Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2355: Explore carefully (take grandma to wear dentures tomorrow)

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After receiving Nimf’s report, Fang Zheng immediately put his work aside and quickly opened the personal terminal.

"What's the current situation?"

"Everything is normal, and the signal we get from the C-12 transit station remains stable."

Faced with Fang Zheng's inquiry, Nimf quickly responded.

For safety reasons, Founder did not directly connect with the outpost drones and probes. On the contrary, he arranged his research ship Neptune on the other side of the uninhabited land far away from Star City, and established a transfer station in front of him. , Which means that the probe’s signal will be transmitted to the transfer station first, then processed by the research ship, and finally collected on the terminal interface of Star City... In this way, even if something is found on the opposite side, then They couldn't immediately find the correct location of Founder Star City.

Of course, there will be a delay of about a few minutes, but considering the safety and concealment, this degree of delay is also acceptable.

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng immediately focused on the value in front of him.

"What about the analysis results of these values?"

"It is consistent with the information that the goddess of order gave me, and the match is about 95%."

"Is it an energy leak?"

"The slight energy leak is suspected to have overflowed from the interstellar highway."


Hearing Nimf’s report, Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes, thought for a moment, and then clicked the desktop.

"Order Neptune to move the probe to the energy leak point, don't turn on the scanning device, just move forward as a meteorite."


Although he didn't understand why Fangzheng made this order, Nimf also nodded quickly, and then Fangzheng saw the light spot representing the probe slowly moving on the map, flying towards the energy leak location. Although the previous scan showed that there was nothing there, and this slight energy signal was more like an ordinary energy emission, Fang Zheng obviously would not let this opportunity pass.

The instinct of the prophecy mage told him that this energy point is not simple.

Because according to the map provided by the Goddess of Order, this area is exactly one of the places in the interstellar highway of the Order that resembles a "rest stop", so maybe there will be a "fish that slipped through the net" of the Order here.

But the question is, how do you contact the other party?

This is not as simple as knocking on the door directly. If the other party can hide until now and has not been wiped out by Chaos, then it means that they themselves must be quite cautious - to put it bluntly, it is a thief.

They would never foolishly expose themselves to chaos just because they found some signs.

Soon, the probe arrived at the designated place———passed the designated place——continued forward——nothing happened...

"the host?"

"Ignore it and continue to monitor the leak."


In this way, one minute passed, ten minutes passed, one hour passed...

no response.

"Master? Shall we try again?"

"Do not."

In this regard, Fang Zheng has always been cautious and outrageous.

"Abandon all contact with that probe and let Neptune re-launch a probe to bypass that area."


Of course the little angel was obedient. Soon she obeyed Fang Zheng's order and asked Neptune to launch another probe again, and then the probe continued forward, and then... there was no response at all.

But this did not end.

"Bring the second probe closer to the first and scan it."

Fang Zheng thought for a moment, then gave the order again, and then saw the second spot of light circled a large circle in the starry sky, falling far behind the first spot, and after a while, a line The number appeared before Fang Zheng's eyes.

"We have extracted part of the information on the surface of the first probe, and we have obtained the coordinate points after digitizing it."

"Right...I knew..."

Hearing Nimf's answer, Fang Zheng was finally relieved. Just as he thought, if the other party is really there, it is impossible to leave no information anyway. But it is impossible to actively release information. Information is a symbol of order. The stupidity of actively releasing information is no different from yelling in a dark unknown forest—it's only a matter of time before it attracts predators.

So the best way is to put the information there. If someone comes and "pass it" directly, it's like you put a piece of double-sided tape on the ground, waiting for the tire of which car to run over and then take it. Wearing the tape is the same as leaving with the information inside.

As for whether the other party can find out, it depends on luck.

This method is primitive and depends on luck, but it is very reliable. After all, after putting the information there, the person releasing the information can quickly withdraw and leave without being discovered by anything else. Considering the current rampant forces of Chaos and the question of whether or not there is anyone in the Order Clan alive, in this case, only this primitive and backward means of information transmission is still a bit useful.

Soon, after getting the coordinates, the probe released by Neptune drifted slowly over again... Then under Fang Zheng's gaze, the probe suddenly seemed to have penetrated into something used to obscure the background. The curtain generally disappeared suddenly, and the picture immediately before him was interrupted not long after.

"losing contact."

"Normal, I'll know the situation after a while."

Founder was not worried about this situation. He had ordered Little Angel to write an automatic path finding program in the probe program. Once the probe lost contact, it would automatically return to the last recorded coordinate contact point. Now let's see if there is any danger in it.

It didn't take long for the screen to reappear, and the probe dangled again and quietly appeared from the empty dark starry sky, and slowly turned back.

Then, an image appeared in front of Fang. That was exactly the picture taken by the probe. In the picture, there was nothing but the starry sky in front of you. However, at the next moment, it was as if someone had suddenly switched the picture, in the originally empty starry sky. Suddenly there was a space station-like thing as huge as a dice. It was just there quietly and motionless, except for the occasional flashing light, without any response.

Then the probe's built-in program was activated, and it moved again, and quickly jumped again with the screen. Then the huge space station immediately disappeared and returned to the endless starry sky.

The Order Clan really likes to hide things in this way.

This is not surprising to Founder, after all, this is not the first time he has encountered a similar situation.

"Do you need me to send someone?"

"For the order of the family, I still have to...erm..."

Halfway through, Fang Zheng immediately saw the uneasy and worried expression in Nimf's eyes, so he also changed his tone.

"Then find a team of magical girls and let the red ponytail lead the team to see the situation."

After all, the magical girl also belongs to the family of gods, and it is just right to do this.

Anyway, the space station is not called Shicun. What is so scary about him, right?

Soon, a stealth bomber flew out of Star City quietly and flew toward the depths of the vast universe.

"It's finally our turn to play, I always feel a little nervous."

While biting the chocolate bar in his mouth, Kyoko couldn't help sighing while looking at the meteors flying by the window.

"To be honest, I never thought that one day I would fight in the universe. I don't know what our enemy will be? Is it an alien monster? Or a cosmic person?"

At this moment, on the bridge, besides the goddess of fate, the mental model of the battleship, there are a total of five magic girls, headed by the red ponytail, and the rest are Huan Saiyu, Akomi Homura, Sakura Kyoko, and Nanami Yachiyo. Basically, this time the red ponytails are all magical girls who have signed a contract with them in Kamhama City. As for why not bring Fett and Lyrical Nanoha...Let's talk about this next time.

"Woo...Is there really an alien monster, like in the movie?"

Hearing Kyoko's words ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xiaohuan was obviously a little nervous, while Red Ponytail patted her shoulder.

"Don't be so nervous, we are just here to investigate. If you encounter troubles that can't be dealt with, just leave!"


Xiaohuan's cheeks reddened slightly when he heard the sound of the red ponytail, and then nodded. At the same time, the voice of the goddess of fate rang.

"Already reached the designated location."

As the voice of the goddess of fate fell, the next moment everyone looked at the porthole in front of them, the empty void suddenly jumped, and then a huge white space station suddenly appeared in front of everyone as if it hit their faces. . Immediately afterwards, she saw the Goddess of Destiny gently turning a corner, and then hovering steadily over the passageway beside the space station.

Immediately afterwards, an oval pipe emerged from the side of the ship hull, quickly connecting the goddess of fate and the space station.

"Successfully connected, searching..."

The Goddess of Destiny closed her eyes, then opened them, looking at the red ponytail suspiciously.

"Report to the commander that it is detected that all systems in the space station are offline, the energy supply is cut off, and connection is impossible."

"Woo...how it feels more and more like those space horror movies..."

When he heard this, Kyoko couldn't help but pale, and although Yachiyo didn't speak, he still clenched his spear.

"What's the situation inside?"

"At present, it seems to maintain the most basic life mode, but the details are unknown."


Red Horsetail nodded, then she took up the big sword in her hand and waved it vigorously.

"let's go!!"

The next moment, with the brilliance flickering, everyone quickly disappeared into the air.

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