Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2046: The shadow is emerging (Cavan is the most painful)

Chapter 2018 The Shadow Appears (Cavan is the most painful)

"Your Excellency is the master who helped you before."

It doesn't seem to know how many years old the girl old lady stared at Founder and asked. And Founder smiled.

"It doesn't matter, what matters is what you said ... If you don't mind, can you tell me in detail?"

"Is it about the big guys being targeted by monsters?"

"Yes, this is also a very interesting thing for me. Tell me if you don't mind."


Perhaps it was that the form was not strong, the girl in front of him was silent for a moment, and then he said in that old-fashioned tone.

"Your Excellency is also an old life-saving benefactor. Since you are alive, there is nothing you can hide from your old age."

Speaking of this, a cold chill flashed in the girl's eyes.

"Your Excellency should have seen those guys who tried to expose me and other real bodies before."

"Of course, missionaries from outside, what's wrong with them?"

"They are not ordinary missionaries, but demon running dogs."

"Oh .........?"

Hearing this, Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes.

"Tell me in detail."

According to this "Tianshan Tongmu", this cult from the Western Regions has eaten up many countries. Originally, in their country and land, although the life between people and monsters was not harmonious, it was not particularly stressful. But one day, these preachers who carried the banner of "Sovereign Buddha" suddenly appeared and began to preach the doctrine and help the people there to expel monsters and demons.

At the beginning, these monsters simply regarded each other as a universal practitioner, but as a "grandmother in the mountains" who had not lived for many years and had opened their minds, they found that there were some problems hidden in them. . As an ancient monster born in Honghuang, she was keenly aware that what the monks said was "Vajra Mana" and other things were not normal. After an investigation, "Tianshan Tongmu" found that the so-called "boundless mana" used by these monks was in fact from the power of a big demon!


Hearing this, Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows.

"Do you mean that the gods and Buddhas called by the bald donkeys are actually monsters?"

"Yes, I have witnessed one of their so-called Buddha coming. When the big demon came, it was just illuminated by the spirit. The man who was still angry before suddenly started crying, and then confessed what he did. Then he expressed that he would escape into the empty gate for atonement ... Although the old body does not mean that human beings will not change, after all, the old body has also survived in this world for a long time, and the changeability of human beings has also looked much. But in any case, it will not take a moment. Just change it immediately. Although the monks said what kind of Buddha is it, in the eyes of the old man, it was just ......... "

"Brainwash ..."

Fang Zheng touched his chin and nodded. That's right. I didn't think much about it in the world of fairy swords before, but now I think about it carefully. Those so-called enlightened insights are completely brainwashing and mental manipulation.

"Moreover, the old man also discovered the conspiracy behind them. Has this lord ever heard those monks preach their dharma?"

"You mean rebirth reincarnation?"

"Yes, I have always been curious. Whether we are monsters or humans, our souls will return to heaven and earth after death. How can we say reincarnation? What is there to say about doing good deeds and repairing the afterlife? It is even more vague. Why is this If the demon wants to deceive mortals like this, it also really puzzles the old body. You should also know that our demon clan is born to eat heaven and earth, and the incense and the earth are harmful to us. We will never want such a thing. "

"I understand this."

Founder nodded, expressing approval. The monsters in this world are born after the spiritual wisdom has been opened, and they absorb the aura between heaven and earth instead of the incense in the world. The reason is very simple, the incense in the world is with human wish. After all, human beings usually ask God to worship Buddha when something is wrong. For example, they want to buy lottery tickets to make big money, and hope to be able to go to high school smoothly. These miscellaneous wishes are extremely poisonous for the demon race. Because the demon race is self-cultivation, once bewildered by the wishes of others like this, it will become a slave of human desire.

So the demon clan basically does not choose to deal with the human wish, even if it helps, it will also be shot without knowing the ghost. In any case, it will not give you the opportunity to incense it.

You incense it to the monster, it looks almost the same as killing it.

Therefore, most of the monsters in this era that Founder has mastered have a little bit of meaning similar to Taoism, which means "I believe it or not, don't disturb me soar".

Therefore, in this world, only those who are also born of humanity can gather the incense of human beings. For example, the city gods, land, and judges in various places are all mortal men who were highly respected during their lifetimes. After their deaths, they were named officials in Yincaodi Mansion. Generally, these people also received the incense willingness of believers.

So if the Buddha is a big demon as Tianshan Tongmu said, it would be strange for him to collect such incense willingly.

It's kind of like a drug addiction.

"Later I found out that the big demon absorbed the soul of human beings, and the incense wishfulness was distributed by it to the mortals who were deceived!"

"Oh? Is there such a thing?"

Hearing this, Fang Zheng immediately frowned, and Tianshan Tongmao nodded.

"Yes, you may not know that after the big demon confuses humans, they will let them become monks, and then these people will continue to offer their aura to them, and when the aura is exhausted, they will naturally die. It ’s just that being a monk as a monk is a red blood in those populations, so no one knows that those people are dead. Not only that ......... "

Speaking of this, it seems that I remembered something, and Tianshan Tongmu's face also became difficult to look at.

"The big demon also talked nonsense, tempted to teach, saying that the monk is not productive, does not marry his wife and have children, in order to cultivate virtue and go to Elysium for eternal life. And it and its servants tempted several countries. The country is gradually destroyed under its cover and turned into a dead soil.

This is also of course, no one produces, no one marries a wife and has children, and the country will surely be finished-oh, speaking of it, Founder did get some inexplicable reports of a large number of young women entering the border a few years ago. Many men have enjoyed the harem.

Of course, there are many men who were involved in the good ship Shurachang and lost their lives.

This is what happened for a long time!

If you think about it too, men all go to the monk's house. If the young and beautiful girl does not want to live alone, she has to go elsewhere to find a new man.

"The country where the old man used to be is also the same. The king of that country listened to the demon's deceit and confessed the people, dedicated his heart to the Buddha, and finally led the ministers to become monks. The queen was very painful and finally announced that she was crazy A country with only women ... "


Is this how the daughter country in Journey to the West came?

"However, the queen was only a woman after all, and eventually the country was destroyed, the land was destroyed, and the spirit was lost. I had to flee all the way north, and then accidentally learned about the big man, so I came here to seek refuge."

"It turns out that ..."

After listening to the description of Tianshan Tongmu, Fang Zheng nodded. Of course he understood that this Tianshan Tongmu must have concealed something, but the things she said ... are indeed worth investigating. Speaking of it, Founder really does not know what is happening in countries other than Han. After all, he has been busy climbing the technology tree since he came to power. According to Founder, the plan to climb to Manhattan is a technological victory. Diplomatic victory wo n’t look down on at all!

Didn't expect so many things to happen outside?

I originally thought that in this era, there is no need to pay more attention to places outside of China ...

Is the big nautical plan really ahead of schedule?

Forget it, this is not important, at least now that Founder has n’t heard that someone named Li Huamei is born, it ’s not too late to start the era of big sailing after she is born.

But what Tianshan's grandmother said is a more urgent crisis.

"Before you said that they shot against our country ......... Apart from those bald donkeys, is there anyone else?"

"Of course, the old body is not empty-spoken."

Tian Shan Tong nodded.

"Maybe you do n’t know, but there have been several disappearances in the border area of ​​this country. These people seem to be lost in the forest on the surface, but in fact, they are all looted by the big demon. Go brainwashing, and give demon power, show divine power. This is where I waited before. Fortunately, at that time, we met a person from Suhang who came here to purchase. Ground. "

Sure enough, the shopkeeper was tricked, but ...

Hearing this, Fang Zheng's eyes flashed a cold glory.

Dare to mess with my site, is it really impatient?

"Thanks for telling."

After learning the situation from Tianshan Tongmu, Founder also nodded, then reached out and took a sign from his arms and threw it to the other party.

"In return, this brand will be given to you. You can take this brand to the Yin Division here and show it to Chenghuang. He will arrange everything for you. By the way ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Dahan is different from other places. As long as the monsters follow the order, they can live in peace and have no effect, so you can rest assured. Then ... Fang Mou said goodbye. "

After saying this, Fang Zheng gave a hand to the crowd, and then he took a step back at the next moment, and thus completely disappeared into the shadows and disappeared.

It wasn't until this moment that the coercion that was originally exerted on others slowly disappeared.


Those of the singing and dancing troupe got up, sighed, and looked at Tianshan Tongmao uncomfortably.

"Is this okay? Tell that person ..."

"I'm getting older and I don't want to mix things like this. Let him go."

Tianshan Tong grandmother shook his head, and then looked at the sign in his hand.

"Now, we just hope this brand is as useful as he said."

(End of this chapter)

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