Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2021: Robbing? (I read a very interesting rebirth article)

The suddenly appearing White Deer also frightened the crowd, while Founder sat on the White Deer and silently swept around the villains around.

"Okay, stop here."

"What is your kid?"

Looking at the Founder riding on the white deer, one of these villains roared loudly.

"Have you ever heard of the reputation of our ten tigers in Xianyang? Kneeled down and knocked Lao Tzu three times, otherwise you will be beautiful!"

In the voice of the villain, several other people also picked up the poles and butcher knives and other objects placed beside them, and surrounded the Founder. And Founder just sat on the white deer, coldly looked at the gangsters, and said lightly.

"Either go or die, you choose."

"Woo ..."

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, the villains also changed their complexion, and their complexion changed a little bit, and in the end they still ... surrendered to their inner fears.

"Remember me!"

Throwing away a villainized line, these villains also directly throw away the things in their hands, turn around and run. They are not afraid of losing face, but losing their lives is another matter. Of course, if you dare to show your strength in Xianyang, the capital city of the Qin Kingdom, there must be some background, but you do n’t care if you are in the same place. But from a certain point of view, this kind of tyrannical hooligan can understand the atmosphere and proportions better than many martial arts. In the case of a martial aristocrat, even if he knew he was going to die, he would have to stand up and challenge him. However, these rogue bullies are exceptionally capable of flexing and extending. They are like jackals. It is not a problem to lose face and run away. Anyway, when they are gathered together, they can show off their power in front of other prey. Isn't this one?

Of course, Founder would not put these idiots in his eyes. He didn't even look at the rogue bullies, turned his head directly, and looked at the two people behind him. The two should be like husband and wife. It may seem that they came to Xianyang to do business, but in the present situation, they obviously can't stay in Xianyang.

Fang Zheng took out a string of silver and handed it to the other party.

"Go to a doctor to see the injury, then leave here."

The so-called Qianglong did not suppress the head snake and found the six kingdoms. It also understood this truth. It's nice to be a hero and a hero, but the problem is that the heroes come and go, but the snake will never move. Like this couple, they saved each other for a while, but they couldn't save the other. Once they leave, those rogue bullies will definitely come back to find the couple's grief, so in this case, Founder is basically the person who directly solves the problem. In this era, the traffic is not very developed, as long as the two people leave Xianyang, If you go to another place to live a stable life, then in general it will be fine.

Of course, if they have another accident in a new place ... they can only blame themselves for their bad lives.

At that moment, the man also stood up with the help of his wife, looked at the silver two handed over by Fang Zheng, and immediately quit.

"Regardless of the merits, the strong man has saved my life, how can he be gifted again?"

"Save people and save the end, I have already intervened, and I hope to have a good result. You should understand that this is not a place to stay. As long as you can do more good things in the future, even if I don't save you in vain."

Speaking here, Founder pondered for a while, and then found a brand.

"If you have nowhere to go, you can go north, go to the Longxing car shop in Yiqu, and find the Dong family to show him this thing."

The development of Xiaoyao Palace is also changing with each passing day. Many students choose their own future after "graduating" in Xiaoyao Palace. Go to another store to buy and sell.

In modern terms, Longxing Automobile Co., Ltd. is a large transportation company owned by Xiaoyao Palace, which is mainly responsible for transporting people between cities. After being out of the city in this era, it was basically wilderness and wilderness, and beast thieves were all threats. The rich can take care of themselves, but the poor can only take luck.

It was in this situation that Xiaoyao Palace launched the business of Longxing Automobile, and the guards were disciples from Xiaoyao Palace who learned martial arts. Because of the fair price, there was no such long-distance transportation in the past, but it was very fast. Then it became hot. It's just that he hasn't reached Xianyang yet.

Well, this is the prototype of the future game ...

"Thank you, Grandpa!"

At that moment, the little couple also hurriedly thanked, while Fang Zheng waved his hand, and then humming the song and riding the white deer to continue walking towards the market.

However, this time, Fang Zheng just walked through a street and saw the shouting in front of her eyes, and then saw a dozen young girls riding on horses and suddenly came over from behind, and then saw the headed girl whistling, and then the women suddenly Tuan Tuan surrounded the Founder.

Am I going? what's the situation?

Looking at this group of young girls riding horses of war, the founder was also shocked. He has been in the age of the Warring States for so long, and he already knows the atmosphere of this era. To put it simply, this era is not as conservative as in the costume dramas of later generations. It is even more unprecedented to take a hand, look at the face and take charge of things like marriage.

Of course, as the ancients said, Cang Lin actually knew the etiquette, clothing, food and clothing, and honor and disgrace. In the relatively wealthy Chu Kingdom and other places, there is still a somewhat conservative atmosphere, but it is nowhere else. However, in this era, it is very similar to the modern style. Not only can men and women have a good time before marriage, even women are much more active than later generations. The man who likes it will immediately send out an invitation, and if the other party agrees, it will be a hit.

At first, Founder was puzzled, but after connecting several times, he finally understood the reason. In this era, communication is inconvenient, and letters are affordable for wealthy people, so if men and women look right, they do n’t have time to talk and fall in love, so Ji Yanran, a person with money, leisure, and status can still There will be a blind date in a forum. Where do ordinary women have this condition?

What's more, the spouse selection in this era still retains the atmosphere of the primitive tribe era. Women tend to choose men from external conditions when they look at men. Unlike modern women, when you look at a man, you have to consider whether it is true love. At that time, more women only want to be able to give birth to a child who has the same excellent genes as the man he fancy.

To be honest, this era is indeed a paradise for powerful men. As long as you show your strength, there will be beautiful women who will automatically embrace you, and you will not need to be responsible afterwards, simply neat. It ’s not like the martial arts of later generations. If you look at your body and get in touch, you must get engaged and get married. Otherwise, it ’s broken. People are innocent and chasing. They have to seek death and live ... …… The reason why Founder did n’t shoot in the world of fairy swords is terrified. This is it.

But there is obviously no such concern in this world. In fact, in Xiaoyao Palace, besides Ji Yanran, there are often girls who come to find Founder to express their feelings. They do n’t even want to be able to marry Founder. They just want to be slaves and serve Founder ... Gee, for modern people, this is simply unimaginable. This kind of female whole-hearted reliance can make any man's masculinity completely burst. Thanks to the lack of time machine travel services in this world, otherwise men who come to the Warring States might have to wait in line to make reservations.

No wonder Xiang Shaolong can't move here when he comes here.

It's just that being surrounded by more than a dozen girls riding horses is still quite unexpected. How can the age of matriarchal society be over?

You have to say that it is normal for more than a dozen men to grab women like the bully just now. What the **** are these dozen girls who grab men?

Could it be that he went the wrong way and crossed into a copy of "Chastity Reversal World. MP4"?

Ok? If this is the case, it seems good?

Just when Founder was thinking wildly, I saw that the beautiful girl headed was sipping, and then she raised the whip on her hand, and just pumped it towards the Founder. And Founder raised his right hand and grabbed her whip with ease.

"What's the matter with this girl?"

Founder is not a fool, and at a glance, he saw that the girl did n’t come to trouble herself, but she was a bit sloppy ... well, in modern terms, it ’s arrogant.

"Sure enough."

Watching Fang Zheng take away his whip, the girl looked at him up and down, then exposed her little tiger teeth, and issued a series of light laughter.

"Come and follow the girl, let me see your sword skills."

"Sword skill?"

Looking at the girl in front of him, Founder chuckled, not knowing why, this girl reminded Founder of Shana, but the figure of the young girl was much better than Shana. Not only had a pair of long legs, but also a figure with a bumpy appearance, but the proud look of the whole person reminded Fang Zheng of the situation when he first saw Shana, who was so proud and proud at the time, and was beaten by herself. I ca n’t cry ...

"Did the girl see me bring a sword?"

After hearing Fang Zheng's words, the girls looked closely, only to find that Fang Zheng was wearing a blue shirt and did not carry a sword. Only a wooden box hung behind the white deer. The Qin state established the country with martial arts, and the folk culture most admired the brave people. The “poor scholars” like Founder are not popular in the Qin state.

"It doesn't look like you don't know how to do martial arts ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ However, the girl headed is obviously not so easy to fool. If it is a Confucian student with no power, she has been taken off by her whip, but Founder She easily grabbed her whip, and the girl tried to pull it secretly just now, but she didn't move at all. She was not a novice, and immediately knew that this man who seemed like he could not beat it was definitely a great character.

"I haven't said that I don't know how to do martial arts, but there are basically no people in the world who can make me do swords. If a girl wants me to do a sword, it depends on the girl's ability."

Speaking of this, Founder smiled inwardly. He didn't lie. There are very few people in the world who can let themselves make swords. But if the girl really wants this, Founder does n’t mind showing off her great sword, and in the three hundred rounds of his battle, he guarantees that he will lose his helmet and give up his armor.


Upon hearing Founder's words, the girl's eyes lit up.

"Come with me! Let me try your power!"

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