Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2608: I'm going to make a phone call (Benmiao thinks Benmiao is getting orange)

"This, what is this..."

Seeing the dead people get up again, even Laura's complexion is pale. It's not that she has never experienced a battle, and in the old castle, Fang Zheng took them to fight with some ghosts.


In Laura's view, those are just monsters, monsters. But now, she watched a person's body get up, and then launched an attack on herself!

This impact is not comparable to ordinary monsters.

Precisely because of this, when facing these weird zombies, Laura unexpectedly found that her hands began to tremble!

Even if she was standing in front of a heavily armed hunting soldier, even those strong men who stepped into the realm of reason, Laura would not be so shaken. But now, looking at a corpse with a slow speed and no power to bind a chicken, Laura actually found that her hand holding the big sword was shaking involuntarily!

"The threat needs to be eliminated."

Fortunately, not everyone is as confused as Laura. Accompanied by Altina’s inorganic, cold voice, she saw the black humanoid tactical shell she manipulated once again appeared out of thin air, facing the zombie in front of her. The fist blasted out and knocked it away. On the other side, Fang Zheng also raised the pistol in his hand and exploded the head of the opposite zombie with two bangs. Soon, the two cooperated tacitly to clean up the zombies in this carriage.

"Well, what is going on?"

Laura breathed a sigh of relief until all the zombies fell down again. She put down the big sword in her hand and found that she was sweating—confronting such an unthreatening zombie, which made her feel so exhausted! !

"Aren't they dead?"

"Dead and alive again."

Fang Zheng scanned the surroundings. To be honest, when he first found this world, he didn't know what the **** it was. This is the same as if you use the radio to FM, you can find a channel to broadcast the broadcast, but he doesn't know whether the broadcast is "Zhang Zhen tells a story" or "Midnight City Emotion".

So...this is another zombie world? No, this is Resident Evil... At least this zombie looks more in line with the characteristics of Resident Evil than the pile of zombies I encountered in the zombie world. All the things in the zombie world will be parkour...


Hearing Fang Zheng's answer, Laura took a deep breath, and then she cautiously held the big sword and walked to a zombie that was shot by Altina, and was about to squat down and observe carefully.

However, at this moment, I saw that the zombie that had been smashed to the ground by Altina's lightsaber suddenly lifted up, stretched out his hand to hug Laura's leg, opened his mouth and yelled. Laura bit it!


Facing this sudden scene, Laura also screamed in fright and stepped back. At the same time, Fang Zheng stepped forward and stepped on the head of the zombie, smashing its head. Immediately afterwards, only the body of the zombie trembled, and then fell to the ground without a sound.


Seeing this scene, Laura's face turned pale, and Emma's complexion didn't look pretty either, only Altina stared at Fang Zheng intently, without saying a word.

"Head, or heart."

Fang Zheng glanced at the completely ruined zombies, then looked at the three of them again and said.

"Well, now it seems that we have a preliminary understanding of this world, and you have also seen that these people were attacked by something, then died, and then resurrected and turned into monsters. I think this pair For you, it may be a difficult scene to accept, so I want to ask you if you are willing to continue this extracurricular internship? If you feel uncomfortable and want to quit, we can go back now."


Faced with Fang Zheng's question, the three of them looked at each other, and Altina gave the answer first.

"I followed the instructor's instructions."

Laura hesitated for a moment, then gritted her teeth.

"I...I am also a warrior, and the warrior will never retreat in front of threats!"

"I have no problem."

Emma also nodded vigorously. As a witch, although she doesn't like fighting, it is a brand new world completely different from the continent of Semiria... Emma believes that even if her grandmother is here, she will not give up. Of opportunities to explore.

"Really? I want to remind you that from the current situation, the enemy we have to face will be very disgusting, very disgusting, and very disgusting."

Although the three of them said it was okay, Fangzheng still gave them a vaccination first. He has played Resident Evil and spent a long time in Simria. From the perspective of Fangzheng, it is true that Simria has things like ghosts, monsters, and all kinds of monsters. But these things are just weird in appearance, some of them are even pretty cute.

For example, angel sheep — of course, cute is cute, and you can’t let it go if you meet it.

But the monsters in Resident Evil, based on Fang Zheng’s previous experience of playing games, are all used to challenge the physical limits of human beings. They are all gadgets that are developing in an indescribable direction...

However, Founder played the game of Resident Evil for one generation and two generations. Although I heard that there were several generations later, Fang Zheng was busy with all kinds of school examinations at the time, and there was no time to toss these things. The most is to watch. It’s a movie...and it’s not the same as the game story. Obviously it was the raccoon market, but Chris Leon Claire didn't even see it. Instead, something Alice came out...

Founder was very depressed at that time, the ready-made protagonist didn't need to create a ghost... And what about the good castle? Evil Spirit Castle Evil Spirit Castle, but even the castle is gone?

If it weren’t for the second movie where Jill appeared, and the zombie outbreak in that city was indeed very atmospheric, Fang Zheng doubted whether this was something that a third-rate film and television company had taken the heat to shoot—just like that Jurassic Park 3. Similar.

"We will work hard."

Hearing Fang Zheng’s reminder, Emma and Laura’s expressions were a little uncomfortable, but they had also fought Warcraft in the continent of Symria, at least they also had some combat experience, so although they were a little uncomfortable, they still had to work harder. Nodded.

As for Yaltina-it is still the phrase "everything is determined by the instructor."

So Fang Zheng took the three young girls to move on. They passed through the first carriage, then came to the soft sleeper carriage behind, and then walked to the end - they encountered a locked door.

According to Founder's experience of playing Resident Evil, at this time, he should go through the cabinet and look for the key or key card.

But now of course he doesn’t need this stuff, just use his personal terminal to swipe like this...

[Didu——-scanning failed]

"......What the hell?"

Seeing the information displayed on his personal terminal, Founder was stunned.

Are you teasing me? These things from the 1980s and 1990s, Lao Tzu could not get in with his personal terminal?

is it possible?

Fang Zheng didn't believe in evil and scanned the personal terminal again, but the result was still... [Di Du—— Scanning failed].


Founder put down the personal terminal, then directly reached out to grab the door of the car and pulled it hard!


The door seemed to blend in with the wall, and it didn't move.

MMP, how do I feel like I've seen this situation somewhere?

Fang Zheng silently wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and then slammed into the car door in front of him!


Suddenly, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and the entire train began to sway from side to side, and the three girls screamed and fell to the ground. After a while, the vibration slowly stopped, and the car door in front of Fang Zheng - still did not respond.


Fang Zheng glanced at the car door in front of him again, then silently reached out and opened the door of a soft bedroom not far away.

"You are waiting here, I'll make a call."

While talking, Fang Zheng threw the three girls looking at each other outside, and then entered the room. Then he turned on the personal terminal again and contacted the Goddess of Sky.

Thanks to Fang Zheng and the goddess of Sora adding a friend when they left.

"Goddess of Sora? I have a little situation here..."

Fang Zheng briefly talked about the zombies and zombie dogs he encountered, but the goddess of the sky suddenly realized.

"It turns out to be that world... That's right, Mr. Fang Zheng, I put the virus there."

"Uh......that is to say you made this virus?"

"Yes it is."

The Goddess of Sora didn't seem to hear the weird emotions in Fang Zheng's mouth, but spoke slowly.

"You should also be very clear that our order family has been fighting against chaos, and death is a hotbed of chaos on many levels..."

"But what does this have to do with the zombie virus you created?"

Founder was still puzzled.

"This virus is the catalyst I use to bestow the children in that world and let them evolve to the next world. But I also know very well that this kind of mutation on the way of evolution may allow chaos to take advantage of it, so I The design of the virus has been changed. If my children cannot find a way to successfully use the virus to evolve, the virus will kill them, and use another method to bind the chaos in their bodies and solidify them into a part of order again."


Hearing the answer from the Goddess of Sora, Fang Zheng was speechless for a while. Although the voice of the Goddess of Sora was still so gentle and gentle, what she said was indeed chilling, but Fang Zheng could also understand. To put it simply, the goddess of the sky is also afraid of chaos infiltrating this world, so she specially added a feature to her virus. If evolution fails and chaos invades, the virus will attack immediately, using the concept of "zombie". The intangible things like chaos are bound and transformed into a part of tangible order again.

Yes, zombies are also a kind of order.

Founder now probably understands it. It is estimated that the goddess of the world is set to develop in the direction of biochemistry, and the "T virus" is the "catalyst" she has given to the humans in this world to evolve to the next level, which can be understood from below. Why Umbrella is such a big company, has to stare at a broken virus...

This is the same as the game world and the love world. Each has its own focus. It is estimated that this world is a biochemical world --- a world that focuses on biological evolution.

For the goddess of the sky, Fang Zheng is not surprised. It is like the little angel in his own house who looks meek and weak, but the first thought when he encounters a problem is always a genetic weapon. solve………

"By the way, I have another question. I encountered a locked door here, but..."

Fang Zheng described the problem he encountered to the Goddess of Sora, and the latter suddenly showed an embarrassed tone.

"Sorry, this is what I set, because this setting helps to stabilize order on the one hand..."

Well, there is a world that is so strict that you must find a key to open the door. It does help to stabilize the order. Perhaps this is why this world can skip a catastrophe in the chaotic waves.

"What about the other side?"

"This... is a bit of my personal hobby, I prefer to solve puzzles..."


Now Fangzheng finally understands what happened to the old castle that was designed to solve puzzles and find keys everywhere like the mentally retarded, and the police station that was equally annoying to death in the second generation.

Well, anyway, it's better than the goddess of Order like Brokeback Mountain, at least this hobby is more normal.


Thinking of this, Fang Zheng thought of one more thing.

"I have encountered a similar situation in another world. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is..."

"Oh, maybe someone of my family took the virus I designed to do it. After all, this virus is indeed quite effective in preventing chaos..."

Co-authored you, or did you upload a MOD in the creative workshop to share with all members?

Fang Zheng felt that if the people of Qi Yao Church knew about this, he would be killed on the spot, and his faith would collapse directly.

But anyway...

"So, in this world, we can't open the door and break the window, but can only find the keys in order?"

"......That's right, I'm really sorry, it's causing you trouble."


Although the goddess of the sky apologized softly, Fang Zheng felt his scalp tingling.

Could this be the reappearance of Ye Qinghui's childhood nightmare? !

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