Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2093: Just 1 meal! (I just found out that I have no industrial design...

Chapter 2065: Just a fight! (I just discovered that I have no talent for industrial design)

For the sister problem of red pupil and black pupil, Fang had long been thinking of a way to solve it. The reason is simple. Chi Tong can be regarded as the first person in the world to inherit martial arts swordsmanship. Since he is the first person, I definitely hope to have a good ending.

Like those who practice martial arts in martial arts novels, it’s either a lonely star, or no one, no ghost, no ghost, what do you say?

For the problems of the sisters, Fang Zheng did not actually hear too much from Chi Tong, but the expression of Chi Tong was very serious, saying that "only one of us can live", so that Founder also made up a lot of brains because of this The sisters seem to have no interest in love, shouldn't it be like the Tianshan Tongmu and Li Qiushui to fight for men to fight for life, is it a personal problem in the family? Or is there any secret in it?

As a result, I heard black pupils nagging so much, so sum it up......... just one sentence.

That is-sister doesn't want me anymore!

Genima bear children owe to clean up! !

After clarifying the situation, Founder suddenly felt that he was a waste of feelings before!

I thought there was any deep hatred, and the result was Nima's sisters fighting for a long time!

There is still no misunderstanding!

Of course, it doesn’t mean that Red Hitomi is right, that Ya is also an honest person. Founder estimated that even when Black Hitomi refused, if Red Hitomi insisted on the estimate, he would follow. After all, the black pupil still valued his sister the most, but the red pupil was honest. When he heard that he wanted to stay, he left.

In the end, the black pupil was forced, rather pretending to be a stupid posture-I just said a word, my sister did not want me?

It doesn't matter, my sister doesn't want me anymore, I still have companions!

As a result, the companion died.

This is also a bad boy.


"You are unlucky and you deserve it!"

The sleeved sword in Fangzheng's hand turned into a flash of lightning, and he stabs toward the black pupil, while the girl waved the emperor's tool in her hand, barely resisting Fangzheng's attack.

"In the final analysis, it's not that you died on your own and faced the crime. When Red Hitomi left, you just follow it and you're done!"

"How can I do this!? I still have so many companions, and I still have empire............"

"Then your companion and empire are more important than your sister."

On the one hand, Fang Zheng stabs a sword again, while on the other hand, he whispers a question of "who will you save first when your mother and boyfriend fall into the water"?


Hei Tong suddenly stopped talking, holding a knife and biting his lip, a child stared at Founder like "I can't tell you but I'm angry, believe it or not, I'll rush to bite you", but Founder won't be afraid .

"To put it bluntly, or you have a good face, you should not be unclear about your sister's personality. At that time, you will go up and apologize and sell a cute one. It will not be finished, and it turns out to be like this..."

Founder can guess how much, at that time, black pupils and red pupils may have a retrograde factor. As a result, after seeing that my sister actually gave up herself, she gave up.

"Yes, what if it is so!?"

At this moment, Black Hitomi finally couldn't bear it, clenched the knife in his hand again and cut it towards Fang Zheng.

"But what about that! After that, my sister never came to see me once! Not once! I only have those companions! I can only survive for the empire! I killed so many people! But my sister never Appeared in front of me, even if I killed so many rebels! Why! Why is it my fault!!!"

What is this, my sister loves me again?

Looking at the black pupil with madness, Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows. Although he was very weak, he could feel that the emotion of the black pupil was very unstable, and the reason for this instability was not only from her...

Is that the thing?

Fang Zheng escaped the black pupil's attack again and looked at the emperor in her hand. He has learned from others that the imperial tools are made from dangerous species of organs. To a certain extent, these imperial tools are not actually dead objects, but living creatures.

Of course, this is also a weakness, like the red pupil's thirteen swords of death are enough to make any emperor really die-so now the village rain in her hand is no longer threatening.

In this case, then...


Hei Tong raised the knife in his hand again and waved it towards Fang Zheng. This time, instead of avoiding it as before, Fang Zheng used his backhand to block the blade that Hei Tong waved, and then he clenched his right fist. His sleeved sword stabs hard against the sharp blade!

"Ding Ding Ding!!!"

The sharp sleeved sword carried forward with a ray of cold light, hitting the black pupil's knife, and at this moment, the black pupil could only grasp the sword handle deadly, withstanding the storm-like attack of the Founder, and she did I didn’t notice that every time when Fang Zheng struck his sleeve with his sleeved sword, the slender blade similar to Murakami began to vibrate with a peculiar frequency, and finally, Fang Zheng stopped suddenly. Then, at this moment, the sleeved sword in his hands suddenly exposed his fangs like a viper, biting forward!


Along with the strong oncoming shock, at this moment, Black Hitomi finally could no longer withstand the Founder's attack, snorted and fell back to the ground, at the same time, the "Eight Room" in her hand also broke, It became a broken sword.


The black pupil fell heavily on the ground, and the broken blade spun and scattered. She tried hard to get up, but before Black Eyes got up, she covered her mouth and issued a violent cough, then rolled her eyes and passed out.

"You killed her?"

Only then did Mann walk over to look at Founder and asked anxiously. As a member of the night raid, she knows a little about the grudges between Chi Hitomi and her sister. In fact, Ma Yin also thought about killing the black pupil before Chi Hitomi, so that she does not have to let Chi Hitomi kill herself. Sister.

But now... the emperor is dead, the creators are almost dead, the life and death of the black pupil is not so important.

"No, but she is in poor health. It is estimated that there is a drug reaction. This one needs to go back to investigate... Now let's look at the situation on the red pupil."

As he said, Founder turned to look at the battlefield on the other side.

At the moment, Red Hitomi is fighting with the red-haired girl. The opponent's swordsmanship is obviously much stronger than Red Hitomi, so that now Red Hitomi can only barely resist, but has no strength to fight back. Not only that, the red pupil at the moment was covered with injuries, and it looked rather miserable.

"I'm going to help!"

"Not urgent."

Founder waved his hand, blocking Mann and Hill who were planning to join the battle.

"This battle is also a test for Chi Tong, after all, the opponent is rare."


Hearing this, Ma Yin looked at Founder in doubt.

"Is this woman a big start?"

"Well, she used to be a hero."

Founder looked at the red-haired girl who was in a fierce battle with Chi Tong and said.

"Her name is Theresia Van Asteria, a former saint from the Kingdom of Lugnica, who once led the Lugnica army to end the Asian War."

"Wait, isn't that what happened decades ago?"

Hearing this, Chelsea was taken aback.

"She looks very young, it feels as if she is under twenty!"

"Well, in fact, according to historical records, this swordsman should have been killed in a process of crusade against dangerous species.........um........."

On the other hand, Founder narrowed his eyes with interest and stared at Theresia. He investigated Theresia by accident. At the beginning, Fang was using "Waunting Banner" to investigate the list of garrison troops, and then When I found out the name of Asteria, I would investigate it further because I found it interesting. Only then did I find that the woman called Theresia was actually the grandmother of Rheinharut. Not only that, she should have died long ago... ...No, it should be said that she is not alive now.

To put it simply, Teresia was manipulated by the witch-teacher with some kind of secret method, and existed in a peculiar form of living dead. Although the witch church was overthrown, the remaining witch churches ran to the northern empire to make a comeback as a peaceful road, and Theresia also became the bargaining chip for their trade with Minister Ernest, and then joined the garrison forces.

Founder also investigated the true identity of An Ningdao from here, and this was the only way to kill them.

As the previous generation of swordsman, Theresia's strength is undoubtedly. Although she has not fully recovered her will now, she just acted according to orders, but even so, she can't raise her head.

For Chi Tong, this is also a good test.

Next, let's see if she can seize the opportunity.


Once again blocking Teresia's attack, Chi Tong stabs again with a sword, and then suddenly changes, while at the same time, Teresia seems to have noticed Chi Tong's move, the long sword in his hand suddenly swings forward , Robbed the red pupil's attack at a most subtle distance.

However, the next thing is Chi Tong's killer.

The village rain in her hands began to tremble, and the breath of death gradually emerged.


However, what everyone didn't think was that on the eve of Chi Tong's fifteenth sword, Teresia seemed to perceive something. She suddenly jumped back and then looked back. He turned directly and left the fighting field, disappearing into the dark passage.


Seeing this scene, Chi Tong was dumbfounded.

"is that a lie!"

Maine was stunned, looking at the dark passage in the distance. It was really Teresia's performance that was too decisive. He ran without any hesitation, and he did not have any demeanor of the swordsman. …

"No loss is the previous generation of sword saint. UU reading book www.uukankan.com"

Relative to the surprise of Chi Tong and Man Yin, Fang Zheng nodded his head. The name of the previous generation of Juggernaut was really well-deserved. Even the first time he saw the sword move, he could feel the danger intuitively and choose to escape. Although the method of Theresa is a little embarrassing, it is indeed useful.

After all, the thirteenth sword is also a sword move. The sword move has an attack range, even if it is within the attack range, but as long as you leave the attack range, then the powerful sword move is useless.

At this time, the red pupil has also received the sword and sheathed, and his face is pale. She should be glad that the other party ran early, and the fifteenth sword has not been released. In case if Theresia pulls back when the red pupil releases the fifteenth sword, then the red pupil can do it with Yan Thirteen In this way, you need to commit suicide by waving your sword at yourself.

But now......... just let her go.

Founder glanced, then withdrew his gaze.

If Rheinharut knew that his grandmother was here, he would definitely come to find someone. By that time, would Estes have no chance?

(End of this chapter)

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