Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2288: Show up (buy a box of moon cakes as a snack)

"Why, how could this happen!!"

At this moment, looking at the ruined palace in front of him at the deepest point, Luos trembled. Of course he could guess whose handwriting it was. Although he had known that the other party was very powerful before, he did not expect him to be so powerful!

If you lose this gift game, then you are dead!

Thinking of this, Luos' face paled.

Those **** outside must complete their tasks well. The other party has only three people and does not need to be caught. As long as you can find them, this gift game is our victory!

Outside at this moment, the knights of "Persius" also gathered quickly. Although most of them passed out in a coma during the initial bombing, the rest did not retreat—after all, this It's a game, they still have to abide by the rules of the game.

"Everyone guards the entrance and exits, and beware. The opponent has only three people. As long as we find them, we will win! Don't miss any suspicious targets!!"

Accompanied by the sound of commands, the knights immediately assembled in the front hall. Then, they saw the Jiuyuan Asuka stepping in from the gap in the city wall. According to the rules of the game, at the moment of discovery, the Jiuyuan Asuka had been lost. Qualified to challenge the game sponsor.

However, she can still participate in the game!

"Succubus! Tempt them!"

Looking at the knight in front of him, Jiuyuan Asuka stretched out his hand to point forward, and shouted loudly. Following her order, the succubus summoned by her behind Jiuyuan Asuka suddenly smiled, and then cast a wink at the knights. Soon, the eyes of the knights looking at the succubus in the front began to become blank, and then they suddenly turned around, raised their weapons and slashed at the companions behind them.

"Wow, what the **** are you guys doing!"

"Asshole, this is a gift from the enemy! Be careful!!"

Suddenly, the originally neat queue instantly became chaotic, and everyone fought together. Although there were also knights who tried to bypass the manipulated companions and directly attacked Jiuyuan Asuka, they were charmed immediately after approaching, and then turned into betrayers who attacked their companions.


Looking at the chaotic hall in front of him, Jiuyuan Asuka stretched out his hand to press on his chest, and let out a sigh.

Her gift "magic light" can dominate other lives at will, but unlike the "psychological control" of the bee-eater, the "magic light" of Jiuyuan Asuka must be spoken to achieve the effect, and it is only for some not so. Strong presence is effective. In fact, in Fangzheng's game, Jiuyuan Asuka once tried to use "Prestige" on the dungeon BOSS, and the result was naturally............they didn't even kill her and came up with a stick and directly smashed her back to the cemetery.

Fei Niao, who was distressed about this, had also consulted with Fang Zheng, and Fang Zheng's suggestion to her was to use "Prestige" as a Lingshu.

In the Holy Grail War, MASTER can use the spell to force the actions of the followers, although it can also be used to restrain, but conversely, they can also be used cleverly to enhance their strength and combat effectiveness. The clearer the goal, the more single the goal. , The greater the effect of Lingshu.

In this world, Founder suggested that Flying Bird use this method to use "prestige", not only to dominate, but also to assist and enhance.

Now Asuka uses this method. Originally, the succubus could not charm so many targets indefinitely, but with Asuka’s "prestige" bonus, the knights in front of them were completely caught in the temptation of the succubus. Among.

To put it simply, this is like adding a "range" BUFF to the single skill of the succubus... For Asuka, this is a very new way to use it.

"I didn't expect that my abilities still have this kind of use..."

Looking at the chaotic battlefield in front of him, Asuka also felt incredible. Since she was born, she has always believed that her ability is just a curse, after all, as long as she has this idea, everything will be easily controlled by it. This kind of world where she would only bow her head to herself is worthless to Asuka, and it is precisely because of this that she will enjoy life here so much after coming to Hakata.


That man is really amazing.

Although it is an obscene pervert.

Thinking of this, the corner of Asuka's beak slightly cocked, and then she raised her hands.

"Flame, devour them!!"

In the next moment, a rain of flames fell from the sky, turning the entire hall into a burning sea of ​​fire.

At the same time, on the other side, Kasugabeya has also arrived at the predetermined location. But unlike the lively hall, the garden here is silent, and it seems that there is no one there. But even so, Kasugabe Yao can feel the crisis hidden here.


The girl bent her bow and shot her arrow at the bushes behind her. The next moment she saw a bright arc falling on the ground, illuminating the surroundings. At the same time, under the brilliance of this light, a vague figure appeared in the empty bushes.

"over there!"

Accompanied by Kasuga Beya's shout, the next moment the ghost wolf suddenly roared and leapt up, and directly rushed towards the knight, but the invisible knight had no idea that the other party had such a gift technique that could be used to counter invisibility. He was hit by the ghost wolf and passed out screaming.

"Do it!"

"Grab her and use her as a hostage to draw the rest of the person out!"

Finding that the other party had a gift that could see through the invisibility, he couldn't help it. Soon, there were voices from all directions. Then, one knight wearing an invisible helmet leaped out and rushed towards Kasugabe. In their opinion, a girl with a bow and arrow in hand, even if it has the effect of seeing through the gift, as long as it breaks through the outer defense and takes close combat, it can be won in one fell swoop!


A knight dodges the flares on the ground, and then rushes towards Kasugabe Yao's unsuspecting back. However, the next moment a cold air suddenly emerges from his feet, and then the ice that emerges out of thin air instantly freezes it. among them.

"Be careful, there are traps!"

"I can't manage that much, come on!!!"

Although it was very surprising that the opponent had fallen into a trap without knowing it, the knights now can't take care of it anymore. After all, this is a bet on the fate of their community, and the opponent has only one person and one wolf. Not to be afraid, as long as one person can catch her, they will at least win the game by half!

However, just as the knights rushed over, they saw Kasugabe Yo put their hands in their mouths and then blew a whistle.

In the next moment, the beasts gallop.

Countless beasts appeared out of thin air and swept the entire garden.

"I didn't expect that these two little girls did a good job."

Watching the broadcast on TV, Bai Yasha couldn't help but sigh. Of course, the gifted game is broadcast. In fact, besides Bai Yasha, many community leaders are watching this game. For Bai Yasha, her feelings are obviously more profound.

After all, Bai Yacha can clearly remember that before these two little girls were nothing more than raw stones with potential and not yet polished, but now it seems that in just a few days, they have gradually shown their strength. .

But for Bai Yasha, the most concerned thing is the game itself.

In fact, now is almost the time.


Fang Zheng walked out of the shadows slowly, looking at Luos, who was sitting on the throne in front of him, with a pale face.

"It's been a long time...Should I say that I haven't seen you for three days? I didn't expect that you would have the courage to challenge me, then you must be prepared."

"huh huh huh huh………"

However, facing Fang Zheng at this moment, Luos showed a twisted smile.

"I didn't expect that you could come here, but it will stop here. Do you really think that I will let you come here without preparation? Wait, before you treat me I will repay you a hundredfold!"

While speaking, Luos stood up, pulled off the Gorgon necklace that was staying on his neck, and held it high.

"Wake up, Demon Lord Argel!"


Accompanied by Luos's cry, a sharp female voice emerged from the white palace. It was a noise-like and disturbing voice. At the same time, a brown light suddenly appeared, covering everything in front of him.

In the next moment, everything changed.

The sky, the earth, the palace, everything turned into stone, and in front of Fang Zheng, a tall woman with purple hair and a whole body dressed like a restrained mental patient was standing there. Her eyes were covered by a leather belt, her hands and feet were chained, and the whole figure looked like a huge beast.

"Sure enough! This is Luos' hole card!"

Seeing this, Shiroyasha also looked dignified. This is the manifestation of the Protoss Argel, which is the "Gorgon" in the legend of Parsius. At the same time, she is also the representative of the "Perseus". The star spirit of Medusa's head killed by Ersius!

In the Hakata world, there are three most powerful species, namely the "gods" of natural gods and Buddhas, the highest "stars" among the species of ghosts or elves, demons, and the apex of phantom beasts. They do not have evolution. Dragon species of tree.

This is the case with Argel in front of her. She is the symbol of Medusa, the goggle slashed by Persius in the myth, and the original creator of the "Persius" community "Persius" himself. "Trophy", it's just that Perseus is no longer there now, only the Protoss of the "original" Demon King still exerts a powerful force.

The brilliance enough to petrify everything is her proof!

"Hahahaha, how? This is the power of the Protoss, the power of the Demon King!!"

Luos raised his hands and laughed. That's right, this is why he accepts the gift game. Indeed, that man is very powerful, but as long as he releases the original demon king Argel that his ancestors have subdued, then even that man can only become a stone. Road!


"I wonder why, UU reading www.uukahnshu.com is that."

There was no change in Fang Zheng’s voice. Hearing this voice, Luos was stunned, then he looked forward, and then Luos was stunned. He saw that even the sky, the earth and the clouds were covered. In the petrified world, Fang Zheng was still standing there, motionless, looking at him as if he hadn't been affected at all.

"How is it possible? How can you resist Argel's petrification power!"

Seeing this, Luos was pale and trembling all over, and Fang Zheng glanced at the monster in front of him.

"This guy deserves to be called Argel... Hey, it's really shameful, forget it, let the master come down and clean her."

While speaking, Fang Zheng raised his right hand - on the back of his hand, the curse began to emit a dazzling brilliance.

"Summoned by the order of Lingshu --- Three Gorgon sisters, come out!!"

Accompanied by Fang Zheng's call, the next moment, the three rays of brilliance appeared out of thin air, like a meteor, descended from the sky, and landed on the ground.

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