Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2265: part time?

Chapter 2236 Part-time? (What should I do if I am addicted to the original **** and do not want to update)

Founder had to admit that he was still too ignorant.

Unexpectedly, there is such a big man in the world, who can explode in place only by delusion, it is really very human, and the niche admires it. Mr. Lu Xun once said, "When I see short sleeves, I immediately think of the white arm, the whole body, the interbreeding, and the illegitimate child. The Chinese imagination can only advance so much at this level."

And this big guy is much more powerful than what is described in it. This has already exceeded the realm of imagination and has affected reality!

This is God!

After returning to Hin Tianzhuang, Fang Zheng, who was in shock, found Ying Lili and told her about it. After listening to Fang Zheng's recount, Ying Lili was shocked. She was also a girl, and of course she understood how incredible this was. So Ying Lili even suspected that Fang didn't deliberately fooled herself. As a result, after Fang Zheng showed Ying Lili the video recorded at the time, Ying Lili also...kneeled completely.

It's like you watched a short video and saw someone crawling upside down on the ground and turning their waist one hundred and eighty degrees. It's terrifying!

After this, Founder gave the full power of the acquisition to Kuang San. There is such a super-sound actor, why not worry about it?

If there is no fire, there is no reason, let me tell you.

In this way, Ying Lili’s studio is finally set up temporarily. Ying Lili is the original artist, Jin Bai is in charge of the background, and Sagiri is in charge of part of the CG — of course the kind without welfare, because of the welfare yarn. The fog can't be painted well, so Ying Lili can only take second place.

By the way, the idea of ​​the Yamada Fairy was handed over to the game production company over there by Founder to change it into an EROGAME script, which would be regarded as killing two birds with one stone. Firstly, True White does not need to think about the whole script alone. Secondly, Founder also agreed to True White, allowing her to draw a short story with this as the background as a test of water, and then put it in the game set, which is also a commercial attempt. .

Founder has decided that after launching the game in the game world, he will take all the information to other worlds, and then find a local company to buy it and sell it. At that time, looking at the characters drawn by Ying Lili and the CG that is enough to make people drool, make sure that the fat houses are completely squeezed out of the fat on them, not to mention the power of faith!

A qualified **** doesn't care about the high or low of believers, regardless of whether they are men or women, young or old, poor or rich, as long as you have a desire for lust, that is enough!

Fang Zheng felt that now he finally understood what the saying that God loves the world meant.

Anyway, after all, they are all pigs raised by themselves.

But then again......what kind of feedback the **** of **** would give.

The game was done, and Fang Zheng started to think about it. After all, he is a god, and believers believe in gods, and they must be rewarded. Of course, for these pigs, as long as they produce a high-yield EROGAME that can squeeze them both physically and mentally, they will definitely have no other requirements, but as a god, Fang Zheng always has to give himself the most pious A little reward for the believers.

Just as when he was the **** of magical girls, Fang Zheng would choose those who liked him to sign contracts to make them become magical girls.

But the **** of lust...Well, what reward should I give?

The golden gun won't fall?

This seems to have no effect on their believers. After all, most of them are single, and they won't be able to use it if it doesn't fail.

Whoever believes in me gets a girlfriend?

It doesn't seem to work. I am the **** of **** and not love, so I might as well go out and spend money to help poor girls, which is more suitable for his priesthood.


Fang Zheng thought for a long time, but he didn’t think of a good way to give back to believers. Fortunately, he, the **** of lust, didn’t really want to establish a sect. Otherwise, if he was caught by his own archbishop and asked about it, Fang Zheng himself would not Know how to speak.

Forget it, do more EROGAME at that time and set the price lower to repay customers. If you think about it carefully, you can buy two copies with the money of other EROGAME, and the quality is higher. This is the real high quality and low price. It is guaranteed that you can buy it back that night and won’t get out of bed the next morning. , On the third day, he lost ten catties, and on the fourth day, he fell dead on the spot...Uh, let’s forget it.

Pigs must be raised sustainably.

Well, sure enough, give them the BUFF that won't fall, so that they won't have sage time, and can provide themselves with faith day and night.

Thinking of this, Founder was also admired for his own idea. Seeing, not only did it give back to new and old customers, but also changed their physical fitness, so that they don't have to worry about being tasteless. But to be able to enjoy happiness to the fullest and enjoy life............Tsk tusk, where to find such a good god?

Sure enough, only by worrying about what the user wants, thinking about what the user thinks, can we achieve a perfect **** hegemony.

After taking care of the trouble, Fang Zheng was in a good mood, so on the next day, he took Zhenbai to a date.

Of course, it’s a date, but it’s not a real date, but Zhenbai wanted to try how to portray the image of a playboy. After all, the Yamada Fairy was only given a general direction. How to get it depends on Zhenbai. Think about it for yourself, so Zhenbai will pull the upper side and make a date as a reference.

"Simply put it is a shopping mall, a movie theater, and then a love hotel."

Walking in the mall, Founder didn't care and talked about it in plain terms.

"You see, if you want to set up a playboy, you must have money."


Hearing this, Zhen Bai looked at Fang Zheng in confusion and asked, while Fang Zheng shrugged his shoulders.

"It's very simple. For a playboy, if you don't talk about feelings, just talk about money. Who cares about you pauper without money, unless you look handsome like me, even if you walk on the street without money, some people are big Miss queuing for support. Otherwise, you still have to have money, and you have to be lavish. Simply put, I will buy you whatever you like. Anyway, we have money, and we don’t care about money."

"Don't everyone like money?"

Zhenbai asked again in doubt, and Fang Zheng chuckled.

"Of course, everyone loves money, but they do not love money itself, but the role of money. For example, when you have money, you can enjoy delicious food to your heart's content, you can drive a luxury car and live in a villa, and you can meet beautiful women. There is a past. This is the magic of money, but conversely, if it is in a collapsed doomsday world, the importance of food and resources is far more important than money. At that time, how much money you have is meaningless. It can be used to wipe the butt."


Zhen Bai did not speak, but silently glanced at Fang Zheng, then lowered his head, drew something on the drawing board beside him, and then continued to move forward.

"By the way, do you want to buy something, it's hard to stroll around, why don't we go to see underwear?"

Fang Zheng said that he just wanted to take a few more photos, and he had no intentions.


Of course, Zhen Bai will not have any opinions.

So soon, the two came to the underwear store of the mall, but they had just entered the door when they saw a familiar figure.

"Welcome, may I ask............ Hey? Shiina classmate? Mr. Fang Zheng?!"

"Yo, Qinghai, how are you."

Looking at Qingshan Qihai in the clerk outfit in front of him, Fang Zheng also raised his hand with a smile and said hello to her.

"Are you working?"

"Ah, yes...that, Mr. Fang Zheng, you..."

"Oh, choose some underwear for Zhenbai."

Fang Zheng's tone was relaxed as if he was hungry when he came out, find a place to order a hamburger, but Qingshan Qihai blushed. It’s no wonder that this is an underwear store after all, and Shiina is a classmate of his own---Of course, if it’s just like this, it’s fine, but the problem is that Fang Zheng, a man who doesn’t change his face, walked into the underwear store. Aoyama Qihai always feels extremely shy.

Obviously, in general, boys should be shy in such places, but what about it!

"Then, Shiina-san, what style do you want to choose?"

Qingshan Qihai coughed embarrassingly, and looked towards Zhenbai and asked, but in the face of Qingshan Qihai's question, Zhenbai just turned his head and silently looked towards Fang Zheng.


"Choose slowly. Anything is fine. The front button is more convenient, and the back button is also interesting. Of course, shaping underwear is good for your body shape. If you want me to say that translucent lace actually has a different flavor..."

"Wow! Wow!"

However, before Fang Zheng had finished speaking, he was interrupted by Qingshan Qihai's blushing face and shouting.

"Fang, Mr. Fang Zheng, how come you are so familiar!"

"Can't I be familiar?"

"No, I didn't mean that..."

Seeing Fang Zheng looked at him curiously, Qingshan Qihai was speechless, and Fang Zheng smiled, and then looked at Zhen Bai.

"Anyway, you can wear whatever you feel comfortable, go and see."


This time Zhen Bai listened to Fang Zheng honestly, nodded obediently and walked in, and Qingshan Qihai breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Fang Zheng again.

"Really, Mr. Fang Zheng, please stop teasing me."

"Hahaha, just kidding."

Seeing Qingshan Qihai's flushed face, Fang Zheng also smiled, and then directly changed the subject.

"But having said that, you seem to have been working part-time. Are you short of money?"

It’s no wonder that Fang Zheng asks this way. After all, he has seen Qingshan Qihai working more than once, and he also has more than one job. This makes Fang Zheng quite curious, especially today is a day off, when most students choose to rest at home. But Qingshan Qihai still has to come here to work... Is their family so poor?

"It's okay."

Hearing Fang Zheng's question, Qing Shan Qihai lowered his head and sighed.

"Actually, I am... planning to go to a voice actor school after graduating from high school. I want to be a voice actor."


Why are you still entangled with voice actors these past two days?

Fang Zheng rolled his eyes silently, and continued to listen to Qingshan Qihai.

"But my family disagrees, so...I just want to work part-time to earn tuition..."

"That's it."

Hearing Aoyama Qihai's answer, Fang Zheng was not surprised by UU reading www.uukanshu.com. He squinted his eyes and stretched out his hand to touch his chin, and then he smiled.

Well, this seems to be quite interesting too,

"In that case, Miss Qihai, I have a suggestion."


"Yes, to be honest, my friend has a game company over there, and it is currently short of staff. If you want, why don't you try to work there? They also need help from new people, you can also check them Dubbing work."

"Really can?"

Hearing this, Qingshan Qihai immediately raised his head excitedly and looked at Fang Zheng, and Fang Zheng smiled.

"Of course, if you are interested, then I can help introduce it."

It also seems quite interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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