Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2039: Dingtian (The air in Xinjiang is really dry)

Chapter 2011 Dingtian (The air in Xinjiang is really dry)

Founder is now OTL.

After all, you see ...... when facing the sea, the flowers are warm in winter. From the magnificent mountains and rivers to the natural universe, how compelling is this.

But the other way around, you said ... Hey, I molested a little girl the other day and suddenly realized the truth of the universe ...

Could it be the way of the evil god?

Hey, I can only say that I was unlucky at first, and what is wrong is to make up the protagonist of a love world. After all, you see, the protagonists of the general love world are all because of the outbreak of love ... Forget it, this is not important, anyway, I finally got it done, at least so far, Founder has found a fusion order Chaos, thus the first step in control.

As for what to do next, I will continue to study slowly.

Let's take a look at Xiang Yu's situation.

For Xiang Yu, this war has become a nightmare.

The 400,000 army is very bold, but it is really going to collapse, it is really a defeat. In fact, the "air raid" carried out from the hot air balloon itself is not a big casualty. If everyone can calm down, it is not impossible to cope with it. However, with the sudden appearance of air strikes and the arrival of the "armored fighting vehicles" in the rear, the army was completely panicked. With the large number of soldiers running away, even if others wanted to reorganize the team, they were powerless.

Of course, Xiang Yu was also smart, and ordered the army to hide in the forest. However, Founder apparently did a good job of countermeasures long ago. A few fire bombs were thrown down, which directly caused the fire to burn the mountain, causing most of the army not to be killed by air raids and chariot drivers.

In addition, the biggest loss for Xiang Yu is the princes. You have to know that when you attacked the Hangu Pass before, for safety reasons, and there was no idea of ​​being prepared for air strikes, the commanders of the princes almost set up their camps at a high place behind the army. The result turned out to be a target for air raids. It can be said that the first wave of air raids was directed against those camps, so that the princes were killed by surprise when they were caught by surprise.

The headless dragons combined with the sudden air strikes, armored combat vehicles and fire attacks completely destroyed the 400,000 troops. Many soldiers directly chose to surrender, and nearly half of the rest were burned to death in the forest fire. It is utterly miserable to follow Xiang Yu's safe withdrawal from the battlefield.


Xiang Yu walked to the river, stretched his hand to wash his face with water, then raised his head and looked around. I saw that around him, the soldiers were already sleepy, and few people were able to stand on the ground intact. Most of the soldiers were on the ground at the moment, silent. Occasionally, the screams of wounded soldiers from a distance can be heard.

I really didn't expect that my own 400,000 people not only failed to capture the 40,000-man defense of Han Guguan, but also made this miserable picture by the other party.

Before this, Xiang Yu could say that he had never expected such a thing to happen, but now ...

At this moment, suddenly a hand holding a wine glass was handed to Xiang Yu.

"A bite?"

Hearing this sound, Xiang Yu froze for a moment. He took the wine glass, then turned his head to look around, and found Founder standing beside him, looking at him with a smile.

"Fang Gongzi ..."

"How are you feeling now? I have no words."

"Of course, Xiang Yu would like to thank Fang Gongzi for not killing him."

Although Xiang Yu sounded thankful, in fact it was obvious that he was very upset, and his voice was hard. But Founder didn't care about it. He just chuckled and sat on the stone beside him.

"Okay, tell me, after this war, do you have any ideas?"


Xiang Yu didn't speak, but sat on another stone beside Fangzheng, looking at the wine glass in his hand unclearly without saying a word.

"Don't you find it difficult to accept? Your outstanding military force is unparalleled in the world, but it was upset by a group of soldiers you don't even know the name of now. You haven't thought about it, the strength of those soldiers is not you Strong, not as fast as you, and not as strong as your martial arts and internal strength, but why are they able to rush you around? "

"Because ... those weird things."

"This is the power of wisdom."

Founder reached out and patted Xiang Yu's shoulder.

"Look, it's like the armor you are wearing and the weapons you use. These are also the powers of wisdom. Only when humans learn to iron and forge swords can they build this armor, and then they can cast extremely sharp and sharp iron. The sword. Otherwise, you are still like the old ancestors of the ancient times, wearing a fur and holding a stone axe to drink there, do you understand? "


Xiang Yu is not a fool, he does not understand the meaning of Founder, but he cannot accept this view.

"Of course, I am not saying that the role of personal force will be obliterated, but it will definitely be weakened. This is the trend and the trend ..."

Speaking here, Founder shrugged his shoulders. Although, as he said, this is a trend and trend, there are exceptions. For example, once you become a **** or an immortal and have extraordinary power, the power of the vulgar is naturally not a problem.

But it didn't seem to matter much to Xiang Yu.

"Furthermore, force can't solve everything, otherwise, so many military commanders will not be killed by the traitors on the court, okay ... I will give you one night to make it. Decide, I advise you not to drill the horns, which is not good for everyone. "

Hearing this, Xiang Yu didn't speak. Instead, he just lowered his head and looked at the wine glass in his hand. After a while, Xiang Yu, as determined, swallowed the wine in the glass, then turned his head to look around—and the stone there was empty, completely empty.

From this moment on, history has changed.

In the last time in history, Xiang Yu succumbed to Wujiang, but here, Xiang Yu only struggled for half a night, and sent a messenger to Hanguguan to surrender.

In fact, Xiang Yu was very entangled at first, but his wife Yu Ji enlightened him. After hearing Xiang Yu talk about the cause and effect of the matter, Yu Ji enlightened Xiang Yu. If the Fang Gongzi is really a fairy born into heaven, then losing to him would not be a shame, and even the fairy would have to come up with those fairy Only weapons made by means can fight you, which is enough to show your ability to be a general.

Hey, this makes Xiang Yu very happy. If you think about it carefully, if Fang is using his original means and soldiers to defeat himself, then it means that he is just a waste. But now, even if Founder said that he didn't do it himself, did he make those magical and weird weapons?

In other words, if the fairy does not use the weapons made by the Xianjia technology, he can't beat himself.

Well, with such a thought, Xiang Yu's thoughts were immediately accessible, and he had no idea. And he knows his family affairs and knows that Fang is a true fairy, so he lost to Fang Zheng, he is really a little unhappy ... Well, he was chased all the way with disgrace, there must be some unhappiness.

But under Yu Ji's consolation, there was nothing wrong with it.

With the surrender of Xiang Yu, Founder ’s team also became larger. He did not immediately claim to be an emperor, but surrounded the old six-state aristocracy all over the world—after all, history has proved that these old-state aristocracy are the roots of turmoil. They One day does not die, one day is trouble!

If Emperor Qin Shihuang was able to kill all the nobles of the old six nations, then the Chen Sheng Wu Guang uprising might really just be a failed peasant uprising, and the Qin dynasty would not be killed by the Second World.

Founder of course will not commit the mistake of Qin Shihuang.

To deal with these people, Founder will not be as polite as he is to deal with Xiang Yu, but he will also come to a "fair decisive battle" or something.

Due to Fangzheng ’s attitude towards the nobles of the old six countries, he did not receive the allegiance of the descendants of other countries like Liu Bang, but Fangzheng did not need it, because all he had to do was to completely eliminate the old aristocracy and then adopt a new system for reform.

And after a year, when Fangzheng wiped out all the noble forces of the old six countries, and successfully defeated the restoration of the six countries, he finally ascended the throne and became the emperor. In order to "respect history", Fangzheng also set the country name as in history. For the "Han", the emperor's court clothes and so on still follow the style of the Qin Dynasty. Abolition of the sub-enclosure system and the establishment of a unified centralization system.

I didn't expect that I would have this day.

Sitting on the throne, looking at the ministers below, listening to the orders and announcements of the servants in the ear, Founder also couldn't help but secretly sighed, although he had long thought that there would be such a day, but when he really sat in this position, Founder still feels a little weird,

You said I just started the game, why did I become the emperor?

However, just when Founder was thinking about it, suddenly, he felt his body shake. At the next moment, an incomparable hot breath emerged from the ground, blending with the Founder. At the same time, the world in Founder's eyes suddenly became black and white!

this is?

At this moment, Founder was surprised to find that his world began to change. The original hall and city were all blurred. Instead, there were countless air currents. He could clearly feel that the sky, the earth, Mountains, lakes, rivers, all the weather is becoming blurred, as if to be integrated ...

Could it be ......... Wait, this is wrong!

As a god, Founder soon understood what this meant. He had already defined the world in "reality", and now he has to redefine the "unreal" world! Just like Pangu is breaking new ground, it is necessary to define a new order in this chaos!

Wait, is n’t this the martial arts world? If you make it this way, you will become a fairy world, I say!

However, this is not the time when Fang is voicing his heart, because he can feel that the chaos is becoming more intense at the moment, as if it is a piece of data requesting approval. If you do n’t get it done quickly, it ’s impossible The system crashed!

Woo ......... Since it is ......... Yincaodifu rises!

As Fang Zhengyi turned his head, the original chaotic ground suddenly flashed, and then several dark cities rose to the ground. Those ghosts that were originally swept by the chaotic vortex gradually calmed down.

All creatures have spirits, have sentiments and have sex. The river returns to the river king, the sea returns to the dragon king, and the mountain returns to the mountain god.

The Land City God, who takes orders to listen to it, acts with virtue ...

At the moment, Fangzheng ca n’t take care of anything else. Right now he is designing a new “unrealistic” social system at the fastest speed. Fortunately, Fangzheng has also seen some fantasy novels such as Liao Zhai Zhi Yi Xi Ji Ji before. There are still some impressions of what the judge is, the city god, the land **** and the like ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At this time, I hurriedly ordered it. All in all, we must first rate this **** unrealistic field, and then say something else!

The time passed like this one minute and one second, I don't know how long it had passed. When the attendant announced the closure in the real world loudly, Founder sitting on the throne finally opened his eyes, sighed and wiped it in his heart. A cold sweat.

Although a little hasty, fortunately, the other world was finally settled down.

Of course, this is just a skeleton, as for the subtle parts, you will need to fill it in later ... but these are naturally not important.


Thinking of this, Founder couldn't help looking strange.

When I obviously came here, it should be just an ordinary world of martial arts history, why is it now biased towards the world of Xianxia?

Is it because of being the true **** and being the emperor?

(End of this chapter)

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