Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2319: Another world (the original **** has finally risen to level 45)

That is the story of a distant world.

In that world, several powerful races fought each other in order to seize the throne of the only god. Magic, technology, and various powers were intertwined, just to obtain the strongest and highest honor.

No one knows how long the war lasted, only that the earth has been turned into scorched earth in this war, and the sky is covered by infinite ashes.

But even so, in order to gain the throne of world dominator, they still did not stop. Everything is for war, everything is for victory.

However, no one knew that under the flames of war, there was another race lingering on the wrecked ground.

That is human.

There is no strong power, no long life span, and no qualifications to compete for the position of God. But even so, humans still gritted their teeth amidst the artillery fire, and no one knows what kind of life humans lived before. They only know that the current world is a world of war, and some races that they can't understand and imagine are fighting each other for something they can't grasp at all.

Why do humans still live?

Why do they live?

This scene was watched by a mechanical girl.

It is incomprehensible that this ruined world has lost the power to support the survival of living things, so why can humans survive from it?

It is impossible to imagine why even in this case, human beings still did not choose to give up, but continued to live on?

Obviously they could not get the Star Cup, and it had nothing to do with this war.

The mechanical girl who has doubts about this has curiosity, contradictions, and conflicts of thinking and logic, so the connection body abandoned her. For the defective product, she has lost the value of continuing to connect.

But the mechanical girl did not give up. She followed the human figure and found an ideal "observation target".


A human male.

What follows is a relatively sweet story about losing teeth. In the end, the two walked together. Rick named the mechanical girl "Shuby", and then the two lived in an underground human settlement. One year, after learning about the cause and purpose of the war from Huby, Rick hoped to end the war.

At the same time, he proposed to Hubby.

Subsequently, the two became husband and wife in this way and fought for the same purpose.

In order not to let anyone die in the world, both of them are fighting hard. Hubby also encountered a Skywing species on the way for Rick's planned action. There was a fierce battle between the two sides, and then Hubby was defeated - then when she regained consciousness again, she appeared here.

"The story is touching."

Fang Zheng sat on a chair, watching the mechanical girl in front of him, and took a sip of black tea.

"So, what do you want to do?"


Hearing Fang Zheng's question, the mechanical girl named Xie was silent for a moment, raising her head to look at Fang Zheng.

"Shuby...want to go back and help Rick...Rick is alone now, and his body is corroded by the corpse, his body is weak, and Hubby asks... to let him return to his original world... Hubby just wants to be with Rick..."

"You can help her, Mr. Fang Zheng."

Hearing this, Kasugabeya also couldn't help pulling a lower sleeve, and Jiu Yuan Asuka next to his eyes was red - well, for this young lady who was born in the postwar period and has never seen a few science fiction movies. In terms of love stories between humans and robots, it is indeed easy to move her.

"I can help her, but...Before this, there is one thing I want to make clear to you."

Fang Zheng looked at Hubby—to be precise, staring at her chest.

"You should have discovered that the energy source you are using now is the'third-type perpetual motion machine' I changed."


Hubby nodded silently.

"Although I don’t know exactly what kind of performance you were before, but now you have to know, because of the energy effect of the third type of perpetual motion machine, your body structure is actually transformed similar to that of human beings — in short, it is When you are attacked, you will feel pain, not just on the physical level, but on the soul."

While speaking, Fang Zheng pointed to his head.

"Soul pain--Do you know what I mean?"

"Mr. Fang Zheng, are you asking this kid to do dangerous things?"

Hearing this, Heixueji asked nervously, and Fang Zheng shook his head.

"I just want to explain to her. In fact, it is not difficult to send her back to her own world. As long as I go back in time and re-transfer it to the time zone where she was sent to Hakatai after being attacked and damaged, the time channel can be opened. , Send her back to her original world... But there is a problem."

Said this, Fang Zheng put up a finger.

"In this process, everything that Hubby has encountered physically will go back. Simply put, her repaired body will start to become damaged again. Not only that, but in this process, because of the third perpetual motion machine. Because of the connection to the body, she will feel extremely painful--you only need to think about the feeling of your body being torn apart, and you can understand it, and during the whole process, Hubby even went into a coma. No, she can only be forced to feel the pain of her body being torn apart, her limbs being amputated, and her body being exploded with a clear consciousness."


Hearing this, the girls onlookers involuntarily took a breath.

"...And in the process, your ego may collapse because you can't bear the pain...Do you understand what I mean?"

"Wait, wait, can't it be turned off first, and then turned on again over there?"

At this moment, Sally also spoke in a hurry, and Fang Zheng gave her an angry glance.

"Are you a battery for the third perpetual motion machine? You can dismantle it if you want? Now the third perpetual motion machine has been integrated with Hubie's soul. If you want me to shut it down, it will basically kill her."

"Then why not send her back before repairing?"

"How do I know she still has this kind of experience?"

Fang Zheng said that he was also very helpless. He picked up a mechanical girl and suffered a blood loss. He also sent a third perpetual motion machine out. He couldn't help it.

"Is there no other way?"

"You can explore through the box garden center, but you also know that the box garden center is accompanied by countless parallel worlds. Even if you find it, you may not be able to determine whether it is the one where Hubie is, so time backward is the safest. Finding things is not at the same level, but to open the door of time. Gods also need a price, the principle of equivalent exchange."

"Hubby...want to give it a try."

Upon hearing this, the mechanical girl who had been silent for a long time spoke, and Fang Zheng stared at her.

"you sure?"


Hubby did not speak, but nodded, so Fang Zheng turned his head and looked at the bee-eater.

"What do you think?"

"What can I do?"

Faced with Fang Zheng’s question, Bee Eater Fuck Chi was also very depressed. In order to resurrect this mechanical girl, she abandoned her self-esteem and worked as a maid for Fang Zheng for a whole day, from "Good Morning Master" in the morning to "Good Dreams Master" , The result is now this ending.........

"If it's a human being, I can also use my'psychological mastery' to modify her memory, as long as she transfers her feelings for the man named Rick, but the other party is a machine, this is the muscle woman's. Scope, although I am a little bit reluctant... But there is no way."

"Well, since you have said that, then that's the deal."

Hearing the answer of the bee-eater, Fang Zheng's mouth turned slightly. Of course he understood that the bee-eater was just talking nonsense in front of him, so she wouldn't do that kind of thing. She said this deliberately only to hide her shyness. From this point of view, the bee-eater is actually a tsundere - but her arrogant perspective is different from that of Misaka Mikoto.

"let's start."

No nonsense, Fang Zheng just stretched out his hand and pointed at Hubby.

At the next moment, time began to look back.

The body that had been repaired began to gradually shatter and disappear, but unlike before, this time Hubie was awake. The third type of perpetual motion machine has been integrated with her soul, upgrading the mechanical girl "Hubby". Because of the existence of the lingua, even in the retrospect of time, she can retain her own soul and escape the shackles of time.

But her body can't get rid of the power of time in the same way.

The flow of time began to turn around, the body that was originally shining began to become rusty again, and the repaired part became damaged again. And Hubby just frowned - her expression hardly changed, but the moan from the gap between her lips made people tremble.

Soon, under the gaze of everyone, the mechanical girl who had been repaired intact returned to its original dilapidated appearance, and at the same time, Fang Zheng snapped his fingers suddenly.

"Grab, open the door!"


In the next instant, the gate of time suddenly opened, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com then Fang Zheng grabbed Hubby and jumped in, while the others hurriedly followed and rushed into the light gate.

And the moment they rushed out of the light gate, suddenly, a dazzling beam of light fell from the sky and appeared in front of everyone.


Facing the energetic blow in front of him, Fang Zheng roared, and then shook his right hand forward. The next moment the beam of light suddenly turned, and after penetrating the nearby hill, it quickly disappeared into the sky.

This should be the moment when Xiebi was attacked and determined to be destroyed. If she were hit by this attack, she would probably be wiped out, but because of some coincidence or miracle, before this force hits Xiebi, She was teleported to the box garden world.

And now, with Hubby's return to this world, the time that had originally stopped began to flow again.

Fang Zheng raised his head and looked into the air. There, a young girl with wings, like an angel, was widening her eyes in astonishment, watching them.

"You are... who are you?"

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