Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2159: Welcome to join the war (the game is very good recently)

Chapter 2131 Welcome to the war (the game has been played very well recently)

What happened in the United States completely shocked the world, but the fact is that things did not end there. When people were crying and trying to send those patients to the hospital for rescue, a second wave of attacks came. The relentless fire and explosion engulfed the overcrowded hospital, and even the water plant was blown up.

The whole country was plunged into boundless darkness, like **** in the reflection of flames.

It was not until the third day that the President of the United States of America finally appeared in front of a global audience and delivered a television speech.

On the TV, he was pale and exhausted, but he concealed his irrepressible anger.

"Citizens of the United States of America, we have suffered unprecedented harm. This is a disaster. But I swear that we will not stop here. This is terrorism. This is a provocation and harm to democracy and freedom throughout the world. We, the United States of America, will never succumb to such a despicable terrorist attack. I swear to you that I will completely eradicate the malignant tumor that endangers the country, so that those despicable people who dare to show their fangs to us will get what they deserve Punishment! They will pay for their actions............"

However, when audiences all over the world watched the impassioned speech of the President of the United States, the picture suddenly jumped, and the next moment a man wearing a white mask and a black coat appeared in front of the audience.

"Hello viewers."

The man stretched out his hands and made a gesture.

"Let me introduce myself first. I am an envoy of peace and the mastermind behind the attack on the United States. Here I want to make one point. What we did against the United States of America was not a terrorist attack. On the contrary, it was just a terrorist attack. War. Yes, it's that simple, war..."

Having said this, the man stood up.

"Citizens of the United States of America, are you incredibly proud? Your country is surrounded by the ocean, and no country can start war against you. And you can start wars everywhere in this world with unbridled, you bomb those that are thousands of miles away When foreign countries slaughtered their people, did you ever think about today? No, I guess you didn’t think about it, because you have the world’s most powerful military force. You have aircraft carriers, fleets, nuclear bombs, everything Weapons that can destroy your enemies. Therefore, you are unscrupulous and unrestrained, and you think you are the king of the world. So now..."

While speaking, the man snapped his fingers. Soon, buildings shrouded in flames and smoke, people crying, and horrible corpses appeared on the screen.

"Facts have proved that your army can't protect you, and your nuclear bombs can't protect you either. This is a war. What you get now is the rewards you have done to others, and you deserve it. Retribution. You and your country are like vampires, greedily drawing the blood of others to strengthen yourself, and now, it’s time for you to taste retribution."

Having said this, the man raised his hands.

"People all over the world who rebel against the United States, look at this scene! Maybe your country, your army does not have the power to resist American invasion and conquest, but relying on your personal strength can still plunge this country into flames! Here we call upon the people of the world who have resisted the United States of America to unite, for freedom, peace and justice, let us destroy this country completely! Only in this way can the world be able to restore peace!"

The man raised his hand and pointed to the camera.

"This is a war, Your Excellency, what we need is not your surrender. There is only one outcome of the war, and that is destruction or destruction. You see, our requirements are as simple as that - until the United States of America is completely destroyed. We will never stop our actions."

The next moment, the picture will turn again.

"Want to avenge your motherland? Do you want that culprit to enjoy the same treatment as you have suffered? Now it is too late to join our peace envoys. Call XXX-XXXXXXX immediately, the top 100 Lucky viewers can also get priority equipment and instructions for the next attack plan. A 10% discount is available for the audience. The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come again! Now the Peace Envoy is recruiting from all over the world, for your family, for your country, for Freedom and justice, join us in destroying the tyranny of the empire!"

Accompanied by this child's play-like advertising, the picture disappeared again, and the live broadcast of the president's speech appeared on the screen again. Only this time, even the President of the United States of America was astonished with his speech, and didn't know what to say.

that's fine.

Fang Zheng put away his personal terminal and looked at the TV screen in front of him, his mouth slightly cocked. The world has never lacked desperadoes, let alone desperadoes who hate the United States. They just have no funds, no weapons, and no plans. But now, all of these Founders can provide them. From now on, the United States will fall into a war that will never end. Five years, ten years, twenty years, thirty years, until the complete destruction of the United States, this war will not end.

And their enemies come from all over the world.

If the United States has the ability to throw nuclear bombs around the world?

Besides, what if the United States increases its testing efforts from now on? They can also attack American freighters, passenger ships, and airplanes. To put it bluntly, the United States is an isolated island. As long as all freighters that dare to enter and leave the United States are sunk, what else can they do?

Do you have hundreds of military bases all over the world?

There are several aircraft carrier formations?

How many nuclear bombs are there?

So awesome, you have the ability to fight.

Do you know who to fight?

As for the phone number left by Founder, it is carefully encrypted. It will automatically track each caller, confirm their identity and origin, and then compare data from servers around the world to confirm their identity.

In fact, at the moment the advertisement was broadcast, Founder’s personal terminal prompted tens of thousands of calls from all over the world.

Hmm... It really is the world's suffering and beauty for a long time.

However, this is not important. What is important is that immediately after this video was played, Fang Zheng immediately felt countless cold, dark, and death forces converging towards him. They quickly entangled Fang Zheng's side, forming a brand new, invisible existence.

At this moment, Fang Zheng could feel that he had become the world's greatest threat and enemy.

And this is what he wants.

the reason is simple.

The identity of the Order Clan in this world is the boss of the black organization, in other words, it is the ultimate boss of this world. He used this trait to escape Fang Zheng's search and detection.

But now, the final BOSS has changed, and now Founder has obtained the authority of this final BOSS, and the other party loses this authority. Unless he does something more frenzied than Fang Zheng, otherwise he will never be able to **** the authority of the final boss from Fang Zheng.

Of course, this is based on the situation where both parties are willing to play according to the rules of the game.

Fang Zheng is now playing a role-playing game with the unknown Order Clan, and everyone tacitly follows the rules and settings. But if the other party intends to make trouble, then Fang Zheng will directly raise the table - then he will not launch such a pediatric attack on the United States, but will directly call the fleet to clean the ground in low-Earth orbit.

But now it seems that both parties intend to act in accordance with the rules of the game.

After confirming this point, Fang Zheng had already recovered his mind. The damage the United States suffered this time was enough to make it fall into the abyss, and the following was a long and continuous bloodletting. As Fang Zheng said, the United States has created countless enemies all over the world. All he has to do is to provide funds, intelligence, and weapon support to these enemies. They can attack American freighters on the high seas, attack American trains and trucks inland, and launch ground-to-air strikes on American domestic flights. This will be a long and continuous process, several years, ten years, dozens of years. Years... Until the complete collapse of the United States.

There is no need for Founder to care about these one by one. The artificial intelligence in his personal terminal will automatically process the information, and then give instructions and information to take action.

Now Fang Zheng can be sure that when he meets Gin Jiu and others next time, they will be dead.

Of course, for Founder, the benefits of this wave of operations are more than just these.

With the attack on the United States, the demand for security equipment in various countries around the world has also increased a lot, and Founder's Umbrella company has also obtained a lot of orders, directly out of Asia and into the world. Even in Japan, some places that should have been unwilling to accept the Skynet system for various reasons are now relieved - after all, they are also the younger brothers of the United States. Now the United States is caught off guard. , Japan is also afraid that others will beat the dog after the owner is finished.

As a result, Founder not only smashed the United States, but also got the authority of the final boss, and at the same time made a lot of money.

Three birds with one stone, it's hard to make a profit!

But for some people, it's the blood that's lost.

"What does it mean!?"

FBI Director James threw the intelligence in his hand on the table angrily and stared at his subordinates.

"Are you kidding us?"

"Of course not, Director, the result of our investigation...it is indeed this."

Speaking of this, the subordinate also looked bitter. The crisis that the United States suffered this time was also a major blow to the FBI. Although they arrested several suspects after that, and investigated their sources of funds, they tried to find the envoy behind them, but... Their funding came from the American Democracy Foundation!

"So you want me to report to Congress. This group of people is holding our funds and our weapons, and then in turn against ourselves?!"

"Although I don't want to talk about it, but the fact is...not only that, we also investigated several other accounts, and their funding sources are almost the same.

"It's a shame!"

Looking at the intelligence in front of him, James trembled with anger.

"Inner ghost, UU read www.uukanshu.com to check it for me, there must be an inner ghost! There is no one to file and notify the direction of such a large amount of money? What do they eat!"

"Yes, there is another piece of news. We suspect that this matter is likely to be related to the black organization..."

"Black Organization?"

"Yes, the man who appeared on the screen was wearing black clothes, and according to our intelligence, the members of that organization also wear black clothes all year round, and their bosses are still unknown until now. Although we were undercover, But no useful information was investigated..."

"Anyway, check it out for me!"

Hearing this, Secretary James couldn't take care of so much. The problem now is that Congress urgently needs to give an explanation to find the murderer. He can't control so much anymore, find one and count one!

"All suspicious organizations will be investigated for me! I will let him understand that it is a price to provoke the United States of America!!"

(End of this chapter)

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