Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2131: 1 bold idea (sleeping on the mountain is really comfortable)

GHQ moved quickly. The next morning, Yingmanji was directly taken away by heavily armed GHQ members on the way to school.

As an enthusiastic rising sun, Founder silently cherishes merits and fame, ignoring personal gains and losses, and dedicating to the country and organizations... This spirit is commendable.

So while Founder felt that the road of Yingmanji had narrowed, the silent backhand was a wave of extra-large BBS news reports in the school, combined with pictures and news descriptions, so in less than an hour, everyone in the entire university I learned that Sakura Manji was tortured by GHQ because it was suspected of being associated with a terrorist organization...

In order to protect the privacy of the criminal suspect, Founder especially kindly mosaiced the face of Yingmanji and called it A, but this kind of desire can bluff who can hold it, as long as the students are careful, pay attention Observe who didn't come to class that day, and then look at the body shape and clothing. This is almost instantaneous.

The reason why Founder did this was not simply to look at Yingmanji's discomfort, but he wanted to use this matter to observe the surrounding movements. After all, according to Founder’s current observations, Yingmanji should be the protagonist of this “copy”, so once the protagonist is in danger, both the enemy and the friend will definitely act, and Founder can follow these trembling actions. Here, I gradually pieced together the original appearance of the plot, so as to grasp the point.

As expected, Founder's strategy worked.

After the news that Yingmanji was captured by GHQ spread throughout the school, Xiqi was the first one who couldn’t sit still and asked to leave, without guessing that Founder knew she was going to the funeral society to report, and besides that, the class and Ying The school strip festival with a good relationship with Manji called a woman named Yingmanchunchunxia, ​​and then according to the founder's investigation, this woman was the stepmother of Yingmanji and the deputy director of the Gene Pharmaceutical Research Institute of GHQ. And she is a brother and sister with a man named Ichiro Kenoda, who is the director of the Void Institute and a friend of Sakura Manji's father, Sakura Man Kurobe.

Not only that, Founder also found that Yingmanji should have a sister named Yingman's real name, and according to the top secret information he searched on the GHQ network, the latter should be the initiator of the so-called "Lost Christmas"... ...

At this moment, Founder finally caught the clue.

Once you have a goal, with the help of the past vision, it is very easy for Founder to go back to the entire background setting.

First, according to the setting, an alien meteorite fell to the earth, and then a virus called "Apocalypse Virus" was spread, and the brother of Sakuraman Spring and Summer and the father of Sakuramanji cooperated to study this virus.

Next, as the first contact person of the meteorite, Sakuramanji's sister Sakuraman's real name became the top priority. The original biological mother of Sakura Manji died of Sakura Manji after being infected with the apocalypse virus. Then Yingman's real name stayed with Yingmanji's sister and brother.

One day, when the younger sister Yingman went to play on the beach, he accidentally rescued a drowning boy. That boy was the leader of the funeral society---Chen Shenya, and the real name of Yingman gave him the name Terry. with.

Chi Shenya loves the real name of Sakura Man who saved herself, but Sakura Mana loves her brother Sakura Manji, and Sakana Mana discovers that Sakura Man's real name is contaminated by a virus, so he wants to tell the truth D. But was stopped by Sakuraman's real name who came first, but in the end, Sakuramanji who arrived arrived saw Sakuraman's real name hidden in his hair, corroded and growing, dense and dense purple crystals.

Fearing this, Yingmanji pushed her sister away and claimed to call her a monster. With this stimulation, Sakura Man's real name broke out completely, which triggered the event called the Lost Christmas...

After that, Xun Shenya left, and Yingmanji, who was searched and rescued, forgot all this and lived like an ordinary person again.

Ah...it really is a Japanese orthodox ACG plot unfolding, it is all normal operation, normal operation.

But what should I do next?

After getting all the clues, Founder also began to think about the countermeasures. Through the attention of the past, he naturally found that in this series of events, there was a strange boy who had been hiding behind the scenes. He claimed to be the consciousness, which is on the earth The collective of all human will evolution, the representative of the will of God, if Founder is not wrong, then this young man called the consciousness should be a spokesperson or watcher of the order family.

If this is the case, then Founder must be very careful not to let this guy find himself.

Judging from the clues collected so far, Yingmanji should be the "core content" of this copy, and originally according to the truth, Yingmanman's real name should be the heroine, but now appearing beside Yingmanji, It's a girl named Xiqi. According to Founder's investigation, it seems that the other party should be a replica of Yingman's real name...

Ah... Founder knows what operation this copy is.

At the same time, he also had a bold idea.

But you have to wait for the opportunity.

So in the next time, Founder was still silently monitoring the crowd. As he thought, Chen Shenya would not give up Sakura Manji. He gathered the horses of the funeral society and sneaked into the GHQ to launch an attack and put Sakura. Manji was rescued, and then as in many animations, Sakura Manji once again met with Xiqi, extracting the "emptiness" deep in her heart.

"Xiaoqi, I can believe you."

Looking at the pink-haired girl in front of her, Ying Manji smiled and reached out.

At this moment, Founder felt that his eyes had been "gazing" at a certain place, suddenly turned away, and cast himself on the location of Sakura Manji!

It's now!

Founder stood up and took a step.

The next moment, he appeared in a huge space. At the end of the ladder of this space, a girl with the same appearance as Xi Qi was curled up into a ball and suspended in a strange container. Founder raised his right foot and walked up the steps.

At this moment, time stopped flowing.

Founder walked up the stairs slowly, and came all the way to the container, looked at the sleeping girl inside, and nodded.

"Hello, meet you for the first time, Sakura Man real name lady."

【………who are you? 】

A voice sounded from Founder's mind.

"My name is Fang Zheng. I am a passerby. In fact, I became interested in you only after I learned about your true name Miss Yingman, because I used to be in the same situation as you. Miss you, I have deep sympathy."

[...............? 】

The other party obviously didn't understand the meaning of Founder, but Founder didn't talk nonsense, but extended his hand and placed it on the container. Soon, a series of memories flowed into the mind of Sakura Man's real name along the fingers of Founder. After a while, the voice of Yingman's real name sounded again.

【………you too? 】

However, unlike the voice that was cold and refusing to be thousands of miles away, this time the voice of Yingman's real name became much softer.

"Yes, as you can see, it's just that the ending of me and the vault is much better than you are now."

What Fang Zheng saw to Yingman's real name was precisely his memories of the dome in the love world, and it was for this reason that Yingman's real name in front of him would make the other person feel somewhat intimate, but... Don't tear it down!

All of them are also pro. As a result, the old lady was trapped here, and her brother also ran away. You come to show love in front of me!

Brothers and sisters are amazing!

Isn't it good for my sister? !

"Don't be excited, Sakura Man real name, I'm not here to quarrel with you."

Feeling the violent fluctuations around, Fang Zheng quickly pacified.

"In fact, what I want to say is that I have deep sympathy for your current situation, so I plan to help you."

【……………help me? How are you going to help me? 】

Hearing this, Yingman's real name calmed down a little, but she asked in doubt.

"Do you know what is happening to your brother at the moment? He was so badly hit by the lost Christmas that he has completely forgotten you, and now, a girl who looks very similar to you suddenly falls by his side. ………”

[I know...that’s my container, it should have been the container prepared for me...]

"Please calm down, it won't help solve the problem."

Realizing that Sakuraman's real name became excited again, Founder hurried to appease again. He now found out that Sakuraman's real name is not only controlled by his brother, but also sick!

What a troublesome attribute.

"I want to ask you, do you still love Yingmanji?"

【………of course…………】

"So, do you want him? Or his heart?"

[What do you mean...? 】

"If you are only interested in his people, then I can directly bring him stunned, and then you can do whatever you want. But if you want him to fall in love with you completely.........I also have other Way, but hope to get your assistance."

[...............My assistance? What can I do? 】

"Of course I will point out what you should do. The important thing is that you must understand that although you are the sister of Yingmanji, your advantage is not obvious. According to the information I got, Yingmanji does I don’t have that kind of feeling... I said please calm down!"

Before the words were finished, Founder felt that Sakura Man's real name seemed to be unable to resist and had to run away again, and had to stop again.

"If you don't wait for someone to finish talking, I will leave!"


"Okay, let me continue... Actually, this is not surprising, because according to my investigation, you were all children at that time, boys were more mature than girls in terms of feelings, generally speaking, they were girls. When the children started talking to each other about the people they liked, the boys were all concerned about playing with their noses."

At this point, Founder paused.

"But now, Yingmanji has grown up, he has longed for and understood the feelings of men and women..."

[But... what he likes is not me, but my container... that is just a container...]

"......... Miss, you can let me finish talking..."

In the face of the shattered thoughts of Yingman's real name, Founder is completely speechless. What do you want to do when you are sick and depressed for a while? Did you let people talk?


"In fact, this is a good thing, because boys' first love will basically end in failure, and at that time, you can take advantage of it. I will find a way to create this situation, and you only need to wait for the opportunity, Follow my instructions... Do you understand?"

[............... Why are you helping me? 】

"There are two reasons. First, I have deep sympathy for your encounter. Considering that everyone has the same problem, I am willing to help. Second, I am a little bit in communication with the culprit who released this virus......... Simply put, I also want to destroy this plan..."


"Do you need to think about it? We have time."

[No, I have made a decision]

Soon, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Sakuraman real name gave a response.

[I hate this virus, because of it, I will encounter all this, the set will leave me, and I will be treated as a monster... I will never forgive all this. I used to think that this was just my retribution, it was my bad luck, but...

"Actually, at the beginning, you were the one selected."


At this moment, the tone of Yingman's real name was full of resentment. Obviously, she already knew that this apocalypse virus did not naturally occur...but she was helpless.

But now, the situation is different.

"So, happy cooperation."

Looking at the real name of Sakura, who was sleeping in front of her, Founder raised her lips and smiled.

At the same time, he also got an answer from Yingman's real name.

【Happy cooperation】

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