Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2361: Unlock the chain (doing nucleic acid in the morning and repairing dentures in the aft

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There is nothing to say next.

After experiencing the horror of the alien, these marines have lost confidence in this mission. Although the company representative is still admonishing and warning, but Red Ponytail soon used very Hollywood methods to get him. Shut up --- slam the sword directly, and then the world will be quiet.

After that, Ripley took the little colonial girl they rescued on the plane, and the Marines also boarded the plane with a comatose representative. Out of caution, the red ponytail circled the plane again. On a lap, then from the cargo warehouse of the plane, a worm and an alien were found, and a humanoid also secretly brought one... all were directly chopped into pieces by the red horsetail.

"Are you really not going with us?"

Looking on the flight deck, watching the red ponytail waiting for a group of magic girls, Ripley frowned and asked. Facing her question, the red ponytail shook his head.

"We still have a task to complete. You should leave here first, and we will take care of the rest."

"But...well, then at least tell us who are you?"

Ripley had been holding this question in her heart before, but at this moment she finally couldn't help but asked. It seemed to her that the appearance of these girls was simply too strange. They have powerful power and mysterious skills, and they can even easily rescue the burnt black people, and they can also easily destroy those monsters that look similar to the nightmare in their own eyes, and looking at her, it seems that Know those monsters better than you...

"Trade secrets."

However, it is a pity that the red ponytail did not intend to satisfy her curiosity until the end, the flight deck slowly rose, and then the girls looked up and watched the plane disappear into the sky.

"Okay, are we all done?"

Until the plane disappeared completely, Kyoko complained dissatisfiedly.

"It's a waste of time."

"It's not a waste of time. At least they left us an armored car and gave us a map?"

Red Horsetail grinned and patted the armored car next to him, and then turned to the car.

"Okay, let's go!"

Hearing the order of the red horsetail, Xiaohuan, Yachiyo and Kyoko all turned directly into the car, while Xiao Mi Homura was silent for a moment, looking at the back of the three people, she seemed to want to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything, just He closed his mouth and silently followed the three of them into the car, then fastened his seat belts and closed his eyes.

If you look a little bit open, there is no big deal in this world, and it will pass as soon as you close your eyes.

The rain is pouring.

The armored car was galloping on the Gobi desert like a happy elf, then it made a sudden turn and drifted, shaking off the muddy water on the ground, and then steadily stopped on the edge of the crashed alien spacecraft.

Then, the car door opened.

Kyoko stumbled out of the armored car. Her eyes were dull, she looked like an ignorant girl who was drunk in a bar and woke up. With a bit of daze and fear, she opened her mouth and wanted Say something, then hurriedly stretched out his hand to cover it, and finally couldn't help but spit out "Wow" on the ground.

Next to her, Yachiyo was also pale, looking like a hangover and walked out of the car staggeringly. She closed her eyes and leaned on the armored car motionless, just like a dead person.

Behind Yachiyo, you can see Huan Caiyu lying in the middle of the carriage with her eyes closed. If it were not for the slight ups and downs of her petite body, it might make people mistakenly think that she is dead.

"Do you want one?"

At this time, Xiao Meiyan walked to Yachiyo quietly and handed her a white pill.

"this is?"

"The motion sickness medicine developed by Miss Nimf can relieve the symptoms of dizziness in the shortest time."

"...I don't think it's as simple as dizziness..."

Hearing Xiao Mi Homura’s answer, Yachiyo silently wiped the cold sweat on her forehead. It was not that she had never been in a car, but the driving skills of the red horsetail were completely different. If you want to say it, Yachiyo doesn’t even know how to compare it. , It was like being in a roller coaster in Cyclonus, watching it derail. It also seemed to be in a galloping high-speed rail, watching it leap over a cliff and rush to the sea... For a moment, Yachiyo even suspected that he had seen the beginning and end of this universe...

"Some people drive like this."

Xiao Meiyan replied silently, and Yachiyo shook her head.

"No, this car skill...I think I still have to tell Xiaohong..."

"Some people drive like this."


Perhaps Yachiyo was silent for a moment after hearing the hidden meaning in Akomi Homura's mouth.

"After this mission, I'm going to get a driver's license."

Then, she set one for herself decisively.

It’s no surprise that Red Ponytail has long been used by the girls. Most of the people who ride in her car are very squeamish. They don’t know how to enjoy such a stimulating and wild drag racing. Red Ponytail believes that as long as you come a few times, you should be able Let them get used to it. After awakening the small ring that escaped to the other end of the universe, and feeding Kyoko a glass of water to make her come alive, a group of magical girls also walked into the alien spaceship that crashed in front of them.

Alien spaceships are nothing good, especially the dilapidated spaceships after the crash. To be honest, when the magical girls walked into the control room, they came out of the huge alien sitting in the middle. Apart from the human body startling them, there is no other problem.

"That's right here."

Red Horsetail glanced around, and at this moment, suddenly, a vague light appeared quietly, and then everyone saw a line of mysterious characters gradually emerged on the originally distorted wall in front of them—not English, nor did they recognize them. Any kind of language.

"what is this?"

"Probably the words used by the Order Clan."

Red Horsetail stared at the text and said, she also didn't know this language, but she understood its content at the first glance - obviously, this should be what the Order Clan used Text up.

"You have demonstrated your beliefs and responsibilities."

"But then you also need to make a choice."

"This is just the beginning."

Red Horsetail translated the text in front of him and explained it to the other girls.

"Faith and responsibility?"

"It should be because we rescued the Marines and Ripley."

Looking at the prompt in front of her, Red Horsetail's heart did not fluctuate at all. In fact, she had been thinking about it when she came to this space.

If he is a remnant of the Order Clan, and wants to confirm whether it is his compatriot who came here, what would he do?

So after discovering that he had come to the alien world, Red Horsetail immediately made a judgment.

That is salvation.

The characteristics of Chaos are repetitive and easily agitated. Red Horsetail can be sure that if the world wants to "clear", it must "save all the NPCs".

As for why it is "all", the reason is very simple, because only in this way can we prove that this "player" is not a lunatic on a whim. "All" means that no unstable factors will be allowed. Red Horsetail believes that as long as these people die casually One, regardless of whether they were killed by themselves or killed by aliens, I am afraid that this line of information will not appear-through the attitude of the goddess of order to chaos, it can be seen that the order family is completely afraid of chaos and would rather kill by mistake. Not let go of a thousand.

As for whether the "player" of this dungeon has this ability...Wow, do you need to ask? If you can't guarantee a non-destructive clearance under the alien hands, how weak is your order family?

Naturally, the weak chicken is not worth it.

"This is just the beginning?"

However, Kyoko couldn't help but complain again.

"Then what the **** is the space station we just passed by?"

"Probably it is equivalent to the hallway."

"The people who made this place are really sick."

Kyoko curled her mouth, while Red Horsetail glanced at her silently, without speaking.

Well, to be honest, Xingzi's complaint was also what Founder was worried about, which is why he finally chose to let his clone red ponytail come to check the situation instead of himself.

This is actually a chain of suspicion. The order family that created this space is worried about chaos, but Fangzheng is also worried that this order family will also be contaminated by chaos... It is not that he has never seen such a situation, just because of mental illness. Similarly, mental illness lives in his own world, and feels logically self-consistent, there is no problem, and everything is normal. But how people outside look at it is another matter.

Therefore, Fang Zheng was also very worried that when the opponent created this space, it would be eroded by chaos, causing chaos in the future. As a result, a safe house originally used for hiding became a death trap used to eliminate all incoming enemies.

It can be said that both parties have no trust at all, and they are playing this "game" with the worst. UU Reading www.uukānshu.com

Of course, no one knows what the final result will be.

Thinking of this, Red Horsetail stretched out his hand and placed it on the line.

The next moment, everyone's body suddenly became dark.

The feeling of weightlessness was like an invisible palm that had captured their bodies. The girls only felt like they had fallen into a bottomless pit, falling - and then falling to the ground like feathers.

"Rumble rumbling!!!"

Thunder sounded, followed by heavy rain and strong wind. The girls opened their eyes, and then they were surprised to find that they were standing on a street. Pedestrians walked across the street everywhere, either holding umbrellas or putting up their coats, walking in a hurry. The ancient and elegant Gothic buildings can be clearly seen all around.

"Where is this?"

"Are we back on Earth?"

The girls looked around in surprise, while Xiao Meiyan raised her head, revealing a wistful look in her eyes.

"Xiaohong, over there."


The red horsetail raised her head and looked in the direction Xiaomeiyan pointed, and then she saw a man in a black trench coat holding a camera in his forehand on the tower not far away, shooting something below. Then he raised his head and looked to the other side. The red ponytail looked in the direction he was looking towards. At the top of another high tower, a woman with short black hair was also wearing a black leather jacket and windbreaker. Squatting there, watching the crowd below.

And more importantly, the red horsetails can feel that they are not human.

The blood, death, and cold chill are intertwined with the raindrops coming from the floor, raging in the squally wind...

So at this moment, Red Horsetail immediately understood what their next goal was.

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