Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2203: Make a big news (I’m starving to death!)

Chapter 2175 Make a big news (I starve to death in my stomach!!)

In the next few days, for the whole world, it can be described as turbulent.

First, Wisbania held a press conference announcing that he had found the murderer of the former queen and prince of Wisbania. This has surprised many people. After all, Wisbania said half a month ago that the queen and the prince died accidentally, but now they are murdered?

But what they didn't expect was that this was not over yet, and Wisbania immediately broke another slam. That is, the murderer of the queen and prince of Wisbania was the Duke of Killard, and the CIA planned all this. They even tried to attack Princess Mira, who was about to succeed to the throne, in order to get the money and give them money. Catch a move first!

As soon as the news broke, the whole world was shocked.

This is not to say that it is very difficult for Americans to be arrested. In general, even if such agents are arrested, they will be used to conduct political transactions with the United States in order to obtain some benefits. Basically, most countries do this. This can be regarded as the "hidden rule" of the intelligence community around the world, but now Wisbania has directly put this matter on the surface, and everyone is still making trouble. Knowing—this is a bit beyond their expectations.

Not to mention that Wisbarnia also said that he will execute Duke Killard and the captured CIA agent for the crime of treason and murder... This is a direct blow to the face of the United States!

For a time, the world's attention was focused on these two countries.

The reason for this attention is also very simple. Although the people who have been tossed by the peace messengers in the United States these days are not living and the economy is shrinking, no one knows whether the US military strength is affected.

Although on the surface, the United States seems to be on the verge of dying, and it looks like it will be completely finished. But after all, they are countries with more than two hundred overseas bases. Is the military strength really affected? Unless someone touches the tiger's ass, who knows if it is a real tiger or a paper tiger?

However, most countries can't do this kind of thing. Britain, France and Germany are all veteran allies of the United States. Although China and Russia have intentions, the so-called rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry. They are also afraid that their actions will be passed on by the United States to domestic contradictions. After all, the United States is constantly bombing all day long. Why don't you have to make him fishy? Isn't it good to watch him slowly die?

But now, Wisbania jumped out.

The young man seemed to want to show that the newborn calf was not afraid of tigers, and slapped the heavyweight champion in the face with a slap, so the whole world will see how the United States responds.

If this heavyweight boxing champion is counseled, then it means that the United States is completely finished, and they also took the opportunity to push everyone down.

If this heavyweight boxing champion gets angry and beats the young man cracklingly, it means that his treasured sword is not old, so he should make a fortune first.

Regarding Wisbania’s move, although countries in the world feel that it was too aggressive, it is not incomprehensible. After all, you secretly planned to kill Wisbania’s queen and next heir, and you also tried to kill the next generation. This princess, this Nima is going to rush to the rhythm of killing. If people don't get up in anger, they might as well surrender and become a colony.

But on the other hand, other countries also have doubts.

We must know that the political intelligence community rarely does something so extreme, and Wisbania is located in Eastern Europe and is not in the anti-American camp, and it has no contradiction with the United States in the past. Why is the United States suddenly idle and bored and will kill its family. ? We can understand if you say Cuba and Iran, but Wisbania is an ordinary country dominated by tourism, and it has little influence in international affairs. It is usually like a little transparent. You are an American neuropath. To get someone else?

If something goes wrong, it will be a demon, so go and investigate!

It’s as if all countries would place undercover agents in the black-clothed organizations, and countries have also planted undercover agents with each other. Soon, many countries have used their undercover agents in the two countries to find out what the **** is in the United States. Why did you suddenly attack Wisbania.

It can't be the president who drank too much and pointed randomly on the map.

There is no impermeable wall under the world, and soon the intelligence data of the Wisbania ore is placed in front of the top leaders of the major powers. After reading these materials, these senior officials were also taken aback.

There is still such a good thing?

This thing is thousands of times better than a nuclear bomb! !

Not only can it be used to build missiles, but it can also be used to build tanks and airplanes. If the output is sufficient, they can form a thorough "stealth" armored corps. Okay! !

No wonder the United States is so frustrated. If they knew this, they wouldn't be much better.

So at this moment other countries also acted immediately. China and Russia quickly expressed their dissatisfaction and protest against the US's intervention in other countries' internal affairs, while Britain, France and Germany and other US allies remained silent. Their idea is also very simple. If the United States really gets Wisbania down, they will still be in America. Shouldn't they have to help manage Europe? At that time, everyone will see the grasshoppers on the same boat, and they will be able to share their share.

Soon, in the face of Wisbania’s angry protests, the U.S. also responded-they insisted that the CIA agents were performing a secret mission and did not involve the murder of the Wisbania Queen. Regarding the prince, they demanded that Wisbania be released immediately, otherwise they would impose sanctions on Wisbania!

Wisbania’s response to this was to directly broadcast the execution of the death penalty to the Duke of Killard and CIA agents worldwide.

I rely on!

This time things are making a big deal.

The United States is naturally irritated with heel pain. You are paralyzed by a terrorist organization. You can't sleep well every day and drill into the bunker every day. It's hard enough to drill into the bunker every day. Do you dare to fight against Lao Tzu, a little transparent in Western Europe? If I don’t show you some color, I don’t know how many eyes the Lord Ma has!

Sanctions! Disconnect! Block the waterway!

If it is under normal circumstances, the United States would not be so true to a small country like Wisbania, but the time is wrong. It also knows that the whole world is staring at itself, if it is in Wisbania. If there is no way to show its strength on the Internet, then it will be really troublesome.

For this reason, the United States has even mobilized an aircraft carrier fleet, which really uses anti-aircraft guns to fight mosquitoes.

At the same time, the U.S. is also full of propaganda machines. Like everyone else thinks, since Wisbania has jumped out, the U.S. naturally has to desperately transfer domestic conflicts. Not only that, the U.S. has also deducted Wisbania. A big hat, that is "protect the terrorists!"

According to the United States, the nest of the Peace Messengers organization is actually in Wisbania. Their CIA agents are sent to investigate the notorious terrorist organization Peace Messengers, but they did not expect this organization to be in contact with Wisbania officials. Collusion with each other, embarrassed and treacherous——————Huh? It seems that you are right?

So the United States announced the start of a war on terrorism!

Goal, Wisbania!

This is going to war! !

For a while, all countries also looked at Wisbania one after another to see how it plans to respond. In their view, Wisbania should be fully armed at this moment, ready to respond to the US invasion.

However... Wisbania made an announcement stating that the new queen's succession float parade will take place in two days. Everyone is watching.


Meow meow meow?

What's the situation?

Regarding the Wisbania operation, the governments of various countries said that they could not understand it at all.

Originally, they thought that Wisbania must be on full alert at the moment - although Wisbania’s military strength is really not strong, after all, it has no contradiction with neighboring countries, and there is no need to have too many troops, even if Resistance can't beat the aircraft carrier fleet on the US side, but it is still an attitude.

But what's the situation with this okay person who doesn't seem to put the other party in his eyes at all? The aircraft carrier fleet is almost here, are you waiting for a float parade?

Is this queen mad?

What is even more incomprehensible is that the day before the parade, Wisbania’s new queen Mila also gave a national speech. On TV, Mila mainly talked about inheriting the queen’s ideals after he succeeded. This country has become prosperous and stable. Many people are stunned by these words. You are about to destroy the country. What are you talking about?

Basically, Queen Mira's speech didn't mention the immediate threats, and only said at the end, "Any evil existence that tries to threaten the peace of this land will be wiped out by the dragon!"

Well, for most people, this sentence is basically meaningless.

The next day, the float parade was held as scheduled.

Reporters from all over the world have come here one after another. They all want to see what strength Wisbania has to resist the American invasion. Of course, unlike ordinary current affairs reporters, most of the people who came here this time were war reporters.

Yes, in their opinion, it is only a matter of time before this city becomes a battlefield.

Although war is imminent in the news, most people still choose to participate in the parade. After all, most of the citizens of this country are still loyal to the Wisbanian royal family. They are also dissatisfied with the United States' daring to assassinate the queen and prince, but They also know that the strength of their country is too weak compared to the United States, and it is hardly worth mentioning - but at least, they still have courage.

And standing on the float, Princess Mira, or Queen Mira also raised her hands at the moment.

"Citizens, I know what you are thinking. Now, our country is facing an unprecedented threat. The shadow of evil is coming. They used the most stupid lies and the most evil words to instigate a war, an attempt to destroy Our war. But we will not give in!"

Having said this, Princess Mira clenched her fist hard.

"We all know that they are coming. However, they can't bring any harm to this land! Our Wisbanian royal family will guard this land forever!"

That's good, but what can she do to resist American attacks?

At this moment, the reporters below live broadcast live, but they are also full of doubts. Many of them are war correspondents and they also know how powerful the US military is. Frankly speaking, although the United States is now a mess, their military strength is still the same. There is no doubt. The lines the queen said at the moment are very popular with the people, but this will not change their fate of the upcoming war.


And when everyone was in doubt, suddenly, a sharp whistling sound came from the air, and everyone looked up and saw several fighter planes flying from a distance!

"That's an American fighter plane. They actually entered the capital directly?"

Seeing this scene before them, many people shouted in surprise. They originally thought that at least Wisbania should engage in air defense or something, but in the end... They did nothing and just let the other party in?

What kind of operation is Wisbania?

"This is Hawkeye. We have reached the capital of Wisbania."

While everyone below was puzzled, at this moment in the high altitude, the American early warning aircraft was also hovering in the high altitude, while reporting.

"Target, Wisbania Palace, ready to launch."

"Understand, the target is locked, ready to.........Wow!!"

However, what everyone did not expect was that on the other side of the radio, the fighter pilot just screamed, and then quickly did not respond.

"This is Hawkeye, Falcon One, Falcon One? Please answer when you hear! Falcon Squad! What happened?"

The staff in the early warning aircraft called desperately, but they did not get the slightest response.

What on earth happened?

Not only the people on the early warning aircraft are thinking about this problem, but even the people on the ground have only this idea in their minds at this moment.

Just now, they saw that American fighter planes rushed directly into the capital of Wisbania without the slightest resistance. Just when everyone wondered what Wispania was going to do, suddenly, a black shadow that obscured the sky fell from the sky. The next moment, those fighters directly slammed into the huge dark shadow and turned into masses. The fireball fell to the ground.

"God, that is..."

At this moment on the ground, whether it was the people participating in the parade, the reporters, or the soldiers, everyone stayed in place.

What I saw in front of them was a dark dragon that was hundreds of meters high and almost as huge as the entire city. Its wings spread out enough to cover the entire sky, and its golden eyes shone like a bright sun. With glory.

"Get out of our land, intruder!!"

The dragon opened its mouth and let out a deafening roar that many people had to choose to cover their ears.

"This is not a place where you can do whatever you want. I have learned about your sins! You dare to be so arrogant and rude to my people, and now it is time for you to realize the power of the dragon!!"

Along with the speech, the next moment, the dragon spread its wings, suddenly flapped its wings, and flew towards the distance.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Are we dreaming?

why? Why did a dragon suddenly run out?

"Quickly, catch up!"

I don’t know who yelled it first, and then the reporters turned their heads and rushed desperately in the direction where the dragon flew away. If they remember correctly, it should be the direction of the US aircraft carrier fleet!

Although most of them have not figured out what is going on, but now they instinctively know that this is big news! !

Even many people ran towards that side one after another, but on the Queen's float, it seemed that no one paid any attention.

"Your Majesty, this..."

"It seems that he is more anxious than I thought."

Facing the same dumbfounded Earl Keith, UU read www.uukanshu.com Mila smiled, and then immediately stretched out her hands on her hips and gave orders.

"Well, immediately order others to go to the scene to maintain order and avoid accidents. We can go back to the palace."

"Ah, yes!"

Hearing Mira's order, the commander next to him was also taken aback, and then he hurriedly saluted, turned and left quickly. If they felt a little unreliable for the Queen before, then now they have nothing but awe of Mira. Obviously, almost everyone was frightened by the sudden dragon. If the soul is not in the house, only this young queen is so calm and calm, it means that the dragon must have an inseparable relationship with Her Majesty, and even with the Royal Family of Wisbania!

This commander is also an old man of Wisbania. At this moment, he immediately remembered some legends about the Wisbania royal family.........it’s just that he used to treat these legends as fairy tales, but now Come………

This seems to be more than just a fairy tale?

(End of this chapter)

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