Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2010: Xiaoyao Palace (I only want to sleep and play games every day!)

After changing other women, Founder definitely thinks that this is the excuse to stay and enjoy for the night, but Ji everyone is not a loss, everyone is really planning to talk to him by himself ...

You see, all the candles are set!

"Fang Gongzi's idea is very peculiar, talking about things that Yan Ran never thought of ..."

"It's simple, as long as you look at it from another angle."

Fang Zhengda didn't particularly want to have something to do with Ji Yanran. Originally, it would be fine if the other party wanted to agree with each other, but if she planned to have a spiritual exchange, Fang Zheng didn't care.

After changing other people, Founder might care a little bit, but although this character Ji Yanran is regarded as the number one heroine in the Qin Qin Ji, in fact, she is only a trivial little person in the entire history, even if Founder said to her, she There is no way to change history.

So Fang Zheng does not care about talking to someone.

"Look at the problem from another angle?"

"Yes, just like cats and mice."

Founder took a sip of wine and smiled at Ji Yanran.

"Look, from our human point of view, cats catching mice are justified and do good things, because rats steal food, harm crops, and spread diseases, which is basically equal to the source of all evil, so from a human perspective If that ’s the case, it ’s better that the rats die all. ”

"It's true ...... then is there any problem?"

Ji Yanran also had a pair of big eyes open at this time, full of desire for knowledge. Looking at Founder, it was like a child, learning knowledge hungrily.

"Of course not, but what I said just now is from a human point of view. Let's change the angle. If we are cats? Cats don't care what humans do for food, nor do they care about human diseases. For them , Catching mice is an entertainment activity, which is quite fun. "

Speaking here, Founder chuckled and spread his hands.

"So what about mice? For mice, they must not be able to understand the human effort to grow crops. They just instinctively search for food to eat. How much effort do you humans spend to grow crops? There is nothing for mice. Meaningful. What people care about is just to proliferate and survive. "

"So ... listen to Fang Gongzi's words ... None of the three parties seem to be wrong?"


Founder shook his head.

"Ji everyone, please remember, there is nothing totally evil in this world, every species is looking at the problem from its own stand. For example, people open mountains to open up wasteland and plant crops. Naturally, they will be infested in forests. The beasts are terrified, but for the forest beasts, they live here for generations, and now a group of bipeds are suddenly coming to occupy their territory. Are they also entitled to fight back? "

"Poof ..."

Hearing this, Ji Yanran couldn't help but smile.

"Two-legged beast ... Fang Gongzi's metaphor is really interesting."

"Is not it?"

Founder shrugged his shoulders.

"We humans think we have seven emotions and six desires, far exceeding the flow of beasts, but in the eyes of jackals, tigers and leopards, we are nothing more than hairless apes and monkeys. What is weird?"

In the face of Founder ’s bizarre comments, Ji Yanran ’s expression was a little bit crying and laughing, she was also a beauty, and she was said to be a hairless monkey ... this was the first time.

"Listening to Fang Gongzi, is Fang Gongzi a Taoist believer?"

"I am not a believer in a certain family."

Founder shook his head.

"The folks have a good saying, no matter whether it is a black cat or a white cat, it is a good cat to be able to catch a mouse. Similarly, no matter what kind of thinking, whether it is Taoism, Confucianism, Law and Ink, as long as the country can be prosperous and prosperous, the people can live and work in peace Yes. Conversely, if you ca n’t do it, it does n’t make any sense to let the smallpox fall on your lips. "

Hearing this, Ji Yanran's beautiful eyes flashed a few times, then lowered his head to sigh.

"It is so, but in any case, we cannot know whether these ideas are really reasonable."

"At this time, an experiment is needed."



Founder nodded. For the ancients, perhaps this is indeed a big problem, but for the modern people, this problem is not difficult to solve.

"As Ji everyone said, we cannot confirm which method is really good for the country and the people, but this is not difficult to see the result. We can first implement a New Deal on the basis of one county and one county. Promote it if it ’s good, or cancel it if it ’s not good. In this way, even if reforms are carried out, it wo n’t shake the country ’s capital, and you can see the problem. ”

"Fang Gongzi is really a wizard of the world."

At this moment, Ji Yanran looked at Founder's eyes again, and then looked down.

"If Fang Gongzi is willing to assist the monarch, the situation of the world's melee will surely end, why is Fang Gongzi not willing to intervene?"

"Because someone has intervened, I am lazy by nature, and since someone has already done it, then naturally I am too lazy to do more."

What Founder said was naturally Xiang Shaolong. During this time he wandered around and heard a little about Xiang Shaolong. After all, in ancient times, communication was underdeveloped, and the information lag was too strong. But even so, Founder has learned that Xiang Shaolong is famous in Zhao Guo, and it seems that history is still developing in the original direction.

Although Ji Yanran was quite concerned about this, but Founder was obviously too lazy to talk, the two sides quickly skipped this topic, and then, Ji Yanran became interested in another matter.

"I heard Mr. Ba said that Mr. Fang built a school in the mountains, dedicated to teaching knowledge-giving culture? If I don't dislike it, can Yan Ran also go together?"

"Of course there is no problem. Everyone Ji has such a good taste. Of course, Fang Mou is welcome."

For the request made by Ji Yanran, Founder naturally nodded and agreed, after all — can one deceive one more one?

So after the two sides agreed on the time, Fangzheng left the next morning, and by the way, afterwards, Baba found Fangzheng again, saying that after the banquet, Xinling sent someone to find himself and expressed his willingness to help him publish the Pythagorean stock Illustration.

In this regard, Founder also smiled inwardly. It seems that this Xinling Jun is also interesting. He actually planned to use the publisher's method to hug his history. However, this is not bad. Although Ba Chip is also considered to be a famous family, after all, the family background is ordinary, not as powerful as Xinling Jun, and in order to complete the task of binding himself and Ba Chip together for a long time, it is inevitable We will vigorously promote this "Pythagoras Illustration", which is much faster than Pakistan's home sales promotion, and it is no harm to Founder himself.

Therefore, power and learning are not naturally antagonistic, and people in the world are either asking for money or asking for names. As long as the appropriate bait is given, the rest is obviously not a problem.

After a few days, Ji Yanran finished dealing with the matter at hand and founder, and then everyone left Daliang together and went to the "school" that Founder said.

The location chosen by Founder is on the Qin side of the border between Qin and Zhao. On the one hand, Qin is the ultimate winner after all. It is obviously easier here. On the other hand, it is also easy for Fangzheng to achieve the second purpose. Fangzheng has two main purposes in building this sect. One is Buddhism, and the other is the Huns.

Buddhism has no shadow yet, but the Huns are a real trouble. Whether it is the Qin State, Zhao State, or other dynasties in the future, it is politically correct. For Founder, this is equivalent to finding a place for his disciples to improve their experience.

At least upgrading is much easier than elsewhere.

As long as there is a Lao Tzu, you do n’t even think about the five chaos!

Under the leadership of Founder, the carriage gradually drove into a deep old forest. Looking around, you could see the fields and houses stacked one after another. The people passing by looked very peaceful and kind. This made Ji Yanran see This scene could not help feeling emotion.

"Yan Ran never thought that there is such a happy land in this bitter cold place on the border."

"There is no good place in this world."

However, Founder clearly had a different idea.

"Only when the country is prosperous and strong, and not afraid of invasion by foreign enemies, will residents be able to live and work in peace and contentment. However, long-term peace and tranquility will eventually lead to destruction. If we are not able to be alert to the movements of the outside world, there will be problems sooner or later. Here, the invasion of the Huns and The war between the two countries is also an issue that we need to care about all the time ... oh, it's here. "

As he said, Founder looked forward, and Ji Yanran looked out curiously, looking forward.

After seeing the scene in front of her, she suddenly widened her eyes in surprise.

I saw in front of me a huge cliff with a gap in the middle of the cliff as if split by a sword. According to Founder, this is the entrance. What is even more surprising is that two huge statues were erected on both sides of this line of sky. They are tens of meters high and built against the mountain.

Both statues are wearing armor, UU reading www.uukanshu.com holding a long sword, looks like a lifelike, like a giant guard. So much so that even Ji Yanran and Ba Chipo's eyes widened in surprise, looking at the scene before them, wondering if they were dreaming. At the same time, the carriage followed the crowd and slowly passed through the gate guarded by two giant stone statues and entered it.

And the scene inside is even more stunned.

I saw that in the valley, the pure white pavilions rose one after another, the trickle below flows into the pond, and the green grass and the distant sea of ​​flowers intersect each other. It makes people feel as if they have entered a paradise. Children in white robes can be seen everywhere. They are big and small, men and women, some people line up in a neat line on the playground, shouting and practicing boxing, swordsmanship, and others are in groups of three or five in the bridge or courtyard Reciting poetry and writing, some people splashed ink in the mountains and fields, looking like a bustling and peaceful beauty.

At the same time, the carriage finally stopped slowly.

"Okay, Grandpa, Ji everyone."

Founder smiled and made a gesture.

"Welcome to you ......... Xiaoyao Palace."

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