Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2194: Don’t care about such small things (don’t know how long it will be closed)

Chapter 2166 Don't Care About Such Little Things (I don't know how long it will be closed)

"Is our world real?"

After returning home, Xiao Ai grabbed Fang Zheng and asked such a sentence.

And Fang Zheng glanced at Xiao Ai.

"What are you asking this for?"

"You should know the answer, tell me!"

Xiao Ai firmly grasped Fang Zheng's hand, her face was a little pale, while Ming Mei stood there uneasy, not knowing what to do.

"It depends on what you think the real world is like."

At this moment, the two children's servants had gone to rest, and Fang Zheng took three bottles of juice and put them in front of them, and opened a can by the way.

"Frankly speaking, I don't like this philosophical proposition very much, but I think what you mean is... Is your world created?"


Xiao Ai nodded.

"Then I can give you an answer-yes."

Hearing Fang Zheng's answer, Xiao Ai's face suddenly turned pale, and Mingmei looked at Fang Zheng in surprise.

"So, is God real?"

"The one in the Bible? It doesn’t exist. You see, it’s like what I said before. If you compare your world to a program, then we are programmers. We made up the world and set it to run automatically, but That's it."

Fang Zheng spread his hands and looked at Xiao Ai.

"You should understand what I mean."

"I, I can..."

Xiao Ai seemed to be out of breath, she stretched out her hand to open the juice and took a sip, only then seemed to barely stabilize.

"Then, then why did you create us?"

"summer homework."


"Summer homework, look, because a teacher gave a topic-on primate evolution and civilization development research, so we created this world, then observed, recorded, and then reported. You also went to college People, don’t you understand?"

"I know!!"

Xiao Ai slammed a fist on the table.

"But why, why are we? Do you think you have the power to play with our lives when you created us? Can you set everything about us at will?"


Facing the sudden eruption of Xiao Ai, Mingmei was somewhat dazed. Although she was quite surprised by this fact, she did not expect that this would make her sister run away like this. However, Fang Zheng can also understand that although Xiao Ai is not voluntary, she is also a scientist after all. Once a scientist discovers that the world and everything she explores is actually set long ago-um, faith The collapse is not surprising.

"Well, don't be so excited, I was joking."

Fang Zheng chuckled and reached out to touch Xiao Ai's head.

"Actually, it's nothing to tell you, um, it's like this..."

While talking, Fang Zheng told Xiaoai and Mingmei about the things of the order family, the world, and the crisis of chaos, including the outer and inner world, and everything in it. Of course, in order to increase their persuasiveness, Fangzheng also showed them some videos he shot in other worlds, which naturally also included the cannibalism in the Hope Academy and the desperate spread of super-high school level, and the children in the tower and the city against adults The indiscriminate massacre... To be honest, just seeing this is enough to scare the two of them.

"So, according to your statement, this chaos has polluted the entire universe?"

"For now, most of them are like patients with advanced cancer. Although there are places that have not been eroded, only a small part is left."

Fang Zheng spread his hands and talked to the scientist simply. Mingmei, who was next to her, was so dizzy that she was going to sleep.

"But...I don't think there is any chaos in our world?"

Xiao Ai frowned.

"According to your statement, there should be similar chaos in our world, but why didn't I notice it?"

"That's right, you didn't notice it..."

Fang Zheng spit out silently.

"Does it really exist?"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Ai was shocked, and Fang Zheng rolled his eyes.

"Nonsense, do you know? Three days before the last time I went camping with you, I was still in winter, and then it became spring, but after I came back from camping, it became autumn, and now it's back to summer... …………I don’t know when this New Year can be celebrated."

"How is it possible? We were on vacation during the Spring Outing, and then..."

Said this, Xiao Wei was taken aback.

"I didn't notice the problem..."

"Of course you can't notice it. You are in this world. It can be said that you have changed with this world, but it is different to me. To put it bluntly, this world has three hundred and sixty-five days in a year. The line has been completely disrupted, not only the dates are inconsistent and even the days are repeated. If this problem is not resolved, then I guarantee that after twenty years, you are still living as primary school students."

Fang Zheng assured that he had never lied, only that he was quite sure.

Upon hearing Fang Zheng's words, Xiao Ai's expression changed slightly.

"That's why you bought those clothes..."

"Yes, it's convenient and simple. It depends on the weather of the day."

Fang Zheng stretched out his hands helplessly, Xiao Ai said that it was Fang Zheng's wardrobe. Inside it was a black windbreaker, black trousers, black suit, and black shirt. Originally Xiao Ai still complained about whether Fang Zheng can wear anything other than black. , I just didn't expect that there is actually this reason in it.

Fang Zheng can’t help. He can feel the temperature, but he can’t determine the season. If you wear a short-sleeved suit and go out in the winter, you will definitely be seen as a fool, so he just buys clothes that can be worn in all seasons. Just add a windbreaker, and usually wear a jacket. Others will not be so stupid to ask themselves why they are wearing this season...

"But do you have to let Belmode join our plan?"

After learning the ins and outs of the matter from Fang Zheng, Xiao Ai became even more worried.

"Even if she can't tell us the location of the boss of the black organization because of...'setup', we can have other ways. Didn't I see you introduced a person with a very powerful mind reading ability before? "

"It's psychological control, she is a mentally capable person."

Founder simply replied.

"Don't underestimate her ability. Her ability is not just about reading the mind. She can tamper with other people's memories and thoughts as she pleases. To put it simply, she only needs to meet you for a minute, you and Mingmei I’ll forget about each other’s sisterhood and start over as strangers."

"...Is it so scary?"

Hearing this, Xiao Ai's complexion suddenly changed.

"Of course, the ability itself is quite terrifying, but she is a person with a sense of justice, so there is no need to worry about her abuse of ability. But unfortunately, it is useless for her to come here, this world does not have a [power] This attribute, so even if she comes to this world, she will only become an ordinary person who can’t use her abilities—oh, by the way, her body is extremely weak, and she is a type of running for five minutes and breathing for half an hour. So if she is incapable, she is weaker than ordinary people."

"No way."

Facing this fact, Xiao Ai was stunned.

"I don't think she is fat, she is about the same as an ordinary female middle school student."

"In fact, he is a sports idiot with no sports cells."

Fang Zheng waved his hand.

"As for Belmode, you don't have to worry, she'd better do it. Of course, we can't rely on her alone, but if she can help, it would be better."

Founder’s request for Belmode is actually very simple. It is to tell Conan as much as possible about the clues about the black organization, so as to help Conan find and find the black organization’s nest as soon as possible. As for how to do it, Belmore De decides for himself.

Now that it has been determined that there is no way to take a confession by arresting the people in the black organization, then Founder can only count on Conan, the protagonist, to give a little strength.

In fact, Fang Zheng also thought about bringing Belmode back directly for Conan's interrogation, but he couldn't help but think twice and still felt that the risk was too high. After all, this is the world of reasoning. If Conan asked directly, it would not be called reasoning. And it was okay for Belmod to say it in front of Conan. Once he couldn't say it, Founder had to explain all this to Conan...it would be very troublesome.

He doesn't want to tell Conan that the reason you can solve the case is because you are the protagonist, so where do you go, and every criminal will deliberately use various methods to cover up his wits and fight with you..................

Conan listened to it and forced himself to shut down on the spot.

Even if Belmode is restricted and cannot directly tell Conan the address with a password, at least this will speed up the main line. After all, Conan has been acting for 20 years. It is hard to say whether there are 20 episodes related to the main line. Well...

"Jingle Bell."

At this moment, the phone rang, and Fang Zheng picked up the phone and took a look, then connected to the phone, and then there was Conan's voice.

"Where are you?"

"I'm at home now, ready to go to bed."

Hearing Conan's voice, Fang Zheng chuckled.

"what's up?"

"What else are you asking me? Not long after you left, Captain Ghost was killed! And almost everyone suspected that you did it!"



"Otherwise? If you can't find the real murderer, you can only say that you are incompetent. If you have to find out the real murderer, I naturally don't have to worry about it. You are right."


Hearing Fang Zheng's answer, Conan on the phone almost didn't come up at once. It was you who ran away inexplicably. Why should I blame my incompetence? If it weren't for me to beat you, UU reading www.uukanshu.com I would......well, I just can't beat you.

"But how did you leave?"

That's right, that's why Conan called Fang Zheng. He couldn't figure out exactly how Fang could leave the yacht quietly. Originally, Conan thought that Fang was disguised as someone else and then hid in the cabin, but later he checked the entire cabin and found out the real culprit who killed Captain Ghost, but found Fang Zheng. This was helpless. Raise your hand to surrender and make a phone call-I didn't expect that people have already gone home to sleep?

If you don't understand his technique, Conan feels that he will definitely have insomnia tonight! !

"Ha ha."

Upon hearing Conan's inquiry, Fang Zheng chuckled.

"you guess."

After saying this, he decisively hung up the phone.

Tonight, Conan doesn't want to sleep anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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