Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2616: Children of Chaos II. Zero


Looking at the monsters rushing towards him, Fang Zheng seemed very calm, and he even looked back on the tyrants he met when he was playing games in the past...Anyway, he finally saw zombies in this ghost place. Familiar with the face.


However, the tyrant obviously did not have the feeling of seeing the fellow like Fang Zheng, and his eyes were full of tears. It roared, and the whole person rushed through the corridor like a truck, and his huge sharp claws swept past Fang Zheng.


The sharp claws collided with the dark big sword, and Fang Zheng swung the big sword with his right hand to block the tyrant's blow.

Ah... even the attack style hasn't changed, thinking about how many times I was killed by this thing in the first place.

While resisting the tyrant's attack, Fang Zheng even had the mood to recall his tragic experience when he was playing games in the arcade hall.

At that time, the PS in the arcade hall was placed directly on the arcade machine. Although there were also memory cards, the PS was calculated by the hour like an Internet cafe, so it was basically public. This also means that even if you spend a few hours to archive today, you might be desperate to find that your archive is overwritten by an unknown **** when you come back the next day.

Therefore, the veterans who often go to the arcade hall have basically mastered the skill of hand-passing. Compared with playing the game leisurely and then finding that their progress has been cleared the next day, it is better to hit the game from start to finish in one go.

So when I was working in the future, I wanted to laugh when I saw those anchors boasting about speed-passing skills. When I found an arcade hall, the veterans inside would do it well.

After all, if you can't pass the game in one day, it will be a waste of money.

This is the same as the direct access to KOF with three game coins for one dollar in the past. In addition to talents, it is hard work and forced by life. Poor people who can’t afford game coins can only make the most of their own hands. Resources in it.

Although mobile games also have white prostitution, white prostitution is completely different from being forced. After all, white prostitution is completely dependent on the liver. If you work hard enough, you can achieve the same or even stronger results than the Kryptonian party. But the battle in the arcade is more severe, which is indispensable for strength, perseverance and luck.

Strength-enough to get through the entire game with one game coin.

Perseverance --- must endure challengers and rookies who enter in the middle of the journey.

Luck——The luck that his mother will not be suddenly pulled back with the feather duster when he defeats the final BOSS.

Especially the last one, Founder saw a lot back then.

Facing the final BOSS, he showed a triumphant smile, intending to slash him under his horse while waving his hands. But the next moment my ears were grabbed and pulled up from the seat, I was yelled, "You **** came here to play games and didn't go home. You don't have to check the time. My old lady won't kill you..." The miserable lamb was taken away in full view.

Sure enough, people will be nostalgic when they get older.

Maybe it was because he was in the scene of the game he played when he was a child, plus the BOSS who had a deep memory in front of him at that time, made Fang Zheng fall into the memory instead.

A mere tyrant can be killed with his current backhand, but just like that, confronting each other, fighting each other, and reminiscing about the game scene when he was a child is good.

Anyway, now the surveillance system has been cut off by myself, and no one will see myself playing games with the tyrant here.

But having said that, this thing is also very nostalgic.

Although he didn't pay attention when he saw it at first, Fang Zheng immediately noticed that this tyrant was not as innocent as it seemed. He even tried to use magic to attack the tyrant. The result was soon I found that my condensed magic power was dispelled before it had time to emerge.

On the one hand, because there is no magic in the world of Resident Evil itself, it might be compatible with super powers, but completely mysterious power is not allowed. On the other hand, this tyrant comes with a "Forbidden Aura".

Speaking of which, I have encountered this kind of guy in the main world before.

Looking at the tyrant in front of him, Fang Zheng couldn't help but remember what happened a long time ago. At that time, he had just crossed into the main world, joined the church by all means, and then went to perform a rescue operation as a holy spirit knight. At that time, I remember that the shady scene seemed to be... The Association of Ten Thousand Deaths, they awakened the Son of Chaos. At that time, it was a bitter battle, after all, the Son of Chaos also had a certain halo that could disperse all the power of order. At that time, everyone else lost their combat effectiveness. Only oneself used the wolf swordsmanship that the system learned to fight against the opponent, and finally barely won.

Hmm...Speaking of which, the timid and cowardly little astrologer at that time has now become a great astrologer. Fang Zheng remembered that he had visited her before when he returned to the world of the Lord. He remembered that the Kingdom of the Holy Church built a luxurious and huge observatory for her at that time, and then she spent the whole day doing nothing to observe the stars in it.

………How do you feel like you are getting more and more nerdy?

Having said that, at that time, I didn’t know what the son of chaos was, but now, Fang Zheng is already convinced --- what son of chaos is actually the goddess of order using the body of a certain creature to bind the invisible chaos to the tangible chaos. Among them, so as to make it assimilated, and can be defeated technology.

The goddess of the sky also told herself that people infected by the virus will have mutations, the biggest reason is the penetration of the power of chaos, and the reason why these monsters become strange and strange is that. But as long as there is the **** of the form, the chaos that cannot be observed and touched will also be fixed to the form and can be eliminated.

And she also told Fang Zheng a "secret" that only she knew.

This virus was originally prepared to allow the civilization of this world to evolve to a higher level, but the goddess of the sky also left a back door - that is, only "pure" orderly beings can evolve. If there is a chaotic factor in their body, then the virus will break out, completely kill it and regain control.

Fang Zheng also has some understanding of the Order Clan, knowing that whether it is the Goddess of Order or the Goddess of Order, or the gentle and kind-looking Goddess of the Sky, they are essentially members of the Order Clan, and their ideas are of course very close. All in all, Chaos is the greatest enemy, the existence that must be eliminated at all costs.

At least they thought so at the beginning.

The Goddess of Order also did a lot of experiments for this, and many of the worlds Fang Zheng traveled through were also the products of her experiments. Now it seems that the Goddess of Sora is the same.

But... Judging from the current situation, the situation in this world is really not very good.

Looking at the tyrant in front of him, Fang Zheng sighed, and again blocked his attack with his sword.

According to the goddess of the sky, this virus will only have a fatal reaction to chaos, but everyone in this world will be infected by the virus, which means that everyone in this world has more or less chaotic effects in their bodies. ………

Maybe I should go back and talk to the goddess of the sky to see if she can improve it.

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng once again withdrew his attention and looked at the tyrant in front of him.

Forget it, nostalgia is enough, stop here.


The tyrant at this moment seemed to be completely unaware of the change in Fang Zheng’s mentality, and he still roared and swung his minions, while Fang Zheng turned the sword's edge and easily blocked its attack, and then swung his backhand sword. The next moment, As the tyrant's head fell to the ground like a ball, its heavy body also fell heavily to the ground, and there was no sound.


Looking at the tyrant's body on the ground, Fang Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, then he swung his long sword and looked at the sky not far away.

Almost, it's time for the last moment.

"Rumble rumbling..."

The helicopter passed through the forest and advanced towards the depths.

Sitting in the helicopter, Wesker looked calm on the surface, but he was a little uneasy deep in his heart. As he expected, shortly after Team B disappeared, Team A was ordered to dispatch. But when Wesker contacted William, he was told by William that the monitoring system of the mansion building was broken?

"Perhaps those **** zombies accidentally broke it."

Although William didn't think it was a big deal, Wesker always felt that things were a little bit abnormal. Even so, he took everyone to the forest according to the predetermined plan.

"Hey, look over there!"

Soon, a group of people discovered the anti-helicopter of Team B that had fallen on the ground, and they quickly landed nearby and began a quick search.

Of course, there was no one on the helicopter.

"Everyone, decentralized search."

Wesker gave the order silently, and then proceeded in the direction of the mansion with several of his subordinates according to the plan.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before they heard their companion's cry for help from the radio.

"No, there is a monster here, **** it!!!"

"Bang bang bang!!!"

Accompanied by the yelling on the radio, a series of gunfire soon sounded, and then everything returned to calm again. At the same time, Wesker also took two subordinates to avoid the attack of the zombie dogs, and then "led them" to the mansion.

The entire mansion was still silent. Wesker glanced around and found nothing unusual, which made him breathe a sigh of relief, and then looked at the player Chris beside him.

"Chris, go check the situation over there, and Jill and I are responsible for preparing this side."

"Okay. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

Hearing Wesker's words, Chris didn't doubt he was there, nodded and then turned and walked into another door not far away. At the same time, Wesker quietly approached Jill, who had his back to him, and was observing the surroundings. Then he stretched out his hand, took out a syringe from his arms, and was about to touch Jill...


Suddenly, with a gunshot, the syringe in Wesker's hand was instantly knocked out. He looked up and saw that on the second floor, the captain of Team B, Enrique, and his team members were raising their weapons and aiming. he.

"Raise your hand, Wesker, your conspiracy has been exposed!"


Looking at these people in front of him and the guns in their hands, Wesker looked dumbfounded.

What's the situation?

Why are they here?

What the **** is William doing?

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