Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2228: I understand! (Home-grown corn is so delicious)

Chapter 2200 I understand! (Home-grown corn is so delicious)

"I don't think I need to investigate carefully, I have already reached a conclusion."

Looking at the clean and tidy study in front of him, Fang Zheng was silent for a moment, then looked at the housekeeper Genji behind him.

"It's obvious that no one has lived here for a long time...Then, Mr. Genji, please tell me the truth, Udai-miya Kinzo, is he dead?"

"Not so, Mr. Fang Zheng."

Facing Fang Zheng's question, Genji seemed very calm.

"In fact, the master was not dead, he was just taken away by Beatrice."

"That golden witch? You mean, Mr. Udaimiya Kinzo is with Beatrice now? Then I want to ask, where does this person live? Why haven't I met her?"


Facing Fang Zheng's question, Genji was silent for a moment.

"Even if you want to see her, you can't do it, because Lord Beatrice has no entity."


What are you talking about?

"Master Beatrice is a witch. It is rumored that her human form is just like that depicted in the oil painting. Sometimes she only appears as a golden butterfly. In fact, all of this is Master Beatrice. Will."

"It's the same as it really is."

Fang Zheng walked slowly to the bookcase, and then took out a western black magic book.

"The master is a secondary 2, and even the servants come here? No wonder you are quite trusted by Youdai Gong Jin Zang, and after a long time, it's similar."

Flipping through the Black Magic Book in his hand, Fang Zheng laughed and looked at Genji again.

"Don't you think that this kind of nonsense can be fooled. Witch? How can this kind of thing exist in this world?"

"Master Beatrice is real."

Facing Fang Zheng's rhetorical question, Genji answered calmly again, as if an elder was telling a child "Santa Claus is just a story."

"Then I want to meet her."

"It's impossible, Mr. Fang Zheng, you can't see Master Beatrice."

"Then for me, she doesn't exist."

Fang Zheng turned around, squinting at Genji.

"Humans need to recognize the existence of a thing through observation, observation and inference. If a thing cannot be observed, it cannot be observed, and it cannot be drawn by inference, then it does not exist-you see, that's it. simple."


For a while, the two were relatively speechless, but after a while, the sound of rapid footsteps broke the silence here.

"Mr. Genji, it's not good!"

Jiayin ran up panting, shouting loudly, and when he heard his voice, Yuanji also turned around.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"I went to knock on the door just now and wanted to ask Ms. Ewa and them to have dinner, but Ms. Ewa and the others did not respond, and the door was locked!"


Hearing this, Genji and Fang Zheng were shocked, and then the two immediately left the study and rushed towards the guesthouse.

"Ms. Eha! Mr. Hideyoshi! Please answer when you hear!!"

Genji knocked on the door hurriedly when he came to the door of Eyu's room in the guest house, but no one responded either. Then Genji took out the key from his pocket, then opened the door and pushed inward...


However, to everyone's surprise, the door was not pushed open. On the contrary, the door chain inside blocked the door from opening further. Seeing this, Genji also gritted his teeth and immediately turned to look at Jiayin.

"Find something and cut the door chain immediately!"


Jiayin nodded and planned to turn around and leave, but at this time Fang Zheng stood up.

"There is no need, you guys stay behind."


Although they didn't know what Fang Zheng was going to do, Jiayin and Yuanci hurriedly backed away from the door, and then Fang Zheng walked to the door and kicked out.


Accompanied by a dull loud noise, the door of the room suddenly opened in response, and Fang Zheng walked into the room, and was shocked.

I saw that on the bed in the room in front of her, Udai Miyaeha's eyes widened, and something that looked like a nail was inserted directly into her head from her forehead.

"This, this is...!?"

Seeing this scene, Genji and Jiayin were also shocked. They instinctively wanted to come in and check, but they were blocked by Fang Zheng's hand.

"No one can enter the room without authorization!"

While talking, Fang Zheng walked to the door of the bathroom and pushed open the door. In the bathtub, Hideyoshi, who was naked, was also pierced into his head by a black spike, showing no signs of life.

Soon, everyone rushed to the scene of the crime again, and even Conan was frowning at the moment and his face was blue.

"Are you sure this room is locked?"

"Yes, there is a door chain inside, a perfect secret room."

Hearing Conan's question, Fang Zheng nodded, then asked in a low voice.

"Has anyone left before?"

"No, I have been with Zhanren, Zhu Zhixiang and let Zhi them. No one left during the period... How about you?"

"Mr. Genji and I have been in the study, and he did not leave."

"Speaking of which, why did you kill people in this way?"

Looking at the corpse in front of him, Fang Zheng was puzzled.

"And from the looks of them, it seems that they were killed by a single blow while awake. It would be nice to say that it was a crossbow arrow, but this thing..."

Fang Zheng stretched out his hand and gestured.

"It's too crazy to use it as a murder weapon, isn't it more convenient to take a fruit knife?"

Having said this, Fang Zheng turned his head to look at Fei Xia, Yuanci and others.

"Have any of you seen something similar?"


Facing Fang Zheng's question, everyone looked at each other and shook their heads.

"In short, protect the scene first, and then...what does it taste like?"

At this moment, suddenly, a pungent smell came, Fang Zheng frowned, and the others also showed surprised expressions. Soon, Jiayin walked out.

"Maybe there is a problem on the boiler side. The boiler here is very old. I'll check it out."

"I'll go with you."

Mother-in-law Xiong Ze left with Jiayin, while Fang Zheng and Conan began to inspect the entire scene again. In fact, there were no traces left in the entire scene, only a letter sandwiched between the cracks in the door, which contained only the inexplicable words "praising my name". So neither Founder nor Conan paid attention to that letter.

"Very wrong, this murder is very wrong."

Conan frowned at the moment, looking at the corpse on the bed in front of him and muttering to himself.


Hearing Conan's words, Fang Zheng glanced at him.

"Don't you think this is the golden witch manifestation?"

"If there are people outside of us on the island, then it's not unreasonable, but what I can't figure out is the criminal methods..."

"Yes, it's really weird."

Fang Zheng once again looked at the nail inserted into the forehead of Yudai Gong Eyu.

"The blow was fatal. There was no sign of struggle or resistance. It was as if she was lying on the bed. Then suddenly the nail appeared out of thin air and pierced her head."

"Mr. Hideyoshi too, he didn't even have time to get out of the bathtub."

"So the question is, why did the murderer use two different methods to kill? You know, Ms. Ewa and they went back to the room and rested until the body was found in only two or three hours. In contrast, last night there were six Seven hours can be used to set up the murder scene. Since the prisoner can draw a magic circle on the door idle, he can also use these nails to insert the victim's forehead."

"Maybe it's not enough nails?"

Conan looked at the spikes on his forehead suspiciously.

"This nail looks very complicated, like some kind of artwork. I don't think there will be a lot of it. Maybe for the murderer, if it was used on the victims yesterday, it would not be enough."

"Then the question is, what are these nails..."

"Boom boom boom boom!!"

At this moment, the rush of footsteps sounded again, and then Fang Zheng and Conan saw the warrior rushing over.

"Oh, something happened to Jiayin, we also found a dead body!"


Hearing this, Fang Zheng couldn't even sigh.

"All in all, let's take a look first."

Soon, in the underground boiler room, Fang Zheng saw Jiayin who was being rescued by Dr. Nanjo and a charred body on the ground. According to Genji's identification, the charred corpse was the missing Udaigiya Kinzo. And Kayin, like Eha and Hideyoshi, was pierced into his chest by a spike, and now there is only the breath out but the breath out.

In this depressed atmosphere, everyone was also panicked. Finally, at Genji's suggestion, they came to the study room of Udai Gongjinzang, planning to hide here directly for one night. As for Jiayin, Dr. Nanjo took him to the room for treatment, but unfortunately he was not able to save him in the end...

Under the persecution of everyone, Genji finally couldn't bear the pressure and admitted that there was indeed Beatrice. However, according to Genji, this woman should have passed away long ago. As for her and Jin Zangzhi Genji also said that it was not clear whether there were illegitimate children left behind. It’s just that Jin Zang was heartbroken after losing Beadriche, so he was obsessed with the black magic all day, trying to resurrect Beadriche...

"By the way, a living sacrifice! A living sacrifice!!!"

Hearing this, the warrior seemed to think of something, and suddenly yelled, and then rushed to the portrait of Beadriche in the study.

"It must be the case. Grandpa wanted to resurrect Beatrice, so he called us here for the purpose of distributing the inheritance, but in fact it is to use us as living sacrifices! You see, the inscription is written on the first night , The six people selected by the key were offered as sacrifices, and the next night, the two people who were close by were torn to pieces......This all agrees!"

"What do you think?"

Hearing this, Fang Zheng looked at Conan.

"Indeed, if it is in accordance with the inscription, but I always feel that something is not quite right. This is just my instinct, but I feel too deliberate."

Conan also expressed his opinion now.


"Yes, generally speaking, the secret room technique is mostly to make people mistakenly believe that the victim committed suicide, so as to clear the suspicion. But now because of the previous deaths of six people, we have confirmed that there is a murderer, and there is no such secret room. Arranged like suicide, then what is the existence of this secret room? Why do the prisoners have to plan all this as a secret room to kill people? Is it just to let everyone admit that there is indeed such a witch? Put everything. All murders are pushed on the witch's head?"

Conan couldn't understand the life and death, and Fang Zheng couldn't understand it either.

And at this moment...

"Everyone backs away!"

Xia Fei's scream interrupted Fang Zheng and Conan's thoughts, and the two raised their heads and looked in front of them, and then couldn't help being surprised. Before the oil painting, Concubine Xia held a gun and aimed at Genji, Granny Xiong Ze and the doctor standing at the table.

"What's wrong?"

Fang Zheng stared at Concubine Xia vigilantly and asked, while Rang Zhi hurriedly explained.

"We were here just now looking at the inscription, and then Realia said that Beatrice had sent a letter, and when we looked at the table, we found a letter was really placed there!"


Founder and Conan also hurriedly looked at the table at this time. As expected, there was a letter on the table that was basically the same style as before.

"The letter was not there yet, right."


Concubine Xia held the gun while walking to the dining table cautiously. She stared at the three servants in front of her viciously, and roared loudly.

"So, this letter must have been placed here by one of you!"

"We didn't do such a thing!"

"Master Zhanren, read the letter!"

"Ah, yes."

Hearing Fei Xia's order, the warrior hurried to the table and picked up the letter and read it.

"……………There are only two results in this game. Either I win or everyone wins. Once the time limit has passed, even if I win, I hope that this point will not be misunderstood..."

"The one who put this letter here is one of you!"

Concubine Xia raised her gun and pointed them at Genji, Granny Xiong Ze, Dr. Nanjo, and Zhenlia one by one.

“I didn’t have this letter when I put the can on the table. After that, I, Rang Zhi, Zhu Zhixiang and Zhan Ren went to the oil painting. Mr. Fang Zheng and Conan over there had been discussing the case at the coffee table, but just The moment we looked away, this letter appeared on this table, so we can be sure that this letter must have been placed by one of you!"


"Only the four of you are at the table. You must have seen who put the letter. If you can't tell, then it means that you four are all co-criminals!"

Concubine Xia was obviously hysterical at this moment, she held her gun tightly and stared at the four people. Conan wanted to come forward and say something, but Fang Zheng held him back.

Later, the four left the study under the threat of Fei Xia, and after the four left, Fei Xia signaled the warrior to go up and lock the door, and then took a breath.

But the good times didn't last long. It was only a few minutes later. Suddenly, the phone rang and Xia Fei walked over to answer the phone, but on the other end of the phone, they could only hear the sound of Zhen Lia singing...

"what is the problem?!"

When everyone rushed out of the study and came to the dining room, they saw the bodies of Genji, Granny Xiong Ze, and Dr. Nanjo. They all had their heads smashed, and a spike was pierced on their calves, abdomen and feet.

"That's it, I understand!"

Seeing this scene, Conan suddenly realized.

"The prisoner acted exactly according to the inscription! The parts pierced by these nails correspond to the descriptions on the inscription!"

"But who did it? How did it do it? The restaurant was also locked just now."

Fang Zheng checked the corpse again, and he had no clue. At this moment, Zhu Zhixiang, Zhihe Zhanren also surrounded Zhenya and asked her who the prisoner was. However, no matter how they asked, Zhenya would only say that the prisoner was Bei. Adorie cut...

Frankly speaking, looking at Zhenlia's slack look, Fang Zheng wanted to smoke her too.

But wait...

"Where is Ms. Xia Fei?"

Fang Zheng glanced around subconsciously, only to realize that Ms. Xia Fei had disappeared without knowing when. Hearing Fang Zheng's question, the other people turned their heads and looked around in surprise. At the same time, Zhen Lia spoke.

"The words of Aunt Xia, I just went out while reading the letter."


Hearing this, Zhu Zhixiang rushed to the door of the restaurant, trying to open the door, but for some reason, the door was locked from the outside and could not be opened at all.

"Mom, mom, what are you doing! Open the door!"

"I come!"

At this moment, Fang Zheng also hurriedly walked to the door of the restaurant, kicked it out again, kicking the door heavily, and at the same time...


The gunfire sounded.

When everyone rushed out of the restaurant, all they saw was the dead Concubine Youdai Gongxia who fell on the ground of the entrance not far away and was shot in the forehead.

"What exactly is going on?!"

Fang Zheng and others hurriedly came to the body of Concubine Xia Youdai Gong and looked around, but they couldn't see it alone. Not only that, they didn't find any letters beside Concubine Xia.

And at this moment...


The bell rang at midnight.

The next moment, Fang Zheng and Conan's eyes suddenly became dark.

The whole room is gone.

The world seemed to be swallowed by darkness, and then a small figure appeared in front of the two.

"Nine night, no one survived."

Zhen Li raised her head and looked at Fang Zheng and Conan with a disgusting smile.

"How? Beatrice is great, isn't she a witch."

"So, you mean, all this is a crime committed by Beatrice, a witch?"

Conan stared at Zhen Li with solemn expression now, who nodded "innocently".

"Yes, Beatrice is a witch, so you can go in and out of locked rooms freely, and kill people as you please. This is all the magic of witches, how? Are you still unwilling to believe this? ?"


Hearing Zhenlia’s question, Conan clasped his hands. Of course he didn’t want to believe Zhenlia’s nonsense, but Conan really couldn’t find any reason to refute it. After all, he had already carefully investigated the crime scenes, but he didn’t. I found some clues...

"Hahahahaha, that's how it is."

However, just as Conan was thinking hard, Fang Zheng laughed as if he had suddenly realized it.

"I see, Conan."

"Mr. Fang Zheng?"

Hearing what Fang Zheng said, Conan looked at him curiously, while Fang Zheng smiled and patted his head.

"Look, we thought at first that the purpose of this game was to solve the mystery and find the truth about the murder of Liuxuan Island."

"Is it not?"

Conan was a little bored facing Fang Zheng's words, and Fang Zheng nodded.

"Strictly speaking, it is true, but the setting of this game is different. We not only need to find the truth, but also must see through the lies!"



Fang Zheng said while looking at Zhenlia.

"Look, the information we got only stated that there was an explosion on Liuxuan Island. All the people except Udai Miya Ewa were killed, but the police have not been able to fully verify how they died. UU看书wwww .uukanshu.com Therefore, this entire Liuxuan Island is actually a mystery, an unknown X. The facts we know are who died and who is alive. The unknown facts are how and where they died. , The time of death, the cause of death, etc. are not understood at all, so..."

Having said this, Fang Zheng suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed at Zhen Lia.

"Even if someone makes up a scene and cause of death, we cannot confirm whether this is true! In other words, what we originally thought that what happened on Liuxuan Island where we are now is probably just a fabricated lie! I made these boring inscriptions, puzzles and secret rooms because I wanted us to believe that the witch did it. Just like in an RPG game, I can’t just kick open a door and have to decrypt it. This is just a coincidence.' A fabricated lie set by "Witch Killing"! That is to say..."

Fang Zheng stared at Zhen Lia, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, revealing a hideous smile.

"In fact, everything we have seen has never happened in reality!"

As Fang Zheng's voice fell, the next moment, the world was broken.

(End of this chapter)

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