Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2344: Go to the plot?

"Dimension Code (

The first game of the Quidditch Cup ended perfectly.

Although the sky is violent and rainy, and the sight is not good, Ellie’s invention of "Surrounding Vientiane" does make the wizards of this era who have an illiteracy level of more than 85% in remote areas comparable to the mountains and forests in rural areas. This e-sports game-style live broadcast technique from later generations has completely surpassed the processing power of these wizards' brains. They only need to stare at the big screen and call CALL.

Ellie didn't expect them to understand the shooting angle and live broadcast skills.

After all, wizards, just like magicians in the Moon World, are mostly illiterate.

After that, Ellie temporarily gave up her concern about the plot, and began to communicate and discuss the next actions with her "superior", and she also put forward her own suggestions.

That is... to mobilize the masses.

In the magical world, pedigree theory is deeply rooted, and wizards from ordinary people have always been discriminated against. Therefore, Ellie’s suggestion is to let the government vigorously attract these wizards and their families. Compared with pure-blood wizards, it is easier for mixed-blood wizards and mudbloods to understand the power of modern civilized society. If the government can pass this point to give If they provide enough benefits in exchange, then they can infiltrate the magic world.

For those mixed-blood wizards and mudbloods who suffer from discrimination, this is obviously a pretty good proposal. The magical world also has a ceiling. The pure-blood wizard family monopolizes most of the resources, and other wizards, no matter how strong they are, can only do things for them — and if they want to completely overthrow all of this, these half-blood wizards need a better one. A strong backing and assistance.

That is the Muggle government of the civilized world.

Ellie has completely abandoned Dumbledore, a weak capitalist surrender, and the values ​​of the two sides are fundamentally different, and there is no way to talk about it together. Dumbledore's hope for self-reform in the magical world is simply a naive, foolish and cowardly manifestation, especially considering his identity.

So except for class at Hogwarts, Ellie is now busy visiting other wizards and talking to them on behalf of the government. She didn't even conceal it. Even if you know Dumbledore, what can you do? You still can't do anything after all. Just as you can't destroy Voldemort, you can't do it.

Since you have no real value or influence, Dumbledore is no different from a walking statue in Ellie's view.

Allie's plan went well.

In fact, she understands the pain and worries of ordinary people better than those wizards—this includes but is not limited to illness, work, life, food, clothing, housing, and other aspects. Especially in the magic world, there is also the article "Wizards must not use magic in front of Muggles", which makes many Muggle-born wizards feel very embarrassed.

Yes, witchcraft is very powerful, but can your parents change a good job? Can you send your child to a good school?

When you have a dispute with ordinary people, you can't use magic to deal with them, so what do you do? Are you caught and beaten?

These problems are not a problem to most pure-blood wizards in the magical world, because they may not have any contact with Muggles for a lifetime or even two or three lifetimes. This level of trouble and difficulty is meaningless to them. Worthless. In the past, half-blood wizards and Muggle wizards had no choice but to bite the bullet.

But now the situation has changed. As long as you are willing to join the government and work for the government, you are public officials and enjoy the government's special allowances and guarantees. And as long as you are willing to swear allegiance to the Prime Minister and the Queen, then you are the ministers of the dragon, waiting for the future reform of the magic world, you are all heroes! Not only can you gain a high status in the magical world, you can even get a good official position and power in the real world... Such a temptation... Can you refuse?

And now you have seen the situation in the magic world, standing still and arrogant, what kind of development will this magic world have in the future? Besides, Dumbledore was old, and Voldemort was still watching secretly. Do you really want to pin your destiny on an eleven or twelve-year-old boy? And don’t forget, that boy is also a pure-blood wizard? He won't speak for you half-blood and Muggle wizards!

There has never been a savior, nor a fairy emperor! To create the happiness of mankind, we all rely on ourselves!

In this way, Ellie moved with affection, understood reason, and Xu Zhiyi quickly attracted a lot of Muggle-born wizards, many of whom were talented but were suppressed by pure blood, and for the current magical world I am dissatisfied — these must have been investigated by Ai Li through the investigation of "嗫告Pianzhi"!

So the right medicine can solve the problem.

So Ellie was busy everywhere, busy, busy, and then...

"Teacher Ai Li, please save Sirius!"

When Harry came to the door, Ellie hadn't realized what was going on.

what's the situation?

Oh......... Has the plot developed to this point?

After hearing Harry Potter talk about the situation, Ai Li finally reacted.

Although she is busy with her own affairs, the plot is still developing during this time. As in the plot, Sirius Black caught Ron and led him to the Screaming Haunted House. Then Harry rushed in to save Ron, then met Sirius and learned the truth about the whole thing from him. Then Professor Lupin and Snape arrived separately and staged a farce that made people laugh and cry.

Of course, the final result was no different from the original. Peter Pettigrew, who had recovered his body, was arrested, and then others planned to send him to Dumbledore's care in order to cleanse Sirius's wrongdoing.

Then Professor Lupin saw the moon turned into a werewolf when he walked out of the beating willow. Peter Pettigrew took the opportunity to escape, while Sirius Black and Lupin were caught by the dementors who came afterwards. Although Harry Potter desperately explained the situation to Dumbledore, and Ron was also helping him testify, the Ministry of Magic would obviously not adopt the testimony of two thirteen-year-old young wizards, so in the end Sirius Black was imprisoned. Get up, ready to be executed by the dementor.

Originally in the original book, it was Hermione who used the time converter to go back in time, rescued Hagrid's monster, and then used the monster to free Sirius Black. But unfortunately in this world, Hermione and Harry are not very familiar with them, and they don't know anything about it.

So in the end Harry had to come to Eri for help, hoping that she could save Sirius.

Regarding Harry's request, Allie naturally said...

"I'm sorry, but I can't help much."

Ellie stretched out her hands helplessly and looked at Harry in front of her.

"This is the decision of the Ministry of Magic. I can't change this. Why don't you go to Dumbledore..."

Besides, Sirius will die sooner or later, where is it different?

"Yes, but... it was Professor Dumbledore who asked me to come to you..."


MMP, being old and not dying is a thief, this is a real trick to make trouble.

"I'm sorry, but I really can't help it."

Silently replied again, and then Ai Li closed the door again.

It was troublesome...Dumbledore was actually pushing this mess to himself, but it was no problem for Ellie, after all, Sirius would die sooner or later, the question was only who died.

Thinking of this, Ellie clapped her hands suddenly.

There is a way.

To be honest, there are several things in the original work that Fang Zheng hasn't figured out.

For example...why did they lock Sirius in a room that seemed completely unguarded, without magic, without warning, and nothing. Hermione and Harry just rode a eagle-headed horse with a winged beast and came to the office window to cast a window-opening spell, and then rescued Sirius Black.

It's that simple.

No alarms were triggered, nor was it discovered by anyone.

To be honest, UU reading www.uukanshu.com will never do such a trick in Hollywood movies.

Are you a wanted criminal?

It's like now, when Ellie uses her invisibility again, and then looks at the distant window through the sniper scope, she also feels incredible.

This is also called detention?

The standards of house arrest are higher than this.

Forget it, take care of him.

Because there is no time converter, it has been more than ten minutes since Harry came to look for Ai Li. The dementors will come at any time. This is much tighter than the time in the movie and the original book, but for Ai Li, this Of course it is not a problem.

After all, she doesn't need to go by herself.

Thinking of this, Ellie aimed at the window, then pulled the trigger.


The bullet that cast the silent spell suddenly exploded when it hit the window, completely blasting a hole in the entire office window. However, due to the influence of the silent spell, there was no sound at all. Soon, Ellie saw the glass-scumbag Sirius poking her head out of the window blankly, looking around—obviously he was also surprised at what was going on.

However, Ellie didn't bother to explain it to him. She stretched out her magic wand, tapped it lightly, and quickly cut through the sky with a broom and hit Sirius directly on the head. Sirius took the broomstick and took a closer look, then he turned and rode the broomstick and quickly left this place of right and wrong.

"It's really troublesome."

Seeing Sirius disappear into the night, Ellie also frowned. She carefully aimed at the other person's back, thinking about whether to shoot him in the head, but in the end Ellie gave up the idea.

Forget it, anyway, he will die sooner or later, not in a hurry.

And after this incident, Ellie believed that Dumbledore would not trouble herself again.

hope so.

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