Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2469: Learners and Learners

PS: I wrote the wrong number on the title again, it is chapter 2649...

It didn't take long for the goddess of the sky to complete the self-check immediately, and then quickly gave the founder reason.

"......... the value is exceeded?"

"Yes, that...the value I added was about one ten thousandth more than the value originally used for catalysis......I'm really sorry, I ignored the weight of the container..."

"......Uh, what do you do now?"

Seeing the tentacle rhizomes exploding all over Manhattan in front of him, Fang Zheng was in a cold sweat, while the goddess Sora shook his head.

"I, I don't know. If I can go to the scene in person, I might be able to investigate it, but I am like this now..."

Can't even get out of the altar, only a bunch of ghost fires are left.

"I understand, I will think of a way."

Founder reluctantly cut off the connection with the goddess of the sky. He probably understood the meaning of the goddess of the sky. Simply put, it is like you fix a bug and then accidentally enter a decimal point, causing the entire value to exceed the original value range. , So that the entire data overflow program is finished.

However, even if he knew the problem, how to solve the problem was very difficult for Founder. He hesitated for a moment, frowned, and then opened the personal terminal again, contacting the... Goddess of Order.

Strictly speaking, Founder did not intend to send information to the Goddess of Order, because his current location is far away from the Goddess of Order, and the transmission of information is also a matter of material transmission in a sense, and it might be possible for Chaos to take advantage Void enters, so the goddess of order also said to Fang Zheng, don't contact her unless necessary.

But now Fang Zheng can't contact him, because he can feel that with the growth and development of these rhizome tentacles, the foundation of the entire world has begun to show signs of damage. If this continues, the whole world might collapse completely. So in order to save this world, Founder must seek help from the Goddess of Order.

"Founder? What's the matter?"

"It's a little troublesome, I need your help."

Fang Zheng quickly told the goddess of order what happened here, and as expected, after listening, the goddess of order also frowned.

"The value is wrong? This kind of error... Who is in charge over there? Doesn't she know that the influence of chaos will cause the value range to shift?"

"Edes, the goddess of the sky."

"I haven't heard of it, did you exchange contact information with her, what's the code?"

"Hmm...Let me see, γ49231XF..."

"ok, I get it."

Before Fang Zheng finished speaking, the Goddess of Order interrupted his description.

"No wonder, it turns out that my level is not good... I just said that this kind of mistake is not like we would make..."


"What's so strange, there are advantages and disadvantages in the order family, and it is naturally not so easy for the ordinary order family to deal with the chaos problem."

"Uh......and also..."

Hearing the words of the goddess of order, Fang Zheng realized that although the goddess of order had an abnormal brain and was keen to engage in chickens, he was a researcher who graduated from 985211 University and held important positions at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. As for the goddess of emptiness. ………It is probably a graduate of the second book… But she was confused by her attitude that looks like a goddess on weekdays, so Fang Zheng has always subconsciously thought that the goddess of the sky is not better than the goddess of order, it will not be worse. Where to go.

It doesn't seem to be the case at all now.

After thinking about it carefully, when I tracked the Goddess of Order, the other party created countless worlds to experiment in order to study chaos. In the end, it was because I had to use my body as the core of the filter, only a head was left floating around. And the goddess of the sky was forced to kill the three corpses and abandon it because she managed the chaotic invasion of the world. Only a group of ghost fire was left... so it is indeed a high judgment, the gap is clear at a glance.

"So what do you do now? Is there any way to solve this data overflow problem?"

"Order is collapsing, in this case..."

Having said this, the Goddess of Order was silent for a moment.

"You can try that."


"You should have been to my laboratory, that's it."


Hearing the reminder of the goddess of order, Fang Zheng was silent for a moment.

"You mean...that?"

"Yes, the current state of this world can no longer be repaired in ordinary ways. If you want to save this world, you must use another way to solve the problem. That can help you solve this problem by yourself. I think it’s enough. Is there any problem? It can absorb the overflow value and transform it into..."


Fang Zheng nodded silently.

"Well...I see, thank you for your suggestion."

After speaking, Fang Zheng cut off the communication again, and then looked at the land in front of him, then he glanced at AYA next to him, and sighed helplessly.

"Forget it, I can only do this."

While talking, Fang Zheng stood up and looked at the growing tentacle forest in front of him. Then he stretched out his hand, and soon, the dark big sword emerged out of thin air and fell into Fang Zheng's hands. Then Fang Zheng clenched the hilt tightly and stab downward!


The **** sword was inserted into the earth in an instant, and then a gap quickly emerged, and then began to gradually expand and grow. Then, the earth began to tremble, like an earthquake, and with the trembling earth, the surrounding waves began to retreat. The tumbling sea gradually receded as if attracted by something, revealing the bare sandy beach. At the same time, the dim clouds revolved and covered the entire sky, and heavy rain poured down and covered the entire New York.


With the sound of thunder, thunder and lightning emerged from the clouds, flashing pale light from time to time, illuminating the city.

"I'm sorry, Miss AYA."

Fang Zheng held the big sword, looked at the girl next to him, and shook his head.

"I can't help it, so be it."

As he said, Fang Zheng suddenly drew his big sword.


An overwhelming black shadow suddenly appeared, and huge waves tens of meters high rolled over the sea, all the way forward.

Then, the dark and cold water swallowed the whole of New York.


I don't know how long it took before AYA slowly opened his eyes.

"This is... what happened?"

AYA sat up, only to find that she was sitting in a boat at the moment, like the kind of boat used for rowing in the park. At this moment, the boat is slowly floating on the water, and the surrounding buildings have been covered by the sea. Submerged.

"Well, what is going on?"

AYA stared at everything in front of her stunned, she could see the Statue of Liberty in the distance, as well as the Petronas Twin Towers and the Empire State Building. However, these buildings are now submerged by sea water. The Statue of Liberty can only be seen halfway through, and the tall buildings are more like reefs soaked in sea water.

"Rumble rumbling............!!!"

Thunder sounded, and under the flash of light, AYA seemed to see a huge shadow on the seabed that was slowly swimming in the distance, but the shadow disappeared completely in the next moment.

Everything seems to have come to an end like this.

After that, AYA was discovered by a U.S. Navy helicopter and rescued. Only then did she learn about the situation. After she was unconscious at the time, some horrible things burst out of the surface, and then, a hundred years later. The unseen tsunami suddenly broke out, engulfing New York completely, and only a handful of survivors could escape. After that, AYA was transferred to the FBI, as the witness and party involved in the incident, responsible for investigating what happened in Manhattan and New York.

AYA could not find Fang Zheng, nor did he know where the man had gone. She asked her colleagues at the FBI, but she didn't get any useful clues. Judging from the situation at the time, it is very likely that the other party was swept away by the waves after putting himself on the boat... Although this is the case, AYA feels that Fang Zheng is not dead. He should be alive in this world. It's right in a certain corner.

However, what AYA has to do now is not to find the unknown founder, but rather a more pressing issue.

"Is this here? Daniel?"

Holding a pistol, AYA lurked in the alley, looking at a warehouse not far away. This is a small town on the edge of New York, which has been abandoned before. Later, because New York was hit by the tsunami, many people came here to take refuge and live temporarily.

But it is not peaceful here.

The news that AYA got is that people have been missing here since this time. According to the clues they got, there is a very suspicious sect in this small town. It was formed by a priest. People know what they believe in, but everyone around them thinks that this sect and that pastor are a little weird. In addition, those people had appeared near that sect before they disappeared, so this place was also listed as a suspected location.

In order to avoid being scared, AYA and her old partner Daniel will sneak in and investigate.

"Yes, we walked around from behind, are you okay?"

"of course not."

The two had a few intermittent conversations, then hid their figures and came to the back of the warehouse. The pouring rain poured down, shrouded everything in the rain curtain, making everything in front of me look strangely blurred.

"This **** rain......I don't know when it will stop."

Daniel wiped the rain off his face and couldn't help complaining. Since the tsunami, the entire North America has been torrential rain almost every day, and only rarely does the rain curtain stop. I don't know if it is because of the heavy rain. People nowadays seem to be a lot irritable. Although many scholars attribute this to climate change, AYA always feels that this is not that simple.

Under the recommendation, the book reading app I am using recently, [\Mic\Mic\Reading\app\\] There are many sources of books, all the books, and the update is fast!

Following the stairs of the warehouse, the two reached the top. The windows of the warehouse were nailed to death by wooden boards, and nothing was visible from the outside. If it is not confirmed that the information shows that this is the base camp of that mysterious sect, one might even think that this is just an abandoned building.

"What should I do now? AYA?"


AYA did not answer her partner’s question, her eyes slowly stared at the nailed window in front of her, and then the next moment, as if she was attracted by some kind of attraction, she reached out and pressed against the wooden plank of one of the windows. Just as AYA's palm touched the plank, the plank suddenly shattered with a "click" and fell down - and then Daniel hurriedly caught it with his eyes and hands.

"what have you done?"

"I...I don't know, I just want to see if it's strong over there..."

Faced with Daniel’s question, AYA also didn’t know what to say. When she saw this wooden board just now, a weird premonition appeared deep in her heart, as if she stretched her hand over the wooden board and it would break. ………

"Let's go in."

Suppressing the weird premonition in his heart, AYA drilled in along the broken hole, and Daniel followed closely behind.

"Woo...what does this smell!!!"

As soon as I got in, a pungent breath came on the surface, making the two of them almost fainted. This is an indescribable smell, like a product of a mixture of feces and perfume, sweet and greasy. nausea. AYA walked a few steps forward, opened a window not far away, and looked inside. After that, she suddenly gasped.

I saw in the warehouse, there was a huge altar with a big black-covered book on it, and in front of the altar, a weird figure was erected. It was covered in a robe, and it was hard to see. It looks, but I don't know why, but AYA feels that this stone statue seems familiar.

But in addition, there is a more shocking scene.

Surrounding this altar are countless men and women who are enjoying crazy enjoyment. They are all naked, naked, and indulgent like wild beasts. In addition, under the shining of the spotlight, dozens of corpses can be seen hanging on the surrounding iron chains. They are male and female, and their ages are unknown. The only thing in common is that their faces have been dug out with a large hole. And their abdomens were also dug out and hung on the hooks of iron chains like rough-treated dolls.

"God... these **** bastards... they are crazy!"

Seeing this incredible scene, Danielton gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. At this moment, a man in a priest's uniform stood up. He raised his hands and looked at the statue in front of him.

"The time has come! The time has come to purify the defiler! Bring the defiler up!!!"

Accompanied by the priest's shout, the two saw two sturdy men who were not like human beings, and men in black leather jackets grabbed a thin woman and walked over in strides. The woman struggled desperately, trying to break free from the shackles of the two men. But her struggle had no effect at all, so she was dragged to the altar by the two men, and then the priest turned around and picked up the blade at hand.

"Profane, UU reading www.uukānshu.com, we will purify your soul, confess your sins, and get the mercy of our Lord!!!"


However, just as the priest was about to stab the knife, the thin woman suddenly snarled and shook off the two men who were pressing her. Then she saw the woman's body suddenly began to change, and her head changed. It's getting bigger and bigger, and the body is getting thinner and thinner - it looks like a chicken with a big head.

"This, what's going on!"

Seeing this scene, Daniel was stunned, while AYA's face was solemn, because she could feel that when the woman transformed, AYA also felt hot all over... She was not unfamiliar with this situation, because before In Manhattan, she had a similar reaction when facing those mutant animals! According to Fang Zheng, it was the mitochondria in her body that resonated with those mutated mitochondrial monsters!

Could it be that this woman has become a mitochondrial monster?


Just as AYA's mind was in confusion, the priest roared and suddenly took off his robe.

"The blasphemer will be purified!!"


Seeing this, the two were completely stunned. They saw that under the priest’s robe, the priest’s body was not human. His skin had snake-like scales, and his lower body was not human legs. They are similar to octopus tentacles, and even sharp teeth can be seen on these tentacles.

Accompanied by the priest's roar, the tentacles on his lower body rushed forward, tightly wrapped around the mitochondrial monster transformed from a woman, and tore it up.

Seeing this scene, AYA and her partner didn't know what to say.

What do we...what do we see?

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