Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2307: The secret behind the scenes (I have to sleep well today and stay up late)

The corpse at hand gradually turned into ashes under the flames, and Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes as he watched the dust drifting between his fingers.

At this moment, he finally understood what was behind the scenes.

And the plan the other party is making.

That is the transplantation of Hakata and the reshaping of human history.

The current Hakatai wonders whether it was because of the excessive mixing in the early stage of construction that led to the emergence of the "paradox game", that is, the classic "Is the belief of man created the gods, or the gods created the mankind".

Of course, from the perspective of power level and rank, the gods naturally occupy an overwhelming advantage, but the "man-made theory" is intertwined with them, regardless of each other. For the gods, it is like cancer cells mixed with normal organs in their own bodies, making people angry and painful.

They cannot deal with "man-made creation theory" alone, because "man-made creation theory" and "creation theory" are already inseparable from each other and become one. The so-called one moves the whole body. If they try to obliterate "creation theory", then It will cause unimaginable huge fluctuations in all human history centered on Hakata, which will endanger themselves.

Therefore, they thought of a way, that is to send a number of demon kings to the lower realm headed by the white-haired boy, and then weaken the power of the outer chamber, and then liberate the "Final Human Trial" sealed in "Salamanda". After that, the "Final Trial of Mankind" will destroy all human history, and will be defeated by the white-haired boy who represents "creative theory".

In this way, according to the characteristics of Hakatai's "contribution = spirituality", the "creation theory" represented by the white-haired teenager will occupy an overwhelming advantage, and will completely unify the historical foundation and completely erase the traces of the "creation theory". Completely unify the final basic theory of "the gods created mankind".

And the reason why the gods did this is not without reason.

Because no matter in the history of mankind in any world, basically after 2000, due to scientific progress, mankind's belief in gods has shrunk, and many gods have even cut off their beliefs. Because the "human creation theory" is still sufficient to ensure that mankind crosses the "final trial" after losing the protection of the gods.

But for the gods, this is not what they want.

At least the person who designed this plan is so.

It can be said that for the gods, "the theory of human creation" is like the inevitable closure of the timeline. When humans pursue science and abandon their beliefs to pursue themselves, they should be regarded as fear, fear, and forgetting of the objects of worship. Abandon, lose strength and become the established destiny.

That's it.

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng finally understood why he was called to the box court. Originally, he was still thinking about how to reach the box court strategy, and now after clarifying the ideas of the upper layers of the box court, Fang Zheng immediately found his direction.

No wonder it is him. After all, if you want to say "human creation theory", then it must be yourself...

What is a god?

According to the "human creation theory", gods are mysterious existences created by human beings' cognition of various phenomena. When they looked up at the sky blankly and ignorantly, watching the thunder and lightning roar down without knowing why, they imagined that there would be a stronger existence like them manipulating the thunder and lightning, so the Thunder God appeared.

When they looked at the four seasons in front of them, they didn't understand why the seasons changed. When day and night changed, they would imagine that the sun was riding a carriage, running from the sky to the horizon - and the sun **** appeared.

People gave their faith and respect to the gods they imagined, so the gods that didn't exist existed.

This is the "human creation theory".

And with this as the basis, then...why can no new gods appear in the future?

In the final analysis, with "human creation theory" as the core, then its essence is nothing more than a large number of humans praying to a virtual, non-existent image and expecting him to exist?

So, why don’t game characters work?

The "game world" in the hands of Founder spans several planes, and the number of players is more than hundreds of millions. Is it possible that they have less affection for certain game characters than religious believers?

Those who like Alsace, those who like Sylvanas, those who like Elune, and the love for various mysterious races---isn't it just like the fantasy species in the Hakata garden?

Humans eagerly fantasize about the fairies in fairy tales, so a family of fairies appeared.

Humans dreamed of humans with the characteristics of beasts, so the orcs appeared.

In this case, what is the problem with the night elves and blood elves when the Scourge appears?

After cracking the secret behind the scenes, Founder also knew what to do.

Since the gods want to destroy the lower level by releasing the "ultimate trial of mankind", so as to achieve the purpose of breaking away and re-creating a new box court, then he can just use his tactics to defeat the "last trial of mankind" as a "human creation theory" Refining", and then in turn encircled and cut the entire upper-level Protoss——Well, I have already figured out how to do it.

He promised that the other party would like this surprise.

But now... Let's wake up our Sleeping Beauty first.

Fang Zheng came back to his senses, glanced at the burnt floor with only charred marks on the ground, shrugged his shoulders, then turned his head and walked out of the castle whose roof was completely depleted.

"Roar————!! Roar——————!!!"

When you walk out of the castle, you can see the dark dragon outside. At this moment, the black dragon that broke through the sky was shaking its head, roaring loudly, and it seemed quite imposing.

It's a pity that if it weren't for being tied into a zongzi by a golden chain, it would be even more powerful.

This is also the reason why Fang Zheng has time to trouble the white-haired kid. Although he is very upset with these people, he is not even confused about the priorities.

It's just... Leticia is also unlucky enough.

Looking at the giant dragon, Fang Zheng shook his head helplessly. In fact, the dark dragon is the body of Leticia, and the stone throne is just an illusion. In the process of coming here, Fang Zheng had also learned about Leticia's past.

It was in the distant past and the long future. A group of vampires fled to the box court. They were accepted here. Not only that, for this group of vampires, the gods also specially created a curtain that allowed them to appear under the sun as they pleased. For the vampires, this is the only world they can walk in the sun, so in return, the vampires began to voluntarily maintain the order of the box court.

So they became ‘Hakami Knights’.

However, everywhere, power and strength can lead to disaster.

The internal division of the vampire family was created. Someone tried to take away the granted solar authority, so they used a vicious method to open the curtain and introduce the real sun's brilliance. Then...the vampire's civil strife began.

When Leticia returned as a princess, all she saw was the bloodstains of her parents and siblings - under the sun, they didn't even leave a dead body.

What made Leticia even more angry was that they died in the hands of their compatriots.

In the end, in order to take revenge, Leticia voluntarily incarnates as the devil and sends out a "gift game" to all the vampires present at that time.

And that sin has spread to this day.

To be honest, it's hard for Founder to say that Leticia was right. Of course, according to his own ideas, Leticia was definitely right. They were fighting desperately for the vampire family. Looking back, they found that their old home was in turmoil, and their parents and family members had been killed. If this was not violent, it would be cold-blooded or the Virgin.

But precisely because of this, her actions also affected others, making her sister embark on a path of no return...

"Then, get it done as soon as possible."

Withdrawing his thoughts, Fang Zheng snapped his fingers, and then a spear shining with golden light emerged from behind him. Then Fang Zheng raised his right hand and aimed a pistol at the dragon's chest, and then...


As Fang Zheng's voice fell, the next moment the golden gun of God shot out instantly, piercing the dragon's chest. Before even a scream, the pitch-black dragon gradually disappeared. Then, on the chest, a shining girl slowly landed from it and landed in Fang Zheng's arms.

"You can really cause trouble."

Looking at Leticia, who was curled up in a ball and closed her eyes, Fang Zheng also smiled and stretched out her hand, and gently poked her little cheek with a bit of baby fat.

In this way, the attack caused by the unknown Demon League came to an end. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

Because Fang Zheng directly broke the Demon King to reach the victory conditions almost an hour after the start of the gift game, the loss of "Underwood" was not too great. Of course, casualties were inevitable. But compared to the general gift game, this game only has so few people dead, which is already very good.

In contrast, the situation in the North and the East is a bit unsatisfactory. Fortunately, there is a white Yaksha in the East, and the North has suffered a lot from this demon attack. Fortunately, it was still within the tolerance range, and the class dominators in the North District eventually defeated the Demon King smoothly, so there was nothing particularly to say.

It's just that after this battle, everyone has received an invitation from "Salamanda", hoping that all the class dominators will go to the North District to meet to discuss the current situation-after all, all class dominators are almost in the same Time was attacked by the Demon King, but anyone with a normal IQ would be aware of the strong taste of conspiracy.

This is why we want to convene all class dominators to discuss the situation and discuss countermeasures.

Of course, Founder also has his own things to do.

For the next plan, he... It's almost time to form an alliance!

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