Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2324: My daughter is so cute! (Liver Xiaoyuan is more comfortable than liver FGO...

As we all know, according to social research and surveys, almost 80% of male players create female characters when playing online games.

The reasons are basically divided into three types: "My daughter is so cute", "My sister is so cute", and "My wife is so cute".

After all, generally speaking, as a man, no one wants to see a man twist his **** in front of him, right?

As for the remaining 20%, there are also three reasons, including "I want to have a couple with my girlfriend in the game", "I want to find a girlfriend in the game" and "This is Lao Tzu's man".

So after driving away the girls who made trouble, Fang Zheng quickly rebuilt a female character.

The reason for not using pseudo-mother is very simple. As an attribute, pseudo-mother is very interesting in the eyes of viewers. After all, no matter whether it is anime or a manga, as an audience, it will be interesting to see a pseudonymous appearance, but if you want to become a pseudonymous and enjoy this "conflict", then it is estimated that 80% of people are not happy.

Founder was naturally unwilling. The pseudonym attribute is quite cute, but if you think about it in reality, it will be a headache. Those little girls are not too big, but Fang Zheng himself is still insensitive to this.

As for the other reason for choosing female characters, it is also very realistic-that is, female characters can bathe with girls!

Wash together!

You can meet upright and honest!

As a man, no one would refuse such a good thing!

As for age... Fang Zheng chose to use a ten-year-old girl as a template after thinking for a while.

The reason is also very simple. If you are too old, it is easy to encounter men's pursuits, but for a ten-year-old girl, generally no one will pursue themselves, so they can avoid a lot of emotional and romantic troubles. And the little girl's appearance is also very deceptive, at least it will not make people notice the threat.

However, when setting up the appearance, Fang Zheng had made difficulties.

Strictly speaking, the little girls around him can be set as templates. For example, Yiliya, Xiaohei, Xia Shi, and Busui are all very cute, but if Fangzheng does this, it will give others a kind of partiality. It feels that he doesn’t want to be involved in a nutritious discussion like "Why did you choose her and not me? Is it because you think she’s more cute?" From Fangzheng’s experience, once a woman argues with you , Then it is basically unreasonable, and the result will only hurt both sides.

So in the end, Fang Zheng decided to make another red ponytail, but this time he chose to change the double ponytail hairstyle to long hair, and then change the color to white. After all, the average Chinese has white hair, white hair and red eyes. Is the best!

According to theory, the appearance of white-haired loli in general mobile games will increase the player's desire for krypton gold.

Next, in order to distinguish from the red ponytail, you must wear glasses.

After all, glasses will add literary temperament score, literary girl GET! Favor +1!

Then put on the black silk... Heisi loli praises it! +1 again!

Oh, my daughter is really cute!

The next step is to set the attributes!

According to Founder's idea, he must set all attributes to 99... But this would lose the meaning of testing. So in the end, Founder decided to reduce the strength and physique of the character attributes by two points respectively, to the lowest 8 points, and then increase the charm, intelligence and agility to 16... After all, the system is to be upgraded, so the attribute level must also be Consider the growth.

As for the rewards of the system, Founder has not released anything for the time being. He intends to create a system that can absorb the power and knowledge of the local world no matter what world it is transmitted to, so that the skills used by the system holder will also be used. It is a skill that exists in the world itself, and it will not appear to use the Holy Light in the science fiction world like Founder. You have to consider how to explain it to others...

In addition, there are still intelligent problems of the system that need to be solved, which Fang is planning to hand over to...

"Yui Yi."

"Ah, dad, do you call me?"

Hearing Fang Zheng's call, a small and cute electronic fairy soon emerged from the air and ran to Fang Zheng with a smile.

"Can I trouble you to monitor and control the operation of the system? I want to adjust it to see where there is a problem."

"Understood, Dad, leave it to me."

Yui nodded vigorously, and then turned around the clone that Fang Zheng had made.

"It feels so cute."

"On the one hand, it is convenient, and on the other hand, it is also used for testing to see the safety of the system. After all, if even ten-year-old girls can use the system to deal with the dangers and troubles, then the average traverser will be fine. "

Not to mention Mai Lu for the time being, Mayin is really miserable, but crossing and reincarnation are still different...In short, it depends on the situation.

"I need a record of actual operations, don't forget?"

"Don't worry, Dad, I won't forget."


After getting the answer from Yui, Founder nodded in satisfaction, and then he opened the Dimensional Code.

"Hmm... First, choose a low-magic world, which is relatively less dangerous, and then as less threatening as possible... Search it... Ah, there really is a result."

Compared with the previous chaotic request of "having top-notch talent in production", this time the Dimension Code searched the world requested by Founder instantly. Is the previous request too outrageous?

Next is the final... background setting.

After all, for RPG gamers, the background setting is also a part of it.

"Then set it to be a girl who lives alone in the suburbs and has a small house, which is more convenient."

Fang Zheng summoned the "Shooting Pianzhi" and wrote a few sentences along the way. Of course, if it is a general traverser, then there is no such benefit at all..................Huh?

"Yui, we can engage in krypton gold activities."

"Krypton gold?"

"Yes, let users use the krypton novice gift pack, and spend a certain amount of money to randomize a background when crossing. If you are lucky, you can live in a big house and live a luxurious life. If you are not lucky, you can go to the slums and sleep on the streets. What."

"But Dad..."

Upon hearing Fang Zheng's suggestion, Yui asked in confusion.

"What should be used as a unit of krypton gold? In general, the conversion of wealth in the world into energy is quite inefficient and not applicable."


Hearing Yui's question, Fang Zheng also thought about it. The Dimensional Code was originally obtained by accumulating points by completing tasks by oneself, as well as krypton magic spar. But if you want krypton, it is better to have a lot of energy. At least from the experience of Founder, whether it is the zero element or the magic spar itself, it is something that has energy, and it will be transformed into after being absorbed by the dimensional code. Points.

"Sure enough, look for something rich in energy from that world and convert it into krypton gold points. As for the first draw...That's right."

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng had an idea.

"Just use their soul power instead."

"...Dad, you look like a devil like this..."

"Will it? I think I am better than Athena."

After all, they won't kill them.

After finishing the setting, Fang Zheng snapped his fingers. The next moment the created clone turned into a light spot and fell into Fang Zheng's hand, then he stretched out his hand and pointed forward. The next moment, the void The Zhongguang Gate opened wide, and Fang Zheng stretched out his hand, and saw the light spot suddenly transformed into a pure white bird, flapping its wings and flying into the Light Gate.

The next moment, the world in Fang Zheng's eyes began to change.

Guanghua instantly turned into a torrent of the ocean, rushing down with itself, and then fell straight down from the clouds, and finally passed through the clouds, mountains and lively neighborhoods like a roller coaster, and arrived in a forest. In front of the house.

With the end of the "cutscenes", Fang Zheng gradually felt that he had taken back control of his body.

The next step is to press "WSAD" to move, press E to interact, press the right button to aim and the left button to shoot... Don't read the tutorial, right?

Fang Zheng moved left and right, because the body shape was designed according to the red pony tail, so the angle of view quickly got used to it, and then he also tried to use this body to move. For example, lift heavy objects or come over with a flying edge...

Basically, it is not much different from reality. Because the power is only eight points, the power of Fangzheng's clone may be weaker than that of the average little girl of the same age, but conversely, because of the high agility, the flexibility of the action is actually Can be compared with the wizard.

Next... What kind of world is this?

While thinking about it, Fang Zheng turned on the system. Sure enough, all the skills that appeared on it were unique to this world—well, in fact, at the first sight of these skills, Fang Zheng immediately knew what this world was.

After all, at the top of the skill column, there is a shining big letter that says "Avada Suo Ming"...

In that case, there is only one truth!

"Harry Potter...It's okay..."

After determining the world he was in, Fang Zheng's mood was also a bit complicated. After all, this was also his childhood memory. It's just that for Harry Potter's words, Fang Zheng's thoughts are also changing.

When he first watched "Harry Potter", Fang Zheng was just a primary school student. At that time, he was just like Harry Potter and hated Snape, and thought he was not a good person. But after he grew up looking at Harry Potter again, Founder found that the person he hated had changed from Snape to Harry Potter. After all, the latter did not abide by the school's rules and regulations since he was a child. UU看书www.uukanshu .com obviously violated the rules, and in the end he even resented others for suing. Arrogance and low self-esteem, and Dumbledore’s preference for Harry Potter also made Founder quite dissatisfied. He used to think Dumbledore was a kind and good grandfather, but when he grew up, he saw that Dumbledore wanted to protect Harry Potter. The superior is really unscrupulous, playing the other three colleges as fools...

How to put it, if the magic knight is regarded as the master, then Harry Potter is regarded as the master.

Of course, the point that Fang Zheng is most dissatisfied with "Harry Potter" is that Harry Potter and Hermione were not together at the end of the novel. From this we can also see the cultural differences between the East and the West. For example, in the first few movies, everyone can see that Hermione is very enthusiastic to Harry and indifferent to Ron, and she is willing to hug Harry, but she can't let go of Ron.

In the eyes of Asians, this is obviously Hermione's liking for Harry. After all, in Eastern culture, women take the initiative to the opposite **** they like, and it is normal to remain reserved or unwilling to other men.

However, in Western culture, it is completely the other way around. According to them, it is common for friends to hug and hug each other, but it is difficult for the two parties who care about each other to make intimate actions...

So this also led to a wave of explosions when Harry Potter and Ginny got married, so that Fang Zheng was confused when he heard the news.

Ginny? Who is this woman? Is there this woman in Harry Potter? Why am I not impressed at all? From which corner did she run out?

But I didn’t expect that I would also come into this world...

Looking at the sky in front of him, Fang Zheng sighed silently.

So what should we do next?

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