Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2352: Eve of Darkness

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For Ellie, life at Hogwarts is very peaceful and stable. It turns out that as long as you don't pay attention to what Harry Potter is doing, it's just normal campus life.

It was not until Ellie got the "Daily Prophet" one morning and saw that Fudge admitted that Voldemort had returned. She didn't know that things were going on according to the plot... Well, that was enough.

In fact, when she saw Harry's lifeless face, Ellie knew that Sirius was still dead like a plot.

But she didn't try to comfort Harry. Just let Snape do this kind of thing. She also had very important things.

For example, meeting with the Prime Minister.

"It's a mess now, Jones."

When Ellie saw the Prime Minister, it was already late at night. He paced back and forth in anger, looking restless, and slapped the newspaper in his hands vigorously.

"The Fudge came just now, and he told me it was caused by the battles between wizards. The bridge broke, the hurricane, and the murders were all done by the wizards. But now people put the responsibility on my head. Come on! Did you see what The Times said?! They actually said that the government did not invest enough in bridge construction, so the bridge would collapse! And some people said that the police were not strong enough to cause a vicious murder! This is simply true Outrageous! Outrageous!"

"So I told you, sir, we need a more effective way to control the magic world."

Mr. Jones, who was standing next to Ellie, coughed, and the Prime Minister frowned, then nodded.

"It seems that this can only be done...this...Miss, are you sure she..."

"Of course, sir, this is our trump card."

Jones nodded to Ai Li, who walked forward and saluted the Prime Minister quietly.

"It's not funny at all, Jones."

The prime minister looked at Jones bitterly.

"Won't you tell me you want a little girl to handle this?"

"She is not an ordinary child, the Prime Minister... If you talk to her, then you will understand."

So next, the Prime Minister took an hour to talk with this girl named Ai Li. For the Prime Minister, this was a more comfortable and happy conversation than with the man who called himself Fudge. In front of the man who claimed to be Minister of Magic, the Prime Minister always felt like a child who knew nothing, making him very uncomfortable.

But in front of Ai Li, the Prime Minister appeared very relaxed. Although he felt uncomfortable talking with children at first, he was quickly attracted by Ai Li's conversation. Unlike Fudge, Ellie gave the Prime Minister a detailed and clear introduction to the current state of the magic world, and at the same time explained certain terms to him, as well as developments and conditions.

After listening to Ellie's narration and the "Daily Prophet" and records she produced, the Prime Minister finally made a decision.

"Then it's up to you, Jones."

"Yes, Prime Minister."

In Ai Li's eyes, this decision is tantamount to the last nail in the magical coffin.

Fudge never understood that the Prime Minister is also responsible. He didn't know, you can't just solve the Muggle problem by spreading the wizard's battle. In fact, she already thought that the Prime Minister would definitely support her proposal. The reason is simple. As the Prime Minister said before, in order to conceal the traces of wizards, Fudge and other Ministry of Magic people processed the battle scenes to make them look like natural disasters or ordinary disasters.

However, this has brought quite a negative impact on the Prime Minister himself. The opposition will seize these policies that criticize him and try to reduce his approval rate. Can Fudge solve these problems?

Of course he can't solve it. In fact, Fudge is like other wizards. They don't care about Muggle problems at all. It seems to them that the magic world and the Muggle world are completely different worlds. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Everything they do will respond in the real world, just like now.

You see, the wizards have created the problem, but they don’t solve the problem, and they have to make completely irrelevant people take their backs. The prime minister hates these **** bastards. It is clear that they are making trouble to destroy the bridge, and they want to be there. Answering questions about bridge interface and cutting corners in the parliamentary question...

The Prime Minister wanted to kill these wizards now.

And now, the other party provided himself with an excellent plug-in meeting.

Hearing from the little girl in front of me, the magical world is facing unprecedented threats-the Prime Minister also heard from the Minister of Magic, and more importantly, the other party’s goal is not just wizards, their ultimate goal is to rule. This country rules all mortals. To put it simply, this is actually a large-scale terrorist attack in the magical world, so as long as it is treated as such, then the prime minister will be able to immediately return to his field of expertise.

After all, he might not understand how these wizards turned a cup into a hamster, but political matters are the same regardless of class.

The large-scale mobilization of the Muggle world does not arouse the attention of the wizards. They don't even know what the Muggles are doing. Of course, Ellie doesn't expect them to understand the meaning of the garrison's defense. The Ministry of National Defense has already begun to assemble under the guise of a "military counter-terrorism show" under the sign of the Prime Minister, and is waiting for the opportunity to arrive - it will not be long.

Ellie knows this very well.

This year's Hogwarts feels more deserted than in previous years. This is not because of the decrease in the number of students, but more because of the resurrection of Voldemort and the reappearance of Death Eaters. People are panicked, and so are the students in the school. By the way, because Voldemort's resurrection became a reality, Fudge stepped down, and Umbridge disappeared without a trace on the same day. So the magical animal protection class lost the teacher again...

Now some students have begun to hear that the curse has been transferred from the Defense Against the Dark Arts class to the Fantastic Beasts Protection class. Because Ellie is too powerful, the curse cannot affect her, so she chooses other courses...well, of course this is just rumor.

The atmosphere in the school is getting more and more tense, but nothing has changed for Ai Li, she just lurks silently and waits.

Until this day, Dumbledore left Hogwarts with Harry Potter.

Ellie knew what they were going to do, they wanted to destroy the Horcrux, and they found the location of a Horcrux. But just tonight, Malfoy will fix the Vanishing Cabinet and let a group of Death Eaters into the school, and then they will kill Dumbledore.

It's like now.

She watched the Death Eaters surround Dumbledore who was standing on the tower, and they were grinning grinningly, like stupid wild dogs. But that didn't change much. They waved their wands and motioned to Malfoy. According to what happened next in the original, it was Snape who appeared and then killed Dumbledore.

In theory it should be like this.

But now Dumbledore is no longer a threat.

Thinking of this, Ari squinted her eyes, moved closer to the sniper scope, and pulled the trigger.


The head of one of the women wielding a magic wand burst in response, and her headless body swayed funny a few times, and then fell to the ground.

That was Bellatrix Black, the murderer who killed Sirius in the original book, and now she is dead.

Then Ellie pulled the bolt again, aimed at another target, and pulled the trigger again.


With the sound of the gunshots, a big blond man suddenly burst into blood on his chest. He raised his wand in horror and wanted to do something, but he couldn't do anything...Soon, his head was also like a balloon. The same burst open, scattered to pieces.

The remaining Death Eaters looked flustered and terrified. Ellie saw them waving their wands in the air, as if trying to find something, but unfortunately they couldn't find anything. In other places, if these Death Eaters were attacked, they could use Apparition to escape, but unfortunately they came to Hogwarts, where all Apparition is strictly prohibited. So apart from going around the tower, trying to find out who killed them, these idiots didn't lose anything.

Seeing them, they might have thought it was someone hiding in the tower, and then using some spell to blow their heads.

It is a pity that the wizard does not seem to have learned how to deal with large-caliber sniper rifles.

So when the other one of them didn't choose to hide, but looked out and tried to find the target, Ellie pulled the trigger again.


The third Death Eater fell, and at this time the others seemed to finally come back to their senses. They called the flying broomstick, and then hurriedly rode out of the tower on the broomstick. But this did not stop Ellie's attack, she aimed again at the target, and broke a Death Eater riding on a broom into pieces.

The remaining two seemed to have escaped from Hogwarts' enchantment area, and they instantly appeared apparition, and then disappeared into Ai Li's vision.

It was not until this time that Allie put down the large-caliber sniper rifle in her hand, then sat on the broom, and leisurely came to the top of the tower.

There, Dumbledore was sitting slumped on the ground, watching Ellie appear, and he gave a bitter, helpless smile. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"I really didn't expect you to help, Miss Ari."

"I thought about it, anyway you only have one year of life left."

Ellie looked at Dumbledore.

"If you die without letting you see what the magic world will become, I'm afraid I won't be reconciled."

"Really? I don't really want to see that scene."

Dumbledore closed his eyes wearily.

"Sorry, I think I need to take a break first."

"I think so..."

"Rumble rumbling————!!!"

However, Ellie hadn’t finished her words. Suddenly, there was a thunderous sound outside. Ellie and Dumbledore turned their heads and saw that over Hogwarts School, the thick dark clouds began to twist and condense. It turned into an ugly mark in an instant.

"Dark Mark, it seems that Voldemort is more eager than expected."

Ellie blinked her eyes and quickly understood what was going on. In the original book Voldemort attacked Hogwarts after Dumbledore's death. But now the situation is different. His men have not been able to kill Dumbledore, and Voldemort must have heard from his men that the current Dumbledore is extremely weak, so he plans to take the opportunity to attack Hogwarts and directly advance the decisive battle. .

After all, Voldemort didn't know that Dumbledore had only one year left to live. In Voldemort's opinion, this was a golden opportunity.

But fortunately, Ellie didn't want to waste time either.

Voldemort was so bold and reckless, perhaps because he had successfully mastered a Horcrux, perhaps because he thought he could make a comeback again?

Anyway... the other party made a decision.

Thinking of this, Ari squinted her eyes, her mouth slightly raised.

Then he will pay the price for this decision.

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