Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2097: You don’t understand

Chapter 2069 You Don't Understand (I'm Meow On The Mountain Today)


Feeling the breath of chaotic waves rushing towards him, Founder was also nervous. He squeezed the big and short swords in his hands, staring at the void.

"Are you ready? Restia? Esther?"

"Of course, master."

The dark sword flickered.

"We look forward to it too."

"Me too.........hope to be successful, so start."

He murmured to himself, and then Founder raised his big sword in his right hand high. At the next moment, the hot flame erupted from the sword, instantaneously turned into a huge pillar of fire, and it seemed that even the entire universe would be cut at this moment. But at the next moment, I saw these jetting flames quickly condensed and turned into a dazzling, radiant sphere like the sun.

Then, Founder clenched the big sword in his hand and waved hard forward!


Wrapped around the sword, the initial fire, compressed to the limit, burst out with dazzling brilliance at this moment, and the light and heat cut through the cold and dark universe, bringing a touch of warm color to this space. And the invisible chaotic waves suddenly stopped under this glorious light. Even in the glory, Founder also saw some strange shapes and colors...


Fang Zheng did not hesitate to raise the dagger held in his left hand, and then pulled the trigger hard. Then, the chaotic fire erupted, hitting the "sun" condensed by the initial fire, and then saw the "sun" expand instantly , Once again grow stronger, at the same time, Founder clenched his sword and shoved it hard. Soon, the "sun" that originally showed a round sphere began to deform like melted plasticine, and soon became a The swirling, vortex of black and white blending together... And in this crazy rotation, the mark of black and white seems to start to be less distinct.........

At the same time, the roaring waves of chaos had hit the odd vortex.


Feeling the impact of the impact, Founder was also secretly pleased.

According to Fang's experience of "understanding" in the Qin world, fighting chaos is the same as talking about love with girls.

First of all, you want her to notice your existence.

After all, Chaos Waves treated all things equally before, just like the eldest lady in the eyes. If you can't get her attention, then obviously you can't succeed.

Then, it is to show their skills.

Just like a peacock, when pursuing the opposite sex, men will also show their advantages to women, such as talent, wealth, appearance, life experience, etc. But in the final analysis, it is mainly to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

The same is true for Founder to inject the fire of chaos into the initial fire.

The purpose is to attract the attention of Chaos!

Wait, someone is going to speak.

Isn't this chaos a product without self-consciousness? Why is there such a concentration?

Hey, this involves the core points of an order family.

That is, you must think it exists.

Order The fixed order of the family is not just about saying that the fixed order is finished. It is about forming a consensus first and then ordering it. For example, a square stone, first of all, everyone must think it is square, and then, to confirm that it is a stone without life and self-consciousness.

To put it bluntly, the order family actually uses their subjective consciousness to shape the objective world!

The same is true right underneath your eyes. Perhaps other people think that this chaotic wave is attracted, it may be the same attribute, or it may be for other reasons.

But this is not important.

The important thing is that Founder must think that this chaotic wave is a big lady, she was attracted by herself!

Only in this way can we start the next step!

Right underneath is the combination of the fire of chaos and the fire of order to create a vortex of fusion, and the waves of chaos seem to be attracted by this vortex, rushing straight over. It was like a huge wave from the original tsunami that condensed into a giant snake and rushed directly into its own net!

Of course, in Fangzheng’s view, this was Miss Chaos who was curiously attracted by herself. At this moment, she was coming to herself proudly, looking at herself with an arrogant expression, a pair of “I see you want How to perform to attract my attention".

According to the formal routine, it is time for the man to show himself in every possible way to gain the female heart and let it sink.


Well, yes, but!

That also depends on the object!

If the other party is in a position of great power and super strength, then a strong woman like Esdes is just fine. But now this wave of chaos is just excited, although the intensity is similar to the previous wave of chaos, but it has no stamina. According to the setting, then this wave of chaos is actually equivalent to a rich man The rich second generation lady, who has no knowledge, is a simple silly, sweet, looking funny, and come to join in the fun with her own money.

To deal with this kind of people......... According to the words that often appear in TV series...

"Hey, hey, you're a good girl!"

Realizing that the power of Chaos had entered the room, Founder also cracked his mouth and smiled slightly, and then the black sword held tightly in his right hand suddenly released the dazzling bright red again. Soon, the power of order erupted again, rushing towards the power of chaos along the vortex!

In this scene, it was as if the arrogant Miss Chaos was attracted by the street juggling, and came over to have a lively look. As a result, she just walked over and saw that the showman got up directly. Once she took off her clothes, she grabbed her and pulled him into the forest. Go! !

The Miss Chaos was naturally surprised, resisted desperately, and yelled for help. However, the surroundings of the two eggs are empty cosmic space, and there are no personal figures in Shili Baxiang, and even more delusion if you want to call the police. So the Miss Chaos was only able to watch the orderly man show his ugly face, tear off her fragile shell, and went straight to the subject...

The bright red flame moved forward along the vortex like a fuse. Soon, the chaotic waves of the original chaos were gradually swallowed by the flame, forming a shape, which merged with the rotating vortex, followed by ……………

The glory flashed.

The light that seemed like the Big Bang even penetrated the darkness of the entire galaxy. For a moment, all the universe was pure white.

Then, the light dissipated, and in front of Founder, a faint light gradually formed, and inside was a girl...

She was wearing a red skirt, short blond hair, and a big hat. Behind him is a pair of skeleton-only wings, with colorful, crystal-like crystals hanging over them. The girl at this moment curled up like this, falling into a deep sleep.


Looking at the scene in front of him, Founder was relieved, and then he extended his hand to hug the sleeping girl in his arms. At the same time, suddenly, the glory of Founder's feet flashed, and then he appeared in the space of the goddess of order again the next moment.

"You, you, how did you do it?!"

At this moment, the goddess of order rushed over in surprise, staring at Founder. But she knows what Founder has done. As a "regular member" of the Order family, she sees this matter better than anyone else--that is, Founder condenses the waves of chaos into a living body!

A living body with a concept!

"This is still thanks to your mention."

Embracing the girl, Founder nodded to the goddess of order. He is not wrong in saying this, after all, if it is not the goddess of order that uses the Milky Way to make the original force, then it is difficult for Founder himself to take this step to carry on.

"But vitality and vitality are completely different concepts."

The goddess of order shook her head vigorously, apparently did not believe in Founder's words.

"Life is a complex, unknowable evolutionary body. Even me, it can only transform the power of chaos into vitality, but the living body... and it is a fixed living body......... How did you do it? !"

The goddess of order is puzzled. As mentioned before, the order family is using their subjective to change the objective of reality. From this point of view, the order family can theoretically transform the chaotic waves into a fixed Life form. But they won't do it this way, why?

Because they can't do it.

If you want to fix a living body, then you must determine every part of the living body to the extreme, just like you are modeling to be a person, not only to make the shell, but also to make the visceral skin and hair , And even need to set all its ways of thinking, which can be said to be the ultimate order.

It is very difficult to make one out of thin air, let alone through chaos transformation!

After all, the impression of the order family on chaos is "uncontrollable, chaotic, and unpredictable." In this case, forcing them to do so is simply pointing at a ball and asking them to think from the bottom of their heart that the ball is square. Just as difficult!

This is simply a paradoxical logic without solutions!

"Oh, this child, her name is Frandollo Scarlett. She is a vampire. Although she is afraid of the sun, but has the ability to destroy all degrees, she has been kept in the basement of the Red Devil Hall..."

"I'm not asking these..."

The goddess of order shook her head vigorously.

"I mean, how did you make her mind?!"

"Oh, I didn't think much, and didn't care."


Hearing this, the goddess of order widened her eyes in surprise.

"But in this way, isn't this completely an untimed bomb? Even if she has a shell, but if she still has the unstable, uncontrollable behavior of chaos in her bones......... then how do you ensure her No problem?"

"This is cute..."


"You do not understand?"

The goddess of order shook her head silently.

"Indeed, as you said, what kind of behavior this child will make, and how she will think, I don’t know. But this character is like this, moody, moody, she may go up Treat you as a good friend for a moment, but the next moment will kill you because of dissatisfaction~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is this cruel and repeated manner, coupled with cute appearance, is the cute point!"


"All in all..."

Founder reached out and patted the goddess of order silently.

"Don't think too much, what is good and evil, what thinking logic, it doesn't matter, you remember, only one thing is important-that is, Meng will finish."

"............... What does Meng mean?"

"This is a very complex word, and its complexity is no less than chaos itself."

Founder opened his hands silently.

"I think it's difficult to explain to you the cultural level of your order."

Simply put...you don't understand.

(End of this chapter)

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