Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2005: Grandpa! (In this weather, the air conditioner is not hot, but it is cold)

Along with the roaring noise, the horse thief rushed up the hillside with a drink, but suddenly turned the horse upside down, and many people were killed by the tripping ropes and traps. Seeing this scene, the warriors who died on the hill cheered and shouted. But the horse thieves weren't so annoying, they immediately lit the torches, and then the horn sounded, and all the thieves turned over and dismounted, holding long contradictory cards and moving forward. The horse thief in the rear is constantly shooting arrows to cover the companions in front.

Looking at the scene in front of him, one of the people on the hill was silent for a moment, then immediately roared.

"Rolling stones !!"

With his order, dozens of huge stones immediately rolled down from the hillside, directly hitting the opponent's shield formation, and immediately the person who smashed it turned over the horse. Then the hidden caravan samurai also appeared immediately, another round of volleys at the other side, and more than 200 people were killed and injured in an instant.

This made the gray-bearded violent jump, and the caravan samurai was cheering, but the horse thief was a bloodthirsty bandit, and immediately withdrew to start the third round of attack.

Seeing this, the leading samurai in the caravan also frowned. The opponent had 800 horse thieves. There are only 50 or 60 people on his side. It is a fluke to achieve the current results. Next, we should consider how to escape.

However, just as the samurai planned to open his mouth to direct everyone to charge and escape the encircling net, suddenly, his ear caught a strange sound.

That is the sound of piano.

"Mmm ......... mum ........."

The melodious piano sound somehow sounded, quietly echoed on the grassland. This piano sound is not too loud, but it seems to have a magical power. Even if the horse thief and the samurai shout loudly, it cannot stop it from coming slowly. Soon, the horse thieves stopped and the warriors stopped drinking. The two sides seemed to have an inexplicable tacit understanding of each other, listening to the sound of the piano from an unknown source.

Subsequently, both sides changed their looks.

The samurai was overjoyed, and the horse thief looked like a monster, and his face was horrified.

"It's the magic sound, let's run !!"

I don't know who shouted it first, and then the horse thieves almost turned around and ran, but at this moment, the sound of the piano suddenly rose.

It seems that a large army is ambushing in all directions. If the tune just showed the heavyness and depression before the start of the war, then at this moment, the fierce and loud sound of the piano is that the army jumped up, yes Engage the enemy in a ruthless battle!

Under the passion of the piano, everyone seemed to see a scene of illusion. They saw a large army lurking in the grass, then jumped up and surrounded their enemies from all sides. The arrows shot, killing the sky. The enemy forces struggled to resist, but in the end they ended in fiasco ...

The song is over.

Grey Beard rode on the horse, wide-eyed, and looked at the grassland under the night with horror. Then, a breeze blew through, and then saw Grey Beard's burly body shaking twice, and then fell down from the horse.


The fall of the gray beard was like a beginning. I saw the enemies around him falling to the ground like the wheat being harvested. In a blink of an eye, the eight hundred horse thieves that had originally surrounded the entire hill had been completely wiped out. Only their horses remained in place, looking blankly around them, not knowing what happened.

"How is this going?"

On the side of the caravan samurai, the leading man was also dumbfounded, but another samurai beside him shouted excitedly.

"Fang Gongzi! Master!"

"Fang Gongzi?"

"Yeah, Founder Fang! It is rumored that he has been traveling all over the country to wipe out the thieves and horse thieves who are in trouble, but when the sound of his piano comes out, those thieves fall to the ground. Some people even said that he was born in heaven! , Did not expect it to be true! "

At this time, another older warrior was also very excited. Although they had the upper hand and injured three or four hundred people with gray beards before, everyone knew that it was just because of geographical advantages and traps. More than 800 people on the other side don't care about such trivial matters. Even if it breaks behind, I am afraid that many talents will be sacrificed.

And now these horse thieves are all so dead, can only say that the big rise in life is too exciting!


At this time, another samurai hurried out loudly, and then everyone saw a young man riding on the white deer appear in front of them under the moonlight.

Soon, a samurai stepped forward and asked with respectful clenched fists.

"How about Founder Fang?"

"it's me."

Hearing the other party's inquiry, Founder chuckled. People who grew up in this era like Founder almost all have a martial arts dream. Of course, everyone is different when it comes to weapons and martial arts. For example, some people like Tai Chi, some people like Golden Snake Swords, and some people like hidden weapons.

And Founder's favorite is the six-finger piano.

After all, Qin Yin killed the enemy, but he turned handsome!

So after Fang is coming to this era, he also used this as his goal and created his own sound killing technique. After all, he has knowledge beyond this era, and he has powerful enough power. As long as he adjusts his power into the sound wave, he can change the frequency, thereby causing damage to the enemy.

Of course, this technique can't skillfully distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, but as long as the range is controlled, it's almost the same.

"I came after these horse thieves, but did not expect to happen to meet, um ......... It seems that our luck with each other is pretty good."

"That was that, we were able to meet Master Fang, it was really a lucky three life ..."

"No need to talk."

Founder waved his hand.

"You can stop the 800 horse thieves with the strength of dozens of people, which is also rare."

"This is all credit to this grandfather!"

On the one side, I saw that the samurai pushed a sturdy young man out, and the other party looked at the Founder sitting on the white deer, and his expression was a bit cautious.

"In the next item Shaolong, I would like to thank Fang Gongzi for his salvation."

"Um ............ um?"

Hearing the name, Founder froze for a moment, then looked at the man in front of him again.

I rely on!

Xiang Shaolong? !

Patriarch's grandfather!

The first person to cross the Harem!

Fang Zheng didn't miss looking at Qin Ji at that time. He naturally remembered Xiang Shaolong most clearly. You know, this pioneer who started an era, I didn't expect to see him here ... I will stop here, Xiang Shaolong, but you are my idol, to sign a name.

"You don't need to be polite."

Thinking of this, Founder also chuckled, he was not interested in grabbing Xiang Shaolong's harem. In fact, Founder didn't even plan to find any women in this era. After learning that this was Xing Qin Ji, he was even less interested. But here is Zhao Guo, and this is Wu's team ... oh, that is, Xiang Shaolong didn't cross over long after.

At this time, another warrior stepped forward and exchanged a few words with Fang Zheng, and then invited him to Handan, for which Fang Zheng was naturally willing to promise. After changing other people's invitations, Founder was probably not interested. But this is Xiang Shaolong, the ancestor of the traverser, and Founder also wants to see this person's skill.

At the same time, Xiang Shaolong looked at Founder in a mixed mood. As Founder thought, Xiang Shaolong had just traveled to this world not long ago, and originally thought that relying on his own strength and experience as a special force was enough to break out of this world. However ... what the **** is this! ?

Qin Yin kills the enemy, is this a martial art novel? !

If it were n’t for Xiang Shaolong ’s own eyes, he could hardly believe that there was such a marvelous martial art in this world. What made him feel even more incredible was that the young man named Fang Zheng just whistled softly and saw that the horse horses of the horse thieves, who were scattered all over the grassland, immediately ran and obediently followed him ... The scene not only surprised the warriors, but also made Xiang Shaolong's eyes widen.

Could it be that those in the martial arts novels are not made up blindly? There are such strange things in ancient times? !

If this era is all such people, can they still be mixed up?

At this moment, Xiang Shaolong was deeply worried about his future.

After that, everyone immediately joined forces with Tao Fang's caravan, and after learning the cause and effect of the incident, Tao Fang was also very grateful to the other party. Of course, Tao Fang was not stingy about Xiang Shaolong. After all, it was Xiang Shaolong who led the warrior to buy time for Tao Fang's caravan. Tao Fang also looked at Xiang Shaolong's heroic spirit, saying that he would definitely invite him for rewards after returning home.

Naturally, I am very grateful to this Shaolong, but after three rounds of drinking, he could not help but open his heart to Tao Fang to express his doubts.

"Master Tao, that Fang Gongzi can kill enemies with piano sounds, and can control the war horses at will. Could there be many such strange things?"

"How can this be?"

Hearing Xiang Shaolong's question ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Tao Fang laughed.

"Although I do walk around the country, I can hear a lot of bizarre rumors at any time, but most of them are exaggerated and can't stand the scrutiny. But this Fang Gongzi is not a rumor, he is a horse thief who kills with one person The bandits fled the wind, but this is a real achievement. It is said that the kings of the Six Kingdoms once sent someone to recruit this son, but the other party almost refused. Of course, there are also rumors that this son is born. I do n’t think it makes sense ... "

"This ..."

Hearing this, Xiang Shaolong was somewhat relieved. If the world is full of martial arts like Founder, then he is still a ghost, and he goes directly to Sanglin Village and the beautiful silkworm motherland for retirement.

But as soon as he relaxed, another thought came to Xiang Shaolong's heart.

You know, Xiang Shaolong is also a modern man. He has also read martial arts novels. Well, generally speaking, when encountering such an invincible master at this time ... Should n’t I go to a teacher? !

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