Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2169: Ke Xue's method of solving crimes

Chapter 2141 Ke Xue's Method of Solving Cases (As the Orange Cat, I have abolished it)

Although there was an explosion, fortunately, Officer Shiratori did not die on the spot, but was also seriously injured. Not only that, Shiratori also handed a note to Officer Sato. After reading the content of the note, Officer Sato's expression also changed drastically.

After that, Officer Shiratori was taken away by an ambulance. As for Fangzheng...

"From the US police officer, we return to the Metropolitan Police Department."

"Ah, yes..."

Hearing Fang Zheng's deep voice, Yumi also nodded, and then hurriedly drove Fang Zheng and Yoko Okino towards the direction of the Metropolitan Police Department. While in the car, Yoko Okino finally couldn't help but started asking.

"Um...Did the current criminals put bombs on police cars? Are they all so bold?"

"Of course not. In fact, this gangster came at us."


"This one……………"

"Go ahead, I want to hear too."

Yumi glanced at Fang Zheng embarrassedly, and Fang Zheng also nodded. As Yoko Okino said, now the gangsters dare to bomb the police car. How daring is this?

Feel that life is too good?


Soon, Yumi explained the situation to the two.

This has to start seven years ago, when someone installed a bomb in two apartments and asked the police to give them one billion yuan, or they would detonate the bomb. At that time, although the police sent people to dismantle the bombs, one of them was tricky and could not be dismantled. Therefore, with nothing to do, the police had to agree to the prisoner's request, and the prisoner also stopped the bomb timing by remote control.

After that, the police quickly evacuated the crowd from the apartment, but what they did not expect was that they received a call from the prisoner asking them why the bomb was still timing. At that time, the police immediately thought that the prisoner might have seen the rebroadcast video from the TV station and mistaken it for a live broadcast, so they took the opportunity to stabilize the prisoner, found his location, and went to arrest him.

The prisoner panicked during the arrest process and was hit and killed by a car.

Soon after this, the bomb that had stopped was activated again and then exploded. Therefore, the police also determined that there were two bombers. It is very likely that another accomplice mistakenly believed that the police played false news on TV to lure them into arrest and retaliated.

Then three years ago, the same thing happened again when the bomb was installed on a Ferris wheel. At that time, Officer Matsuda, who was the partner of Officer Sato, was in charge of dismantling the bomb. Originally, he could dismantle the bomb, but he did not expect that the gangster used the bomb to inform Officer Matsuda of a news that he had planted a bomb in another location. If the other party wanted to know that place, he could not dismantle the bomb. He would tell Officer Matsuda the location three seconds before the explosion.

In the end, Officer Matsuda chose to abandon the demolition of the bomb, and learned that the place where the gang had planted another bomb was Mihua Central Hospital. As a result, the people there were saved, and Officer Matsuda was killed.

Police Officer Sato has always been brooding about this matter. In fact, today is also the same day as the third anniversary of the death of Officer Matsuda, and the note that the criminal put on the police car of Officer Shiratori is the same as what he wrote three years ago. The content given to the Metropolitan Police Department is very similar.

Since the police had never informed the media and the public about this case, after seeing the paper, Officer Sato immediately understood that this was the murderer who had killed his colleague, and he began to act again.

"No wonder Officer Sato had that expression at that time, she must be very sad..."

As an actor, Yoko Okino is not as good as Founder's mind-reading skills, but she also has a way of dealing with people. If she can't even figure out the expressions of others, it will be impossible to act in a TV series.

"But the prisoner is also very pitiful..."

"You are wrong about that, Yoko."

But this time, before Yumi could speak, Fang Zheng spoke first.

"Listen well, you think this prisoner is pitiful, you are completely preconceived, why do you think he is pitiful?"

"Because he kept his promise? But he was hit and killed by a car..."


Hearing this, Fang Zheng gave a cold snort.

"He kidnapped a person from an apartment building and asked the police to give him money. What is that? This is frenzied. If the police don't pay him, do you think he would really blow up the apartment building? Kill all the people inside?"


Hearing this, Yoko stopped talking.

"The media is like this. When reporting a case, they report why the prisoner committed the crime, saying how pitiful he is, but what does this have to do with the police? Listen, the police arrested him not because of how pitiful he was, but because he violated the law and committed crimes and treated others. It has caused threats and harm to the society. Asking for money at the cost of the lives of an apartment building is completely frantic. In the end, leaving a message can only say that his conscience is not lost, but it is absolutely not related to poor."

"Ahem, Mr. Fang Zheng..."

Upon hearing this, Yumi also coughed, while Fang Zheng shrugged.

"What are you afraid of? I'm not a policeman. I'm just a special adviser. I can say what I want."

The reason why Fang Zheng said so is also experienced, after all, he himself is like this.

As he said in the global live broadcast after the bombing of the United States, it was just a means of empathy to attract the public. But what about Founder himself? I just watch the Americans upset, I just want to kill the Americans, I have ruined the United States in several worlds, I just like to see American corpses all over the country, that’s one word, cool!

But what if you get caught?

Of course it is pretending to be pitiful, saying that I lost my family in an American airstrike since I was young, and I suffered from mental breakdown because of grief. In short, if there is any way to win the sympathy of the society, just use it. As long as the death penalty is not imposed, I will wait until I escape from prison. It's so comfortable that it continues to explode with a backhand.

It's not cool to be able to play the police and other people as fools.

But this idea is not bad, next time I try to plant some bombs all over the United States, and play hide and seek with the FBI is also quite interesting.

Hmm... I ran far, let's get back to the topic.

"That paper is the prisoner's notice, right? What should we do next?"

At this moment Yoko Okino also understood what Fang Zheng meant, and stopped commenting on this matter.

"Back to the Metropolitan Police Department, let you see how the current police solve the case."

While talking, Fang Zheng glanced at Yoko Okino. Now she is wearing Yumi's police uniform, plus her appearance. If she doesn't look carefully, she will only be regarded as an ordinary policewoman.

But fortunately, I originally came to take her to experience life.

Pulling on the warning lights, Yumi drove the police car back to the Metropolitan Police Department, and then Fang Zheng took Yoko Okino to the elevator to a room on the third floor.

"this is………"

When Fang Zheng opened the door, he was shocked when he saw the scene in front of him. The three walls in front of him were all covered with screens. Below, dozens of police officers were sitting nervously on his own. In position, typing on the keyboard.

"This is the Skynet system. We monitor the entire Tokyo metropolis through this system. No prisoner can escape our eyes."

Fang Zheng explained to Yoko Okino, then looked forward and gave the order directly.

"Retrieve surveillance video of area D-46!"


Although Fang Zheng's title of Metropolitan Police Department is only a special consultant, he has built and maintained the Skynet system alone, so he has considerable authority in this regard. Hearing Fang Zheng's order at this moment, the police officers below also acted immediately, and soon the monitoring of the crossroads appeared on the big screen.

"Call out all the surveillance covering the restaurant in this neighborhood."

Following Fang Zheng's command, the picture on the big screen switched again, but...the viewing angle was not very good.


Seeing this, Fang Zheng also cursed inwardly, but there is no way. After all, they can only install cameras in public areas, and they can't install them on private grounds, and the information about cameras installed by others will not be shared with you...Forget it, Will just watch.

"Shiratori and Takagi's alarm time is 3 o'clock, and the explosion time is 6 o'clock. During the three hours of monitoring, all the three hours of monitoring are saved, downloaded, and packaged for inspection... Follow me."

Fang Zheng made a gesture to Yoko Okino, then took her to his office, and then turned on a computer.

"Can you use a computer?"


Okino Yoko looked at the surveillance video on the screen anxiously.

"But what are we going to do?"



"Yes, you should already know that no bombs were placed in the restaurant. The prisoner called the police to lure the police over, and then installed the bomb on the police car while the police went to the restaurant to look for the bomb. This process must take a lot of time. And because the police car is parked on the side of the road, it is likely that someone or the vehicle has witnessed something. But now, we must first find out the exact time."

While talking, Fang Zheng pressed the play button, then fast forward. Soon, it didn’t take long to see Officer Shiratori’s police car coming from the intersection, and then stopped in front of the restaurant at the end of the screen. Then Shiratori and Takagi got out of the police car and headed to the restaurant. Then it didn’t take long for the people in the restaurant to leave. come out………

"This picture is too blurry..."

Looking at the figure on the screen in front of him, Yoko Okino whispered, indeed, since cameras in this era are not advanced, people in the distance look like walking mosaics. Only a few moving spots can be seen...

"No way, it's better than nothing. Now you can watch it here and write it down when you see someone approaching the police car."

"Just, do I do it alone?"

At the moment, Yoko Okino is also very upset. Although she is here to experience life, she is only an actor after all, and now they are chasing a criminal who dared to kill the police. This kind of thing is left to her...

"Of course it is impossible. I will bring you here, mainly to let you feel the atmosphere of the Metropolitan Police Department. Of course, the comparison and search are also done by professional surveillance police officers. All you have to do is to assist in the comparison. Work. Also, record the license plate numbers of all vehicles passing through this street during this time, and we will call one by one to investigate and ask if they have seen anything."

"I understand."

Hearing this, Okino Yoko was also relieved and nodded hastily.

"I will work hard, Mr. Fang Zheng."

"Come on, I'm going to get busy too."

Fang Zheng nodded to her, then sat at his desk, and also began to watch the surveillance video.

In fact, if the Skynet system is connected to the Founder’s personal terminal, the problem will basically be solved at once. But computers in this era still have their limitations after all, and since the case happened in front of Conan, it also means that Conan himself may solve the case, so Fang Zheng is not in such a hurry... Of course, this case is also heaven. A good opportunity to make merits on the Internet.

Founder here mainly collects the license plate numbers of vehicles passing by this street during this time, and then investigates their addresses and telephone numbers, and then calls one by one to ask if they have seen anything when passing by, and the inside of the Metropolitan Police Department is also busy at the moment. Tonight, because the criminal also faxed the letter to Officer Shiratori to the Metropolitan Police Department. Because the letter contained baseball terminology such as "major league", the police worried that the other party would plant bombs on the baseball field, so they also went Efforts to investigate, almost all the manpower that can be dispatched in the Metropolitan Police Department were dispatched...

Soon, Fang Zheng got a clue here.

After receiving the call, the drivers of several vehicles all said that they saw a man approaching the police car. A lot of people gathered outside the restaurant because of the bomb search at the time. Although these drivers were driving, they would naturally look at so many people gathering outside, but they were not too clear about the man at the time. The impression is that based on the testimony of several drivers, the other party should be a man in his 30s and 40s, wearing a brown suit and glasses.

So this...well, at least it's easier to find than before. At least, gender and characteristics are there.

At the same time, Fang Zheng also got the news from Officer Sato. According to Conan's reasoning, they found the first place where the bomb was planted that the prisoner said was - Nanbeihu Station!

However, the bombs placed there are all fake.

But... it doesn't matter to Founder.

Regardless of whether you are true or not, if you release it, it means you have been there. Then ask about the location of those fake bombs, and Fang Zheng immediately has an idea.

"Immediately call out the surveillance video from Nanbeihu Station after the suspension last night and before driving this morning."

"Why is this time period, Mr. Fang Zheng."

Upon hearing this, Yoko Okino asked curiously, and Fang Zheng smiled.

"It's very simple. According to the report, one of the bombs was on the top of the train. Unless he can fly like the Kaito Kidd, otherwise it is impossible to climb onto the moving train in full view. Then it means he must be on the train. After the train was stopped, I tried to find a way to get into the station and climb up the bomb."

"That's it!"

Okino Yoko nodded excitedly at this moment, and looked at the screen again.

Sure enough, according to these news, the police once again called for surveillance and found that indeed in the early hours of this morning, after the train was shut down, a man drove to the Nanbeihu station in a surreptitious manner, then escaped the guards and entered the station. After a while, he sneaked out again.

Although the light is dim, it is difficult to see the opponent's appearance and license plate number, but it can be seen that the opponent is driving a white Toyota, so the scope of the suspect is reduced again.

"The suspect is a middle-aged man from 30 to 40 years old, wearing a brown suit, glasses, and driving a white Toyota! I immediately called up all the surveillance videos along the street and stared at this bastard! !"

Although Officer Sato said that Conan was trying to uncover the secrets in the notice, Fang Zheng said that we are police and not detectives. You don't care if he makes the notice or not, just reason!

Find evidence, adjust monitoring, check people, and it's done!

The notice of reasoning fart, the opposite is mentally retarded, should we follow along with mentally retarded?

That is called mental retardation.

Although there is a target, it is still very difficult to find it. The population of Tokyo is 12 million. I don't know how many white Toyota drives. In fact, even if it is monitoring, they only stare at the other side's three intersections and wait until after the peak of work. When everyone looked at the busy streets, they were completely confused.

"Continue to check, check his route before going to Nanbeihu Station."

However, Founder was not discouraged.

"If the prisoner of this incident is the same as before, then he will definitely not catch one place to plant a bomb. It is probably a ghost trick of planting bombs in two different places. If he wants to achieve his goal, he will definitely choose In some crowded places, these places are not easy to get in during the day, so he may go in at night to install bombs, and in short, continue to investigate."

"Mr. Fang Zheng."

Just after Fang Zheng gave the order, Yoko Okino raised his head and looked at him with some anxiety.

"That...I have a discovery."


Hearing this, Fang Zheng's eyes lit up, and he walked to Yoko Okino and looked at her screen. The reason why he brought Yoko Okino to investigate the case was not only to let her experience the life of the police, but also to use "Ke Xue". After all, as one of the main supporting characters in the Conan series, Yoko Okino also brought her own "Evidence" physique, just like some people are prone to homicide while walking, some people can get the key clues to solve the case without doing anything... Founder thinks Yoko Okino has it This potential.

"What did you find?"

"It's here..."

Yoko Okino points to surveillance, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com soon found a white Toyota parked in the parking lot under surveillance, and then a man walked down carrying a bag.

"This is Tokyo Tower, the time is... two days ago?"

"Ah, yes...I also heard from Mr. Fang Zheng just now that the criminals are likely to commit crimes at night, so I want to investigate..."

"But how did you think of Tokyo Tower?"

"Uh...because...is more famous?"

It is also normal, as if people think of Beijing’s first reaction to Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City of the Great Wall.

How should I put it...... the supporting role of Ke Xue is really extraordinary.

Founder estimated that Yoko Okino was just thinking about it temporarily, then he opened it and took a look, and then "coincidentally" found out...

Hmm...After Conan, Founder seemed to have discovered the normal opening method of Ke Xue's supporting role.

(End of this chapter)

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