Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2316: Past and future (Do you want Madoka to smoke?)

The ban disappeared.

Everyone stared at the scene in front of them dumbfounded, almost unable to believe it.

No one knows what happened just now, they only know that the figure that represents destruction and fear appeared in an instant, then disappeared, and then when it reappears, it becomes what it is now.

"how is this possible………"

The white three-headed dragon was covered with cut scars all over its body, blood spurted out and spilled on the ground, its body gradually shook, and the three pairs of bright red eyes were dim.

"Avisto... didn't it work?"

The three-headed dragon's "simulated star creation" Avisto has the power to accumulate the enemy's linguistic form on him. Unless he has a race that shares the same cosmology with the three-headed dragon, he cannot defeat this power. This is why it will become "the ultimate test of mankind".

However, the power used by Fang Zheng completely exceeded the expectations of the three-headed dragon.

That was the force that opened the world, dividing everything, and returning everything to nothing --- Yes, cosmology must be proposed by humans in the final analysis, but if it does not exist together with your cosmology itself, then simulate creation. The power of the star map is meaningless.


"My strength is more than just this level!"

Accompanied by the roar, the white three-headed dragon suddenly waved its wings again and flew into the air. It opened its big mouth, and then I saw a scorching and dazzling flame shining from the mouth of the three-headed dragon.

This is the most powerful blessing that the demon lord Aji Dakaha has, the strongest blow that can destroy one third of the world.

"what is that?!"

Seeing the light spots shining in the sky, everyone present couldn't help but began to tremble, and the black rabbit was even more pale. Perhaps among all the people present, only she knew the true face of that brilliance.

"That is the light wheel of the overlord! It is the gift that can summon the eschatological detonation point and turn it into a scorching flame!!"

"It's a lie, the starting point of eschatology?! Such power..."

Hearing what the black rabbit said, everyone was pale, even Vera, who manipulated Cang Yan, was trembling right now. Eschatology, that is the end of all, the source of all destruction. The concept of "destroying the world" formed by its condensation, such a blow - simply cannot be stopped.

However...Looking at the three-headed dragon flying in front of him, Fang Zheng slowly raised his right hand, and the dark big sword gradually formed in his hand.

"Eschatology? It's a pity, your eschatology is no longer universal in future generations. Just let you see, even if the world is destroyed, it is not the future of the end."

Following Fang Zheng's words, the next moment, flames rose to the sky.

The flame that erupted from the dark sword turned into a pillar of fire, and shot straight into the air. Then, above the sky, the apex of the pillar of fire turned into a dark sun surrounded by blazing flames. For a time, the box court, which was originally shrouded in night, became a bright red at this moment, and the whole world was completely covered by shining flames as if in a furnace.

"The first fire gradually extinguished, but Wang Ying was not seen, and the darkness fell, but the world still exists... More importantly... You must lose to the left side of the wave, you idiot!!"

Accompanied by Fang Zheng's roar, the next moment, he held the sword of flame that went straight to the sky in both hands and swung it down at the three-headed snake.

At the same time, the fire of the end times erupted in the mouth of the three-headed snake.


The flames of the last days and the original flames collided in this way under the gaze of everyone, and for a while, the sky was cut apart by it. The world began to tremble, the earth collapsed, and the town disappeared like a fortress made of sand under this powerful force. However, after a moment, the original fire in Fang Zheng's hand began to gradually recede, and some were even suppressed by the flames of the end times. trend.

"Not good! This is not good!"

"Miss Vera, let's help too!!"

Seeing this, the girls standing in the distance were also extremely uneasy. Jiuyuan Asuka and Kasuga Beyo wanted to go up and help, and Maple also summoned his own mechanical god, but soon they were given by Pumpkin Jack. blocked.

"Don't go! That's not a battlefield that we can get close to! In fact, just standing here is already the limit. If you get close, it will disappear in an instant!!!"

"Then what should I do now!"

"As of now, only..."


However, before Pumpkin Jack's words were finished, she saw Sandora looking into the air and shouting. Hearing Shandora's yelling, everyone turned their heads hurriedly. At this moment, the flames of the last days seemed to finally break through the impact of the original fire, tearing its resistance, and rushing straight towards Fangzheng! !

"Mr. Fang Zheng!!"

Seeing this scene, everyone in the distance turned pale, but they didn't see it. At the moment Chuhuo was torn apart, the corners of Fang Zheng's mouth slightly cocked and a cold smile appeared.

The first fire has been extinguished, and the deep sea has descended.

However, this is not the end, but the beginning of a new era!

At this moment, the sky became dimmed, and only the flames of the last days burned in the darkness, exuding dazzling light. But at the same time, everyone heard the sound of the sea water flowing from nowhere.

Immediately afterwards, all the darkness began to condense as if attracted by some kind of attraction, and a substantial power burst out instantly, completely engulfing the apocalyptic flames emitted by the three-headed dragon.


Seeing his own doomsday flames being quietly engulfed, the three-headed dragon was also taken aback. However, at this moment, Fang Zheng's figure suddenly appeared in the darkness, and then the pitch-black sword pierced forward and transformed. For a flash of lightning - penetrated the chest of the three-headed dragon.

Afterwards, the two fell from the sky like meteors and fell to the ground.


The originally almost black world where the fingers were invisible was restored to its original color, while Fang Zheng was standing in the center of the sunken ground. The big sword in his hand pierced the chest of the white three-headed dragon, staring at him coldly. .

"this is……………"

"This is the future, Aji Dakaha. This is the belief of mankind from the future, the end of the world? Whatever that kind of thing is good, in fact, no matter what kind of predicament you face, you must persist in working hard to live. It's human beings. Destruction is not the end, but the beginning of a new life. The first fire will eventually go out, but when the deep sea falls, everything will open again... So I'm sorry, there will be no eschatologists like you in the future. The space is gone. Mankind has new myths, new legends and new history..."


Hearing Fang Zheng's answer, the three-headed dragon showed a dazed expression.

"Neither evil... nor the end of the world... Then, we are no longer needed... Hehe, so it is, no wonder it will become like this..."

"That's about it...so you go with peace of mind, the future...there is a story about the future."

While talking, Fang Zheng drew out his great sword, and at the same time, the body of the three-headed snake began to burn, gradually turning to ashes. Behind it, the banner that was originally "evil" gradually changed its appearance and returned to its original form - it was a pattern of a girl striding over a hill in pursuit of freedom.

"In this way, it will come to an end for now."

Fang Zheng picked up the banner and looked at it carefully, then squinted his eyes and turned to look at Hakata.

"Huh, is that true? A group of old antiques who are unwilling to disappear? So... let me send you on the road."

Although the three-headed dragon was defeated, it did not mean it was over.

Nearly two-thirds of the entire North District was destroyed in the battle between Fangzheng and the three-headed dragon. It should be said that Fangzheng’s early warning was timely, and he had previously blocked the three-headed dragon for a while, making the North District Most of the residents managed to escape. Basically, only the buildings were lost.

Reconstruction work started again soon, and on the other hand, other class dominators also gathered together immediately - although the meeting should have been held, the "Final Trial of Mankind" was actually unsealed. They are all of them. Unexpectedly, the originally planned meeting became an emergency meeting, and during the meeting, Fang Zheng also told everyone about the "Devil League" and the group of gods behind them.

After listening to Fang Zheng's words, everyone present was shocked.

"The gods want to cut the history of mankind and completely set the creation theory?"

Shandora blinked, not knowing what to say, while Mandela looked at Fang Zheng and frowned.

"Since you know they are going to release the final trial of mankind, why didn't you remind us earlier?"

"How do I know that the final test of human beings is with you?"

Fang Zheng rolled his eyes, obviously disdainful of it, and Mandela couldn't say half a word that was stunned. As for Sarah, she frowned, glanced at her brother, and then looked at Shira Yasha.

"Master Baiyasha, do you know anything?"

"I do know that the upper class of Hakata have been discussing migration plans..."

Bai Yacha looked solemn now.

"In fact, there was a meeting and discussion three years ago, but at that time, because there was a community guarding human history, and most of the gods were not cold about it, so they finally gave up... and at that time only the minority proposed to migrate. The Norse group of gods..."

"Now it's useless to say these. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

Fang Zheng waved his hand.

"The other party has already started, so these problems are no longer a problem. The next step is how to solve this problem."


Faced with Fang Zheng's statement, everyone looked at each other.

"Mr. Fang Zheng, do you have any good solutions?"

"It's very simple. It's not rude to come and go. Since they want to destroy human history, then I will destroy the gods on the other hand. After all, their ideas are not wrong-the creation theory and the creation theory are inevitable. There is only one beginning, then either you die or I live..."

Having said this, Fang Zheng grinned open his mouth, revealing a grinning smile.

"It just so happens that I also prepared a game for them... The old antique aloft refuses to accept reality? Then let them see how they were eliminated by reality!"

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