Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2339: Back to school (this bear is about to enter hibernation!)

"Dimension Code (

Harry Potter, who was walking down the street with his suitcase, looked very depressed.

Because not long ago, he encountered an annoyance. Today, an aunt that Harry hates very much came to Dursley’s house, and she not only mocked Harry as always, but also at Harry’s dead parents. Lash out. Naturally, Harry couldn't accept this. The so-called unbearable no need to endure, so he directly turned the pesky aunt into a **** human balloon, and then when his uncle asked him to restore his aunt, Harry couldn't bear it. He dragged his suitcase and left that annoying place.

This is also normal. Adolescent children, who doesn't have a temper?

Just walking on the street and being blown by the cold wind for a while, and after the flames of anger subsided, Harry felt frustrated and regret — he was alone now, with nowhere to go, and no idea where to go. What made Harry even more disturbed was that after he calmed down, he found out that he had violated the law that wizards were not allowed to perform witchcraft in the Muggle world, which made Harry Potter feel cold and sweaty.

He even began to imagine that maybe soon the Ministry of Magic would send someone to arrest him in Azkaban, and the following Daily Prophet would publish the words "The Great Savior Harry Potter was Arrested for Violating Order"... ...

But when Harry saw the petite figure standing on the street staring coldly at him, he just felt cold all over his body, as if the blood in his veins was about to freeze.


Looking at this familiar and petite girl, Harry's brain went blank. Could it be that she came here to catch himself? Would she take herself to Hogwarts, and then Dumbledore would tell him that he would be dropped out of school because he broke the rules?

Just as Harry was thinking about it, Ellie walked up to him and looked at him.

"What are you doing here?"


"You haven't eaten dinner yet?"


Harry didn't speak, but his belly answered instead. Ellie just squinted her eyes and glanced at Harry, who was dressed very embarrassed.

"You can't go to dinner like this, come with me, buy some clothes first."

After saying this, Ellie turned and left, while Harry hurriedly followed behind her, dragging the suitcase with a blank face.

"Yes, but Teacher Ai Li, I have no money..."

"Do you have gold coins?"

"This is..."

"I pay, you just exchange the equivalent gold coins for me, and you don't have to let the acrimonious and wealthy goblins of Gringotts collect the handling fee. You can't go out like this. Even if you are not a wizard, you will call the police if you see it. ."

Seeing his sloppy clothes, Harry didn't know how to refute.

Soon, Ai Li took Harry to a nearby shopping mall, buying clothes for men, naturally she was not so concerned about Loli, and signaled Harry to choose a few pants, T-shirts and coats, and replaced them. After the second-hand torn clothes he wore that didn't fit, Allie took Harry to a McDonald's, and then took him to an ordinary fast food.

Frankly speaking, it’s always been Harry Potter’s dream to eat a fast food quietly and comfortably, but this time he looked at the hamburger in his hand and the big glass of Coke in front of him. No appetite. He was always worried that this might be his guillotine meal. After he finished this meal, two wizards in black robes would appear behind him, and then they would lead him to Azkaban --- and love Teacher Li is so kind to him because he knows this.

In the end Harry decided to honestly explain his crime.

After all, let's be lenient...

"That... Teacher Ai Li, I, I violated the regulations... I..."

"I know."

Ellie took a sip of Coke and picked up the chicken nuggets.

"But this is not Hogwarts. As long as you don't violate the school rules, it doesn't matter, and the Ministry of Magic doesn't have time to care about this little thing now. They still have more problems to solve."

"Is that right?"

Faced with Ellie's answer, Harry seemed a little confused, but he soon thought of another question.

"Then... Teacher, why are you here?"

"Because my home is nearby, I occasionally go out for a walk, take a walk or something."


Hearing Ellie's answer, Harry's face suddenly turned pale - there is nothing more terrifying than discovering that the dean is living near his home.

"Okay, don't care about your aunt who blows the balloon. I think the people at the Ministry of Magic will take care of the aftermath. Let me talk about your problem first...Where are you going?"

After eating a sumptuous dinner, Ai Li also quickly asked. She remembered that Harry took a bus to London in the original book, but now she wants to see if the other party has other more interesting options.

Sure enough, after hearing Ellie's question, Harry was silent for a moment, and then hesitated to speak.

"Then...Can I trouble Ms. Ellie to contact Professor Snape?"


This is interesting.

"No problem, but there is an easier way by comparison."

While speaking, Ellie grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him directly into the dining room.

"Are you ready? The journey may be a bit bumpy, but it shouldn't be a big deal to you. Grab my hand and let it go is your own problem."


Before Harry could react, Allie raised her wand and pointed her hand into the air.

In the next moment, Harry felt as if he had been compressed into a rubber tube. He was like running water running down the sewer, and every part of his body seemed to be crushed. Even breathing seemed to become a luxury for Harry, but in the next moment, the invisible **** disappeared instantly, and then Harry suddenly gasped loudly, his mouth widened, breathing greedily With the cold, fresh air, I felt like I was suffocated to death.

But what puzzled Harry even more was that they were no longer in the remote corner outside the restaurant just now, but in a dim alley, he didn't even know what it was. But Elly didn't seem to be going to explain to him, she just walked forward, then held the knocker, knocked on the door a few times.

After a while, the door opened and Snape's face that seemed to be owed to him by the whole world appeared in it. Seeing Ai Li's appearance, he was obviously a little surprised.

"Miss Ai Li, why are you here, and..."

Obviously, almost instinctively, Snape set his sights on Harry.


"This kid quarreled with the family he was staying with. He is now running away from home. He said he wanted to come to you, so I brought him to you."

Ellie finished speaking lightly, and then stepped aside, and Snape was taken aback when he heard Ellie's explanation.


"Go and explain to Dumbledore. My mission is complete. I'm going home to sleep. Good night, good dreams."

After saying this, Ellie nodded at Snape, then nodded at Harry, then she raised her wand, and then disappeared instantly.

Snape stared at the direction of Ellie's disappearance, gritted his teeth.

"She must have not passed the exam of the Department of Magic and Transportation! It's really..."

After complaining, Snape looked back and looked at Harry again. When he looked into Harry's eyes, the expression in his eyes softened a lot. Harry grabbed the suitcase and looked at him embarrassedly, showing a slightly shy and shy smile. After a while, Snape sighed and turned away.

"Okay, come in, declare in advance, this is not as good as you think."

What kind of holiday Harry Potter had spent, Ellie did not care. For some well-known and unexplainable reasons, she felt that she should not go deep into what happened in the past few weeks. Ok. After all, now we pay attention to the freedom of love, and everyone has personal privacy... Of course, the main problem is that Ellie is not the goddess of order after all, she really has no interest in this thing. UU Reading www.uukahnshu.com

Changing the Goddess of Order may require 24-hour surveillance and video recording.

During this period of time, Ellie’s main task was to search for Sirius Black, but unfortunately, after being shot by herself that day, Sirius seemed to have noticed the danger, and she never appeared during this time.

Of course, it is not without good news, that is, there is a message from his "superior" that the Prime Minister is also very angry about this matter-because in order to capture Sirius, the Ministry of Magic even communicated with the British Prime Minister. , Asking them to also help to arrest Sirius in the name of arresting fugitives. This made the Prime Minister very dissatisfied. After all, as the prime minister of a country, he actually had to help arrest fugitives from the magic world...

Of course, this also proves from another aspect of his "superior" anti-wizard camp's rhetoric. According to them, if Sirius really shows up and then engages in a group attack like 12 years ago, then It couldn't be better.

However, it is a pity that Ellie, who has learned the truth, obviously has no hope for this - it is better to expect Pettigrew to do the same thing again.

Until the end of the holiday, when Hogwarts started school again, Eri did not find Sirius' shadow.

At the train station, Allie naturally also saw Harry Potter, who had a great conversation with Ron, and looked at his happy smiling face, Allie... What did Nep do over there is even less interested in understanding.

Anyway, the result is good, everything is fine, the other is not important.

He is good, so are you.

But now for Ellie, the most important thing is the next trouble.

Dementor... It's pretty good to use this thing for yourself...

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