiliated hospital of T, there is such a strange talk. Many hospitalized patients say that sometimes they wake up occasionally at night and they see a terrible monster standing in front of their bed and staring at themselves. No one knows what that monster is, they can't even use words to describe the horror of that monster, they only know that it is definitely not something that should exist in this world.

But no one knows what it is, this is just what is kept as a strange talk in the hospital.

However, in the hospital at night, only darkness and silence remained.

"Click, click."

The flashlight flashed through the dim corridor, and the nurse in white looked closely at each ward, then turned to leave. As the nurse turned around and left, a dark shadow emerged from the corner silently. It looked around with a probe and then quietly climbed the ceiling to try to open the closed vent.

But at the moment when the shadow came into contact with the ventilation holes, a series of flashes suddenly appeared, and the shadow suddenly receded back-unfortunately it was too late. At this moment, the entire corridor seemed to lose its color, Completely turned into a closed space. The dark shadow realized that the situation was not good, and turned his head to want to return all the way. However, the moment he turned his head, he was surprised to find that the passage behind it had become a wall.

"It's really like the owner said, really there are little mice running around the hospital."

Asakura Ryoko's voice emerged from behind the black shadow, and under the light of the green light of the emergency exit, I saw Asakura Ryoko wearing a nurse's uniform smilingly came over, she was shaking the saber in her hand and squinting her eyes , Up and down, looked at the shadow in front of me. The shadow at this moment shivered and curled into a ball, hiding in the corner.

Although it does not know the identity of Asakura Ryoko, it obviously can feel that the girl in front of her is definitely not a messy guy.

"Master, what do you do with it? Would you like a barbecue?"

Asakura Ryoko glanced at the black shadow, then turned his head to look behind him, and then, he saw that the Founder in a white coat slowly came out from behind Asakura Ryoko. He narrowed his eyes and stared at the dark shadow in front of him. , And then snapped his fingers. Soon, a flare of light emerged from the square fingertips, illuminating the dark shadow in front of him, showing its true colors.

It was a mass of creeping meat.

It is wrapped in a transparent film, and inside it looks like a creeping, pork-like substance. Through the film, you can even clearly see the white fat and muscle texture inside. A round mouth protruded from it with sharp teeth, and under the soft meat like snails around, you can see that the corners slowly extended and turned into strips of tentacles spreading out in all directions.

No matter how you look at it, this is a terrible monster.

However, Founder also saw another image of it.

It was a young girl with long black hair and fair skin in a white dress. At this moment, she was trembling and curled up in the corner, staring uneasily at Fangzheng and Ryoko Asakura.


Looking at this scene in front of him, Fang Zheng also frowned and began to think.

Of course, he knew the girl in front of him—or who the meat was, and the famous Shaye was also a clear stream of the Japanese Cthulhu. The roommate shouted “Shaye my wife” at that time, and Founder naturally knew her existence .

She is the supreme mother goddess of one of the three pillar gods, the son of Shab Nicholas, Professor Aya Yayan, using the key of silver to open the door of the dimension, thus calling it to this world.

Of course, in fact, it was Nicholas who noticed that an idiot was dying, so he simply gave away one of his dependents.

Shab Nicholas has a strong reproductive power that transcends everything. In fact, it is said that all the old dominators including Cthulhu are all born of her. And her son-in-law also inherited this ability. According to the truth, Saya should also be eager to breed like her mother, and then transform the world and transform it into her world.

However, Saya has changed because she has acquired human knowledge. She has acquired human knowledge and at the same time acquired human weaknesses. She has transformed from a simple tool into a self-conscious soul.

After that, in order to prevent Saya from being discovered, Professor Ao Yayan chose to commit suicide, and he expected Saya to change the whole new world. For Saya, however, this is not the case.

At present, Saya didn't know that the person she called "dad" was dead, so she came to the place where Professor Aiya Yan worked before his life to find his trace, and it was here that Saya met a person And started a whole new life.

If Saya is a monster that fully obeys his instinct, then Founder will kill her without hesitation, just like those Goblin cubs, but in fact, Saya is not the same in the game that Founder played.

In fact, Saya did lack human morality, good and evil, which is also normal, after all, she is not human. In the game, there are two routes. Saya will ask Yu Ji if he needs to help him return to his original state.

If Yu Ji chooses the original world, then Saya will heal him, then choose to leave silently, and continue to find his father who has nowhere to go. And if Yu Ji chooses to abandon the original world and stay with Saya forever, then Saya will start the model of the Sabu Nicholas family and completely transform the entire world into a world suitable for her and Yu Ji.

Of course, because of the founder's existence, this love relationship between humans and foreign gods will naturally not exist, but ...

"What is your name?"

Fang Zhengzai carefully examined the piece of meat in front of him and asked. The piece of meat was stunned, then twisted up like Slime.

"Aren't you afraid of me?"

"I think you are scared of us."

Founder slammed his fingers, and the flame at the tip of his finger became brighter, but when he felt the flame, the flesh flickered again and shivered. Although it doesn't know what it is, it can instinctively feel the power contained in the initial fire.

Seeing this, Founder lowered his hand.

"follow me."

After saying this, he turned around and left, and Asakura Ryoko followed behind him. Soon, the locked information space quickly disappeared and changed back to the original corridor again.

Seeing the figure where Fang Zheng and Asakura Ryoko left, the piece of meat was obviously hesitant. He turned his head and looked at this side, then at that side. In the end, the piece of meat slid into a vent hole next to it like a puddle of viscous emulsion and disappeared.

"Master, it doesn't seem to follow."

Walking behind Fang Zheng, Asakura Ryoko blinked and smiled, while Fang Zheng shrugged without saying a word. He just came to the parking lot behind the hospital, opened the door and sat up. Asakura Ryoko quickly sat in the co-pilot position, and after a while, both felt the car sink slightly, as if there was Something appeared in it in general.

"Let's go."

Founder drove the car across the road in a galloping manner, advancing in the darkness, and when he finally stopped with one foot brake, the next moment the car suddenly shook, and then Founder and Asakura Ryoko saw the mass of meat It almost rolled out of the trunk of the car, and crawled up to the grass next to it. Opening your mouth was a Ural ...

No kidding, my car skills are so good? Even the relatives of foreign gods are on their knees?

Fang Zheng couldn't help but stare as he saw the paralysis on the ground and the trembling meat mass.

I didn't expect to have such extraordinary driving skills ...

"Ryoko, bring it in."

"Okay, master."

Asakura Ryoko apparently didn't care, she came to the fragile piece of meat, picked it up, and walked into the porch like this, soon ...

"Wangwangwang !!!"

A series of irritated dog barks sounded, and at the same time, another scream mixed with panic, which did not seem like human beings should have.

Oh, by the way, forget that Er Ha is still there.

Fang Zheng patted his head and walked into the room, where he saw Erha in the porch staring fiercely at Asakura Ryoko, exposing sharp canine teeth. The mass of meat held by Ryoko Asakura was wrapped tightly around her arm, shaking steadily.

Hmm ... seems to be subtle and cute?

"Well, Er Ha, you can't eat this."

Fang Zheng slaps on Er Ha's head, Er Ha also sighs, shakes his tail and turns away, and until this time, the mass of meat gradually relaxed like a sigh of relief.

"Well, go to Nimf ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and pack it up and see it before coming out."


After listening to Founder's order, Asakura Ryoko also grabbed the meat and went up to the second floor. Founder went to the refrigerator in the living room and opened a bottle of drink. He took a few sips and drank the rest. Staying in Er's mouth beside him, at the same time he turned on the TV and looked at the boring news in front of him.

At the same time, on the second floor, various strange sounds such as "squeak and squeak", "Ura-Ula", "bang-pong-pong" and "咚咚 锵锵" were uploaded, and Fang Zheng just didn't hear it.

Fortunately, for the sake of insurance, he purchased a remotely located bungalow, otherwise the sound would be enough to let the neighbors around him report the alarm.

I don't know how long it took before the sound disappeared.

After another moment, a strange, timid voice sounded in Fangzheng's ear.

"Excuse me, please ... can this be all right?"

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