Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2656: Unreliable goddess! ! (It’s so happy to be a pioneer...

After talking to the Goddess of Sora, Fang Zheng finally figured out what was going on.

Because the goddess of the sky is not as powerful as the goddess of order, she can handle everything by herself, so when she created the world civilization, she used one of the races as her assistant, mainly for observation, reporting, and conveying information. For the convenience of work, the goddess of the sky gave them this ability to travel to other worlds.

After the work was over, the goddess of the sky also left, and forgot about it.

In other words...she didn't care much at first.

To put it bluntly, the so-called "arbitrarily crossing the world" ability that the Wild Hunter is proud of is just that the goddess of the sky gave them a buff, and the buff is not permanent, and it will definitely fail one day. It's just that it's a buff on the gods, so it lasts a little longer.

This is actually not surprising. Divine power blessings and curses can indeed be passed on through blood. In the main world, Fang Zheng has often heard about a certain family who has offended a certain god, and then a family can only be able to continue for dozens of generations. Stories like deformities are born. The power of the native gods is so powerful. Isn’t it normal that the last buff time of the gods of the Order Clan was a little longer?

But Founder was also very confused. You said that it’s okay to find someone to help. How many people would you like to help? Why have to buff a race?

However, when faced with Fang Zheng's question, the Goddess of Sora replied embarrassedly...because it was too troublesome to find people one by one.


Hearing the answer from the Goddess of Sora, Fang Zheng was completely speechless.

"...Ah, but at that time everyone was a good boy, and I was relieved..."

"I don't know what happened to you at that time, but these guys were acting nonsense after they had the ability to pass through. According to Miss Xili, the wild hunters even used this ability to occupy a world and killed most of the natives of that world. And treat the rest of them as slaves."

This is what Xili told him just now. Before Xili escaped from the Wild Hunting Palace, she saw countless human corpses in the valley, and it was also at that time that she learned about what the Wild Hunters had done. Founder also confirmed with "Sai Bo Pian Zhi" that Xili was not just talking about it.


Hearing this, the goddess of the sky stopped talking.

"What to do? The matter must be resolved and dealt with."

Fang Zheng squinted his eyes and stared at the remnant of the goddess of the sky. He also learned from "The Story of Pianzhi" the reason why Wild Hunt must catch Xili back, because the world they are now in is facing a challenge. The threat of disaster called "Hoarfrost". This is a bit similar to the ice age of the earth, cold storms and snow will completely freeze the entire world, so in order to escape, Wild Hunt wants to restore this ability, leave this world as soon as possible, and find a new world as their destination.

After a while, the Goddess of Sora sighed long.

"It's a pity, they were all good boys originally..."

"Then I will destroy them completely, no problem."

Hearing the answer from the Goddess of Sora, Fang Zheng also gave his own opinions, and the Goddess of Sora did not speak, but just nodded.

This is actually very easy to understand. The fundamental point of the Order Clan is to guard the order. This is the same whether Founder, Order Goddess or Sora Goddess. However, the method of wild hunting is to invade other worlds, completely occupy and conquer them, and at the same time spread the chaos-prone soil of destruction and death. This is intolerable to the Order Clan, and according to Fang Zheng's own opinion, since you have killed all the people in that world, then it would be considered karma for all of you to die there.

Just like the United States, it is only natural to destroy along with North America.

It’s just this goddess...really...

Founder closed the communication and sighed helplessly deep in his heart.

Although the goddess of order makes herself a headache, but at least she can't say that she doesn't do things without leaking, it can be regarded as quite well-organized. The goddess of the sky is sober in the big place and confused in the small place. This is good, and she has to wipe her **** by herself.

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng stretched out his hand and pressed the communication button on the table. Soon, Tova's voice sounded.

"Mr. Fang Zheng? What's the matter?"

"Let the little girls go to the meeting room to gather, if you have something to say."


Soon, after receiving the notice, the girls also came to the meeting room immediately, and here, Fang Zheng also relayed everything Xili had told him to the girls. Sure enough, after hearing what happened to Xili, the girls were immediately filled with outrage...

"To force a pure girl to be a fertility machine, this kind of sinful act is unforgivable!"

"That's right! That race called Wild Hunt is too cruel!!"

…………………Well, they are all women, and everyone’s concerns seem to be right here.

If you change the man, I'm afraid that the first thing you will pay attention to is "How Xu is that Elf King will die after eating a Wei Ge".

In the condemnation of the crowd, some people did not speak. Towa looked at Fang Zheng and then at the little girls with a complicated expression. Rufina and Liz, two sisters from the Qi Yao church, also looked at each other and didn't speak. On the other side, Alfin and Miaojie were equally silent.

Obviously, these people are delicate in mind and are more likely to associate with the actual situation.

Others are simply venting their emotions.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this, the subject is off the track, you guys."

After seeing the reactions of the girls in full view, Fang Zheng also reached out and knocked on the table, bringing back the topic of deviation. Now we are not filming "Society and Law" nor "Moral and Rule of Law". The fact that girls are forced to give birth to older men is not true anyway. Can you just leave it alone and get something practical?

"I just went through some investigations, and Xili also said that the reason why the wild hunters wanted to catch her was to gain the power of crossing in her bloodline, and then use this power to leave their world and live elsewhere. .Because the world they are now in is about to face a disaster, once the disaster strikes, all wild hunts will die without a place to be buried."


Upon hearing this, the girls stopped talking, and they realized the seriousness of the matter.

No, maybe they didn't realize it yet, because what Fang Zheng said next made the girls completely confused.

"But rest assured, I won't give them this opportunity. I will destroy them and the world they are in before the hoarfrost falls."


Hearing this, not only the little girls were shocked, even Xili looked at Fang Zheng in surprise.

She didn't say that she wanted to kill all the other people! !

"Why, why? Mr. Fang Zheng?"

"Although they are very excessive, but...that, it can be considered that the incident has a cause..."

"Ha ha."

Hearing the little girls talking, Fang Zheng chuckled and leaned back on the chair.

"Oh, a group of people from another world traveled to the continent of Simria, occupied this world, killed all your relatives and citizens, and took the remaining people as slaves, and then the world was brought to the brink of collapse by them. Destroyed, you still think they are very pitiful, right?"


Upon hearing this, the girls stopped talking.

Indeed, bring it in carefully, if these wild hunts are invading the continent of Simria............

"But, this is their business, we intervened like this without authorization..."

"No, it's not strictly their business."


"how to say…………"

Fang Zheng took a depressed look at Rufina and Liz, and finally decided to save some face to the Goddess of Sora.

"I just contacted, in fact, the crossing ability of the Wild Hunter clan...well, it was actually given to them by someone on our side."

"...Hey? Hey!?"

Hearing this, not only the little girls were dumbfounded, but Xili also yelled.

"Mr. Fang Zheng, what do you mean?"

"Uh...In short, this is regarded as a violation. I think you have also seen that crossing itself is a very serious and important thing. If you travel to other worlds, if you are just helping or adventurous, exploring, and traveling, it's fine. The problem is, but on the other hand, it is a very serious violation to use its own abilities like Wild Hunt to break into other worlds and kill the natives of that world after occupying them."

Speaking of this, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Founder spread his hands.

"In fact, even if their world has not suffered from frost, once we discover this situation, we will immediately take action to completely wipe it out. Especially now, they actually want to use Xili to go to other worlds to conquer again. And occupation, this is even more intolerable."

"...Mr. Fang Zheng, who are you on earth?"

Staring at Fang Zheng, Xili asked in disbelief. Xili naturally knows how powerful Wild Hunt is. And this is still the situation where the wild hunting clan is already weak. According to the news she got in the palace at the beginning, the wild hunting clan has traveled through countless worlds in its heyday, and has had quite a glorious years.

And according to Fang Zheng's statement, wild hunting, such an unimaginable ability, was actually given by their people?

This is not feeding kittens and puppies!

The one who can give this kind of ability to the wild hunting clan... From Xili's point of view, there are probably only gods.

But, to be honest, the feeling that Founder gave Xili was too far away from the gods............

"Just leave it alone."

Fang Zheng changed the subject decisively. He is now embarrassed to mention the Goddess of Kong and the Goddess of Order... MMP, all pig teammates, are more than a pit.

"All in all, if wild hunting is a native race living in that world and encounters a disaster and wants to escape, maybe I will help them and help them live in a new world. But since they abuse this ability, and have already dealt with several The world is ruthlessly destroyed and occupied, so naturally what awaits them is cruel punishment. Killing and paying for their lives, paying off debts and paying off debts are justified and justified."


Upon hearing this, the girls fell silent.

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