Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2262: Racial talent (the original **** seems to be a bit above)

Chapter 2234 Race Talent (the original **** seems to be a bit on top)

"That's it."

After reading the painting Fang Zheng brought, the fairy Yamada nodded.

"It's true, as you said, Mr. Fang Zheng, the paintings are beautiful, but there is no life... To be honest, I think black cats are better than her."

"Stop scolding, stop scolding, just talk about business."

After taking a look at Zhen Bai next to him, Fang Zheng coughed and wanted to change the subject, but the fairy Yamada got excited instead.

"But don't tell me, Mr. Fang Zheng, something like this is really rare! After all, ordinary people can't do it to this level!!"

"Huh? Oh... Indeed, you are right to say that."

Hearing what the fairy Yamada said, Fang Zheng was stunned for a moment, and then immediately understood what she meant.

Indeed, as Yamada Fairy said, painters like Zhen Bai can be described as "no one in all" in the comics world.

The reason is simple. Generally, in the comics industry, although many comics artists make true white mistakes at the beginning, the level of these comics artists is very low at that time, so the pictures drawn will naturally not be too beautiful. It can be said that the painting technique of Mod Soul matches the personality of Mod Soul. Of course, there is no market for such things.

But Zhenbai is the other way around. She is the character set of the Mord Soul and the painting technique of breaking through the sky, which gives a strong contrast. Freaks like this are rare in manga festivals, and it's no wonder that the Yamada Fairy looks at Shiina Shiina like a rare animal.

Just like the fairy Yamada said, not everyone can have this ability.

"I have a great idea!"

At this moment, the fairy Yamada suddenly slapped the table with excitement and jumped up.

"I thought of a good story!"

"Oh? What good story?"

Hearing this, Fang Zheng also became interested, and Shiina Masashi silently adjusted his sitting posture, watching her.

"Well, the story is like this, listen up!"

The fairy Yamada danced with excitement, and then preached to the two.

"The protagonist of the story is a male high school student, but he is a playboy. Because of family changes, his parents divorced. This **** doesn't believe in love. For him, love is a toy. So he travels between women, but In fact, he feels that his life is like an empty shell, and those women are just products he uses to seek excitement."

"Hmm, what then?"

"Then, this **** woke up one day and found that everyone in the world was asleep! I couldn't wake up anymore! Everyone fell into a state of hibernation! Then this **** can naturally start doing whatever he wants! "

"That's it?"

Hearing this, Fang Zheng suddenly cast his mouth, and the fairy Yamada clapped his hands vigorously.

"The next thing is the key, listen up, Mr. Fang Zheng! The **** did whatever he wanted at first, but soon he got tired of it, but one day, when he went to the convenience store to find food, the **** saw a convenience The migrant girl in the store, of course, the migrant girl was also in hibernation. But the **** found that the migrant girl was just like himself, just a shell, so he became interested in the migrant girl and brought her back. My home! What the **** didn't expect was that after he sent a shot to the working girl, the working girl would actually move!"

"Oh? Then? That migrant girl woke up?"

This plot twist is very interesting.

"No no no no."

The Yamada fairy suddenly shook his head like a rattle.

"It's boring when you wake up. In fact, the girl just fell into a state similar to sleepwalking. Of course, Playboy didn't care about her at first, but what she didn't expect was that the girl who fell into sleepwalking and other hibernations People are different, they need to eat and drink, so he had to start taking care of the girl, and then the **** was gradually attracted by the girl and felt the true meaning of love..."

"So that's the case, by Huang's metaphor! No loss is a racial talent!"

Hearing this, Fang Zheng also suddenly realized that he immediately took the case and exclaimed.

As we all know, Japan has always been the world leader in small movies, especially in Asia. But in fact, the original adult industry in Japan is not something like the so-called "Shibuya Women's Amateur. AVI", but it has rich meaning.

Especially in the 1980s and 1990s, when Japanese small films and adult animations used the banner of serving the audience, they all explained some social problems and phenomena and reflected on them. It can be said that even if the Japanese filmed "Undeceased at home alone. AVI", there would be interspersed with the issue of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Social thoughts and human nature discussions such as the destruction of women by feudal conservative culture can be said to be Japanese racial talent.

It can be said that Japan at that time, whether it was a small movie or an anime, was astringent and deep, completely different from those that were just filming. It is full of torture of society, the dark side of human nature in modern society, the conflict and reflection of morality and lust, its depth is far beyond the comparison of these amateur movies in the future.

It's just a pity that with the development of the social era, everything is in line with the consumerization of fast food. In the past, Japan's proud racial talents have been replaced by simpler movies that are more fast-food... Well, from some perspective It's quite disappointing to say this.

Like the story script proposed by the Yamada Fairy, many social issues can be seen from a short introduction, such as the impact of parental divorce on children, and the youth confusion of the younger generation in Japanese society. If you really want to dig deeper, is there any Little stuff.

And this story is indeed very suitable for Shiina Mashiro’s exquisite style of painting of a mortal soul, because according to the setting of the Yamada fairy, the original male protagonist is just an empty shell, and everyone else falls into a deep sleep similar to hibernation. It just fits Shiina's style of painting, but...

"The conflict of stories is the key."

Fang Zheng frowned, thinking carefully. Although the story is definitely white at the beginning, it will not work in the later stage. After all, according to Yamada Fairy, this is a process of the protagonist's gradual growth, that is, a story of an empty shell gradually becoming a human being. The style of painting is okay to paint empty shells, but whether you can draw the growth process is another matter.

"There is nothing I can do about it."

The Fairy Yamada stretched out her hands helplessly. After all, she was just a light novel writer, not a cartoonist. The only suggestions she could give were these. When it comes to painting itself, she is also powerless. If she knew how to paint, she wouldn't have to ask Ying Lili to help her with illustrations.

"Anyway, thank you very much. No loss is a genius writer of light novels. He is different and powerful."

Fang Zheng gave the Yamada fairy a thumbs up, who also smiled triumphantly.

"Oh ha ha ha ha, of course, don't look at who this lady is, I'm the fairy tale Yamada, a light novel writer in the fire!"

Although a bit narcissistic, Founder also admitted that the fairy Yamada said. To be honest, if it weren't for the writer of light novels in the fire, he would have invited the fairy to join his new company as EROGAME. After all, if Yamada Fairy is willing to join, then the problems of Founder's new company except for the voice actors can be said to be solved.

Of course, with the strength of the Yamada Fairy, you don't even need a voice actor, and you can play the game directly. After all, there are not many EROGAMEs that rely solely on pictures and texts without voice actors. For example, the three masters of the doujin "Yue Ji" and "Cicada Ming" are like this. If the Yamada fairy is willing to join, then Founder is also confident to create a fan in this world. Three gods made it.

However, it is a pity that the Yamada Fairy is already famous, and of course it is impossible to go into the sea again.

Hey, it's really hard to find someone who has potential, is not well-known, and likes to write ERO scripts.

In any case, the other party pointed out a way, and Fang Zheng left with Zhen Bai after thanking the Yamada Fairy.

"…………………that's nice."

Walking on the way home, Zhen Bai couldn't help but speak. Fang Zheng turned his head and looked around. At this moment, Zhen Bai was quietly gazing ahead, with unprecedented envy and longing in his eyes.

Although in terms of honor and status, Zhen Bai is much higher than the fairies. After all, Yamada Fairy is a light novelist in Japan, and Zhen Bai is a world-renowned painter. But in terms of creation, Zhen Bai is obviously inferior to the fairy. After all, the latter just conceived a rather attractive story outline in less than five minutes after seeing Zhen Bai’s painting. Zhenbai couldn't grasp the essentials even after thinking hard for a long time...I can only say that everyone has their own strengths.

By the way, the story of the old driver cartoonist girl and the innocent photographer that the Yamada Fairy was talking about has now been serialized, and the response has been quite enthusiastic. People from the company have come to her to talk about animation. This shows that The creative talent of the Yamada Fairy is indeed not to be glimpsed.

Especially considering that the idea at that time was also what she thought of instantly after listening to Fang Zheng's words, even more so.

This shows that for some people, things like UU reading www.uukanshu.com inspiration are all sold by kilograms, and they can’t be used up as much as they want.

But for some people, it’s not enough to calculate it in milligrams.

Shiina loves manga and desires to create his own world, but he can't find a clue anyway. But the Fairy Yamada was able to give her an idea at will, and didn't even think it was wasteful at all - because she could find more.


At this moment, Zhen Bai seemed to have made up his mind and raised his head to look at him.

"Tomorrow, can you go on a date with me?"

"Of course, no problem."

For Time Dragon, this is naturally not a problem.

In terms of time management, Founder is professional.

(End of this chapter)

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