Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2314: The unlocked seal (Nana’s OP is really nice)

The icy cold air mixed with the hot flames came on the surface, and instantly swept the whole block, enveloping everyone.

"Wow, Mr. Fang Zheng, why do you want to stimulate him!"

"Hey? Because if you want to stop the stalker, you must first clearly cut off this guy's wishful thinking, isn't it? This stalker is basically a delusion, and blindly rejecting and avoiding it has no meaning, only clear like this Only by showing it can he understand the reality."

While talking, Fang Zheng stood up and pointed at each other.

"Have you seen? Ugly man, a guy who is long, ugly, ugly and weak like you is not my opponent at all. This is the best proof! You have spent hundreds of years and have not been able to catch up. Woman, I can easily win it with just one face-to-face. This is the gap between the two of us. A man who has no money, no value and talent, thinks that only by perseverance can touch a woman’s heart? Don’t be affectionate. !"

"Wow...Mr. Fang Zheng said too much..."

"Although there is no way to refute his opinion as a girl..."

"But this will only make the other person even more angry..."

At this moment Kuroyukihime, Sally, and Maple also hide behind them with black lines, and Kasugabe Yao and Jiuyuan Asuka are completely speechless.

"It's terrifying, that man's murderous aura is terrifying."

"Yes, although I thought he was terrifying before, but now I really feel that his life is in danger."

"If Mr. Fang Zheng said that, any man would burst into murder."

"………Kill you………"

As if to verify what the girls said, the Demon King in the center of the storm --- Maxwell Demon suddenly spoke. It's just different from the enthusiasm before. At this moment, his eyes are hollow, and the whole person looks like a doll on the verge of collapse.

"Kill you...Kill you kill you kill you kill you kill you ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

It was like the wailing of **** evil spirits, so that the girls began to tremble. The despair and resentment mixed in that tone were mixed with the cold wind, and even penetrated directly into the bones of the girls in front of them. In general, people shudder.

The next moment, I saw him spread his hands and mutter to himself.


"this is…………!?"

Hearing this, Vera's complexion in Fang Zheng's arms changed drastically.

"Summonmyths?! Not good! He wants to summon the gods!!"

"Trouble coming to your door? Okay, leave it to me, you guys avoid it first, and wait until I get this perverted stalker."

Fang Zheng smoothly pushed Vera back and greeted the others at the same time.

"You go to the palace first, and then............"

"Rumble rumbling!!!"

However, before Fang Zheng had finished speaking, the palace in the distance suddenly began to tremble, and then, the surrounding earth's crust suddenly began to change, and the whole earth suddenly shattered as if being pushed up by something.

"what happened?"

If things were caused by the demon king, it's okay to say, but Fang Zheng can be sure that the vibration comes from farther away, that is to say...

"Hey, it seems that this guy is also a member of the Demon Kings Alliance. This time he is hunting for Vera, is he planning to take advantage of this time to turn the tiger away from the mountain?"

Fang Zheng frowned, then looked behind him again.

"A major event is going to happen here, immediately take refuge! Black Snow Princess, tell Sandora to open the realm door!"


"Vera, you are also the leader of the'Wizard Fire', it's time to show some leadership! This is your lair, you should be more familiar than anyone else, so I'll leave the rest to you, I'll take care of this perversion! "


Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Vera came back to his senses and nodded with a complicated expression. Although Fang Zheng was forced to **** her first kiss, she was really shocked, but as Fang Zheng said, as a four-figure big demon, Vera is introverted, but she is also the leader of the community. Right now, the entire Western District is out. Question, as the leader of the wildfire, she certainly can't fish here.

So in the end, Vera just glanced at Fang Zheng, and disappeared into the air the next moment. At the same time, other girls also left here, only Fang Zheng was still standing on the roof, looking at the Maxwell demon in front of him.

"It seems there is a problem, so sorry, let's make a quick decision."

"Kill you, kill you, kill you, kill you, kill you!!"

However, the Maxwell demon didn't seem to hear Fang Zheng's words at all, just muttered a low growl, followed by his spell, the next moment the realm was broken, and two mecha-like steel angels emerged from it. Seeing this scene, Fang Zheng couldn't help but stunned.

"Huh? What is this?"

Although Fang Zheng had seen angels before, he seemed to be...oh, not the first time he saw this kind of mechanized angel.

But this power source...

Fang Zheng wanted this place, looked at the Maxwell Demon again, and then narrowed his eyes.

"Ah, that's what happened. It seems that the bee eater will owe me again."

"kill him!!!"

Just as Fang Zheng was talking to himself, Maxwell demon roared and issued an order. Accompanied by his screams, the next moment the two steel creations raised their swords and shields and rushed over. Become invisible in front of Founder.


Perhaps the scene in front of him was so unbelievable that the crazy expression of Maxwell's demon became a little stiff, while Fang Zheng was smiling, squinting at him.

"I have to admit that I am quite surprised to see this thing in Hakatai. If you use it to deal with those old-fashioned things, it may be really amazing, but it is a pity that you have found the wrong opponent... "

That’s right, although the angel summoned by Maxwell’s demon, although he didn’t know what myths and legends came from, Fang Zheng recognized at a glance that the so-called angel was actually a product of nanoparticle plus information reshaping, and speaking of controlling information---who would I can understand better than my little angel!

I'm afraid there is really no way to get this thing after changing those ancient gods. After all, this thing is just a nano-machine endowed with a lingua, strictly speaking, it is a bit similar to the product of the forerunner soul information that Founder saw in the halo world. This kind of futuristic technology may be more complicated and difficult to understand than magic for most of the gods born in ancient times in the box garden, but for Fangzheng... you are really better than summoning an angel from some ancient mythology. I said Uncertainty will find it more difficult.

"Because something big seems to have happened over there, I will not waste time here with you, then..."

Before the words fell, Fang Zheng suddenly flashed in the next moment, and he appeared in front of Maxwell Demon.

"go to hell."

Accompanied by Fang Zheng's words, his right hand suddenly stretched out like lightning, directly piercing Maxwell's chest, and Maxwell's monster just floated in the air blankly without any change. Then Fang Zheng retracted his right hand, a shining crystal-like object, now quietly radiating a gentle light in his hand.

"Then, your lingua--I will accept the third perpetual motion machine, um...what should I ask the bee eater to exchange with me this time? Sure enough, I still have to wear a maid costume and call my master Right..."


Just as Fang Zheng was thinking about what he should use to exchange this with himself, suddenly the explosion sounded again, and when he looked up, he saw that the active volcano in the distance had completely erupted.

"Forget it, think about it later."

Fang Zheng put away the gleaming Lingge casually, and then glanced around. The perverted stalker who was here before has completely disappeared at this moment, not even a trace of the remaining trace.

Let's go back and see the situation first.

At this moment, the West End has become chaotic.

Due to the eruption of the active volcano, the original attacking giants also stopped, as did the warriors on the "Salamanda" side. After all, Magma doesn’t care about their alignment and the identity of the enemy, except for the flying dragon. Besides, there is probably no way for any creature to survive this terrifying flame.

When Fang Zheng returned to the palace, there was chaos here, and Shandora, with her hands on her hips, gave loud orders over there.

"The safety of the refugees must be ensured first! Everyone should go for refuge immediately and ensure a way out! The giant will be resisted by Brother Mandela!

"Oh, what happened? Well done."

Seeing that the salamander under his hand was turned around under the command of Shandora, Fang Zheng asked curiously, and when Fang Zheng came back, Shandora also showed a smile.

"According to what Mr. Fang Zheng said, I had a good temper. When I came back, my brother and others blamed me for leaving the palace at this time, but after that, I also had a big deal. The temper frightened them all. As Mr. Fang Zheng said, it is better to be tough."

Having said this, Sandora showed a refreshed look. Although I don't know what she did just now, Shandora now looks more cheerful.

"Master Vera came just now, and I have asked her to guard the refugees."

"That's good, then what is going on? Do you know the specifics?"

"No, I also..."


However, Shandora’s voice had not yet fallen. Suddenly, a bad cold came. For a while, everyone who had been busy stopped their movements, as if a small animal instinctively noticed that there was some kind of natural enemy. Appearing in general, they raised their heads in unison and looked towards the sky.

The dark clouds dispersed.

Under the brilliance of the flames and moonlight, a small black shadow appeared on the top of the volcano before everyone's eyes.

That is a dragon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but that is not a dragon.

It seems to be shorter than a giant. It is pure white. The twisted wings that look completely different from normal wings are suspended behind it. The three necks are open to the left and right. The bright red eyes that shine like a fierce star exude evil. Quality brilliance.

Obviously the figure is only three meters, but it gives people a sense of oppression, even more powerful than the black dragon that was transformed in the southern region of Restia.

At that moment, under everyone's gaze, the monster raised its head.

"I am a three-digit box garden, the demon lord Aji Dakaha, one of the gods of fire worship. The banner and the three-digit figure are taken over by the suzerain, and this life is destined to be the incarnation of the demon king! Come here, the hero who has been missing for hundreds of years! Do your best! Do your best! Exhausted your bravery—try to turn into a sword of brilliance that runs through my chest!!!

With the roar of the monster, the stars were shocked.

The storm that penetrated the Three Realms broke out.

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