Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2138: event? Non-existent (the weather is getting hotter...

After that, Founder followed Xiaolan and they saw Miss Sayuri, the bride of the wedding ceremony, and had to admit that Miss Sayuri wearing a wedding dress was indeed quite beautiful, but the Matsumoto manager didn't seem to approve of the wedding, even if it had arrived On the day of his marriage, he still asked his daughter to think about it...well, this may just be a father's dying struggle.

Of course, it is useless as a matter of course.

After saying hello to the bride, Founder left the preparation room. After all, he was not familiar with Miss Sayuri. Maori Lan and Suzuki Yuanzi, as students of Miss Sayuri, were women, and of course they could stay here, but he was naturally not a man It's too good to stay in the bride's lounge.

After leaving the lounge, Founder wandered around, looking at the hot summer day, he was also very depressed. Although the world seems normal on the surface, after being in this world for so many days, Fang is already aware that this world is actually not normal at all.

Take the season, for example, there was a blizzard in the first two days. As a result, it started directly into the summer yesterday, as if spring did not exist. Not only that, but also the calendar itself. In order to determine the date, Founder specifically bought this electronic calendar, and found that the world’s timeline was simply messed up.

For example, from January 25 to January 30, he opened his eyes today and saw that both the calendar and the TV station showed April 25.

According to Founder's observation, this world is a bit similar to the game world of setting offsets, just like in the game, you live step by step on weekdays, and the time in the game world goes step by step.

But if the player triggers an event, and the date of the event is set to be half a month or even half a year later, it will jump directly to that time.

It’s like a player playing a love game, it’s impossible to pass the whole time, at most it is to meet the heroine, and then the middle process, and then the two sides finally confessed-and then the camera flickers, it becomes ED like graduation and marriage after half a year Too. The cumbersome time in the middle will naturally jump for you.

Of course, according to the settings, generally speaking, there should be events every month, for example, cherry blossoms will be triggered in spring, and beach swimwear will be recalled in summer. However, this world may be eroded and distorted by chaos, so that the originally assigned "events" were all merged into a timeline, which caused problems.

For example, suppose Edogawa Conan headed to place A, where a summer killing event would be triggered. Then according to this setting, Conan Spring could not trigger this event when he went to A.

But now, because of "system chaos", Conan will trigger this "summer-only event" even if he goes to A in spring or winter, and then directly force you to adjust the timeline to summer.

To use the timeline as a metaphor, this is the case: Spring —— "trigger summer event" timeline transfer to summer ---- "end of the event, summer continues"-"trigger winter event-"timeline transfer In the winter————”The end of the event, the winter continues—”Trigger of the spring event———“The timeline shifts to the spring...

Of course, the NPCs in it would not be strange. And for Founder, he is not worried, because only the date and season of cognition are changed, and no specific level is involved.

It's as if he wrote a line of code in the spring, and then the next day he found out that it was autumn, but he still had a line of code on his computer, and he wouldn't give birth to a bunch of small codes...

This is really disappointing.

The date will not cause trouble. If you have an appointment with someone for three days to eat, then after changing the season or three days, it will not change because of the season.

Of course, as a "order world", this is obviously unqualified. If it is a game, it is not impossible for the player to complain directly to the shelf.

Unfortunately, the only GM and player in the world seems crazy.

Otherwise, Founder really wants to make a complaint-there are many system bugs and the game experience is extremely poor.

But this is also to allow Founder to find a feature, that is, every time if the season is inexplicably changed, no need to ask, it must be Conan triggered another event.

Just when Founder was idle and bored, I saw that Xiaolan and Yuanzi ran out hurriedly-um, is this dead?

Why didn't you hear the iconic scream?

"What's wrong? Xiaolan? The garden?"

"Ah, Mr. Founder."

Seeing Founder, the two also stopped in a hurry. Xiaolan greeted each other and then said.

"The camera's battery is almost dead, so we are going to the nearby electronics store to see if there is any battery..."

"Battery... I remember that I had a camera in my car, so I might as well use it."

"Really? Great, trouble you!"

Hearing Founder's answer, Xiaolan and Yuanzi also responded in a hurry and excitement, and Founder nodded, then glanced at them.

"What about that kid?"

"You say Conan? He is with teacher Sayuri."

"Oh I got it."

That should be fine.

Hearing this, Founder lowered his heart somewhat, and then he returned to his car, took out the battery, and then followed Xiaolan and them to the bride's lounge. Borrowing the battery also relieved Xiaolan and Yuanzi, and they also talked and laughed with Founder along the way.

When the three of them came back to the bride's lounge again, the garden opened the door and soon saw a man in a white suit who looked a little introverted. Seeing this man, the garden shouted suddenly.

"Ah, you are the heir of the Takasugi Group!"

"Do you know him? Garden?"

Hearing this, Xiaolan also looked at Yuanzi in surprise, and the latter showed a subtle expression.

"I often meet at a banquet..."

Speaking of this, Yuanzi leaned into Xiaolan's ear to lower his voice.

"He is indecisive and unreliable. I heard that Gao Shan's family will end in his hands...............ah!"

However, as soon as Yuan Zi's voice fell, she saw that Miss Sayuri in her wedding dress hugged the man in front of her directly and gave him a deep kiss.


Seeing this scene, three people, including Conan, were stunned. Only Founder raised his eyebrows and did not speak.

"What's wrong with you? Suddenly..."

And the man named Gao Shan was obviously frightened by the maddening operation of Miss Sayuri, and looked at her with surprise. But Miss Sayuri said nothing, but looked at Mr. Gao Shan with a smile.

At this time, only one man came over.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, but the ceremony time is coming."

"Ah, yes, I know."

Hearing the reminder, Mr. Gao Shan also nodded, and Miss Sayuri reached out and took the drink he was still drinking from his hand.

"You go first, Junyan. Don't worry, I'll go by soon."

"Ah, um..."

Hearing this, Mr. Gao Shan nodded, and then turned to plan to leave with Conan and them, but at this time, suddenly, Founder came to Miss Sayuri.

"Sorry for being rude, Miss Sayuri."

Along with this sentence, Founder took the drink in Sayuri's hands, and facing the sudden scene, everyone was stunned. Even Xiaolan and Yuanzi looked at Founder in surprise, wondering why he did it. As for Miss Sayuri, she was stunned and watched as Founder took the drink from her hand.

"I'm a little thirsty now. If you don't mind, let me take a sip."

While talking, Founder raised the jar in his hand, but it was at this time...

"No way -----!!!"

With a scream, Sayuri slammed towards Fangzheng and knocked the beverage can in his hand to the ground. This sudden scene left Conan, Xiaolan, Yuanzi, and Mr. Takagi all present at the same place, completely ignorant of what to say.

"why not?"

Fang Zheng looked at the same drink that had been hit on the ground, and then looked at Sayuri.

"Is it because someone has poisoned it?"



Hearing Fang Zheng's words, everyone's eyes widened, and Sayuri also looked pale.

"No, this.........sorry, I was just scared..."

"Really? Then I just want to find someone to test it...……Mr. Yuanzi, could you please notify Matsumoto Administrator? But please don't tell others for the time being."


Hearing Fang Zheng's instructions, the garden nodded, and then hurriedly turned to leave. Xiaolan looked at Sayuri and then looked at the drinks on the ground. I couldn't believe it.

"Mr. Fang Zheng, are you talking about the truth? That drink is poisonous? So someone wants to kill Teacher Sayuri?"

"Yes, and the prisoner is here, the one except you and me, Sayuri teacher and Conan."

As he said, Founder turned his head while squinting his eyes, looking at the pale groom Mr. Gao Shan.

"Of course, strictly speaking, you are not a prisoner, because at most you are only poisoning, and it is Miss Sayuri who really chooses to drink this bottle......... Well, to a certain extent, you should be an assistance suicide?"

"and many more!"

Hearing this, Conan was also taken aback, looking towards Founder.

"You mean...Miss Sayuri knows that the drink is poisonous and still drinks it on purpose?"

"That's it."

Founder shrugged his shoulders and looked again at Mr. Gao Shan.

"In fact, when the garden opened the door, I saw what you put in the drink bottle. I think Miss Sayuri also saw it. I guess she should also know why you killed her, but not know what happened. For whatever reason, she intends to accept this gift of death......... Well, Miss Sayuri, I don’t know what’s going on between you, but just give up my life casually.........I think it’s still not very good."

At this time, Xiaolan also reacted.

"So at that time, Mr. Fang Zheng, you have to go and drink that bottle of beverage before she is stopped by Sayuri, because she knows that it is poisonous?"

"That's it."

Founder shrugged his shoulders and then looked at Mr. Gao Shan.

"Okay, now that everything has been spoken, I don’t think you should hide it from each other. What’s best is to spread it out. After all, today is a day of great joy. It’s a little bit too bad to see blood. auspicious."


Facing Founder's words, Miss Xiaoli and Mr. Gao Shan were silent, but Xiaolan couldn't help speaking at this time.

"Why, Mr. Gao Shan! Why are you killing Sayuri? Are you going to marry her?"

"Because...because...I want to retaliate against him, revenge that man!!"

As of today, Takasugi Tohiko doesn't seem to plan to hide anymore, and just showdown. It turned out that 20 years ago, Takasugi Junyan and his mother went out together, and happened to meet Ms. Sayuri's father, Matsumoto Administrator, to pursue the prisoner. The car driven by the prisoner hit Takasugi's mother and seriously injured him. At that time, Takasugi Toshihiko asked Matsumoto’s manager to save his mother, but Matsumoto’s manager who was busy chasing the prisoner didn’t take care of him. As a result, Takasugi’s mother took a final breath on the roadside.

After that, Takasugi Tohiko was adopted by Takasugi's family, and then he met Matsumoto Sayuri. After learning that Matsumoto Sayuri was the daughter of the ruthless policeman 20 years ago, he thought of killing Matsumoto Sayuri and let Matsumoto The administrator also tasted the loss of his loved ones, so he would poison Matsumoto Sayuri!


"Since you know that I have been poisoned, why do you drink that bottle of drink?"

Looking at Sayuri, Takasugi Tohiko was also puzzled, and Miss Sayuri looked at him sadly.

"Because I have known for a long time, about your life experience, and things that happened 20 years ago... I don't know what to do, Junyan, I also thought to confess to you and hope you can forgive my father. But I can’t say it at all, so... I think it might be able to end everything..."

"I don't understand, I really don't understand. Why did you do this? I lied to you! I didn't love you at all! I just used you as a **** for revenge!"

"But I love you, Junyan."

Holding her hands tightly, Miss Sayuri stared at Mr. Gao Shan.

"Since twenty years ago... I have loved you."

"Twenty years ago...?"

"Did you forget? You used to secretly bring me warm lemon tea from the bakery..."


Hearing this, Jun Takasugi was also stunned.

It turned out that Takasugi Toshihiko was the sweetheart that Miss Sayuri had been thinking about for 20 years. After Takasugi Toshihiko contacted Sayuri, Miss Sayuri always felt that he was like his first love. I learned about the accident two decades ago and why the boy would suddenly disappear from his presence.

So she has always been troubled, after all, between her father and her lover, she really has no way to make a choice.

After that, the Matsumoto manager was also called by the garden, and then the two sides completely showed off. After learning the true identity of Takasugi Toshihiko and his desire to poison Miss Sayuri, the Matsumoto manager was also surprised.

As for how to contribute to the next incident, it was the family's chores. After leaving Matsumoto Administrator, Miss Sayuri and Junko Takasugi in the room, Founder took Xiaolan, Yuanzi and Conan out of the lounge.

"Mr. Founder, you are so good."

Leaving the lounge, Xiaolan looked at Founder with emotion.

"I didn't expect you to be able to reason about so many things, just like a detective."


Facing Xiaolan's praise, Founder just smiled.

"I have no reasoning ability, in fact, I just saw it."


Hearing this, Xiaolan and Yuanzi looked at each other in doubt, and Fang Zheng nodded.

"Yes, a person's language will deceive people, but his eyes, movements, and expressions will not deceive people. I did see Mr. Gao Shan put something in the drink, but generally speaking, even I don’t know if he put the poison, maybe he just wanted to make a small joke with Miss Sayuri? After all, most people don’t think about it."

"This is also..."

For Founder’s words, Xiaolan and Yuanzi also took it for granted. If they were replaced by them, if they saw Mr. Gao Shan put things in Mr. Sayuri’s drink bottle, it would be estimated that they would just be curious about “what did he put”, and wouldn’t be so clumsy. Just think about how the bridegroom will poison and kill his bride.

"So why are you sure, Mr. Founder?"

"It's simple, because of the expression."

Founder held out his finger and pointed to his face.

"I said just now, the language will deceive people, but the movements, eyes and expressions will not. At that time I saw his expression is stiff, and the eyes are a little gloomy, plus some small details, can let me determine this person Obviously it's killing."

"But how do you know Mr. Sayuri found Mr. Gao Shan poisoned?"

Conan also asked in a hurry at the same time, he was also very curious about this, to know that Sayuri did say a few words with Takasugi Toshihiko, but even Conan did not realize this afterwards. At that time, he had no idea at all. , But how did Founder know about this?

"It's simple, do you remember the inexplicable kiss?"


Hearing Founder's reminder, the three suddenly woke up like a dream.

"That kiss..."

"It's weird. In fact, even Mr. Gao Shan felt inexplicable. Why did Miss Sayuri suddenly kiss him? The reason is very simple, that is the final farewell."

Speaking of this, the corner of Founder's mouth slightly raised.

"Miss Sayuri is not an excellent liar. Although she tried hard to behave calmly, the expression at that moment was enough to make me confirm her thoughts, and then cooperate with what I have seen before, I can almost guess. The problem is."

That’s right, Fang Zheng did not like reasoning through UU reading www.uukanshu.com, what evidence he passed, what witness testimony on the spot, and then reasoning about crime, he couldn’t learn anything at all.

But he has his own method. With his current physical qualities, although his attributes are only top-notch, Fangzheng is still quite keen on the five official aspects. Since founding the world, Fang Zheng has been learning criminal psychology, anthropology, and micro-expression analysis. With his keen senses that transcend mortals, he wants to find them in the other person’s expression in a flash. Hidden things can't be easier.

So Fang Zheng is not going to do any detectives. He can completely kill the criminal behavior at the beginning stage like today. To put it bluntly, even if Founder went to a scene with Conan, he could see who wanted to commit the murder and who had the intention to kill before the incident, and then find a time to solve the problem in advance.

After all, the detective was only afterwards, and he was able to solve the incident in advance.

Thinking of this, Founder looked to Conan. If he didn't shoot, then it should be Conan's reasoning.

Oops, this kind of walking the way of others, letting others feel nowhere to go... is really good.

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