Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2119: The rescue operation begins (addiction to Lan Shi can't extricate himself)

Chapter 2091 The Rescue Operation Begins

When Fangzheng drove the Void Glow Ship to the target location, the city was already plunged into chaos and death.

"Okay, it looks like the situation is as bad as I thought."

Looking at the picture of the black and white bear army on the screen that was violently killing civilians, Founder raised his eyebrows, and other people saw this scene, and their face was pale.

"I know that you are all worried and shocked, but let's talk nonsense afterwards. Let's get the current situation first."

Fang Zheng snapped his fingers, and a three-dimensional map of the entire city suddenly appeared on the screen in the next moment. Soon, heads appeared in it.

"Now, your family has been "airdropped" into this city. In simple terms, it's a bit like a big escape. They need to escape the pursuit of those black and white bears. Not only that, they are all wearing A bracelet, as soon as you leave the city, the bracelet will be activated immediately, and then a direct explosion with a bang... I think you understand?"

"Then what should we do now!"

Hearing this, many people's faces have changed. After all, many of them are their loved ones. They also hope to save their loved ones instead of watching them die.

"It’s very simple. I will use my cute puppy army to completely block the entire city to prevent your loved ones from leaving the city and trigger the explosion mechanism. Next, I want you to be divided into a search group and a logistics group. The search group needs Go down and scatter to various areas of the city to find them, and then rescue them, the logistics team will stay here for timely communication and reporting."

Founder gave the order in three words, then stared at the crowd.

"My opinion is, don’t go if you don’t have combat capabilities, so as not to add chaos. Other people will voluntarily sign up. I will provide you with landing places depending on the number of people. As for the black and white bear army that is raging and killing people in those cities, Just give it to my puppies to deal with it."

"no problem?"

Hearing this, Miaomu asked uneasyly.

"What if those... puppies treat people as objects? And, they look so terrible, if someone is scared to attack them..."

"No problem, they completely obey my instructions and they won't be messed up. As for the ones you worry about are unnecessary, at the level of civilization you have here, that is, with a nuclear bomb, I guarantee that they will return to the body without any damage. It’s delicious......... Okay, stop talking nonsense and start signing up!"

Although everyone still has a lot to say, considering that the current situation is indeed critical, they no longer talk nonsense and quickly made a decision.

There are not many players who can play in the 78th period, only "Super High School Fighter" Dashen Ying, "Super High School Killer" genocide Xiang, "Super High School Class Discipline Commissioner" Ishimaru Kiyota and "Super High School Level" "Wandering Clan" Yamatoda Wentu was selected by Founder.

As for the 77th student, there are quite a lot of combat strengths. Let’s not mention that they have hard light armor, "super-high school-level gamers", and "super-high school-level agents". The second big cat pill, and the sign of "super high school gymnast", the whole person looks like the final sound of the beast.

In addition, the "super-university-level underworld" Nine-headed Dragon Dongyan and his subordinate "super-university-level kendo master" Bian Gushan Peizi also joined in.

In the end, Founder decided that in the 78th period, a group of Great God Sakura and the genocide Xiang, Shimaru Qingduoxia and Owada Wentu group, and in the 77th period, the two big cat Maru and Zhongli Chiyin group, Nine-headed Dragon Dongyan and Bibian Gu Shanpei group, he and Qihai Qianqiu joined the rescue operation in a separate group.

The fog-cutting son, Celestia and Ten Gods White Night are mainly responsible for monitoring and reporting the movement and situation of the entire battlefield in the rear-the ability and IQ of the three of them are quite enough in this regard.

As for the "super-university-level programmers", Fujiya Chihiro and the "super-university-level health committee" Sinmu Migan are in charge of logistics.

After all, the procedures in this world have penetrated the chaos, and Founder’s personal terminal cannot be parsed. Just like that gate, it still has to rely on people in this world to complete it. So once I find someone, I will immediately send Fujisaki Chihiro to take charge of resolving the bracelet and see if I can open it.

Once someone is injured, then it is time for the "super-college-level health committee" to appear.

As for the other people, Founder asked them to help gather ordinary citizens who were attacked by black and white bears-after all, these people have really low fighting power and can only do these logistical tasks.

Just in case, Founder also gave each of them a portable personal terminal for communication and communication, and soon, with a glorious flash-the next moment, Founder left his battleship and appeared in Off the street.

Absolutely desperate girl...

Looking at the broken street and the corpses everywhere, Founder frowned and said nothing.

Frankly speaking, this operation is the cruelest work in the series of the projectiles that Founder has played. Although it's cruel to say that the first and second generations of the projectile are broken, the cruelty of the absolutely desperate girl is even higher. Because in this game, the background is the confrontation between children and adults.

That's right, in the absolutely desperate girl, the few bear children who were brainwashed by Enoshima Dunzi used some technical means to control all the children and launched a brutal killing of those adults. In their view, all adults are "monsters" and should be killed and eliminated. The parents who had children were executed and killed almost immediately, and under this pressure, the remaining adults finally decided to join forces to kill the children.

In a sense, this is far more cruel than a mere killing of academies.

For the five bear children of the initiator, Founder is not sympathetic, but this does not prevent him from starting against them. Founder will not learn the stupidity of Hollywood. In his view, he will be punished for doing something wrong. Although the lives of these five bear children are all pitiful and tragic, but... what does it matter to him?

They destroyed the city, killed countless people, and even destroyed many families. Do you think the sentence "They are also pitiful" is over?

To deal with such people, Fang will kill them without hesitation.

Just like the girl in Jurassic Park who sent them to the streets to attack humans because of their sympathy with dinosaurs, if Founder encounters them, he will definitely kill him with a headshot.

what? Hollywood movies are not allowed to kill children?

What are you doing here?

Founder has already given orders to his puppies, and once he finds the tower and the middle school and their desperate fellows, they eat them directly, leaving no corpses left.

He wouldn't let them go because they were small children and had a long and lovely life.

In terms of their current crimes, it would be cheaper to die ten times.

As for the Warblade Skeleton, Founder didn’t let her go, but planned to clean up after the Enoshima Shield was caught. At that time, he would have to see how the protagonist Miao Mucheng planned to "persuade" himself to spare. Warblade lives.

Forget it, let's get to the current situation.

Fang Zheng glanced around. Although he opened the dimensional channel to summon the swarm, but because Fang Zheng does not want to establish a Zerg base on this planet, he can only open troops by teleportation. The black and white bears they kill are robots and can be recycled. The use of energy is also very limited...……One million zombies have been delivered at once, completely enclosing the entire city, and then began to attack inward, sweeping the black and white bears in each area and rescue the attacked.

But it still takes a little time.

Thinking of this, Founder opened his personal terminal.

"I am Founder, and I have arrived at the designated place, and each group reports."

"This is the Seven Seas. I have reached the target position, President."

"We are here."

"So are we………"

Soon, other members of the group quickly responded, and Founder nodded in satisfaction.

"Very good, start to act now. Remember, our task is to find the goal and protect it. Each group is responsible for a specific area. After finding the goal, we will take them to the stadium that we said before and wait for the next step. ."

Founder quickly issued an order, and others also understood that he then closed his personal terminal and looked at the tall building in front of him.

Okay, act.

According to Founder's idea, he originally planned to find the younger sister of the seedlings and rescued him.


"What about people?"

Standing in the flaming hallway, looking at the empty room in front of him, Founder was stunned. He remembered what was right, Miao Mucheng's sister should have been imprisoned in this room, and was almost killed by a black and white bear, and then rescued by the ten gods Bai Ye who came.

But now the situation is different from the game, but.........Who rescued her without the Ten Gods White Night?

The answer to this question is not difficult for Founder to solve. He stood at the gate and stared at the room in front of him. Soon, the world in Founder's eyes began to reverse and retrace.

The next moment, everything was restored to its original state.

At first, as found in the memory of Founder, Miao Mucheng's sister was trapped here, and shortly after her breakfast, she was attacked by a black-and-white bear robot and was almost killed. And after that, Sister Miaomu fled the room in horror, trying to avoid this strange robot, and...

Founder "watched" the girl screaming and ran out of the door, came to the elevator in a blazing flame, and beat the elevator desperately. At the same time, a black and white bear flew over and waved a spike in his hand at the girl. Immediately after...


Suddenly, the black and white bear robot shuddered suddenly, and then fell heavily on the ground without movement. Until this time, Founder only saw that behind the black and white bear robot, a girl stood.

Who is this?

Looking at the girl in front of her, Founder frowned. This is a beautiful girl with golden shawl hair. She is wearing a white shirt and a pink sweater coat. Her lower body is a black-red plaid skirt with a backpack behind her. . There is also a hairpin with a musical note in her hair.

I saw at this moment that the blonde girl was holding a shot that she didn't know where to find it, and she gasped for breath—it seems that she used this thing to smash the black and white bear robot down.

"are you OK?"

The blonde girl asked Sister Miaomu, and the unsettled Sister Miao nodded.

"Me, I'm fine!"

"Quick, we will leave here soon!"

At this moment, the blonde girl also threw away the shot in her hand, grabbed the younger sister's hand, and then the two ran out of the escape passage beside the elevator in such a hurry.

Who is that girl?

Founder withdrew his gaze and looked at him again. This time he appeared in front of the corridor that had been completely devoured by the fire, the shot put at his feet, and the black and white bear robot that was smashed a hole not far away. And Founder bowed his head, frowned, picked up the shot, and studied it carefully. He can be sure that he has never seen this character in the game. After all, he has played all three games of Fangzheng Fangzheng. He has a deep memory. If there is this person in "Absolute Desperate Girl", then Fangzheng will never forget it.

However, according to the truth, this time the younger sister who came out to rescue the nursery seedlings should be Shishen Baiye and Yuchuan Dongzi, but the former is currently on the spaceship, and the latter is transported to another area.........um...

"Wow la la..............."

Just as Founder was thinking, all of a sudden, the whole floor began to shake, and the next moment, with the burning flames, the whole building collapsed.

"Mr. Founder!!"

Seeing the collapsed building on the screen, the dance garden Sayaka suddenly screamed. Others hurriedly came to the screen when they heard the call of the dance garden Sayaka.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"The building that Mr. Founder just entered collapsed!"


Hearing this, Miao Mucheng was also sinking into the heart, and hurried to the screen to look at the collapsed building. At this time, he was also uneasy. Knowing that Miao Mucheng had planned to find her sister with Fang Zheng just now, but was Founder refused. But now.........the building is collapsed, can the people inside be alright?

"Hey, what can I do?"

"Couldn't it be wrong......... shall we call..."


However, before waiting for everyone on the spacecraft to discuss what happened, he saw the collapsed ruins suddenly burst, and then Founder walked out like a dead man. He patted the debris on his body, which was on fire, and then again Opened personal communication.

"Mr. Founder, are you okay!"

Seeing Fang Zheng coming out at this moment, the dance garden Sayaka also hurriedly asked, and Fang Zheng nodded. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"I'm fine, as far as the target has been rescued."


Hearing this, Miao Mucheng was taken aback.

"who is it?"

"It should be the people who are imprisoned here. All in all, they have escaped from the building. I will continue to follow them. I will contact you again if I get something."

After saying this, Founder shut down his personal terminal, then patted the dust on his body, and then continued to walk down the street to the inside.


Watching Fang Zheng leave as if nothing was wrong, the crowd on the spacecraft also fell into silence for a while, and after a while, the exploding head fortuneteller spoke.

"I said... he... is he really a human?"

(End of this chapter)

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