Dimensional Codex

Chapter 224: Killing a treasure is an interaction (end)

This painting style is totally wrong.

Looking at the fire and fog soldiers chased by Prometheus soldiers, Founder also shrugged his shoulders and had nothing to say.

Nanoka's power lies in "making machinery". Unfortunately, the biggest problem with her ability lies in the things she wants to make. It must be something that Nanoka can confirm and affirm. This is not just as simple as a brain hole, but to convince Nanoka that "this thing must exist."

It is a pity that the weapons and armors made by Nanoka before are either the original power in reality, and they are not enough to fight the fire and fog fighters. Either it was something she had completely brain supplemented, and there was simply not enough foundation to sustain it. That's why Founder recommends that she play computer games. At least this way, she should be able to acquire some concepts that are definitely present but definitely not in reality.

Now it seems that Nanoka succeeded.

The only flaw is that everything she manipulates is based on existing materials, and Nanoka doesn't have any space spells, nor can she run around with hundreds of tons of steel freely ... In fact, the knights and watchers she made now are just good looks. Although she has the abilities and defenses that Noroka sees in the game, it is just an empty shell after all, if you take it seriously, It is not a problem to kill this shell.

But now ... Anyway, she can run others away, which is an improvement.

As for the other side, it is almost over.


The dragon roar rang again.

When Founder turned his head and looked, Sindagosa suddenly waved his wings, and the next moment centered on it, the cold wind in all directions seemed to form a big hand, and the four were bound by death. The fire and fog warriors fighting with them completely ignored their wishes and pulled the four to the side of the skeleton dragon.

At the same time, Sin Dagosa raised his head and roared. Immediately afterwards, a faint white light appeared on the head of one of the fire and fog soldiers. The next moment, suddenly, the freezing wind erupted instantly, as if a tornado that fell from the sky directly hit the fire and fog soldier.


Just when the white cold air from the sky hit the fire and fog warrior, the overflowing white mist suddenly spread to the surroundings, and the other three fire and fog warriors were too late to resist, so they were directly swallowed by the white mist.

When the fog disappeared, the four Firefog fighters were completely frozen in ice.

Even if 25 people are dissatisfied and want to play BOSS, this is the end.

Fang Zheng couldn't help smiling at the fire-fog fighters who were trapped in the ice cubes and showed a panic. His seal is not only as simple as "isolating a part of the world from cause and effect", he has re-emerged the information in the soul stone with the force of existence after the isolation.

In other words, Founder's seal was not only "isolated the cause and effect of this world", but also transformed into "the cause and effect of other worlds."

This also means that in this world, if the fire and fog warriors want to destroy these enemies, they must follow the rules of this world!

Just as the ice tombs of these fire and fog fighters are now frozen, they can only be cracked by specific methods. Otherwise, even if you can smash the entire earth with one punch, you will be obediently sealed. Inside, wait to die!

Obviously, these fire fighters are obviously lacking similar means.

"......... !!!"

With the passage of time minute by minute, the expressions of those frozen fire and fog soldiers became more painful. Not only do they have to endure the suffocation of the Frozen Tomb, they are also suffering from the aura of frost. They can feel that the power in their bodies is passing away bit by bit, and even their consciousness has become blurred ...

"not good!!"

Seeing this scene, the other two Fire and Fog fighters who had escaped from the calamity also shouted when they saw this. Then they resolutely gave up their entanglement with the Scourge and turned to try to return to rescue their companions.

And just then, Founder finally moved.

I saw him looking forward, then took a step forward and left with his left foot, and his figure appeared in front of the two Fire and Fog fighters. At the same time, the Founder waved his right hand, and the great sword vampire suddenly emerged from the void. He got out and chopped off at the two with an immense force.

Looking at the Founder who suddenly appeared in front of him, the two Fire and Fog fighters were also shocked, and then the Fire and Fog fighter holding the machete also gritted his teeth and greeted him with the blade in his hand. .

"I'm coming to stop him, you're going to save it ...... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh since you ’re here ...”

His words were not finished, and I saw that the machete held by the fire and fog warrior collided with the vampire in the hand of Founder, followed by the bright red light emerging from the sword. The next moment, he originally blocked the founder's attack. Suddenly, the fire and fog warrior's body burst open and blood splattered, and he himself could not withstand the strong blow and collapsed backwards.

But before he fell to the ground, Founder waved forward, with the sword light flashing, the next moment the fire and fog warrior's head was directly cut off and flew into the air. Then the fire of existence, which turned into white, disappeared into the air and disappeared.

This sword is simply an artifact.

Looking at this scene, Founder can't help but feel that the vampire's characteristic is to inject as much existential power as to hurt the other party. Although these wounds are random and cannot be controlled. But for the Founder, it can be considered quite powerful. Of course, it is better if you can control the part where the vampire hurts others. For example, when the two sides cross the sword, the other party suddenly feels a cold throat, a cold heart, and a cold below ... ... well ... isn't it all a weakness?

In his head, these unspeakable thoughts turned around, and Fang Zheng's action did not stop. After the sword and the fire and fog warrior were killed, he turned immediately, and the vampire in his hand waved again, facing the guitar and dressed up. A guy like an incompetent rock singer cut it off!

Seeing that his companion was so easily beheaded, the fire and fog warrior was also surprised, but he was also quite experienced and saw Fang Zheng attacking on himself again. The fire and fog warrior also changed his face, then he suddenly held the guitar, and then struck a string of strings.


With the sound of the music, the great sword in the Founder's hand seemed to be on a transparent gel, and could no longer move forward. And seeing this, Fang Zheng frowned.

Although the vampire sword is really easy to use, if the other party sees its role and wants to block it, it is not difficult to prevent himself from reaching the other party like this, you can crack the effect of the vampire.

However, he did not rely on swordsmanship to fight the world.

The founder who missed the shot immediately retracted his sword, and at the same time, the fire and fog warrior also wanted to try to escape. At this moment, he had given up to save his companion, because the terrible man in front of him was powerful and completely Beyond his accident!

Must leave here immediately! !!

After making a decision, this fire and fog warrior also wants to leave the battlefield. But before he turned around, he saw Founder raise his hand and point him. Immediately afterwards, an almost invisible light beam was emitted from his fingertips ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and hit the fire and fog warrior.

what is that?

And he hadn't waited for him to react. The next moment, suddenly, the face of the fire and fog warrior changed suddenly!

"You and I…………!!"

He stood there blankly, even forgetting to escape. Because at this moment, he felt that the connection between him and the Red Devil of the contract was completely broken! The Red World Demon King who lost the contract began to leave this world and return to the Red World, and at the same time, the power in his body also disappeared rapidly!

The fire and fog soldiers gave everything when they concluded the contract with the Red World Demon King, so they gained their power. This is why the Red World apprentices call Fire and Fog fighters props, because their bodies are the "props" used by the Red World Demon King to store power.

Therefore, the fire and fog soldiers do not need to sleep, eat, and have superhuman strength. On the other hand, once the contract is cancelled and the Red Devil leaves, they will lose everything!

"I, you actually ..."


Fang Zheng was not in a mood to listen to what he said. He walked up and slashed his sword, and cut off his head. The fire and fog warrior fell to the ground, and then disappeared.


With the disappearance of the Firefog Warrior, a bracelet dropped to the ground, and after lying a few times, she lay quietly there. When he saw the necklace, Founder raised his hand. Soon, he saw the necklace flying from the ground and falling into his hands.

"Sure enough it's a treasure ...... well, this wave is indeed not a loss."

Looking at the necklace in his hand, Fang Zheng nodded with satisfaction.

Sure enough, such a thing as killing a treasure is really an extraordinary sense of accomplishment.

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