Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2146: Shameful spoilers! ! ! (I didn’t sleep well last night...)

After dinner, everyone spent time in the mask room, the photographer and the rock singer went to play billiards, and Kogoro was entangled with the mysterious-looking fortune teller and asked her to give herself the luck of this year.

As for Fang Zhengzheng on the chair, on the whole, everything is very calm—well, the calm before the storm.

"Mr. Founder."

At this time, Xiao Lan also came with Conan and sat beside Founder.

"Are you too bored? How about playing chess with us?"

"Playing chess... This is a little bit of fun for me."

Looking at Xiaolan who smiled and raised the chessboard to himself, Founder also put down the book in his hand and thought for a moment.

"Well, let me tell you a story."

"Story? Okay!"

Hearing that Fang Zheng was about to tell them stories, Xiao Lan suddenly became interested, and Conan looked at Fang Zheng curiously, wanting to see what story he would tell.

"Um... let me think about it, the protagonist of the story is a girl named Li Zuo..."

While talking, Founder started to tell the story to the two. To put it simply, the story begins with a young girl named Rizuo who lost her memory. She lost her memory and walked on the street blankly, then was discovered by her boyfriend, and then took Rizuo to her home.

Although the family took Risa for treatment, the doctor thought that the girl might have been mentally stimulated, so she lost her memory. After that, Rizzo also had nightmares at night. She always dreamed that a huge caterpillar had entered through the door and wanted to crawl to her bed, and every time Rizzo was here to be awakened.

Hearing this, Conan also became interested and began to try to use her ability to reason how the girl lost her memory.

"Maybe she was scared by the caterpillar."

Xiaolan quickly expressed her guess, while Conan shook his head.

"Sister Xiaolan, you are too exaggerated. Even if some people are afraid of caterpillars, they will not be scared of amnesia. I suspect she may have seen something similar to caterpillars..."

"But the average caterpillar can't be that big."

Xiao Lan gestured doubtfully. According to Founder's instructions, the caterpillar's body was almost as wide as a basketball. Where could there be such a caterpillar?

But having said that, if there is such a caterpillar, I am afraid that Xiaolan will scream in fear.

"Could it be a python? Perhaps it was because of the sudden encounter with the python that the result was terrified?"

"But I don't think of pythons as caterpillars..."

The two discussed a few sentences, and then listened to Fang Zheng continued to talk. Then Fang Zheng talked about the girl named Li Zuo who was invited by his boyfriend Makita to be a guest at his home, but Makita's family made Rizhao uneasy and restless. Facing the tense Risa, Makita told her that she was not the first time she came to her house, she had also been here before... But this made Rizhao more uneasy. After returning home, she felt like she remembered something, She suspected that she must have seen something at the Makita family before she was shocked and lost her memory.

When Risa was upset, Makita came to her house and told her that her father was going to die, and hoped that she would see her father for the last time. However, when Makita pushed open the door, Risa finally saw Makita clearly. The true face of the father.

"...That was an old man lying on the tatami. He looked haggard and looked as if he would die soon. However, what made Rizzo even more frightened was the old man's head, which was connected one by one to the old man's head. The brains are like hundreds of bowls upside down together... Those brains are the brains of Makita's ancestors, and whenever their family dies, their brains will grow on the next heir, and Rizzo, It was originally chosen by them as the woman who gave birth to Makita Kako..."

Founder's voice echoed low in the entertainment room. At the moment, Xiaolan was already looking pale and grabbed Conan, and Conan also took a breath. Although he knew this was just a story, he thought of hundreds of people. His brains are connected together, like a giant caterpillar, so that he is also covered with goose bumps.

The story ends with Makita’s father dying. Makita also inherited his father’s brain, and then he rushed towards Risa under the control of the brain. Facing Makita who was manipulated by countless brains and flying in the air, Risa was scared again. Lost his memory and fell into the clutches of Makita...

"Woo......... Really, terrible..."

After listening to this story, Xiaolan felt that she dared not sleep alone tonight, and Conan was also speechless, because this was not only a strange story, but in the end it was BADEND.........

At this time, the twin maids also came out and said that it was time for rest, and hoped that everyone could return to their rooms to sleep. Because every twelve o'clock, they will completely block the mask room from the east and the west to avoid those masks running around... Well, this is just a legend, but Xiaolan is scary enough His face was pale.

"Ke, Conan, will we sleep together today?"

After founding the story, Fang Zheng patted the **** and left, leaving Xiao Lan alone more and more afraid, and finally could not help looking at Conan around him, and faced with Xiao Lan’s invitation, Conan also fell into a dilemma.

Oops, you said I agree? Or agree?

After returning to the room, Founder did not sleep, but continued to open the computer to set up his project. After all, Founder had already thought about it. Once he cleaned up this chaotic eroded guy, then the four-leaf galaxy must fall into his own. In hand. Therefore, we must plan well in advance, especially when the projectile breaks through the current end world, it also requires the cooperation of the "players" in each world to rebuild.

So the focus becomes how to lure players to krypton gold.

Although things like skin, exterior, and residence are all old-fashioned, Founder knows that this is not enough. Any game update must have a new krypton gold point that excites the player......... Well, so, It just started with the four-leaf galaxy, inducing players to build a star city here, and then krypton gold let them buy warships.

Then it can be customized even further, and finally the factory can be built.........Of course, these will be sold step by step.

Of course, the warships given to players at the beginning must have many defects. By the way, for example, free players can get fighters and shuttles. Can krypton players randomly select warships of various types? Should the probability be lowered? Or simply don't fake probabilities and directly go to real?

"Boom boom!"

Just when Fang Zheng was excited about how to harvest leeks, he suddenly heard a knock on the door outside the corridor, which made Fang Zheng have to helplessly put away the computer, and then opened the door to look at the corridor, and soon he saw the twins maid One of them hurriedly walked up from the first floor, and then quickly opened the locked room of the mask. At the moment the door opened, Founder saw Maori Xiaowulang and his party rushed over and ran towards the third floor.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

At this time, the photographers and fortune-tellers also came to see what happened, and seeing this scene, Founder silently yawned.

Still need to ask, is this definitely a dead man?

Forget it, take a look.

Thinking of this, Founder followed others to the third floor.

Sure enough, the door of Ms. Su Fang's room on the third floor was locked. In desperation, Xiao Wulang had to break the transom above the door, and then sent Conan in, and then Conan opened the door from inside, but it wasn't enough... It was definitely too late.

At this moment, Su Fanghongzi was completely dead. Next to her body, there were masks scattered all over the place...

Moreover, Su Fanghongzi was stabbed in the neck and died. This is undoubtedly homicide, and the room was a secret room at the time, that is to say... this is a secret room murder!

After discovering the body, Kogoro also called the police immediately, and then Officer Mumu quickly took someone out to the scene of the crime. According to the traces at the scene, Ms. Su Fang fell asleep after taking sleeping pills, so she died without any struggle. And there was no place in the whole room where no one could go in and out, and there were no fingerprints or any imprints of the murderer on the blood-stained knife handle, which was really confusing.

Not only that, according to Maori Kogoro, they were sleeping, but suddenly someone called to tell them that the mask was craving blood, so Maori Kogoro noticed that something was wrong and hurried to Ms. Su Fang’s room to check Happening.

Not only that, Maori Kogoro made a bold inference.

"Because Ms. Su Fang's room can only be reached through the stairs of the West Pavilion, and the two doors on the left and right of the Mask Room are all locked, so the prisoner must be the person who lives in the West Pavilion!"



Founder completely broke Kogoro's delusion in one sentence.


"It's simple, because my room is right next to the stairs."

Founder shrugged his shoulders and looked at Kogoro.

"And until things happened, I was busy working and did not sleep. I can be sure that no one went to the third floor through the stairs."


Hearing Founder's answer, Kogoro looked pale.

"Maybe the prisoner avoided it deliberately..."

"It's impossible. I'm very confident in my ears. In short, before you, no one from the West Pavilion went to the third floor, so the murderer couldn't be in the West Pavilion."

"how can that be?!"

Hearing this, Kogoro suddenly began to complain again.

"Then the murderer is one of us living in the East Pavilion according to your opinion? So how would he go through the blocked Kamen Hall to Ms. Su Fang's room on the third floor?"

"Maybe he didn't pass the mask room at all."

In the face of Hu Wulang's churn, Founder shrugged his shoulders.

"All in all, all I can say is this."


Hearing Founder’s words, Conan was lost in contemplation. He could be sure that if Founder was not sure, he would never say anything. Since he said that no one would go to the third floor from the west hall through the stairs, it means that he is very sure of this. But as Maori Kogoro wondered, if the prisoner was not from the West Pavilion, how would he go to the bedroom of Ms. Su Fanghongzi on the third floor through the blocked Kamen Hall?

While Conan was thinking, he saw Xiao Lan looking at the police officers with complex expressions, and he seemed to be afraid.

"What's wrong? Sister Xiaolan?"

Seeing this, Conan asked suspiciously, and when he heard Conan's inquiry, Xiaolan smiled embarrassedly.

"No, it's nothing, Conan. I just saw the masks piled up and remembered the story Mr. Founder told..."

"Ah, that story...............ah!"

Hearing Xiaolan's answer, Conan nodded, and then he suddenly flashed!

Looking at those masks again, combined with the story that Founder told before, Conan said... I know the truth! !

After this, Conan also quickly announced his reasoning through Maori Kogoro, and pointed out that the murderer was the rock singer Lanchuan Dongya. And the secret crime method he used was also unlocked by Conan. In short, Lanchuan Dongya first tied the bottom of the dagger with an elastic band, and then passed the mask one by one through the elastic band and sent it to Su Fanghongzi's bedroom through the fence. Pull hard.

Under the effect of the elastic band, the masks scattered around the ground will be pulled up, and then form a solid support point, then as long as the mask is pushed on the other side of the vent, the top dagger can be thrust forward, You can easily kill Su Fanghongzi.

Next, only the elastic band needs to be cut for recycling, and a perfect and secret chamber is formed.

Since Su Fanghongzi had taken sleeping pills and fell asleep, no matter how stabbing her, there would be no reaction. Otherwise, the possibility of a person throwing so many masks from the vents is basically zero.

So you see, Doco learning.

Looking at the "mask arm" that was pulled up, Founder was speechless.

If you put it in reality, you will at least knot it, but on the Conan side, it seems to be "lubricated like silk". There are more than 200 masks on the elastic band, and it is not at all. The rules are scattered all over the place, you pull hard, in case there is a jam, will you die?

As a result, none of them got stuck...

is it possible?


Forget it, it's pointless to talk about science with Conan.

Let's talk about Ke Xue.

All in all, the case was cracked. After Conan pierced the lie that Lanchuan Dongya was not present, he also decisively stated his criminal motives-as expected, it was Lanchuan Dongya's 20 years ago. The mother committed a crime for Su Fanghongzi and then committed suicide. After learning the truth of this matter, Lanchuan Dongya planned to take revenge.

So, lad, your road is narrow, why don’t you come to Hell to vent? If I want to do it, I won't be like this now...

Looking at the Lanchuan Dongya taken away by the police car, Founder was also very emotional, and not far behind him, Conan also looked at Founder with a complicated look.

To be honest, Conan can find that today’s reasoning is too smooth. First, Founder directly ruled out the suspicion of everyone in the West Pavilion. Out of the trust of the other party, Conan immediately narrowed the target range. If the prisoner is really in In the East Pavilion, it must be Mr. Lan Chuan and Miss Xia Li except for the three of them. So Conan focused on the two of them. Sure enough, he could see the clue from Lan Chuan's winter night's absence.

As for the technique used by the prisoner, www.wuxiaspot.com~, Conan immediately thought of it after listening to Xiaolan about the story. In fact, it is the same. Two hundred masks are stacked together, and it feels really like the hundreds of brains stacked in that story...

Only, is this a coincidence?

What Conan thought was wrong, after all, the story that Founder had told was really in line with this criminal tactic. It felt like he knew that the prisoner would use this method to commit murder, so he specially compiled a story in advance to tell them.

But this is too unconventional, as if Founder would predict the future.

"...Hey, Brother Founder."

Just when Conan made up his mind and wanted to ask, he saw Fang Zheng turning his head, looked at him, and sighed helplessly.

"Look, I'm right, you will die every time you meet outside. Fortunately, one died this time."


At this moment, Conan said that I didn't want to talk to you at all.

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