Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2367: Awakening (Ben Miao can't move and can only crawl)

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The dragon of light suddenly appeared, roaring out his claws and hitting the beast. The two sides directly collided, and the aftermath caused almost swept through everything, and the original ruins were lifted like an explosive pressure cooker. The shock wave swept all around, destroying almost everything it touched, and even the ice coffin suddenly burst and burst under the shock wave. But even so, the blond girl sleeping inside still didn't react at all.

The dazzling sunlight fell from the sky and shone on Ai Li's body.

not good!

Feeling the burning and painful sensation brought by the sunlight on her body, Ellie couldn't help but bit her teeth. On weekdays, she always wears a witch hat and a robe to block the sun's rays as much as possible. But even so, the impact of sunlight on Ai Li is still very serious, not to mention that she was originally in the underground stone room right now, and she had never thought about this problem.

Almost just a moment's work, Ellie felt her strength begin to weaken at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if someone had made a hole in the balloon with a needle. The dragon of light she originally summoned also began to weaken quickly. The beast seemed to have noticed this, and it roared with a roar, breaking the defense of the light dragon, even though Ellie hurriedly avoided , But her left hand was still grabbed by the sacred beast, and then the blood scattered, accompanied by a muffled grunt, I saw the girl's slender arms suddenly shattered like a broken matchstick.


Seeing this scene, Nasa, who was hiding behind Ai Li, screamed, and Ai Li gritted her teeth and raised her magic wand to the sky again.

"Bone reappears!"

Along with Ellie's roar, a light suddenly flew into the sky, and then a thick dark cloud gradually emerged, shrouded in the sky above the ruins, and the symbols of skulls and poisonous snakes emerged from it.

This is the result of Ai Li's new skills after coming into this world. After all, because the world is different, the required spells are naturally different. In this world, Ellie’s choice of high-level spells with full points in the spells, in addition to her best use of guards and apparitions for movement, there are also fiery spells and black marks, and three Great Unforgivable Curse (Harry Potter's can't control it anyway).

The reason why I chose the Dark Mark is because this skill can summon clouds to block the sun when the skill points are full. Ellie chose this spell only after seeing this. Otherwise, who would want Voldemort to be such a second-year gadget... …

Soon, with the disappearance of the sunlight, Ai Li's power increased again, and the silver-white dragon of light grew larger. And that sacred beast was also shot away immediately.

No one noticed that at the moment the divine beast was bombed, the blood of Ellie remaining on its paws scattered all over, and part of it dripped on the body of the girl imprisoned in the ice coffin, and then slowly disappeared.

Then, I saw the girl as if sinking into the water, just like this slowly sinking into the floor.

However, now Ellie and the **** beast have no time to pay attention to these, they stare at each other, panting for breath.

"Unexpectedly, you are not old, but your strength is beyond imagination."

"Thank you for the compliment, but I think we should have no time for greetings."

Allie waved the magic wand in her hand.

"How? Do you want to continue? You should know very well that you can't defeat me, and as long as I stay here, I can wait for reinforcements to arrive. You are terrorists. If you don't leave, are you waiting to go to prison? ?"

"Huh, kid, you know..."

Hearing Ellie's words, the sacred beast snorted coldly, but when he was about to say something, the two of them were stunned, and then they seemed to have some tacit understanding, and they cast their eyes on the altar at the same time.

At the same time, a terrifying cold breath spread from the ruins and quickly filled the entire space.

Then, under the gaze of the two, a young girl slowly stood up - it was the young girl sealed in the ice coffin. She had bright red hair, and her pupils were shining with dazzling flame light. The scattered cold air swept across the entire hall in an instant, freezing it, and even the mythical beasts and Ai Li also took a step back in awe of their power.

"The Fourth True Ancestor is resurrected?"

Looking at the girl in front of her, the beast was stunned for a moment, and then roared.

"It's useless, even if you are the true fourth ancestor, you just awakened will not be my opponent!!"

Accompanied by the roar, the divine beast opened its mouth, and the condensed magic power turned into pitch black flame and sprayed from the divine beast at this moment, rushing straight towards the girl in front of it. If it is hit, not only the girl, but even this ruin will be completely wiped out, and everything within a radius of 100 meters will disappear.

However, the strongest move that the sacred beast broke out with his self-sacrificing belief did not have the slightest effect. Faced with the jet black flame, the girl twisted slightly behind her, and then, a dragon of light was almost the same as Ellie's dragon. From it appeared, it was a monster whose upper body was similar to a human female, and the lower body was a fishtail, with a tail on the back and nails similar to a bird of prey.

Facing the black flame that could destroy all things and condense magic power before her eyes, the girl just waved her hand.

The biting cold current burst out, extinguishing the black fire of the beast like a flood, and then instantly frozen its huge body.

"How could......it is impossible in the world to allow... this kind of power..."

Looking at its frozen body, the divine beast widened its eyes and opened its mouth to try to say something, but before the words were finished, it was completely wiped out in the cold air, and even the residue disappeared completely.

Then, the girl turned her head and looked at Ai Li and Naisa. Perceiving her gaze, Ellie squeezed the magic wand in her hand and gave a wry smile.

"Unlucky...I knew it would be like this..."

What on earth are they digging here in Xiaoyacheng, Ai Li also investigated to some extent and knew the situation. Xiaoyacheng had said before that something related to the Fourth True Ancestor was sealed in this ruin. Strictly speaking, they thought it was a beast of the Fourth True Ancestor.

It has been said before that the world believes that the occurrence of Holy Annihilation is inseparable from the Fourth True Ancestor. When the Fourth True Ancestor was sealed, the people of Tianbu also took out the twelve head beasts she possessed. , Were sealed in twelve places. The reason Xiaoya City wanted to excavate this ruin was because there was one of the twelve beasts of the fourth true ancestor in this ruin. Obviously, he hoped to obtain this power, and then he didn't know what to do.

But what Xiaoyacheng might not have expected is that it is not only the twelfth beast that sleeps here, but also the soul of the fourth true ancestor in its body.

In other words, this idiot not only unlocked the seal of the beast, but also awakened the Fourth True Ancestor himself!

Ai Li had already guessed about this. After all, when she came here to see the ruins, she felt that her aura was not right. The aura full of the majesty of the king did not seem to be possessed by a trivial beast. Of course, It is not ruled out that some powerful beasts may have such a breath, but now, after detecting her eyes, Ai Li can be sure that this guy is the fourth true ancestor herself!


Thinking of this, Ellie made a decision, staring at the Fourth True Ancestor in front of her, she whispered.

"I will open the barrier in a while. You take the opportunity to take Miss Liyana and leave immediately. The farther you go, the better, understand?"

"Hey? But sister, you..."

"If you stay here, it won’t help me. Instead, it will hinder my performance. Don’t worry. After you run away, I will be much easier no matter if I fight or run. Moreover, the seal here has been lifted. Will come, so don’t worry, okay?"


Nasha wanted to say something, but in the end she just reached out, wiped the tears from her eyes, and nodded.

"I, I understand!"

"Very good, then one, two, three...go!"

Accompanied by the roar, Ellie waved her magic wand again, and then she saw the dragon of light flap its wings and rushed towards the mermaid beast in front of her. At the same time, Naisa quickly got up, ran to Miss Liana who was unconscious, helped her up, and stumbled out.

"Do you think you can escape?!"

The girl—the fourth true ancestor looked at the oncoming dragon of light without fear, but roared loudly. With her roar, the cold ice breath condensed again and blasted forward.

"Burning away from the fire!!"

After all, Ai Li is different from Red Ponytail. She is a "character" pinched by Fang Zheng, not a "clone", so she can't use Chuhuo. In the world of Harry Potter, Ellie used fierce fire to burn the Horcrux. At this moment in this world, she naturally fired fierce fire to full level.

After all, Flame is used to it, and I don’t want to change it.

The blazing fierce fire hovered up along the magic wand, quickly merged with the silver-white dragon of light, and turned into a burning fire dragon to rush towards the ice mermaid.

In fact, at this moment, Ellie had decided to kill the fourth true ancestor.

She is not completely out of chance.

Ellie also knows something about vampires in this world. First of all, although vampires in this world also need to **** blood, their vampire impulse is more like a manifestation of emotional desires than normal eating. In fact, even if the vampires in this world do not need to **** blood, they can still use a normal diet to sustain their lives.

But the urge to **** blood is inevitable, of course, there are also parts that are weak to the sun.

In addition, vampires themselves are not much better than humans, because the vampires in this world are able to fight by using the beasts raised in the blood — to put it bluntly, vampires in this world are more like summoning wizards and summoning objects. The strong itself is a mess, while the body is weak and a mess. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Like Liyana before, she concentrated all her attention on manipulating the two beasts to deal with the monster, so that even the lowest-level zombie raid could not escape. It's really not that Ellie said that even the vampires in "Underworld" would not feel any threat to this kind of low-level zombie shooting.

However, Liana almost died. If Elly hadn't released a "weapon except you" in time, she would have died.

So Ellie has a bold idea, that is, the vampire of this world...maybe very weak.

That's why she decided to kill the Fourth True Ancestor directly here.

After all, this guy in the myths and legends is a BOSS, not only that, from the murderous aura she radiated just now, Ai Li also found that the other party seemed to be staring at herself.

Then there is nothing to say, 怼上去 is the only choice.

It's impossible to run, it's impossible to run in this life, and there is no hope of surrendering, it's just that you can maintain a life like this if you go up.

The opponent has only just awakened, and only one favored beast can use it, which can be said to be the best opportunity. After all, the fourth true ancestor in the legend has twelve beasts. If you don't kill her now, will you wait for her to gather the twelve beasts before you start?

If you have EASY, you must hit HARD? What's wrong?


The fierce fire-burning dragon collided with the mermaid full of ice, and the shock wave generated instantly swept across the eye-catching place. The ruins themselves were sunk directly by the blow, forming a huge pit. At the same time, Ellie shook her body, and her whole body changed into a white light and flew forward quickly.

As long as her Hushen guard can hold on for one minute, she is sure to win!

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