Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2231: A few suspicious points (Ben Meow is now a Fan Feng Meow)

Chapter 2203 A Few Suspicious Points

For Founder and Conan, there are still many doubts about the Liuxuan Island incident so far.

The first question is, is Beatrice a real person?

The clues so far prove that... it is very likely that this person really exists.

Because there is indeed a separate pavilion on Liuxuan Island, but Conan also said that the pavilion seems to be unoccupied for more than ten years.

So think about it in reverse, which means that there were people living in the annex ten years ago.

The question is, who was living in that annex at the time?

There is a second doubt, that is...Sayo Yasuda.

Founder has never seen this person on the list.

But Conan gave the answer this time.

"I asked Mr. Jeanji, he said that Sadai was Sae's real name, and Saeon was her name when she was a servant."

"So, Sayo Yasuda is actually Sae?"

Hearing this, Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes and thought.

"So in that case, who is Jiayin?"

"Mr. Rangji said that he is Sae's younger brother............"

"Impossible, there is no such a person on the island's list."

Fang Zheng shook his head.

"Now the mystery of Sayo Yasuda has been solved. Even if the servants are not using their real names, the number will not match. According to the survey results on the list, except for the Udai-miya family on Liuxuan Island, there are Below are the names of Lu Shang Genji, Yasushiro Yasuda, Mother-in-law Xiong Ze, Chef Gota, and Dr. Nanjo."

Having said this, Fang Zheng snapped his fingers.

"Now that the mystery of Sayo Yasuda is solved, the remaining question is...Who is Jiayin?"


"He couldn't have gotten out of a crack in the stone. I asked the floor before. Jiayin has been here for a long time, which means that he is not a character who suddenly appeared for a murder."

"Don't you know Jiayin's true identity?"

"She might not care about it. After all, the servants on the island are appointed by Jin Zang, and other people are not interested in taking care of these things. Strictly speaking, asking Jin Zang is the best way, but... "

"He is dead."

Conan was also helpless. Although Jin Zang was still locked in the study during this game, after the last week of games, the two knew that Jin Zang was dead, and it was probably before they arrived on Liuxuan Island. Died.


"Speaking of which, I remembered a very interesting thing."

"what's up?"

"In last week's game, think about it carefully, we seem to have never seen Sae and Jiayin appear in front of us at the same time."


Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Conan was stunned.

"are not there?"


Fang Zheng snapped his fingers.

"You see, when we first came to the island, we saw Jiayin at work in the garden at the gate. However, we saw Saein when we entered the guest house to give a ceremony and rest."

"When we went to the beach for a picnic, Saein went with us."

At this time, under Fang Zheng's reminder, Conan gradually reacted.

"However, at that time, the rest of us were in the room discussing the issue of inheritance distribution, and no one saw Jiayin either."

"Then when we saw Jiayin, it was when he told us to go to dinner."

"But at that time Sae Yin did not appear."

"After dinner, everyone returned to the guesthouse. At this time, we were with Saein, but we didn't see Jiayin..."

"The next day, after Sayin died, Jiayin appeared in front of us all the way."

Having said this, Conan's eyes also lit up, but soon, he discovered another suspicious point.

"Wait, so you mean, Saein and Jiain are the same person?"

"Is this weird? Think about Mermaid Island, the island is not full of such shit."

Founder seemed very calm.

"But there is still a problem with this, that is, if they are the same person, and they deliberately feigned death, then they should have something to do with the real murderer. But the next night, Jiayin was not stabbed by a long nail. Into the chest, and then died?"

"But we didn't really witness Jiayin's breath."

Founder reminded.

"Remember, at that time, Dr. Nanjo was responsible for bandaging Jiayin's wounds, and then Zhu Zhixiang went with him. Later, we learned of Jiayin's death from Zhu Zhixiang and Dr. Nanjo, and we didn't see the corpse with our own eyes. All in all... we should shift the direction of our investigation."

"Investigation direction?"


Founder nodded.

"Before, we had been focusing on the Yoshidai-gu clan, but now it seems that Sayo Yasuda itself is the biggest doubt. However, the people at Yoshidai-gu must not know much about Yasuda Sayo. Maybe Zhu Zhixiang will know more, but other people only come to this island to gather once a year, and they will certainly not care about the servants on this island. So, the best way is to start with the people who live on this island. Investigation...That is, Mr. Genji, Dr. Nanjo, and Granny Kumazawa. They have been on this island for the longest time, and if they have any secrets, they will definitely not be able to hide them. Maybe they need their help to conceal something. Some secrets..."

"I understand."

Conan immediately knew what to do.

"Leave it to me here."

"Leave it to you, anyway, your ability to pretend to be a fool has always been top-notch."

"Who do you think is pretending to be stupid...wait a minute."

At this moment, Conan suddenly thought of another thing.

"Mr. Fang Zheng, if Sayin and Jiayin were the same person...Do you remember? Last week we discovered that Mr. Rangzhi liked Sayin, and Zhu Zhixiang liked Jiayin..."

"Male and female take it all, brother and sister take it all."

Fang Zheng silently gave a thumbs up.

"I know how to play."

Next, the story continued. As before, after dinner, Zhenlia took out the belief that Beatrice gave her, and everyone began to argue again.

"The old man would actually give up his ring, it is absolutely impossible!"

Udai Miyazo Usu said loudly, and Udai Miya Ewa also thought.

"According to the literal interpretation, this is the test the old man gave us."

"Wait... I don't understand it this way normally."

Hearing everyone's discussion, Fang Zheng was also speechless. Last week he was just observing. This week Fang Zheng decided to intervene directly.

"Listen to you, if this ring is impossible to leave with Mr. Jin Zang, then according to the truth, shouldn't someone attack Mr. Jin Zang, **** the ring, and leave this letter? ?"


Hearing Fang Zheng's reminder, everyone was taken aback, and then everyone immediately stood up and ran towards the study.

A group of mentally retarded?

Seeing the people walking away, Fang Zheng was also speechless and shook his head. Generally speaking, shouldn't it be like this according to the understanding of normal people?

So, is Youdai Gong Jin Zang still alive?

This question will be answered soon.

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng also stood up and walked out of the restaurant.

"My father, my father, please open the door!!"

When Fang Zheng came to the entrance of the study, he saw Youdai Gong Zangjiu knocking **** the door, but of course there was no response from the door.

"Hurry up and open the door, what if my father is really attacked by someone!"

At this time, Huiyu also spoke, and facing Huiyu's proposal, the others nodded. Only Fang Zheng noticed the expression of Youdai Gong Zangjiu a little hesitant, but he finally took out the key and opened the room. door.

"My father!"

As the door opened, everyone rushed into the study room too impatiently, but there was no one inside.

After that, everyone searched the entire villa inside and out, but still did not find the figure of Youdai Gongjinzang. In the end, everyone still reluctantly returned to the room to gather. Sure enough, as Fang Zheng expected, soon, other People began to question whether they killed their father, and then pretended that his father was not dead. Naturally, the two men resolutely denied this, and did not relax.

"We didn't kill the father, and even if we killed the father, what use do we write this letter?"

"Maybe for inheritance?"

Fang Zheng yawned and looked at the two again.

"After all, such a letter, and the handwriting is not owned by Mr. Jin Zang. According to the law, this kind of thing cannot be used as a will. Take a step back and say, even if you really follow what is written here, you can find that What kind of gold talent is the owner of the family, as long as he goes to court, without the notarization and declaration of Mr. Yudai Gong Jinzang, this letter has no legal effect, and Mr. Yudai Gong Zangzao naturally has priority inheritance as the eldest son according to the law. of."

"That's right."

Hearing this, Udai Gong Zangjiu also nodded.

"So, why should I do such a thing!"

"But that is when the elder brother has the right to inherit."

At this time Udai-miya Eyu also spoke.

"If your father makes another will and allows others to inherit the family of Youdai Palace, it will be very unfavorable for the eldest brother. So in order to avoid this situation, the eldest brother killed his father and destroyed the will, pretending to be What golden witch wrote this letter. In this way, as long as the eldest brother finds the gold, then the rest of us will only be able to recognize the eldest brother’s inheritance..."

"You are absolutely nonsense!"

At this time Princess Xia also stood up angrily.

"The Tibetan mortar wouldn't do such a thing!"

"Then let us search your room. If you are not the murderer who killed Dad, there will be no strange things in it."

"You, how can you do this!?"

At this moment, Concubine Xia was already pale, and the right generation Gong Huiyu stared at her tit-for-tat.

"Of course we can, listen up, we are the members of the Youdai Gong family, and you are just a child-bearing machine. Even the one-winged eagle is not allowed to engrave it. You are not qualified to point fingers at us! !"

"you you……………"

Facing Hui Yu's speech, Concubine Xia trembled with anger, and at this moment, Liufufu also stood up and looked at Zang Gu.

"That said, brother, now my dad's whereabouts are unknown, and you have been taking care of my dad here, but you don't even know where he is going...we doubt that you have done something you shouldn't do... ...Don't mind if we go to your room and have a look."


At this moment, the Tibetan mortar complexion was green, but after hesitating for a while, he nodded.

However, in the room of the mortar of the Youdai Palace, everyone unexpectedly found a gold brick.

"This is the proof!"

Youdai Gong Eryu pointed to the piece of gold and stared at the Tibetan mortar angrily.

"So it turned out that you killed your father and wrote that inexplicable letter! As long as you take out this gold brick and say that you found it yourself, then everyone can't oppose your inheritance right!"


Faced with the angry questioning from everyone, Cangjiu was also panicked at this time.

"This is indeed Dad’s gold, yes, but it’s the gold I used to reclaim from Dad. I used to be the same as you. I don’t know if the gold that Dad said exists or not, so I deliberately opened up the joint , I found a relationship and recovered a piece of gold brick that my dad once shot..."

"Do you think we will believe such nonsense?"

Lufoff also spoke now. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"No matter what you say, among our brothers and sisters, you are the only ones who have lived on Liuxuan Island, so you must have killed Dad and stole his gold............ No matter what you say, it’s useless. Save it to explain to the police!!!"

"No, it's really not like this!!"

At this time, Zang Jiu also roared, and finally he made up his mind and sighed.

"Well, I admit that my father has indeed been dead for a while, but he really was not killed by me. My father died of a heart attack...it is true, both Dr. Nanjo and Genji can prove! ! It’s just that, in order to determine the right of inheritance, I talked to them in private and asked them to help me keep this secret temporarily..."

Hearing this, Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows.

Very well, it seems that one of the questions has been solved.

(End of this chapter)

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