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Chapter 2347: Funny debut

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Compared to other Hogwarts students, Ellie lacked interest in the Triwizard Tournament. At this moment, she was standing behind Dumbledore, feeling bored and about to fall asleep.

If possible, she would prefer to be able to wait for some guests in the warm castle rather than in the wild in this spooky weather. Anyway, it seems to Ai Li that these guys are just passers-by NPCs. But it is a pity that as a teacher, she has to stand stupidly here... Now Ari has a little regret for being a teacher of the magical animal protection class.

Fortunately, this group of supporting characters did not make Ellie wait long. Soon, amidst the exclamation of the students, a huge carriage pulled by several winged horses dropped from the sky and landed on Hogg. On the lawn in front of Woz Castle, afterwards, a giant woman almost as tall as Hagrid stepped out of the carriage - in front of him, Dumbledore could only look up.

"Ah, dear Ms. Maxim, you are welcome to Hogwarts."

Dumbledore stepped forward with a smile and looked at the giantess in front of him, who also smiled and nodded in greeting.

"Dumbledore, I hope you are all right."

"Very good, thank you, so are you willing to wait here for our other friend, or go in and get warm?"

"It's better to warm up...but I hope you can take good care of my horses."

"Of course this is not a problem. We have a very competent Fantastic Beast teacher."

While speaking, Dumbledore turned his head to look at Ellie with a smile, who reluctantly walked out of the crowd and came to the horses. Seeing the little girl in front of her, Ms. Maxim frowned.

"I'm sorry, Dumbledore, my steed needs......um...a very strong person to take care of them. These horses are very temperamental. This child is so...Is she in danger?"

It is no wonder that Ms. Maxim would have such concerns, because these winged Pegasus are much taller than ordinary people, and Eri is even standing there without even their calves. In other words, they looked like ordinary horses in front of the giantess Maxim, but if Dumbledore was used as a reference, it would be the difference between a lion and a house cat.

As for being only thirteen years old, it is natural to say nothing of the small Ai Li.

"Don't worry, it's just some horses, no problem."

Ai Li didn't care. In fact, she wanted to leave the occasion as soon as possible and go back to rest. So she walked directly to the Pegasus pulling the cart and snapped her fingers at them.

"Come with me, don't cause trouble."

After saying this, Ellie turned around and left. And then the horses followed the girl very well-behavedly, and left without breathing like the most docile pets.


Seeing this scene, Ms. Maxim was also stunned. She knew how difficult her family’s horses were, and their tempers were very tyrannical, and they were spoiled since childhood. Only in front of her, they are somewhat obedient. Many times They even ignored the breeder.

But this girl didn't do anything, so those horses followed her obediently?

Maybe it's because the long-distance Mercedes is too tired?

Thinking of this, Ms. Maxim also shook her head, putting this doubt behind her head.

After bringing the flying horses to the back and ordering them to move freely, but not to trouble herself, Ai Li also returned to the restaurant. At this moment, Dumbledore was also ready. After he gave the students the opening speech of the Triwizard Tournament, he welcomed everyone to warmly welcome the representatives of the other two schools.

Then as the door opened, Ellie saw the funny debut performance again.

A group of female students from Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, dressed in robes and uniforms, entered in line, and then they stopped here, cast a wink, stretched their hands and bent over, and then stopped again, cast a wink, stretched their hands and bends down. ……………

Who the **** is this mentally retarded performance?

Sitting on the chair, Ellie looked at the coquettish witches of Boothbarton silently, thinking that there must be something wrong with their brains. When she first watched the movie, she felt that this scene was very embarrassing, but at the time, it could be considered that the director had a pitfall. But now in reality, these people are doing that too...Forget it, she doesn't bother to care about...

What does it have to do with yourself?

As long as she is not one of the jokes.

In contrast, Durmstrang’s appearance ceremony has a lot of feeling, the feeling of iron and blood, ice and fire is quite handsome - at least much stronger than the coquettish coquettish group of witches.

Of course, what aroused the interest of Hogwarts students was not the appearance ceremony of Durmstrang, but their representative was a very famous Quidditch player Victor Krum.

Well, this is also normal. If you see David Beckham or Ronaldo appear in the ordinary world, it is probably the same reaction.

The next step is naturally Dumbledore lighting the Goblet of Fire and then announcing the rules - Warriors who want to participate in the competition can write their names on paper and throw them into the Goblet of Fire. Three days later, the real contestants will be selected. Of course, to be on the safe side, Dumbledore also drew an age line on the outside of the Goblet of Fire. Only people who meet the age can participate in the competition. Others are not eligible.

Hogwarts was very lively for the next three days.

In fact, this is also normal. After all, the contestants of the other two schools are basically decided long ago. Only Hogwarts needs to be selected, so this is also considered to be a long time ago. Only the students of Hogwarts are more curious about who will be selected by the Goblet of Fire to participate in the Triwizard Tournament, while Ai Li simply doesn’t care about anything. Unlike the previous three plots, this one is Ai Li. She didn't intend to intervene at all. After all, if Voldemort could not get Harry Potter's blood to be fully resurrected, then her plan would go wrong.

The only unlucky fear is Cedric...I don't know if his life will be back this time.

But this has nothing to do with Ai Li.

Three days later, the selection of the Warriors officially began.

Students from the three schools gathered in the lobby. After Dumbledore gave a nutritious speech, he began to select representatives of the three schools in the Goblet of Fire.

Durmstrang's warrior is naturally the superstar Victor Krum.

Busbarton's warrior is Fleur Delacol.

The warrior of Hogwarts... Needless to say, Cedric Diggory, hapless.

However, just when Dumbledore was about to announce with excitement that all three warriors had been selected, suddenly the goblet of fire sparkled again, and then the fourth note flew out of the flames.

Don't ask, Harry Potter.

Harry Potter, who was called by his name, was naturally confused, and the other teachers were also confused, but they still uphold the most basic etiquette and signaled Harry Potter to join the other three, and they were trying After the students were driven away, there was an instantaneous explosion.

"What the **** is going on? What the **** does Hogwarts want to do!"

"Shut up, you old French woman, everything is a conspiracy to you!"

"Quiet, let me think about it, there must be something wrong with it."


Dumbledore dashed forward and grabbed Harry by the shoulder.

"Did you put the note into the Goblet of Fire?"

"No, no."

Harry shook his head hastily, and Dumbledore asked again.

"So did you ask your senior classmates to help you throw notes?"


"He must be lying!"

Then the headmaster of the giantess spoke, and Dumbledore frowned unhappy.

"He didn't lie!"

Seeing that the situation was about to become a pot of porridge, Ai Li raised her hand helplessly.

"Professor Dumbledore, haven't you forgotten that I set up a ‘Summery Vientiane’ in the restaurant?"


"what is that?"

Hearing Ellie's words, the headmaster of Durmstrand frowned, and Dumbledore seemed to think of something at this moment and nodded.

"Yes, I remember, I asked you to set it up in all public areas of the school... That is the magic invented by Miss Ai Li. It can monitor everything around and save their images... …Then Miss Eri, can I trouble you?"

"of course."

Hearing Dumbledore's words, Ellie took up her wand and tapped it lightly.

"Simply everything."

Following her call, four screens soon appeared in the void, and the goblet of fire and its surrounding images appeared on it.

"Let's go back to this after setting up the Goblet of Fire three days ago..."

Ellie waved her magic wand again to play back the entire screen. Then the image on the screen started again after Dumbledore set the Goblet of Fire three days ago. To save time, Ellie also speeded up, and at the same time, she set it up specifically A screen to display the names of those students on the paper slips into the goblet of fire.

In the screen, everyone has watched the whole process of all the students' posting notes. There is no Harry Potter inside, and the notes posted by the students ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ also don't have the name of Harry Potter.

"How is this going?"

Looking at the entire video, Karkaroff asked suspiciously.

"There is no such thing as the boy throwing a note!"

"Maybe they hide this part of the image?"

The Headmaster of the Giantess then looked at Ai Li again, and the latter glanced at her boredly.

"I'm not as boring as you guys. Of course, it's your business, believe it or not. In short, as far as my magic is concerned, Mr. Porter did not take the initiative to put in the note."

"So where did that note come from?"

At this moment, Barty Crouch also frowned.

"We have all seen the whole process. If this magic is true, then someone must have put in the Harry Potter note, but who is that person?"

"Now the problem is not here!"

Karkaroff slapped the table quite dissatisfied.

"Hogwarts has two warriors, this is not allowed by the rules! This is also unfair!"

"But the rules have been decided."

Mr. Crouch sighed and sat down on the chair. As the representative of the Ministry of Magic, he was here to oversee the Triwizard Tournament.

As a result, no one thought that such a thing would happen. Four contestants appeared in the Triwizard Tournament, which was unprecedented.

In the end, as in the original book, everyone can only accept Harry Potter as the fourth contestant, and poor Harry is naturally bewildered and at a loss... But this has nothing to do with Ai Li. .

She now only needs to wait for Harry Potter to pass three trials, and then be teleported to the cemetery of Riddle's house, and then resurrect Voldemort.

Before that, Ellie basically didn't need to do anything, she just had to do nothing.

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